Chapter 2: The seasoning of Keisha
Wes inspected the shirts on the bed.
Each shirt was a ‘baby doll’ style and would really show off Keisha as he wanted.
She was kneeing down beside him, waiting. She said nothing, but those lips of hers were slightly parted. Her eyes were closed. She was alert, but he could tell she was wondering. The black satin of her bra and thong offset the deep brown of her skin. Her chest heaved slightly.
Wes knew that he needed to prepare Keisha — to mould her to his desires and whims. He’d long ago forgetten about the doubts. He’d became her master by process. From their first few encounters, he noticed that the more controlling he became, the more passwordately she responded. He’d been programmed to temperature himself in the bedroom based on the sexuality of the woman sharing his bed. Keisha was the first to show him it was OK not to hold back.
The first time he’d taken her anally, it was an instinctive choice. He’d teasedher area and know she was sensitive. Hands or fingers brushing by elicited moans or whimpers. There was simply so much wetness from her pussy and his precum that both her anus and his cock were soaked. They’d spend that night dancing and matching each other Jack-and-Coke for Jack-and-Coke. They shared a high pain threshold (and a love of endurance sports), so it wasn’t until days afterwards where they would notice the dull ache of rug burns, shoulder abrasions or blown-out muscles. So that night, she spread-eagled for him and in one sure thrust, Wes felt the instant crush of her invaded ring on his half-buried cock, the cry of her pain and the thrust of her orgasmic hips (her teeth into his shoulder).
He howled at her and immediately proceeded to have what was at that point, the hardest orgasm of his life. With the jarring pain from her bite, he rolled his hips back. The first rope of cum from his bobbing cock actually splashed against her pussy, but he stalled it back in her ass hard to get in deep. Forcing inside her half-open ring would cause his cock muscles to be sore for a full three days and his cockhead for a week. Her soft tissue inside refused to let go so he had to force his way backward. Her rectum massed him so that on the way back, her ring bowed, gripping. He retired to her rim and could feel their combined juices on his cock and dripping from her orfice. He stalled back in again and her rim raked the underside of his swelling and spurting cock. The tension of his entire body, focused on ejaculating his seed into her bottomless rectum and the roar from his lips scared her. He held her tightly, keeping his hips locked and when his orgasm subsided, she couldn’t escape his grapp when he slowly fucked her in the ass until she once again, felt him growing longer and thicker inside her body.
From that point on, they pushed each other, expanding limits and boundaries. She new each time they would be together, he would explore all three ofHer pleasure centers. Because he so enjoyed the scent and taste of her, more often than not, his seed found sanctuary down her throat or deep inside her rectum. When her juices took too long to emerge from her body during excitement or fulfillment, he grew impatient, spanking her and forcing her labia apart to catch her secretions in his mouth. He entered a privileged world where only a few men thrived: each man held a Submissive woman whose own pleasure was enhanced by his own will to challenge her. Even though the feminist teachings from his mind-expanding undergraduate electives tortured him for a while, the more he learned about this new way, the more he embedded it was about choice, obligation and responsibility. The simple truth was she enjoyed getting off this way than any other. And her efforts and willingness drew within him a desire for her that grow insatiably so.
“The blue one will do.”
“Yes, master.
Wes was on his second expression, reading throughhis favorite newspapers online when she walked through. The cool winter air did the trick. Keisha walked in, bringing the cool winter breeze with her. Her coat was held over one hand as she’d removed it steps from entering. Those few seconds were all it took to get her dime-circumference, pinky-tip long dark nipples straining bare beneath the thin fabric of the t-shirt. Her long legs and high butt were encased in her favorite wound-in, tight, jeans and she wore the long black boots he’d bought her.
The barista looked up at Keisha, licked her lips and smiled. “Cold out there, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s cold,” Keisha replied. She knew the barista was checking her out. She also noticed the burly white guy filling the coffee machine with a fresh brew just to the barista’s right had looked over at her, did a double take and unconsciously adjusted his cock without embarrassment.
Keisha ordered a latte and warm croissant and paid the barista. She placed a single into the tip pitcher.
“You’ve already tipped me today,” the barista said, sly. The women smiled again. Keisha turned and started searching for an open seat within site of Wes. She’d been instructed to sit not to far from the door so the breezes would keep her nipples hard. Her firm arms already had goosebumps on them, but beneath her jeans, she had plenty to keep her warm. In fact, she was surprised when just Before he left, her Master had instructed her to remove her g-string as well.
She found a seat about 10 feet away from him at the weathered, wooden bar table. He was just off to the side of her, so she sat on the stool, but slowly swiveled it back and forth with her hips. She played her legs onto the sides of the footrest and she gave one wide swivel so her master could see the cameltoe her seated position and the middle Seam of her jeans created. She made no eye contact with him — her skin feel his gaze and the slight peach fuzz on her forearms stood up. She knew she had power in her mere ability to accommodate or enhance the pleasure of her master.
Nothing else made her wetter than the way he pushed her. Nothing excited him more than knowing he could have her anywhere at any time. He demanded she service the desire she always brought up inside him. The sound of her own giggling started her and Keisha pretended it was a line in her book. She really was amused at the time after a nice steak dinner (that began when he ordered her to slip some of her pussy juices on the edge of his wine glass so he could smell her scent), he said something to the underground valet and pressed a bill in his hand. The valet pointed to a corner. Wes walked Keisha over to a jet black S-series parked there, hiked her cocktail dress, pulled her left leg up until the pump was on the hood, scratching it, grabbed the side of her gartered hip and tongued her until she came dripping into his hungry mouth. He had a way of rolling his tongue from behind over her pussy and then cooling it quickly around her large clip before darting it back across her pussy on the backstroke. Beneath his coat, he palmed the precum around his cockhead inevitably until he was so overcome, he sucked her kidney-bean clip between his teeth and held it. She jerked, coming against his mouth, trying to stay balanced in thrust position. Each jerk made him bite her, intensifying her orgasm. He pushed her fresh cum into her asshole with his tongue tip in quick, sure strokes before he straightened and shot ropes of cum on her exposed asshole and pussy. She remembers how the valet rubbed his own cock and told them he was leaving early — to go fuck his girlfriend immediately. It was then that she knew the earthy scent of her sex turned him into a fuck machine with a firm tongue, an active imagination and a 9-inch cock of black granite.
Keisha’s nipples were obscenely tenting.
In between them sat three men and three women on a sofa, studying. One of the women noticed Keisha and gave the otherr two women an exasperated look. The men noticed and snapped to attention. The German-looking blond mouthed to his buddy seated next to one of the girls “DSL, dude.” The shaggy-haired thin man laughed, earning a sharp elbow to the ribs from his blonde, thin-lipped girl.
“Some people,” the short, chubby girl started and trailed off, extending her look of exasperation. The tall blonde woman opposite her interrupted: “Don’t hate. She’s got gravity-defying C-cups it looks like. Shit, if I had those, I’d be going to class topless.” They all tried to suppress their laughter with varying sips of hot drinks in cupped hands. The blond German quickly tugged at his cords, adjusting his cock.
Wes stared at Keisha. From the side, you could see the perfect round of her breast due to the tightness of her shirt. Each swivel brought about a natural shudder that enhancements couldn’t match. Keisha’s nipples were full on and Wes’ crossed legs hid the cock lengthening and bobbing down his right thigh. He could already feel the wet spot from his dripping precum. Somehow, he would have to lose his erection and walk out. Either that or walk out looking like a flag pole. Keisha settled into one position after pulling out her book. She had her profile to him now and still she had her legs played open, but was leaning forward on her elbows. This put her ass on display as well as making her bralessness obvious to anyone who walked in. She didn’t know how her 32-inch hips could accommodate a cock four-inches across at its widest. But they could. She’d watched it disappear inside her holes in mirrors and on video.
“Here’s your latte and croissant,” the barista announced. She was short and lithe — a waif with a jet black pixie cut, a sleepe of tats on her pale, freckled skin and a pierced nose. Her pixie was teased until deshevled. She had that ‘fresh out of bed’ look. “Eat slowly.”
“I like you,” Keisha replied. She wondered what Wes would do with the barista. Sheimagined him standing over them, watching their shades intertwined and directing Keisha. He was always in control which she liked, but she noticed an insurance to his lovemaking (and his fucking). It was as if he was taking her somewhere, allowing her a few moments to savor — before moving on to business. She teased the German by taking slow bites of her croissant but mainly by leaving the foam from her latte around her lips before quickly licking them with her strawberry pink tongue. Her inside parts all matched.
“Aren’t we ready for this exam, yet?” The German was shifting in his seat a bit. The women giggled. The blonde responded. “So you can go home and rub one off, Mikael?”
Likewise, Wes shifted a bit. He’d managed to shrink himself a bit by thinking about work. It wasn’t too obvious, but he was glad he’d hurt black slacks to mask the half-dollar wet spot down his right thigh. He’d leaked so much he’d soaked through his boxer briefs and into the pants. He closed and bagged his laptop before dancing through the students, turning the corner and leaving through the cold doorway. He would go to her flat and wait.
Keisha downed her latte and decided not to be late. She left half of her croissant, closed her book, put on her coat and walked out, trailing Wes by about 20 minutes. The barista turned. She turned back.
Wes waited. He thought about work again and was at rest: long, but flaccid. He breathed deeply and turned on her TV to the political shows. Nothing sexy about Carville and Matlin. Nothing sexy at all. But his mind started to think about Keisha. He’d heard her preparing herself this morning as he slept in. She knew several times a day to freshen her asshole per his instructions. By the time he’d gotten up and showed, she had her jeans on and was in position next to the t-shirts on the bed.
A key entered the lock. The lock and doorknob turned. Keisha walked in, coat on arm and nipples still scanning.
“Off and quickly,”Wes said. “Face the mirror and bend.” Keisha obeyed and quickly took the boots off, removed the tight jeans and put her boots back on.
She came up to him from underneath as he sat naked on the edge of the armchair. Keisha collected her feet beneath her, pushed against his knees for leverage and bowed backwards. The mirror across from her gave Wes a view of her rising breasts, peaked nipples, flat stomach, lightly hairy open sex and hardened clip. Keisha quickly took his soft cock in her mouth. Even flaccid he was five inches and would always touch the start of her throat. So she locked her mouth on him and placed the tip of her tongue on the underside base of his cock, flicking it occasionally. She’d learned that by pushing her tongue into the start of his sac, pressing until she reached the spot deep at the base of his cock would bring him from soft to throbbing in just over a minute. Her tip would rake the spot upward and when she reached his cockhead, she would always be rewarded by the large drops of sticky precum.
Wes looked down and saw Keisha’s erect nipples still against the t-shirt fabric. “How many cocks did you harden and pussies did you wet this morning?”
She didn’t answer. His cock was quickly getting thicker now. The length had already begun inching down her throat and she had to breathe through her nose more deeply. When he was like this, she knew he wanted to enjoy her mouth fully. So it was up to her to take his flaccid cock and let it grow down her throat without releasing an inch. Her puffs of air around his growing cock warmed his balls and made his harder still. Keisha had to angle her throat because the hardening cock was trying to rise in angle. She wanted to come up now to taste the copious precum now slipping down her throat, but he would decide if and when. Beneath, Her secretions had begun dripping onto the hardwood.
Wes reached around and cupped Keisha’s breasts using them to pull her up and deeper on his cock. Hecould feel the thick mucous now and the heat of her throat. In the mirror he could see her clip glistening and that caused him to fill out. He was now up to his full 9-inches and all were down Keisha’s throat. Wes grabbed the narrow dildo from near his chair and rubbed it on Keisha’s neck, getting it wet with the throat mucous now collecting on the top of her breasts. Once it was good and wet, he handed it to her. Keisha dipped it quickly in her pussy and pulled it out slowly so Wes could see in the mirror how her full inner labia grabbed onto it. It left her with a pop and a trail of her sticky juices. Once the head of the dildo disappeared back inside, Wes felt a single jet of cum slip from his engorged head into Keisha’s throat.
“That’s it. Swallow. All the way.”
Keisha could only gurgle in response, but she knew he was enjoying it based on his breathing, how his usual hardness made him produce so much wetness from his cockhead they always had enough lubricant no matterwhere he was inside her body. His chest muscles moved up and down and he held her head as he fed his inches to her. Her throat mucous was bubbleing up again and her eyes were watering. When he pulled his cock out, she gasped for air and his cock, dripping throat mucous down to his balls, flipped and smoked loudly on his abdomen before twitching, parallel to his body and leaking precum north of his navel.
Insistent, Keisha reached back up for his balls, pulling them down until his dripping cock moved back down to her mouth. Instead of sucking, she flattened her tongue and raked it up and down his underside, pressing the urethra on the way up and causing more precum to leak. She deepthroated him again, tasting his juice on the way down until his balls rested against her chin again. She released him, bathed in more throat mucous and the smoke against his stomach this time made him shoot a jet of cum that ricocheted off his chest and onto his abdomen. Keisha rubbed his cock in it and then sucked him down deep again. Wes grabbed the leather riding crop off the side of the chair and swatted her fat clip. Keisha whimpered and spread a bit wider. He flicked the leather crop against her swollen inner labia until it too glistened. There was pool of juices below her.
He swatted again. Right on the clip.
Her pussy was compact, but meaty. Her outer lips, (which he demanded she leave covered lightly with dark public hair), were pouty. Her inner lips would swell beyond her outer lips. She was so tight it would take a wide spread to show her strawberry pink. But at the top of her was her bean-sized mocha clip. Her hood could barely contain it when she wasn’t excited. But when she was, it was almost fully exposed.
Wes stood up, his cock freeing from Keisha’s mouth and bobbing a spray of precum and her saliva. He quickly slipped the rope around her hands, twisted it and pushed her forward until she was on her forearms and shoulders, ass raised. He pulled the ro tighter and she was immobile, pressed forward. With his left hand, he pushed his angling cock downward from its hairy base and saliva rushed to the tip. He used it to push quickly into her pussy. The sound of the loud smack of her juices alone almost made him come. He tightened the rope again and squatted over her. Wes fucked her again in precision bursts, finding the best downward angle. It only took him six strokes Before the white cum from her first orgasm covered him. He bit his lip to keep from pouring into her. Keisha’s orgasm rushed through her and his strokes had to force through her clamping vagina.
“Fuck it,” he sneered.
Keisha placed her weight on her forearms to balance his tight rein on the rope. His cock bobbed out and angled up again and he loosened the rope only enough for her to bring her hips up and down until she’d gathered the cock against her and scooped her pelvis until it popped back into her wet vagina.
“The German wanted to play you out ona table and fuck you in front of everyone.” Wes spoke directly into her ear and she whimpered, not able to respond. “He saw your nipples and wanted to just plow into you,” Wes sneered, taking one hard nipple into his large hand for effect. “And the barista was practically creaming for you.”
“Did you enjoy it, my Master,” she asked. It would occasionally strike him when she called him that. When They were enangled, he was her controller. And she in her own way controlled him by becoming his sensitive instrument of pleasure. Each time she made him come harder than some other time, she smiled inside. Only she could make him so depraved and independent.
Wes pulled out and walked around quickly kneeing in front of her and pulling the rope up a bit. Her mouth went and found his cock and she enjoyed licking all the white come her body had produced, along with his ever-present precum. She loved the sticky fluid. No one had ever produced as much as he. And she found a hint of sweet inthe taste. He pulled her up and kissed her full on the mouth, twisting her nipples at the same time. She shuddered. He kissed her again and she sensed his impatience.
He moved back behind her and got the angle right before slowly entering her asshole.
He always saved this part. He never liked for her to prepare her ass with dildos or plugs. Instead, she had to get used to the feel and fullness of his cock opening her and then she would settle down on him. Whether he went slowly or thrust fully, her tight anal ring always yielded to him before snapping shut at his base. But there was something about that plumant softness inside that made his cock ache even more. He would fuck her ass open and then slowly as she came, it would tighten on him until he was defenseless. It didn’t matter which position he took her, that ridge always seemed to find the underside of his cock and coat the cum right out of him.
He fucked her hard and deep, pulling forward on the rope to maintainain the angle. Keisha moaned her way into a new orgasm and he fucked her faster still, pushing through her tightening ass with each stroke. He pulled out for a moment and saw her open gap and the pussy nectar hanging from her labia. He gathered it on his cock and re-entered her asshole. Reaching around, he grasped her clip between his thumb and forefinger and just applied pressure to it. Keisha bucked hard onto him and her ring locked tight around his base. Wes pushed her forward until she was parallel to the floor. He pulled out and shot the first rope of cum into her gaped ass before pushing back in to the hilt and erupting deep inside. Keisha pushed back, accepting all of his cum deep inside her.
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