Day 2 – 19th May
“Dad told me what happened.”
Lucy looked up to see the familiar face of her twin sister. She had a difficult night and had not had much sleep, so it was a welcome sight. As she led in her bed last night she’d reflected on what had happened earlier that day and had started to regret it. She couldn’t understand why she had let it happen and she was more than a little ashamed at how much she had enjoyed it and wanted it.
But it was more the future that she was worried about. What had she let herself in for? What was this guy – Steve – going to do her? And make her do? She didn’t know him at all. They had barely spoken. What was this guy capable of? She didn’t feel any excitement about it at all right now, just fear, and she couldn’t reconcile what she was Feeling now to what she felt at the crash site. It was 10am, but she had already been awake for four or five hours just thinking. And worrying.
To Christina, Lucy looked shaken. This wasn’twhat she was expecting. Her dad had told her that Lucy seemed to be ok last night. She walked into the room and sat on the edge of Lucy’s single bed.
“How are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m fine” Lucy replied, not particularly convincingly.
“I know you far too well to believe that. You look worried. But it’s understandable. I mean, to have been in a crash like that, for it to affect you. Dad said you weren’t hurt at all though, is that right?”
“Yes, I told you, I’m fine.”
“Something’s up hun, what is it?”
Lucy and Christina had no secrets. They had told each other everything in the past, held nothing back, and knew each other inside out. They even both knew the intimate details of the other’s sexual experiences and Lucy Thought about telling her sister about what happened. Now didn’t seem like the best time, but she knew she’d have to tell her eventually. So although she wasn’t really ready, after weighing it up briefly she decided to just let it out.
“It’s not the crash.”
“What? What else has happened? It’s not Chris again is it?” Chris was Lucy’s last boyfriend who hadn’t taken too well to the break-up.
“No, it’s not. It’s kind of related to the crash though.”
“How? What do you mean?”
“It’s the guy in the car that I crashed into. We did something.”
Lucy was speaking cryptically and was not her usual clear self. Christina couldn’t work out what she was trying to say.
“What kind of things?”
“Things I’m not sure we should have done. But it’s because of the crash. The crash was my fault.”
“But Dad said it was the other guy’s fault, that he crashed into you. Dad said he’d even admitted it when he saw him.”
“Yes, but it’s not true. Steve agreed to take the blow for me.”
“Hun, you’re not making much sense. Why don’t you start from the beginning?”
“OK, OK. I was on my way back from uni and I was driving through the lanes a bit too fast. I got to the T-junction nearMrs Jones’s, pulled out and just didn’t notice this car coming from the other direction. We were both ok, but the cars took a bit of a hammering. I don’t really know how we came out of it so well.
“But I just got worried about the insurance. I’m not fully covered on Dad’s car and I knew he’d go mental if the insurance company didn’t pay out – the damage was pretty bad, I think it might be a write-off. So I tried to get Steve, the driver of the other car, to take the blow.”
“How on earth did you manage to do that? That’s not something most people would just agree to.” Christina was intrigued. There was clearly more to this than she had anticipated and she wanted to know what happened.
“Well, I couldn’t really think of anything to offer. I mean, it’s not like I’ve got any money or anything. So the only thing I could think of was to say I’d give him a blow job.” She looked up at her sister, with her cheeses bright red with embarrassment and a helpless, guilty looking face.
“Oh my God! You sucked him off!” Christina was shocked by the revelation and couldn’t believe her sister had done something like that.
“Shhhh! I don’t want Mum or Dad to hear! No, I just offered, but he didn’t agree to that. Which was a bit of a relief as I wasn’t sure I really wanted to do it anyway. But I couldn’t think of anything else, and that’s when he gave me his idea.
“I didn’t like it. He told me the only way that he would take the blow was if I agreed to be his slut for three months and that he could do whatever he wanted to me.”
Christina’s jaw dropped.
“You’re not serious – there’s no way! What kind of guy says that? What did you say? What did he do? Oh my god!”
“That’s what he said and that’s What he wanted. Obviously I wasn’t going to agree to that. But even though I tried, I couldn’t tell him no. I couldn’t say I didn’t want it. I didn’t say yes. But I didn’t say no. I was just shocked. Frozen. Didn’t know what to do.”
“So what happened?” This was getting juicier and Christina was now wide-eyed, eager to know all of the gory details.
“Nothing, to begin with. I tried to bring myself to say no, to leave, but it just didn’t happen. And I don’t know why. I knew exactly what I needed to say, and I meant to say it, but it just didn’t come out.
“After a while he touched me, and then I really didn’t Know what to do. I knew I should have just left, and run away, but I didn’t. I just let him.
“Then he began to undress me – right there on the side of the road. And I just stood there. I knew I should have gone, but I didn’t do anything about it.”
“No way – you let him take your clothes off – all of them?” Christina was shocked. This was her innocent twin sister, and it was completely unlike her. Christina was always the one who experimented, who tried new things, who did things first. Lucy wasn’t. She wasn’t very adventurous and only did what she felt she was safe doing. This was completely out of character for her.
“Eventually, yes. But it took a while. And why he was doing it he carried on touching me. After he took my bra off, he started playing with my boobs.”
Christina moved closer to her twin sister, and gave her a hug. “Did you want him to do that?”
She was getting concerned about this. She was wondering how Lucy felt about it and was scared that this guy had used her, maybe even raped her. What had he actually done to her? But he didn’t seem to be forcing himself on her. Lucy could have walked away. But more than that, she was ashamed to say, the thought of the situation was now beginning to turn her on a bit. The story was hot. Imagining a guy touching her little sister, her naked little sister, on the side of the road.
“I don’t know. I don’t think so. I wanted to stop him. But it felt good when he started and I couldn’t bring myself to stop him. And I was a bit excited too. It was the thought that he shouldn’t be doing that to me that excited me and I just let him do what he wanted.
“Then he kissed me. He moved his hands all over me and he felt my bum. Why couldn’t I stop him? Why did I let him do it?” Lucy’s voice was much more animated now.
“Oh, Hun, don’t get yourself down. It sounds to me like you enjoyed it, didn’t you?”
“Well, yeah, I did. I knew I did. But I shouldn’t have let him, he shouldn’t have done it and I shouldn’t have enjoyed it.” Lucy looked up to her, frowning.
“Tell me what happened next.”
“He started sucking my nipples. It felt amazing. It really made me horny and I felt like I didn’t want him to stop.
“Then he undid my jeans and pushed down my knickers – and I was pretty much naked. He kissed me and I couldn’t help myself – I kissed him back. I wanted it, sis. I was horny as hell.” Lucy’s talking was starting to get faster, and she was getting excited. Talking this through – telling somebody about it – was helping, but she still wasn’t convinced she had done the right thing.
This kept getting hotter and hotter. Christina still couldn’t believe Lucy did this. She was starting to get more turned on as she heard her sister’s revelations. She wanted to know everything.
Lucy continued. “Then he touched me, down there. I was so wet and he started to rub me. It was in all the right places. It felt so good. The whole situation just made it somehow more erotic – being out in public, on the side of a road, with a guy I had only just met who had done this to me without me agreeing.
“When a car passed by I couldn’t help myself, and I came. I came so hard, it was the best orgasm of my life.” Lucy’s face was getting flushed as she retired her story and Christina was getting caught up in it too.
“A car? You mean somebody else saw you?!”
“He didn’t care. He just kept going, even though this car drove by. It was amazing. And then I just wanted him. I wanted him to do whatever he liked to me. I don’t know how he did it, but he made me want to be his slut. Is that wrong? Does that make me a bad person?”
Christina now understands her unease. “No, hun, of course it doesn’t. But this is hot! Oh my god! I would never have thought that you would be like this. But it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” But what Christina didn’t know was whether she should be ashamed of how horny she was. This is her sister!
“Then he filmed me saying that I was his slut. He said he needed a record of what we’d agreed. He made me say it. And he made me call him Master.
“And then he made me suck him off.”
“You said you didn’t do that!”
“No I didn’t, I said he didn’t agree to me just doing that.”
“But I don’t think I did it very well, because after a While he stopped me doing it and started doing it himself. He…” Lucy paused as she tried to think of a better way to phrase it and couldn’t “fucked my face. He pushed his cock right down my throat, and it hurt, and it made me gag. I struggled and tried to stop him,but that just made it worse, he tied my hands behind my back with his belt. Then he carried on like he did before, and there was nothing I could do about it.”
“What?” Lucy had seemed to at least have some of this under control before, but not now. Now he seemed to be raping her and Christina suddenly became very worried. “Hun, is that what you are upset about? That must have been horrible.”
Lucy looked down in shame.
“No, it wasn’t horrible. Being tied up and used like that actually turned me on. You’re right though – it should have been horrible. He was hurting me, I had tried to stop him doing it. But being helpless just made me really horny. Really horny. And for some reason it just felt right. Knowing that he could do whatever he wanted Just made me wet. The pain turned me on even more. By the time he came all over my face, I was as horny as I’d ever been. I wanted him to fuck me. There and then.”
Christina was getting hornier. Lucy’s story was amazing, andShe tried to stop herself thinking about what was going on between her legs, but she couldn’t. And she didn’t know what to say or what to do. Was this really her sister, Lucy?
“And he did fuck me. He took my virginity while I was tied up, pushed against a smoked up car on the side of the road with my face covered with cum. And I loved every minute of it. Nothing had ever felt as amazing as that and I just wanted more and more.”
Lucy looked at her sister, waiting for her to say something, to let her know that this was all ok. But she didn’t; she just looked shocked. Her cheeks had turned red too, Lucy assumed out of embarrassment. “Oh, say something, please” she begged.
“Sorry hun” she said as gave her another hug, a much longer one this time. “Don’t worry about it. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. It sounds like you had an amazing time, and I’m glad your first time was so exciting. You’re such a worryer. If you enjoyed it so much, what was so wrong about it?”
“It’s not that, I don’t think, but he said three months. What else is he going to do to me?”
Just then Lucy heard her phone go off. It was a text message from a number she didn’t recognize.
“Check your email. S” the text said.
Lucy reached out and grabbed her laptop and opened it up. Sure enough, there was an email from Steve Thomson. She opened the email, which contained a link to a Dropbox page and a password. She clicked on the link, entered the password and saw a folder with a single file in it. It was a video file. She opened it and pressed play.
The video opened out in full screen. Then, as she should probably have been expecting if she had thought about it, she saw her naked self on screen and she quickly pressed pause, forgetting that it wouldn’t change what was being displayed. She looked around to her sister who was staring at the screen giggling. “He’s sent you his film! We’re going to watch what he did to you! You’ve got a hot body by the way” Christina joked.
Lucy blushed.
“It’s almost as hot as mine!” The identified twins laughed together.
“Quick, press play.”
Lucy reached out and did as she suggested.
“You are my master and I am your slut” she heard herself say. “This accident was my fault. I am using my body for you to take the blow. My body is yours now. You can do whatever you want to it.”
Even after hearing the story and expecting it, Christina was still shocked when she heard the words. Her own sister had just declared herself a slut and offered her body to a stranger on film. She was now getting really horny and couldn’t believe what she was watching.
“I can’t believe you said that!” she said, and Lucy turned around sheepishly. They both giggled again.
The video sharply cut to Lucy on her knees in front of Steve. She reached out and grabbed his cock from his trousers. Christina watched her sister’s face became hidden from view by Steve’s erection and suddenly she realizedshe was wet. She heard Steve tell her to put her hands behind her back and then to suck him off. She watched in fascination as Lucy struggled to reach the end of his cock with her mouth in order to suck it. Christina’s eyes were glued to the screen and the sight of her sister and the weapon in front of her. Watching Lucy practically rubbing her face all over his cock means Christina was struggling to keep her attention away from the heat emanating from between her legs.
As Lucy finally completed her task and got to work with her mouth, Christina couldn’t resist it and slipped her hand underneath the long t-shirt she wore to bed and into her panties. Trying to hide her activities from her sister, she gently massed her clip. She moved herself in time with her sisters bobbing head, and as she watched the film she couldn’t help but imagine that it was her and not Lucy. It wasn’t difficult, after all they were identified. Lucy’s dyed blonde hair was the same length and colour as hers. Lucy’s big brown eyes and cute small nose were the same as hers. Everything about them was the same and nobody would really know if it was Lucy or Christina on film.
Lucy continued to pump away and Christina imagined that it was her mouth being filled by the hard cock.
She was hardly an expert, but she had given her fair share of blow jobs and knew the feeling of a penis in her mouth. She opened her mouth and moved her tongue as though it was welcoming the cock and started licking the air, losing herself in her fantasy.
The good memories of last night were coming back to Lucy, and other parts of her body began to remember. One part in particular. She looked so hot on film – like a real porn star! She remembered how turned on this had made her and she too began to get wet. Then she noticed what was going on next to her. Without making it obvious, she saw that Christina was clearly enjoying the video as much, if not more, than she was. And, embarrassed, she tried toforget about what her sister was doing and continue to watch the film. But she couldn’t. The fact that someone – her own sister – was bringing themselves off while watching her suck a stranger off on the side of the road was too distracting. That just made her pussy wetter, but she was determined to not give in like her sister had.
She cringed as she watched herself began to struggle and take more of him and she became warm in her bedclothes. She knew what was coming but, even still, it still shocked her – the force that he used as he pushed his cock all the way down her throat and started to fuck her face. She wanted to touch herself, but she wouldn’t give in, and just let the sexual energy build up within her.
Christina gasped as Steve forced his way in on film. The sight of her sister being used like a slut was more erotic than any porn she’d ever seen. She was still fantasising that it was her on screen, that it was her being fucked and being used. She watched Lucy tryto resist and force herself off of him. Then the camera must have been moved as all that she could now see was the sky. Something must have been happening because the picture was moving around sharply and continuously. And then it focused back on her sister, and she could see that her hands were tied behind her back. No more struggle now.
He guided himself back into her mouth and resumed his pumping. As he Continued to use her sister, Christina kept on rubbing herself. Her pussy was really wet now and the sloppy sounds were starting to become more audible. Christina was getting close and her breathing was getting heavy. She suspected that Lucy knew what she was doing, but it was too late now. She came as Steve pulled his dick out of Lucy’s mouth and sprayed her face with cum. She tried to stop herself, but she Couldn’t help but release a small groan. She continued to strum herself as the film came to an end, amazed at what she had just watched, and for that matter what she hadJust done.
“Sounds like somebody enjoyed that!” Lucy joked to her sister.
Christina looked up, it was her turn to feel guilty and embarrassed. “But it was so hot! That was amazing.”
Her breathing started to slow and felt like she should draw attention away from herself. “You didn’t look like you were enjoying that towards the end. Are you sure you are ok?”
“Yes, I’m fine, thanks. I did look pretty sexy didn’t I?”
“You were incredible. I bet you’re looking forward to more of what he will do to you. With his big cock.”
Lucy liked how her sister always brought a smile to her face and she was glad that she had shared this moment with her. But now she just wanted her to leave so she could get the same relief she’d Just watched her sister get. Her fears of what may or may not happen had lessened to some extent, but they were still there. But she was also now a little excited.
Having not got a response from Lucy, Christina knew it was time to leave her to it and made her excuse to leave. “Right I’m off to have a shower.”
Before she left, Lucy’s phone went off again. It was Steve again. The text message gave her an address and told her to meet her there at 7, wearing only a tight fitting, mid-thight length summer dress and with her pussy shamen. “Look what he wants me to do.” She gave the phone to Christina to read.
“But I don’t know how to shake down there.”
“We’ll sort you out” Christina smiled at her sister and walked out of the room.
Once the door closed, Lucy reached for her laptop, pressed the play button again and gave herself the relief that she craved while she watched herself get taken again.
It hadn’t taken Steve too long to put the video together. He didn’t have any fancy software, so it was really a case of just removing the bits he didn’t like, which were mainly when he was talking. He was impressed with how well he had kept the phone steady, with what was going on. It wasn’t perfect, the phone moved around a bit, but Lucy was in shot most of the time.
He liked the idea of sharing the video with her. It gave her something to remember and he also thought it helped to remind her that he was the one in control.
He had a number of errands to run that morning, most pressing of which was phoning the insurance company, getting the insurance claim in motion, taking the blow for the accident. A hire car was on its way.
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