The Cum Drunk House Boy Pt. 02

Night after night, you sit unused in your pathetic cage disguised as a side table by the couch, due to your cock’s annoying habit of wanting out of its own little cage everyday. To learn your place more thoroughly, I have implemented a rigorous list of chores and edging sessions until your tiny member concedes and bends to my will.

Daily cleaning and fetching the paper from our apartment hall, naked and on all fours like a dog, is the new normal and I smile wickedly as you settle into the tasks.

Hearing the click of the lock on your chatity cage, I mumble my disappointment.

“Dripping pre-cum again? Hard at the completion of your daily tasks? Tisk Tisk. I told you to keep him in his place.”

Slapping your caged cock, I slip my shoes on before heading to work, letting you knee at my feet before I depart.

Focusing on the day ahead, I have tunnel vision as I check the mailbox near the entry of the apartment building. Flipping through junk mail andbills, I hear a sound poking at the corner of my auditory vision. I peer up from the mail to see two out of focus figures. Coming back to reality, I realize my neighbors are introducing themselves, while seeming very shy in doing so.

“Hello! We are your neighbors in apartment 11. I’m Alison and this is my husband Ben. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Sticking her hand out, Alison shakes my hand as I passively say, “Hello There.” Toying with not introducing myself to add to this nervousness radiating off of the couple, but I decide to play along, “I am Victoria. It’s nice to meet you both. Welcome to the building.”

Watching Alison unravel slightly at the sound of my voice, I start to realize this chance encounter may be more planned on their end. Creasing the ads down the center and slipping them into the trash, I graze past the couple on the way out the door.

“Shit.. Wait.. We.. Uhm.. Wanted to invite you and your…boy.-friend..Yes- boyfriend over for drinks tonight. Will you come?”

I hear her words, but more so feel her light touch on my wrist, which draws my vision to Ben’s crotch, which is.. Aroused at the idea of ​​drinks it seems. Thinking over the invitation, I realize that the vents from my apartment lead directly into theirs, giving them front row seats to my house boy’s torture. Light finding Its way into my eyes at the idea of ​​a new way to torture him, I slide my fingers reflexively around Alison’s.

“Yes. We will come over. I will be home around 6pm; Let’s have drinks at my place. I’ll have.. Peter.. Ready the house for us.”

I release her wrist slowly and let my fingers drag over her skin, feeling goosebumps overtake where my hand had been.

Smiling with excitement, Alison and Ben says “See you then,” in unison as I exit.


Coming home a little early, I look over how you have prepared the house. Drink glasses on the island ready for the orders of our neighbors to be filled by you. Cheese and crackers with select meats for snacking and – of course- my favorite petit fours.

“Look at you being impressive for once. Now, go grab the paper and get dressed before they get here.”

Clipping my hoop earrings into place, I wave at the door to prompt you to grab the paper quickly. Watching you get on all fours causes a slight arousal to burn in my lower abdomen for the first time in a week. Your good behavior inspiring a fun session idea after our guests leave tonight.

The door swinging open, I watch as your mouth opens to grap the paper, as you become shockingly aware of two sets of feet at your eye level.

“Hello uhm.. Oppe. Sorry. You must be Peter.. It’s nice to meet you.. Uhm. I’m Alison and this is Ben..”

Letting one sharp laugh exit my lips, I lean on the back of a chair and gesture towards you.

Oh don’t mind him. He is just finishing up his chores for the day. Come in, come in, have a seat.”

Looking down at you I angle my head towards your closet, signaling you to go get dressed.

I guess I’LL make everyone drinks while we wait for you to get dressed.”

An audible gulp exiting your mouth, you curry to your feet, hand covering your cage, and you run to get dressed- apologizing under your breath.

Alison, stepping over the threshold, says, “He can stay like.. That… if it’s what you prefer…”

Ben nods slowly in agreement, looking at Alison for approval and receiving it.

How eventful tonight has become. You stand frozen, your member in hand, waiting for my word.

My usual pet. And what will you two delightful things be having?”

I nob in passive satisfaction as you let your cage hang and you step confidently over to your position at the island to be our bartender for the night.

We are pretty simple.. Can you make Margaritas…Peter?” Alison fumbles atthe end looking over to me to ask, “Is it OK to call him by his name?”

I nod in appreciation of their respect for my position. “You may call him Peter if it is more comfortable for you, but he likes many… other.. names much more”

You darting eyes go from my rum punch that you are preparing, to me, to your raging cock, then back to my drink.

Ben seems to be coming into himself, stepping towards you, “What names do you prefer, Peter?”

You star in fear as Ben addresses you. “Mistress, may I answer?” Is all you can muster, busting out of your cage by the minute, pale as a ghost while red as a beet slightly.

“Don’t be rude, pet, answer Ben.” Pausing momentarily to collect yourself you ramble off all your favorite degrading names .. pet, slut, house boy, simp,…All while Ben smiles sly.

Watching these inexperienced new friends learned all your favorite pet names, I see the newness arouse them as much as you.

Feeling eyes on me, I see Alison watching my amusement with interest as she takes her drink from you. You walk over, bending slightly as you place my drink on the table beside me.

Alison’s lips part then close a couple of times before she says confidently, “Pet is very fitting for him, Victoria. I like it. Ben, which do you prefer?

Ben’s words spill out quickly, “I like house boy.. It’s what I like hearing you call him the most.”

Alison cuts a look at Ben. How entertaining they are, like little mice in a maze.

Ben, have you been listening through my walls?”

Stuttering, Ben almost yells, “NO.” then clears his throat, “I mean no. It just travels Through the vent. Maybe echos. I don’t know…

Looking you right in the eye, you know I am going to torture you with them tonight. You know you will be our play thing.

It seems I will be calling you house boy tonight, to amuse Ben. ThankOur new friends for their attention. Bend at the wait, don’t be rude.”

Bowing to our new friends you thank them for their attention.. And as you reach the apex of your bow your cock leaks cum onto the floor at their feet.

It seems a stupid fucking house boy can’t control himself in front of others.”

Taking the mail placed on the island, I grab you and beat the back of your head like the stupid cock driven dog you are.

I have been trying so hard to train .. *smack* this.. *smack* out of.. *smack* him. CLEAN IT UP NOW.” I command through gritted teeth.

Dropping to our knees you lick the floor with vigor, making sure it is spotless. Pulling you up by your hair, I choose to unlock your cage to humiliate you. To show our new friends your small cock.

I hope you two don’t mind..”

Cutting me off Alison says, “We don’t. Please, keep going.”

I stand slightly behind you as I release you from your cage. YOur cock shooting straight up. The eyes of our guest landing on the bouncing cock between your legs. Holding your wrists back from covering yourself I ask our new playmates, “Isn’t he so pathetic?”

Ben rises to the occasion and say, “Yes Ma’am. So pathetic.

Alison grips Ben’s arm, not able to look away from your aroused simp dick.

Alison.. Do you mind if I call you Ali?” I say releasing your wrists from my firm hold. You fall slightly forward at the intensity.

No.. Ma’am.” Ali is rather nervous since the release of my house boy’s cock, so I interject to ease her mind.

What is on your mind Allli?” I say, emphasizing her name, as I slip my hand into her line of sight and around your cock.

“I am not sure what is OK to say.. But.. I want your pet, and .. so does Ben. We have never..”

“Oh you want to use this stupid boy? Oh I bet that makes him so horny.” Stroking you over and over, gripping you tighter, I feel your hips shake at the thought of coming.

How would you like to use my pet, Ali and Ben?” They silently think of words, but are distracted by me stimulating you.

I whisper in your ear loud enough so they can hear, “Oh you stupid fucking simp, you’re so hard. Ugh I think they want to watch you cum. Cum for me on the floor. Show them that you’re a cock drink house boy.”

I stroke you faster and faster, moaning in your early lightly to edge you on. You bust in seconds all over the floor.

Aroused myself, I release your cock, and straighten my dress as I figure out where to place us all next.

You are on the floor cleaning your cum, before I can command it, setting a good example for our guests.

“Did you both enjoy that?” Looking at each other, they both nod vigorously. “Now tell me, what would you like this house boy to do for you?”

Ali, taking the lead, say, ” We would like youto instruct us, help us. I really want to be used.. I love cock.. And your pet.. Has.. a wonderful cock…can he cum more than once?”

Smiling down at my dog, I say, ” What is our record? 15 times in a day?”

Looking up with a cum filled mouth, you say yes wordlessy. Grabbing your chin, I look at Ali.

Taste his cum from his mouth Ali.”

Frozen Ali looks at me, then at you as you stick your tongue out for her to sample your seed.

Bending down, Ali takes all of your tongue into her mouth, sucking every drop of cum from your mouth, making your stupid member bounce in arousal again.

I watch Ben staring at the scene unfold. I look down at his bulge and instruct him to open his pants and expose himself, while telling Ali to take her top off. They both comply as your chin rests in my hand.

Ben, come make use of this house boy’s mouth.” Ben hesitates, and I can see the straight edge nature of him peek out. Grabbing his cock, I look to Ali, “Reassure Ben, Ali. Tell him to use my pet.”

The looking crossing Ali’s face is best described as lustful and ready to listen but also a deviant little smile, showing she can command as well.

Make use of his mouth Ben, or I will.”

Ben seems to come to the decision that he will listen, as he aggressively grabs your face and slowly shoves his oversized, girly cock into your open, begging mouth. Gagging, Ben forces you with both hands to take him, slamming in and out of your mouth as Ali drools.

Come Ali, Tell me what you want.”

Forcing their secret wants from them like an untapped well, causes my swollen clip to rub against the lace of my panties.

Can I blow your pet, while my husband fucks his face..” Ali’s nipples react to her vulnerability; and the cold air brushing past her with the vigor her husband, Ben, is fucking my simp’s face.

“You guys are going to spoil him.. Hm.. but yes. Ilove watching him squirm. Come here, girl.”

Grabbing a handful of her hair, I guide her to her knees as I bend at the knee, positioning her head to take his full staffed dick.

“Now beg, girl.”

I feel a pull from Ali under my grip as she tries to reach for his cock with her mouth, continuing she pleads, “Miss..tress.. Please let me suck his cock. Please I want all of him in my mouth. I want to take him as well as he takes Ben’s cock.”

“Is that so? Well, I will train you as I did him then.” Pressing down I push her open mouth onto your welcome cock.

Good girl. That’s it. Devour his cock. Pet, are you enjoying being used?”

I am at eye level, peering so deep into your watering eyes as you are face fucked by Ben.. Ben the big cocked, bull boy. Trying to nod to let me know you are a thankful, useful toy, Ben is forced deeper into your throat.

Holy Fuck, simp. YES. Suck me like that. Nod your head, yeahyou like that. Oh fuck”.

Ben’s head tilted back, eyes closed, I can tell he is losing himself in your mouth, as Ali is losing herself with your cock filling her mouth.

You better not cum, Ben. A bull must put out all night.” Slowing his rhythm, I lean back and put a knee to the floor so I can peer under Ali’s upturned skirt.

Oh Ali is loving your cock. She is dripping down her thigh.” Pulling her panties to the side, she pushes her hips back so I can have a better view of her pink and red pussy.

Her lips parted and opening exposed for me. I can’t help myself and I force her head down to suck you even harder and I dive inside of her with two fingers. She startles at the surprise, but sinks back naturally to grip and ride my fingers.

You are such a good girl, Ali. Yes. Oh that’s right, you’re getting fucked while blowing my house boy and you’re LOVING it. You want to be such a useful slut, don’t you?”

Pushing againstMy hand, she lifts off your cock just long enough to breathlessly say, “Yes Ma’am.”

I start fucking her harder and look to Ben, “Fuck a hole into the back of his head. Cum for me.

Needing only the slightest word, Ben wrecks your open mouth. Scooping your head with his large hands, making your mouth the most useful fuck hole.

Ali, I want you to cum for me as well.” She rides my hand with not want, but need. I can hear her moaning on your cock as she blows you.

As they are both peaking I look at you. With such pride. And I nod. And you know.

Fill her mouth with your cum, pet. You’ve done well”.

They all exploit. Ali first, spurring Ben to moan loudly and say “Fucking dumb, pet.” under his breath as he makes his last couple strokes extra hard and defined to truly choke you while looking in your eyes.

I purr so satisfied as the reality of the scene dawns on the room full of cum drink, useful toys.

Is anyone hungry?” I ask as I stand, waving towards the food and bending over the island.

A united “Yes” sounds from behind me. “Ali, sweet girl, knee in front and suck my clip, Ben use that tongue of yours to eat my pussy.. And, pet?”

“Yes ma’am?”

“You can fight around our new friends pleasure me to eat my ass, just like you like.”

Gaining purchase, they all make their way to their knees and drunkenly eat and suck at all of my sex.

Ben, guiding my simp to fuck my ass with his tongue at times, bringing a smile- and a moan- to my face as Ali proves her worth yet again, sucking me like the best toy.

As they work together, I feel the throbbing from watching them all cum grow inside of me. I feel my mouth Parting and my breath quickening, “Don’t fucking stop. Fuck, fuck.. Fuck.. keep going.. I’m going to cum.. That’s it.. That’s it!”

I explode, grabbing the back of Ali’s head and ridingher mouth as I orgasm, knocking the men to the side. I feel myself squirt into her mouth as I smooth her fully into my mound.

God!” is all I can say as I release her face and grap the chair for an anchor point.

Mouth full of my cum, Ali shows me how well she can swallow anything I offer her.

Good girl.” I pet her head passively as I look over the room in a daze.

“Come to bed. All of you. I’m tired.”


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