Day 5 – Tuesday 21st May
He didn’t recognize who it was the first time.
“Steve, hang on there.”
He did the second.
Steve turned around to see Tim running up to him. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, hi Tim!” Steve said, surprised, trying to think of an excuse. “Yeah, my back’s playing up again. It had been better for a while, but the last few weeks have been pretty bad again.” When Steve told Lucy that he would meet at the hospital he had remembered that Tim also worked there, but figured that the hospital was big enough that he probably wouldn’t bump into him. Clearly that was not the case.
“Oh, really? Who is it that you see for that, is it Clive?”
Steve didn’t know his doctors by their first names. “Not sure. I know him as Dr Samuels. I’ve seen him a number of times and I think he’s pretty good.”
“Yeah – that’s Clive. He’ll sort you out. Anyway, besides your back, how are you doing? Haven’t spoken to you for a while.”
“I’m prettyy good thanks. How about you?” Steve didn’t really want this conversation to go on for too long, as he knew Lucy only had a fifteen minute break, but he had to make sure he didn’t arouse suicide.
“I’m great, Steve. Hey, we tried that new curry house on Saturday. The food was pretty good. My Madras was really hot, but the onion bhajis were a bit greasy and the only beer they serve is Kingfisher. I think I prefer the Spice House. Why didn’t you come that night? Oh, I remember! You’ve got a new girl, haven’t you? How’s it going? Do we get to meet her?”
“I didn’t say anything about a new girl, I just said I was meeting someone.”
Tim laughed. “Ok, ok, but it was a girl, right?”
“Yes, ok. Maybe it was a girl. But it’s very early days. And I’m not introducing you to her until we’re pretty serious. If we get pretty serious. Anyway, I need to get going or I’ll miss my appointment.”
Steve looked again at his phone to read the directions that Lucy had given.
“I doubt Clive is running on schedule, even at this time in the morning. Oh well, I’ll leave you to it. Catch you round. Hope your back gets sorted.”
“Cheers Tim. See you later.”
Tim watched as Steve walked away, in the opposite direction to Clive’s office. He didn’t look like his back was giving him any grief, and as they had talked he had seemed rushed and distracted – not something he usually saw in Steve. He thought about saying something, but knew that Steve didn’t need telling where the office was, he would have been there plenty of times before, and he didn’t seem like he really wanted to talk either. He wondered what he was up to and, given A&E was relatively quiet for once, decided to follow him.
Steve was annoyed that Tim had seen him, he hadn’t wanted him to know anything about Lucy, and wanted to make sure that he didn’t find out now. But he thought he had got away with it, decided not to look back at Tim in order as to not arouse suspicion, and he rushedAlong the corridor as Lucy had instructed him.
His whole morning had been rushed. When he had got back from the work do last night, he came home to one of those annoying little cards that the postmen sometimes leave. He wasn’t home to take delivery of his parcels, so instead of leaving it round the back of the house in the shed or some other convenient place, they took it back to the post office. No common sense, Steve Thought. But it must be the toys and equipment that he ordered at the weekend. That was quick. He was looking forward to making use of them.
He tried to work out how his morning would fit together. He needed to be at the hospital for 10:30 – preferably sooner so he could make sure he was in the right place on time – and he had to go straight from the hospital to Dorset, so would have to pick up the parcels first thing, – and he also had plenty of preparation to do for the meetings in the afternoon. The post office opened at 6am, so he decided to set his alarmfor 5.45. So much for the benefits of working from home, he thought.
He hadn’t remembered the extent of what he ordered and there were a surprise number of parcels waiting for him. So much so, in fact, that he had to make two trips to the car as he couldn’t carry it all in one go.
When he got home, he opened up some of the parcels. He wanted a couple of things to take with him today, but he had to search Through all of the boxes in order to find them. Once he found and opened what he was looking for, he repacked the boxes as best he could and left them in one of his spare rooms, stacked one on top of another. He didn’t want them to be found by anyone, and his cleaner was due later that morning, as she was every Tuesday. She didn’t clean that room very often as it wasn’t generally used, so Steve thought they would be safe there.
By the time he had reached the hospital he was already a little tired. He had managed to do all of the preparation he needed to do, but notas much as he would have liked. It would probably be fine, but he preferred to be in a situation where he had done enough work that his pitch was flawless, perfectly tailored to the client, and he was able to answer any possible question, particularly with new clients, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to this time. He would have to wing it. Well, wing it more than usual.
Thankfully, the traffic had been good and he arrived at the hospital ahead of time. As he pulled up into the car park he started to feel less tired, as the thought of being with Lucy again and the excitement began to build up. He was annoyed that he only had fifteen minutes, especially since last night had also been so quick, but there wasn’t really anything that he could do about that.
He wanted to be at Lucy’s rendezvous Early to make the most of their time together, but not too early that he would be loitering, so he sat in the car for a few minutes, waiting. That was what made Tim’s conversation so annoying. He didn’t want to be late after all of that.
Lucy’s directions were easy to follow and he soon found the store room that she had suggested. He checked his watch, 10:29 – perfect. Just then, Lucy came rushing around the corner. Not running, but walking pretty quickly. Without saying anything, she took a key out of her pocket, opened the door and they both went through. Lucy looked so different in this context – with her uniform on. She had always had her hair down when they had seen each other before. Today she had it up in a pony tail, presumably to keep it out of the way for work, and he approved. It made her seem more innocent. He didn’t approve of the uniform though – it covered over all of Lucy’s best bits and didn’t do her figure any fvours.
Tim was intrigued. He had no idea what Steve was up to. He hadn”t known if it was anything suspicious or whether in fact he had just been looking for a coffee or something. But now he knew it was something suspicious. Was the hot student nurse he had walked into the store room with his new girl? She had been working in A&E with him, although they hadn’t worked together as much as he had been hoping. Now he was a consultant he thought that he should be in charge and able to work with who he liked, but it turns out that, even as a consultant, you still get told what to do. But he figured that was only because he was new to the job, and hopefully that wouldn’t last.
But he did make sure he could check her out as much as he could, like he did with all of the hot student nurses. What was this one’s name? Lucy? Yes, he had taken a liking to her.
He walked up to the store room door, which was slowly closing, and peeked through. The store room was large, and he couldn’t see them. He walked through the door, checking behind him that nobody could see, and made his way along the racks of medicine and equipment, as he looked back to see the door click closed. At the end of the first aisle, he saw them. They were at the table at the back of the room. He hid behind the first rack and hoped that it gave him enough cover that he wouldn’t be noticed.
He was shocked at what he saw. Steve was fasting a gag around Lucy’s head. Her hands were already handcuffed in front of her and Tim began to wonder what was going to happen.
The gag and the handscuffs were the two things that Steve had picked out of the parcels and he was pleased with them. Lucy’s pretty face looked incredibly sexy with the red ball of the gag in her mouth, especially with her pony tail. He lifted up her uniform and was pleased to see that she had, again, not hurt any underwear. He kissed her over her gag, reached down and gave her clip a quick rub. She was already wet.
He knew he didn’t have much time, so didn’t waste any and decided to leave her fully clothed. He pushed her up against the table first, and then bent her over it. He lifted her uniform up so that he had easy access.
Lucy was getting very excited by this. She had been looking forward to it all morning, especially once she had managed to find somewhere. That had taken some doing. She had gone in early that morning to hunt around for somewhere. They couldn’t have done it on the wards, that would have been far too risky as they would almost certainly get caught. It was only when she heard a couple of the other nurses talk about getting supplies that she thought about using the store room. It would be perfect, as nurses only go in intermittently. Most of the time it was empty. The only problem was that she didn’t have a key. But the sister on the ward did.
When the sister was busy chatting with a couple of the other nurses next to the filing cabinets in the office, she saw her chance. She moved up close to the sister and prepared to do some filing. She tenatively grabbed the keys from the chain and slowly pulled. Lucy had gone to the store room earlier to check the shape of the keyhole hoping that she would be able to work out which key she needed, hoping the sister didn’t have too many keys on her ring. In the end, all of the keys on the ring were for Yale locks but one. Perfect. She slowly slip the other key from the key ring and took it. That had been easier than she had expected.
She too was a little frustrated by the fact they would only have a short time together. Still, better than no time at all. Once she had everything arranged, she had relaxed a lot more and the thought of being fucked here, at work, was beginning to excite her. Although she definitely didn’t want to get caught, there was a certain thrill to the thought that she could be. The few hours in the hospital this morning had dragged, and by the time it had got to 10:30 she was incredibly horny after thinking about nothing else.
But now she was here, exactly where she wanted to be. Gagged, cuffed and bent over a table with her naked ass in air, exposed, and her wet pussy waiting in anticipation. She knew she wouldn’t have to wait long today.
Steve began by giving her a good spanking. He spanked her hard, on both cheeses a number of times, with his bare hands. The gag means her cries were muffled, but that didn’t stop her, and they were still very audible. The blows to her poor ass were really beginning to hurt, and she couldn’t help herself but cry out. But just as the pain began to get too much, the spanks began to become pleasant too. Each spank sent a shockwave of pain through her body that seemed to end up in her pussy, which was getting wetter by the spank.
Looking from his hidden vantage point, Tim was amazed at what was unfurling before his eyes. Was this really his friend Steve? He knew Steve very well – they had been friends since school – and he had never seen him like his. Not that he had ever seen Steve in any sexual situation before. But his relationships in the past had never hinted at anything like this, and he couldn’t believe they had been. Especially not with his ex-wife Claire. So when did this happen? Steve looked so confident as he administratored his punishment onto the student nurse’s naked ass. Like he knew exactly what he was doing. But how did he get to know this student nurse? And how long had he been tying her up, doing this to her? No wonder he had been so cagey when asked about his new girl.
His thoughts turned to the nurse who was now under Steve’s control. Presumably this was consensual, this was what she wanted. After all, she was the one who had come and unlocked the store room. But how did she get the key? She was only a student nurse and shouldn’t have access. She looked so hot gagged like she was though. Tim had been very careful with women at work and adopted a strict look but don’t touch policy, though he had wanted to do much more than Just touch many of them. Not that he had seriously considered a relationship with any of student nurses, as he was much older. He wondered whether he would be able to take it a bit further with this one though. He knew he was a bit of a creep really, but he didn’t care.
Steve knew he didn’t have much time, so he decided to get on with it. He undid his trousers and pulled his boxers down, releasing his erect penis. He stepped up to her and rubbed his cock up and down the length of her slit, eliciting a muffled moan from Lucy. He then slowly guided the first inch or two of his cock into her waiting pussy, before slamming the remainder of his shake into her hard.
With a hand on each of her hips, he started to pump her. The table that she was bent over was only small and wasn’t particularly strdy and slid backwards and forwards with each thrust, making a loud scraping noise. Cuffed, Lucy wasn’t able to steady herself at all, and she was moving all over the place. She was a little worried she might fall off, but her main focus was the cock that was ravishing her pussy and she wasn’t able to concentrate enough on the table to worry about it too much.
Steve didn’t want to make too much noise, in case they got caught. With a few hard thrusts he pushed the table towards the wall. As they got close to the wall, Steve pulled on Lucy’s hair and got her to stand up a bit more. He pushed the table right up to the wall, then let go of her and pushed her back down. Given the length of the table, she wasn’t able to bend over properly and ended up with her face sideways, squashed into the wall. Now Lucy was better secured, Steve could release his hands and moved them up her body until they found her breasts, and he fondled them through the material of her uniform.
It didn’t take long before Lucy felt that familiar feeling between her legs and knew she was not far away from an orgasm. The gag was a new feeling for her, and she was enjoying being even more restricted, not able to speak properly and restricting her cries. She was cuffed and squashed between Steve and the table and the wall, and she was relishing being treated like this. Beingused.
Steve hadn’t let up the intensity at all and the continuous pounding of her pussy was too much and she came. As much as it was able to in her current position, her body compromised as the waves of orgasm washed over her. Her whole body weakened and she would have struggled to stay upright if it wasn’t for the pressure of being sandwiched between Steve and the table.
Steve didn’t let up, and even as her body relaxed, the sight of her cumming caused Steve to speed up the pace of his thrusts. He didn’t know how much longer he would last, but he probably only had a few minutes left with Lucy anyway, so made no effort to save himself.
Just as she was starting to recover somewhat from the first orgasm, she felt another begin to build up and, sure enough, she came for the second time, moaning through her gag. Her second orgasm coincided with Steve’s first and he groaned as he filled her pussy with his cum, still pumping, although now with a slightly reduced intensity.
That had been a very satisfied orgasm, and Steve was pleased with himself. Once he had cum, he stepped back, withdrawing his softening penis from her pussy. He grabbed the side of her uniform and wiped his cock into it, cleaning the remaining cum without Lucy noticing. He liked the idea of Lucy doing the rest of her shift in a cum stained uniform, even if it was only a modest stain. His trousers and underwear were Now around his ankles and he pulled them up, dressing himself again.
Lucy had collapsed awkwardly onto the table and Steve had to help her up. Her orgasms must have been intense as she was struggling to stand up steadily. Gently he undid the gag from her face and pulled her close to kiss her tenderly as he stroked her face.
“Hello slut” he believedly said, realising that that was the first thing he had said to her all day.
“Hello master”, Lucy replied with a forced smile on her face, that gradually became more natural as it got more used to the gag being removed.
“It’s a real shame you only had fifteen minutes. I’d quite like to fuck you again.”
“Well, I’d quite like to be fucked again. Why can’t we meet up later on?”
“I’ve got business meetings in Dorset this afternoon and tomorrow, and I’m staying over, which is why I wanted to meet you here this morning. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure your pussy gets lots more attention in the coming days.”
He gave her another kiss.
“Do you have Skype?” Steve asked, wanting at least some interaction tonight, even if it was virtual.
“No, I don’t think so. But I guess I could set it up.”
“Yes, do that. I’ll give you a call around 10ish, so make sure you’re ready to answer. And make sure you’re naked.”
“Ok, I think I can do that. Anything for my master” she said, smiling again.
Tim looked on at the couple as they talked. He was now certain it was consensual. The tenderness of their kisses and the smile on Lucy’s face was enough to convince him of that, beyond doubt. He still couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed though. It was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen. He hadn’t ever seen another couple have sex before, apart from on film, let alone sex like this. It had turned him on and he was now pretty horny, with a sizable bulge in his trousers. Looking again at the student nurse, still flushed from her recent orgasms, he decided that he would like to fuck her too. Not that he knew how he would be able to do that. He had fantasized about having sex like this though, tying up some hot looking woman and having his way with her, fucking her as he liked. Still, he had enough trouble finding anybody to have sex with, let alone somebody who was willing to let him do that to him.
He couldn’t hear everything they had said, but he had picked up on a few things. He was pretty sure that Steve had called Lucy ‘slut’ and Lucy had called Steve ‘master’ and he wondered how their relationship worked, if indeed it was a relationship. He had to admit that he was jealous of Steve, being able to fuck Lucy like this.
They looked to be finishing off and Tim suddenly panicked, working out how he was going to avoid being seen. He couldn’t open the door – they would definitely notice that. So he waited until they were both looking away and he crept over to an aisle on the other side of the room and hidden as best he could. If they looked in his direction for any length of time as they passed his aisle, they would see him. But he thought he would be ok. From anywhere else, he was pretty well hidden.
“Tomorrow night you’re going to come over to mine after work – be at mine at 7. As you’ve got a couple of days off work before you work the weekend, you’ll be with me for two nights, and I will let you go on Friday night” Steve instructed her as he undid the handscuffs.
“What have you got planned?” Lucy asked, not really sure whether she should be asking these kinds of questions, but pretty excited about being with him for that length of time.
“I’m not going to tell you that!” Steve said, as he lifted up her uniform again and gave her a spank. “If I want you to know I will tell you.”
He looked at his watch. “We’ve taken too long – you better get back to work.”
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