A/N: This multi-part story is a continuation to my previous three part femdom series, The Weekend Getaway. If you have read it or are familiar with the characters it will enhance your enjoyment of this series. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments, reviews, suggestions, and ideas!
It was only twenty minutes into his Friday and Brian was ready to be done for the day. He worked for a local hospital in the IT department and they had recently upgraded several major software systems. For everyone else it means a faster interface and streamlined workflow, for him and the others in his department it means a lot of overtime, redundant questions, and headaches.
He hung up the phone on another call and turned to see he had a text from his wife. It read, “Can you check your personal email without anybody from work spying electronically?” she asked.
“Of course I can, we’re the ones that do the spying…” he shot back.
It was then that hesaw an email notification pop up on his phone, only it was from an email address that he had never seen before. He felt his heart leap into his throat as he opened his email app and quickly opened the message. His eyes scanned the document in a flash.
Mistress Allison 8:23 AM (2 minutes ago)
to me
Hello slaveboy…
I’ve been doing some thinking lately and I can’t help but remember how hot it made you when I teased you on our little getaway. It’s been too long and I think it is time I continue to bust your balls and teach you how to treat me properly. Reply as soon as you get this, unless you don’t think you can handle whatever I have in store for you.
Mistress Allison
As he read through it once more he could feel the blood began to pump into his groin and his mind began to race. He pondered what she could possibly be up to. It had been over a month since their play date and they had hardly talked about it, but it had been one of the single most erotic things he had ever experienced.
To be fair however, they hadn’t talked about much of anything lately because of how tied up they had both been in their work. Allison worked in the downtown office of a major regional bank. They had bought out another local bank and she was heavily involved in revising many of the policies that were already in place and providing guidance and feedback to the newly acquired employees. It kept her in the office late into the evening several days a week. That combined with his long hours had put more than a little strain on their relationship.
He wasn’t entirely sure what to say to her as he clicked reply and began to type the first thing that popped into his head.
I’m down for whatever you think I deserve.
– your slaveboy
It was a simple message and he felt like an idiot after he reread it, but he had already clicked send. Submissive desires began bubbleing up from their dormant slumber as he reflected on their last “play date”. She had teased and tortured him the entire weekend with kinky games, pain and domination before letting him cum. He couldn’t believe how severe she had been and frankly, he didn’t think she had it in her. After that little surprise he would put nothing past her now.
He turned back to his work and tried to push it all out of his mind. There were Many questions that had been emailed to him from the previous evening and night shift staff and he set to work answering them, with the occasional phone call to troubleshoot an issue thrown in for good measure. It was over an hour before he saw another email hit his inbox, she must be busy at work he thought to himself. Opening it he read.
Mistress Allison 9:47 AM (1 minute ago)
to me
If you will recall after I let you cum during our last session I said you owed me big. You couldn’t even get it up to fuck me properly after all I gave you that weekend. Fortunately for you, I wasn’t just looking for sex and I will offer you a chance to redeem yourself. The bad part for you is that it will require a much larger commitment this time. Do you remember the argument we had back in March? You made promises to me that you have never made good on. I’m here to make an honest man out of you slaveboy.
-Mistress Allison
It was true, after their last encounter he was so sexually exhausted that even though he would have loved to have sex with her it wouldn’t have been possible. She had ruined two of his orgasms and then finished him off by finally allowing him to cum. That episode had lasted three days and the thought of a longer commitment had his interest piqued.
For the life of him he couldn’t recall what she was talking about in March however. Aside from the occasional instance of sleep deprived bickering, they didn’t have many major arguments or issues in their marriage. Promises were not something he tooklightly, but as far as he could recall he hadn’t made any, let alone broken them. For several minutes he wrapped his brain trying to get a bead on what she was playing at. When nothing came to mind he assumed it must all just be a part of the game.
I’m sorry, but I’m certain I can make it up to you. Thank you for giving me another chance.
A response means to buy time and hopefully get her to reveal some details about exactly what the hell she was talking about. He chuckled to himself and hoped she would take the bait. March, what the hell had they discussed in March? Either way he would find out soon enough.
No sooner had he set his phone down and began to dive back into his work when he saw that she had replied.
Mistress Allison 9:52 AM (1 minute ago)
to me
Be by your fax machine at 10 am, I will be sending over a document for your eyes only. If I were you I’d be sure nobodyelse gets a chance to see it. 😉
-Mistress Allison
Immediately his heart leaves into his throat and began to race. She had a corner office with her own private fax machine, he had joked about it when he toured her office with her last year. His fax machine was located in a common area and shared between him and at least a dozen other employees. He hardly ever used it. How did she even have the number for it anyways? There was no way she could have it, was there? Was it all a hoax?
A million different thoughts popped into his head at once. Fuck, he looked up at the clock to see that it was 9:57. If she wasn’t bluffing then he needed to clear his mind and come up with a plan quick. He took a deep breath, grabbed his coffee mug and made for the coffee pot. With any lucky he would be the only one in the area and he could just grab the paper when it came through.
“Morning Brian,” he heard someone say as he turned the corner into the common area.
“Oh, hey Amy, how you doing?” he rattled off as he fidgeted with is coffee cup nervously. She was passionishly working at her computer and took little notice. Amy was the secretary for their department and normally took care of any menial office jobs they delegated to her as well as routing their phone traffic and other boring administrative chores.
“Good, if you’re on a coffee raid you’ll be stuck waiting a minute, Bill just emptied it and its brewing now,” she said with a nod to the coffee maker gurgling behind her.
“Yeah…uh…I’ll just wait,” he said, singing past her and close to the coffeemaker, he now stood a mere five feet from the fax machine. He was trying his best to seem natural about everything, but he could feel his anxiety building to a fever pitch. The arousal and anticipation layered on top of it all and he could feel his stomach turning in circles.
Amy was sitting in front of him hammering away at the keyboard as the cursor marched its way across the screen. She was an attractive woman in her late twentyties or early thirties. In his worked up state he couldn’t help but glance her up and down in her business professional attire. He stared longingly at her black heels and pantyhose which retired up her leg and under a respectfully professional length skirt. Legs and feet were a definite turn on for him, and hers were no exception as he imagined how soft those stockings would feel on his cock. He could feel it growing at the mere thought.
As his mind wandered, the beep of the fax machine pierced through his fantasy like a bullet and brought him back to the present. Amy naturally wheeled towards the machine almost instantly as he quickly glanced at the clock to see it was 10:01. Swiftly he brought his hand down on top of the papers that jettisoned out just as she began to reach for them.
“You OK?” she said as she turned to look at him.
Was she sending him some dirty pictures? Was it directions for whatever kinky idea shehad? Was it all just a tease to make him look like a damn fool? He had no idea what to expect, but there was no way in hell anybody except him was going to retrieve that fax.
“Err…ahem…” he stammered trying to think of anything he could say as his heart leaves out of his chest, “…these are some private passwords and stuff I requested from…uh…one of the regional sites, very important, I need them and nobody else can see them…”
“If you say so,” she said with a smile and rolled back to her desk. He quickly moved the papers in front of him and tried to hold them inconspicuously so that they blocked his erection from sight.
“Brian, don’t you have anything better to do than stand there? God knows we have enough things to troubleshoot around here…” he heard a voice say. Brian looked up to see a half smile on the man’s face.
“Uh…yeah, I was just getting a refill,” he sputtered as he waved his mug towards the coffee pot. It was his boss, Mr. Jameson. He was normally a polite and easy to get along with guy, but with all the extra hours lately he had been a little on edge himself.
Awkwardly he set the pages down where nobody could reach them but himself and quickly poured himself a cup of coffee. The slight tremor in his hand caused him to slosh some briefly over the side. He took a deep breath, wiped it up, and hurried back to his desk. Relieved he had escaped the situation relatively unscathed he flipped the pages over to examine his price.
Page 1 of 2 Oct 12 2016 10:00 AM
Enclosed you will find my rules and expectations for our new game. The reality is that back in March you promised me that we could have a child and start a family. I’ve wanted children since we got married and you continue to put it on the backburner. You never want to talk about it and lately you’re always too tired or not in the mood when I want to have sex. I think you just choose to waste your sexual energy on other endeavors instead of where it should be spent, on me.
I saw how excited you got last time I dominated you. If that is what it takes to get your attention then that is what it will be until I feel like you are taking things as seriously as I am. I can’t help but feel frustrated and disappointed in your lack of following-through. Until I have a baby in my womb, consider your balls mine, mine to punish and tease however I wish.
He cringed. In March they had had a rather lengthy discussion about having kids. It wasn’t that he was against the idea; it was just that their lives always seemed too busy. It was always his goal someday to start a family, but he wanted to be sure that everything was as perfect as possible before doing so.
She had lectured him at the time About how “nobody is ever ready for kids” and that he needed to get onboard with the idea. To be honest, he wasn’t exactly sure what he was waiting for. They both had decent jobs and had just recently purchaseda solid starter home in a respectable part of town. The biggest issue at hand currently was their overworked, hectic, stressed out lifestyle. He never felt like he had the time and energy to invest in their relationship and their sex life.
At the same time, her approach now had his cock hard and ready to go. Maybe this was just the spark that they needed to get things back on track. On the next page the rules were laid out for him clear as crystal in contract form.
Page 2 of 2 Oct 12 2016 10:00 AM
I, the below signed, here forth to be known as “slaveboy,” agree to be dominated by Mistress Allison, here forth to be known as “Mistress.” This arrangement extends from the end of her menstrual period until a negative pregnancy test is obtained five days before the start of her next period. In signing below I agree to the following terms and conditions.
1. I am not allowed to masturbate or orgasm without the exclusive permission of my Mistress. I acknowledgethat all of my semen belongs to her and should only be used to try and achieve pregnancy or be utilized at her discrepancy.
2. Mistress may engage in any activity she wishes, or direct me to engage in it if it will improve my sex drive and arousal level so that I may be a more eager lover. This regulation is limited to the monogamous relationship that is to be improved upon and cannot include unsafe activities which may be brought under review by utilization of the safewords.
3. I must follow all orders and commands given by my Mistress in order to increase the chances of getting her pregnant, including any routines or activities that she deems necessary. It is not my job to understand or question Mistress, merely to obey.
4. Any violence of the rules and I will be subject to whatever punishment Mistress deems fair and I must carry it out without any hesitation or protest. If needed, the safe words, “yellow” and “red” may be used to slow or stop any activity respectively.
If you agree to these terms and conditions, then sign and date below, take a picture of the document and send it to me via your cell phone.
Signature:_____________________________ Date:________________________
As he finished reading he couldn’t help the grin on his face. It was definitely written by a woman who had spent the last ten years working in the banking Industry. He couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head. It was a damn good thing nobody else intercepted that fax.
There was no escaping the fact that sooner or later they would be starting a family, and this seemed like the perfect excuse to begin working on it. He signed and wrote the date on the appropriate lines. Arrangeing the documents so they fit perfectly into a single image on his cell phone he snapped a picture. Immediately he pushed send and the text was on its way.
It was then that another email popped up on his work computer and he set about resolving the tech issue that was preventingSome lab technician from being able to print out lab slips. After that it was a phone call about one of the laptops in the conference room upstairs not playing sound properly through the speaker system. All he could think about was how eager he was to hear more about Allison’s plans and how he longed for this damn shift to be over with already.
It was over an hour before he got a text reply back from her.
“How is my cock doing slaveboy? Was it hard when you signed your orgasms away to me? ;)”
“It’s always hard for you Mistress,” he replied as he felt the warmth of arousal once more. It had been a couple of days since he had cum and dirty thoughts had been buzzing in the background of his mind ever since she had begun teasing him that day.
“Good, Rub it through your pants for a few minutes and then take a picture and send it to me,” she instructed.
He was sitting at his desk still and rolled his chair up until his actions would be obscured from any passerby. It was awkward because he was using his right hand to scroll through a new policy that someone in his department had asked for his feedback on. At the same time his other hand was hidden out of sight, rubbing his cock through his gray dress slacks.
With a little bit of struggle he had managed to finale it so that his boxes weren’t in the way and his member rested against his leg in his pants. This was the First time he had ever done anything like this at work. He made sure to go slow in order to prevent any mishaps, but doing something so taboo brought him to the edge of orgasm quickly.
Scrolling through the document was more an act of formality at this point, listless words sliding down the screen, a mishmash of tech speak and bullshit that was wasted on him. Instead it was his tearing pleasure that had his attention. He glanced back at his phone to make sure she hadn’t sent any new messages and there was a small part of him that was disappointed that there was noing new to report.
A quick look to the hallway told him there was nobody nearby. He turned so that he was facing towards his filing cabinet and scooped up his phone with one motion. After unlocking it he made his way to the camera app and snapped a picture of the bulge in his pants. His cock was seven inches long when it was hard and it was easy to see how aroused he was through the fabric blend. The photo was on its way Through cyber space when he turned to continue trying to do something productive.
He tried in earnest to pick up where he had left off when reading the policy, but it was difficult to focus. After several minutes he was able to get through it and leave some constructive feedback for his peers. It was then that he glanced over at this phone and saw the latest message she had sent.
“Aww…look at your poor little cock, I bet you wish you could touch it properly…too damn bad, I think it’s had enough for now. Get your lazy ass back to work before your boss realizes how unproductive you have been and kicks you to the curb. 😛 “
“Yes Mistress,” he replied.
“Text me if anything ‘interesting’ happens.”
What the hell was she talking about? This whole day had been nothing but “interesting” things happening. It was impossible for that to be some benign comment, but he literally had no idea what she had cooked up for him. One thing was for sure, the thought of being submissive to her once more had set him on fire. He decided that it was in his best interest to immerse himself in his work and do his best to put it out of his mind, which he struggled mightily to do.
His plan worked for the most part. It was almost lunchtime before he heard a knock on his door frame and looked up from his screen to see it was Amy.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked as he turned to face her.
“Package just got here with your name on it,” she said as she tossed a cardboard box towards him, it wasn’t particularly heavy, “it wasn’t interdepartmental and the address isn’t any of our regular vendors.” He never got packages from vendors or anyone else. Most of the malfunctioning equipment that he worked with was either dealt with remotely or he would inspect onsite.
“Oh…uh…it’s probably an early birthday present that I ordered for my wife…I had it sent here so she wouldn’t find it,” he fumbled an excuse on the spot.
“That’s a good idea, I never thought of that,” she said with a smile, “you’re a crafty one!” She bought it. He managed a weak smile and a nod as he set the package down on his desk and turned back to his work. As soon as she had turned and walked away he took a closer look and realized he didn’t recognize the address either. Reaching for his phone he shot a quick text to Allison.
“Is this package your doing?” he typed frantically.
“Watch yourself slaveboy, is that any way to talk to your Mistress? You’re lucky I’m not there right now or I’d grab you by the balls.”
“Sorry Mistress, is this package what you were waiting for me to text you about?”
“Yes indeed, on your lunch you are to take it to a private stall in the bathroom and text me when you have.”
“Yes Mistress.” He replied. It took all of his willpower not to open it on the spot. He contemplated it for a moment, but given the risqué nature of his current prediction, thought better of it. Like a child on Christmas morning he grabbed it and held it to his ear, giving it a shake. There were no hints to be gained. With a frustrated glance at the clock he realized he had another twenty minutes until he could go on break.
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