(From the previous episodes, Cindy, who’s a nurse at a nearby hospital, had encountered a tall older Police Officer in their small town. He gave her citations for speeding and not wearing her State required Covid-19 mask when out in public. The fines and resulting license suspension would have caused her to possibly not be able to get to work, and still have substantial fines to pay. He then offered an alternative program called ARD(Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition). ARD is usually reserved for D.U.I. arrests, but the cops in this town adapted a variation allowing them to find easy targets with law breaking women.)
Cindy had slept well and was awakened by the clock radio on her dresser. She dragged her nude body out of bed and into a hot shower. After a good wash and rinse, she was feeling brave and made the water temp cold a few seconds.
“Ahhh, good God, what was I thinking?” She got out of the shower, grabbed a towel and saw herself in the mirror, nipples ashard as rocks from that cold blast. She was in slow motion getting dressed into her fresh nurse’s scrubs. Running a little late, she swung by Sheetz’ convenience store for her usual coffee and egg sandwich. Karen, her new friend, who had also been cited by local police was behind the counter, wearing her mask.
“Morning Cindy, how was your evening last night?” Karen asked.
“Hi Karen, well it was interesting to say the least. Give me a call later today, and I’ll fill you in,” replied Cindy.
“Oh? Okay, looking forward to it.” said Karen.
“On second thought, I have the rest of the week off, from my other duties, so why don’t you come over for dinner tonight. I’ll text you later, if that’s okay?” Cindy said.
“I’d love to. Okay let me know what time,” replied Karen.
Cindy picked up her coffee and breakfast sandwich and headed out to her car. Traffic into Lancaster was busy that morning, and she passed two of the borough’s cruisers, but she didn’t recognizethe young cops in them. They didn’t pay any attention to her, which was good, she thought. When she arrived at work, she sent a quick text message to Ginny to thank her for dinner the previous night. She knew Ginny had the day off from work, and wasn’t surprised when there was no immediate answer.
Later that day, Cindy was having a quick lunch in the hospital cafeteria, when Ginny texted her.
Hi Cindy. . was great having you for dinner last nite. . .thx for coming.
Hey Ginny. . no, thank you for a lovely eve. . .must do it again.
Hope I didn’t scare ya off. . .with my big mouth last nite. . .
Nope, just a lot to think about. . .trade-offs in life vs. benefits..
Okay, good to see you giving it some thought. . .call if you wanna talk.
Ok Gin. . . call me if you need anything. . .Love
Cindy finished her soup and headed back to her floor. She thought she’d text Karen later to set up their dinner date.
Ginny, who was the Queen emeritusof the town sluts, put her phone down, and decided to take a shower. Last evening had really knocked her out, but it was great to see her old friend and Master. It felt good to have his hands on her ass, and everywhere else for that matter. After getting re-invigorated in the hot water, Ginny stepped out of the shower and toweled off. She just slipped on a t-shirt and shorts and went out to fix some lunch.
While sitting at her kitchen table she heard a light knock at her front door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Officer Jim(ret.) standing there again.
“Hello Sir, back so soon?” Ginny teased.
“Well I wanted to tell you a few more things last evening, but you were “kind” of out of commission,” Jim teased back.
Ginny opened the screen door and said, “Want something for lunch? I just sat down to eat.”
“Nah, can’t stay long. Gin, since I’d neglected you for a while, just wanted to re-connect and get a few things in order.” Jim said.
“Oh, what things?” Ginny asked.
“Well, for starters, your front porch needs a coat of paint, and same for your windows. I’m going to have a few of the boys do that. You deserve to have that done,”
“Oh, Sir, that’s not necessary. I wasn’t complaining, it’s just good to see you healthy again,” Ginny said.
“No, it is necessary, and while they’re at it, do a little weeding and mulching your flower beds. For chris-sakes, you are a Queen, emeritus in this town. This is unacceptable. I had Officer Trace gives them a good ass-chewin, and he got one from me as well.” Jim said.
“Well then, thank you Sir, is there any way I can thank you?” Ginny said coyly.
“Gin, I’ll be back and take you up on your offer, just not today, OK? But I have something else to discuss. To keep the “boys” on the ball where you’re concerned, you’re being put back on a more semi-active duty, something like part-time duties. Hell, you’re much too young to be retired.”
“Part-time slut huh? Wellyou’re the boss, or should I say Master in my case,” Ginny replied.
“Gin, since I’m retired, I’m not eligible to be your handler any longer, more of an old friend or whatever you want to call me. I’ll always be there if you call, and will stop by occasionally.” Jim revealed.
“So, who’s going to “handle” me then?” Ginny asked.
“Don’t worry Gin, there were a lot of volunteers, ha-ha. My nephew, decided that Officer Reynaldo, would be your handler. Do you know him?”
“Oh, you mean, EL TORO? Hell yea, all the women in this town know that stud, Uh, I mean that Officer.” Ginny laughed.
“I talked to him myself, and he’s looking forward to getting to know you.” Jim said.
“Okay Sir, you’re the boss. I accept my duties, and thanks again for having the boys spruce things up around here,” Ginny said, as she stepped forward and gave Jim a kiss. He reached around and squeezed her ass, and kissed her back.
Ginny watched Jim go back out to his black pickup truck, and she waved as he drove away. So, Officer Reynaldo’s going to get to know me better?, she thought. She knew him from his visits to the convenience store, and the thought of that handsome young Latino in uniform gave her goose bumps.
At the hospital, Cindy’s shift was about over. She was in the nurse’s blinde, entering some of her logs onto the computer. She finished up and headed to the parking garage. When she got to her SUV, and she got inside and connected her I-phone to car’s system.
Hey Karen, you finished working yet?. . .
Yea, got done about half hour ago. . . . . We still on for dinner?. .
Yea, how’s six-thirty sound? . . .. Thought I’d make us some Tacos. . . .
Sounds good. . . . Need me to bring anything?
Nope. . .you still remember my address from the other night?. .
Yea, . See-ya later then.
Cindy signed off, and drove out of the parking garage. Traffic in the city was heavy, but nothing like it was previously before Covid-19 hit them. She made decent time and rolled into her driveway and garage in thirty minutes flat.
She got a quick shower, and then back downstairs to start dinner. At six -thirty, the doorbell rang and Cindy went to open the door.
“Come in Karen,” Cindy said, looking in back of her, up and down the street.
Karen laughed, “It’s okay I’m alone THIS time. Sorry for the other night, when Officer Trace brought me along.”
“Hey don’t worry, it was okay. You may have got the worst end of that deal” Cindy said as she hugged her friend.
“Are you kidding? Trace’s belt would have smoked my ass. You took it like a champion.” Karen said.
“Hey it hurt like hell, but my submissive side relishes it sometimes.” Cindy said.
“Really? Well I never even had a spanking growing up, and my ex-husband never laid a hand on me.” Karen told.
“Well, for a submissive like me, it’s not about physical abuse. It’s hard to explain to vanilla types like you are Karen,” Cindy explained.
“Okay, I guess if you say so. Look, I’m not judging you. Different strokes, as they say,” Karen followed up.
“No worry, Karen. I get it, that it’s not for everyone.”
The two women walked into the kitchen together and brought the dishes to the dining table. The ate while talking about their day at work. When they finished, Cindy made a fresh pot of coffee and took their coffee cups into the living room and sat down together on the large sofa. Karen doubled up her one leg and sat down so she could face Cindy.
“So, you said you had an interesting evening last night? Did Officer Trace pay you another visit?” Karen asked.
“Oh no, it wasn’t that. I had dinner with Ginny, who also works there at Sheetz’ store. Do you know her?” Cindy said.
“Ginny, oh yea, sweet older lady, who works part time. I’ve just seen her a few times. We don’t often get the same shifts.”
“Well, it turns out, she’s VERY familiar with the New Britton ladies club it seems. Or should I just say, Sluts?” Cindy said.
“Yea? How is that? She must be seventy, right? Retired, except works a couple days at the store.” Karen added.
“Karen, she was the fucking Queen of our little club years ago. Did you know that?”
“Queen? Hell no, I didn’t know that. But she fits the part. Pretty, mature lady, big boobs, and probably lived here her whole life.”
“Yea, she’s more or less retired now, but said she’s occasionally called back to perform some types of duty, even now,” Cindy revealed.
“Oh yea? At seventy something? What all does a Queen do anyway?” Karen asked.
Cindy spent the next half-hour filling Karen in. After their coffee, they changed to drinking wine, both of them getting a little tipsy.
“So, let me get this straight. They’re considering you for the vacant Queen’s role? Is that something you’re considering?” Karen asked finally.
“Well I haven’t officially been asked yet. I think Ginny was kind of feeling me out for the guys. But yea, with the added protection, and other benefits, I am thinking about it. Please don’t judge me Karen, but my home life hasn’t been great in a lot of respects.” Cindy explained.
“Not judge you at all Cindy. Hell, it even surprises me that I’m in this club. And like I said, after being single for the last ten years, it’s kind of awakened me again.”
“This little town has become the place like that town in Stepford Wives. Except, we’re fucking all the cops, not just our husbands.” Karen added.
After both had finished two glasses of wine, Cindy decided that Karen shouldn’t try to drive home, and risk yet another run-in with the local police force.
They called Karen’s daughter at home, and she came to pick up her mom at Cindy’s. Ten minutes later, Cindy watched as Karen walked out to Lindsey’s car and they waved good bye and drove away. Cindy was just closing her front door, when her phone buzzed.
Evening Hon. . . how was ur day?
Hey baby. ..day was just okay. . .just had dinner with Karen.
Is that the young woman you told me about? . .works @ Sheetz too?
Yea, she’s nice. . .you’d like her. . .lives with her grown daughter across town
Well I’m glad ur making new friends. . . gonna head to bed soon
Okay, see ya Fri. . . .Love you.
Night Hon, . . . see ya Fri
Cindy walked upstairs to her bedroom and striped off her clothes. After brushing her teeth, she turned off the lights and got into bed. The wine and fitful night of sleep the previous night made her drop right off.
She woke up with a slight headache, but nothing that a couple aspirins and strong coffee wouldn’t cure. She took a thermos of coffee from home, since she’d made a whole pot. The hospital was busy that day, and luckyly the time flew by.
This was her last night sleeping alone before Bob returned. Even if sex wasn’t in the equation, it was always welcome to have his warm body near hers in bed. She hoped the equalion included sex at any rate.
She made some microwave meal for dinner and afterwards settled in front of the tv until Bob called. He said he was in Ohio for the evening, and would be home a little early tomorrow. After finishing the call, Cindy went up to get in bed, and read some novel, she’d started a week earlier.
Lying there with just the sheet covering her naked body, her mind was on the past week’s revelations: Officer Trace wanted to possibly make her Queen of the New Britton’s women’s club, or rather the Sluts club. Did her husband, Bob know, or was he behind her citations in the first place? She had to admit to herself, that she enjoyed being able to exhibit her submissive side to Sir Trace; and being the sexual object of Sir and several other young cops, had overcharged her libido. Some of things Sir had her do with Karen, were not activities she normally enjoyed, but being made or commanded to do them changed her mind-set to wanting to please her Master, so she enjoyed submitted to his orders.
This evening Cindy again reached over to her night stand drawer, and her vibrator found its mark quickly. Her loins were hot and damp, and the vibrations sent her off to Aaaaahhhhgawddd land quickly.
The next morning, Cindy was up early, having slept well. She made her coffee and took a thermos along to work. She stopped at a McDonald’s drive-thru for an egg McMuffin. As she paid for her breakfast and pulled her car forward, she saw Officer Trace sitting in his cruiser in the parking lot. He waved as she drove forward and motioned that she should park her car next to his.
Cindy pulled her SUV right next Officer Trace’s car. She had her window down yet from the drive-thru.
“Morning Cindy, my little slut. How are you this morning?”
“Morning Sir, I’m fine, and you?”
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around most of the week, but I hear you’ve been busy.” Trace added.
“OH, am I in some kind of trouble, Sir?” Cindy asked.
“OH, am I in some kind of trouble, Sir?” Cindy asked.
“Not at all. The neglect is my fault, not yours.”
“Ok, good. You know I’m at your disposal, just call or let me know what is expected.” Cindy said.
“I’ll be in touch early next week. Have a great weekend. If possible, try to stay fresh for me with hubby, but don’t worry if he needs you too. You are a married woman after all.” Sir said.
“Will do Sir.” Cindy said.
Cindy rolled up her window and drove into the hospital while thinking about Off. Trace’s words: Try to stay fresh for me. She would try, but if Bob wanted her, she would not put him off with some lame excuse. She decided to cross that bridge when she came to it.
The weekend was like pretty much every other one recently. She got home Friday afternoon, and Bob was busy down in his workshop. They yelled hello to each other. Over the next two days, they both kept busy with chores, grocery shopping and just relaxing in front of the television. Oh well, she thought, lots of older married men were not seEmingly interested in exercising their marital rights.
Bob kissed Cindy good night early Sunday evening and went to bed alone. He had an early department in his commercial truck and needed to sleep before hitting the road only a couple hours after midnight. Cindy surprised as he walked upstairs, but knew her week might be looking up very soon on that front.
Monday morning the alarm sounded on the clock radio, and Cindy got out of bed for another long day at the hospital. It turned out to be lighter than she expected with the admissions dropping again for the second week in a row. She was finished at four in the afternoon and made good time driving home to their town out in the countryside.
When she pulled into the garage, she saw that Officer Trace had left her a message while she was driving.
Good afternoon Cindy. . Hope you had a good day.
Yes Sir. .day was lighter than most. . . and you?
The usual. . .lots of traffic virusers. . . You know what I mean.
Yea. . .Kind of how we met. . .anyone interesting?
Will fill you in tomorrow night. . .let’s say 7, ur place. .ok?
Yes Sir. . . . I’m at ur pleasure 😊
Officer Trace smiled to himself at her response. He regretted somewhat that he hadn’t “recruited” Cindy several years ago. She was the perfect blend of slut and submissive, and she was a good choice for Queen of their New Britton ladies’ club. The Club had grown a good bit over the last year. Lots of law-breakers in town, haha. Each of the participating officers had an average of three to five sluts under their ARD(Accelerated Rehab. Disposition) training program. And there was a fairly long list of retired or semi-retired sluts that occasionally were re-recruited for special Assignments.
With a few exceptions, a high percentage of them were all natives to New Britton, but some of the younger officers had successfully introduced some “new blood” into the program as well. When presented with the optionsgiven to the outsiders, a high percentage of them chose the ARD program rather than heavy fines and the possibility of losing their licenses. The officers were very careful that all violence were legitimate and not trumped up charges. When a traffic violation coincided with a DUI violation, all the better. As DUI’s, if they were a repeat violence under state laws often involved jail time plus loss of license. Lawyer fees could be exorbitant. The recruitment on these ladies was almost guaranteed.
Tuesday was a flurry of activity at the hospital and Cindy found herself at four o’clock wondering where the day had gone. After entering her logs onto the computer, she headed out to the parking garage for the drive home.
She arrived home at a quarter to five, and hurried upstairs to shower, shake her legs and pubes, and get ready for Sir’s Arrival at seven. She dressed simply in her Redskins jersey, no bra and only panties underneath. She made herself a quick dinner of tomatosoup and a toasted cheese sandwich. After dinner, she brushed her teeth and just relaxed on the sofa watching the evening news. It was dominated by daily counts for the Covid-19 infection, and she was glad to see it was finally dropping every day.
At seven, she heard a light knock at her door, and Cindy went to open it. Officer Trace, dressed in jeans and black t-shirt, was alone and smiling at her as he walked inside. He took her in his arms and kissed her while standing at the open door. He didn’t seem to care if nosey neighbors were watching or not. His next move surprised Cindy even more. He reached down to the bottom of her jersey, and pulled it up over her head while still standing at the open door. Cindy raised her arms overhead and felt the colder air on her bare breasts and belly and instantly her nipples were erect. His Large bulk was mostly blocking anyone outside getting a good view.
Officer Trace then casually walked around Cindy into the living room, while sheclosed the door after standing there exposed for a second or two.
“How is my little slut this evening?” He asked.
“Uh, well, a little exposed, ha-ha,” Cindy replied. “But I’m good Sir. And you?”
“I’m fine Cindy. I hope that little demonstration didn’t upset you. In the future, I want you to always have your breasts bare when I’m coming to visit. You may wear a blouse, or shirt, or even a light robe, as long as it’s open in the front. Understood?” Sir added.
“Okay, I understand Sir. I’m at your command, whatever you desire.” Cindy responded.
“Good. And I’ll let you know if someone else will be accompanying me, but the rule still applies.” He said.
“That’s fine, will do Sir.” Cindy said.
Officer Trace sat on the sofa and patted the seat beside him for her to sit there. Cindy sat beside him in only her now-damp panties.
“Over my lap, Slut,” Sir commanded.
Cindy without hesitation moved over Sir’s lap. “Have I done something wrong, Sir?”
“Not at all slut. Consider this just a routine maintenance spanking. It’s just to keep you in the right frame of mind, and just because I enjoy smacking your ass. Just remember you’re at my pleasure.” Trace answered.
Cindy relaxed as Trace’s hands thoroughly massaged her ass. When his strong hands stopped kneeing her ass cheeks, the spanking started slowly with several lighter slapsed to get more intensity as the minutes went by. Cindy could feel the heat as each smack connected with her ass. The heat was finding its way into her pussy, and she was softly squealing with every few blows when they were approached her lower pain limits.
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