The Coupling Ch. 01

Pt. 1: Starting out

She had done as she was told.

Before Wes left for his Saturday afternoon class, he’d given Keisha instructions. Although how she often liked to test him — disobey so she would be punished — this time she followed his instructions to a t.

“Hello, master,” she said quietly, her voice suppressed by the closeness of her face to the hard countertop. She was in submission position.

Wes ignored her statement, locking the door to the loft apartment. The blinds were open, exposing Keisha’s nakedness on the countertop to anyone on an even or higher floor in the neighboring building. He took off his coat and tossed it over the futon. He grabbed the remote and the overcast clouds darkening the apartment were illuminated by the HDTV. Some SEC teams were on trying to kill each other.

Wes walked through to the bedroom where he washed his hands. He saw evidence there that she had properly cleaned, washed and rinsed herself. From the moment heentered the loft and saw her dark skin, his cock had been thickening and lengthening in his jeans. In fact, he’d spent the majority of the class seated behind his desk so they young coeds didn’t see the excitement of what was waiting for him at home.

He toweled his hands and placed lotion on them. He was tempted to walk behind her, but not just yet. He was in control. Let her wait.

Keisha’s knees ached, yet not more than her swollen pussy. Her clip, large as a kidney bean, had forced its way from under its hood and the inner curtains of her labia were engorged and slightly open. She glistened strawberry pink inside, a direct contrast to her mocha skin. She knew he would be pleased. She knew if he lost control she would be punished for exciting him too much. She hoped he would.

Her face felt hot and she could feel the condensation her breathing was leaving on the cold island countertop. She could feel on her back that the temperature in the loft was not very warm and that he likely left the thermostat at 68 just so her nipples would be aching after an hour of chill.

Wes walked back into the room, this time wearing a tank and his black boxer briefs. She could tell he was wearing the loose ones, because off in her peripheral vision, she could see his tented cock bobbing as he walked by her. Over near her, he stopped.

“The cleaning guys have been watching you,” he said. “You will be punished for making their cocks hard for no reason.”

“Yes, Master,” she said. She could tell he was close because she could feel the heat from his body. She saw his dark muscle thighs, honed from hundreds of miles on the bike and trails.

Palming a large hand, he cocked it and slapped her full on her ass cheeses — where they sat close before bowing out to make room for her pussy. Keisha shuddered and the inadvertent raking of her nipples across the cold island counter made her shudder again. Behind her, her ass cheeses burned, joining the fire from her crotch and hardened nipples.

As he walked around behind her, she instinctively rotated her pelvis down, which pushed her ass up. She was built like a distance runner with long, toned legs, fit arms, a flat stomach and a compact, round ass as tight as a drum. She had ebony hair that reached her shoulders, a devilish smile on an angelic face and lips so perfect, he often had to restrain from using them in public. But she was topped with an impossible pert C-cup on such a small frame. Her areolae were nickel-sized, but her nipples were the circuitference of dimensions. He imagined how she must have gone shopping for strong sports bras as a high school distance runner years ago. There was no way she could run without her breasts being held in check. He wondered how she looked back then.

When Keisha rotated her pelvis down, he discovered a fresh string of her pussy nectar had leaked out until it hang still attached to her wetness inside. Below, a pool of her juices waited on the counter top. Wes felt his cock twinge. Slowly, he grabbed a chef and spread her open. The nectar that had attached itself from her pussy to her inner thighs was now hanging or joining the pool below. He hardened his tongue and in one motion, shoved it into her meticulously cleaned asshole before jerking it back out.

Keisha gasped, and spread her thighs slightly wider, dropping her ass down a bit, but she rotated her hips even more, placing her ass high. He smoked her ass again and this time, her nectar practically poured from her slightly open pussy onto the countertop pool.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

Keisha did so and on his command began licking up her own pussy narrowly from the countertop. He watched her and throw off his tank top, flexing his arms backward the way he once did before races. She snuck a glance and feel her clip throb when she saw his wide shoulders and broad chest narrow at the waist. Below his slim stomach and mocha skin and black that of pubic hair, she saw his 9-inch cock was free of his boxer briefs, standing near vertically and glistening from the pre-come seeing from the slit in the pulsing cockhead.

He forced her head up, cupped it firmly and kissed her deeply, his tongue demanding the taste of her own nectar from her mouth. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and raked his tongue along, gathering any of her nectar he could to feed his endless password. He released her and that perfect mouth was wet with saliva and her juices. He kissed her again, this time pulling her torso up a bit by her nipples. Behind her, her dripping pussy was starting a new puddle, just as his cock had begun dripping pre-come onto the hardwood.

Wes flipper her body around again — she was tall and lean, so he could easily manipulate and reposition her. He forced her head down into the fresh puddle and as she licked, he again, straightened his tongue and fucked her in the ass with it. When he pulled his tongue out, he could see her anal ring had relaxed quickly, leaving her anus slightly open. He grabbed her head and pulled her towards his scaling cock. As he held his cock with one hand and her face with the other one, he forced a full teaspoon of pre-come from his cock into her mouth.

“Master …” she began and he swung and swatted her ass hard. The force brought such heat that he saw her pussy muscles clnch and her asshole open.

Wes flipped her over on her back and pulled her until her head hung off the short end of the rectangular island, He grabbed the edges of the countertop after hoping up on it, aimed and sent his first 8 inches down her throat. Keisha gagged and he felt thick throat saliva coat his cock and bubble up to her lips. He backed out and saw the pre-come leaking steadily into her open mouth. Wes thrust again and this time, he saw his entire cock, including the public hair that grow on its base disappear until he felt Keisha’s nose against the base of his balls. It was all he could do toKeep from filling her throat with his seed. Keisha’s chest heaved and she tried to regulate her breathing through her nose, puffing around the cock when she feel like gagging.

The thick throat mucous was warmer still from the cool air he’d felt on the backstroke. The hot sensing makes his cock thicken still.

On some occasions, the sensing of his cock in Keisha’s throat so inflamed his password that he would just penetrate her asshole, whether it was open or not. It usually happened when he would push her to her knees and make her take him soft in her mouth. He did this to get the full feeling of her talented mouth. She would take him as he literally grow into and down her throat. The feeling of his growing cock forcing its way into the open spaces of her mouth and down her throat was always so exhaust, he’d feel dizzy.

The combination of her pussy juices leaking downward across her asshole when she sucked him and the throat mucous and pre-come on his cock always allowed his full 9-inches inside her rectum. It was initially a bit painful for her as he did this, because it didn’t allow her enough time to relax her tight anal ring before the wide mid-point of his cock pushed through it. Rarer still, his password would be such that he would fuck her ass so feverishly, by the fifth or sixth stroke, he’d already forced her anus open and instead, the tight inner flesh would work to get his cock to exploit. He would grab her across her breasts and pull her upward until she was squatting while he fucked her, calmly whispering in her ear.

“Each time you make me lose control, I’m going straight into your ass.”

But today, he was restrained.

He knew that not only must she service his every sexual need, but that as she did so, her ignored clip would become so engorged and throb, that she would try to clench her thighs together as she sucked him in an effort to make herself come and release all the built-up pressure. When he saw her try this,he would keep his cock down her throat longer, forcing her to concentrate more on breathing than getting herself off. Already, she was so wet, her ass was sliding all over the countertop because of her drippings.

When he pulled back so Keisha could gasp for air, she pressed her tongue hard on his underside, just in front of his balls. His cock twitched and shot a single jet of cum down her throat. One of the things she liked About him was the fact that at times, a quick sensing: a clnch of her PG muscles here, her throat muscles there or her ass muscles back there and it would be so intense for him a single twitch of his cock forced cum into wherever her was. Inside her pussy. Her mouth. Her ass.

Wes fucked his way down Keisha’s throat a few more strokes before pulling out, the thick throat mucous dripping from his engaged cock. He moved around her and from the first stroke, was balls deep in her tight pussy. The wet sounds were so loud and so obscene, the neighbors had to hear. The combination of wetness left both her asshole and the countertop wet. He grabbed her by her biceps and pressed himself so he could scoop-stroke her deeply. When he did this, her fat clip was still untouched, but his size forced her labia open and massed her hood over the top of her clip.

As he fucked her, Wes could feel her wetness spraying from his balls. Full size and throbbing, he could feel the constant of pre-come leaking from his cock into her pussy and against her cervix.

“Are you ready?” He asked her.

“Yes, Master,” Keisha replied.

Wes pulled back and aimed slightly lower. The next stroke pushed into her slightly open asshole until he was six inches in. Keisha came instantly and he pinched her nipples for making him shoot a single jet deep in her rectum. He started double-dipping and she came again. He fucked her pussy. He fucked her ass.

Keisha came harder than before and Wes could tell he’d opened her. Both her pussy and asshole aaccepted his full 9 inches without resistance. The overall wetness in each area allowed him to increase his thrusts to lightning speed until he was moving so fast, he could do half-strokes in each hole. Full strokes pushed Keisha’s entire body upward.

Wes said little. He enjoyed the sounds of just how wet Keisha’s orfices were and the thumb of full strokes pushing her raised hips and ass back into the countertop. Keisha felt him stay in her ass for a while and know that from the inside she would grow tighter.

Wes held his arms locked and worked his hips back and forth. Unlike her muscle vagina, Keisha’s asshole always feel soft and organic on his cock. The pre-come he was constantly leaking inside electrified the sensings and he would pull out, holding his bobbing cock in the cool air. When he thrust back in, she could feel he’d gotten even harder. He pulled out and back, flicking his tongue on her clip quickly before entering her sopping pussy. Keisha began to orgasm again, her pussy locking down on his cock while her open asshole spasmed shut and open, shut and open.

Wes knew she wanted his cum, but she deserved to be punished. Instead, he stopped. Keisha continued moving and amazingly, managed to tilt her pelvis until she could alternate pushing her pussy or her asshole down on him, fucking him. She alternately took him in each place just as he had double-dipped her Earlier. When she felt his cockhead swell inside her pussy, she tried to clnch her muscles. Instead, he popped his cock out and it bobbed in the air. Wes shot the first jet so far forward that Keisha was able to catch it in her mouth in midair. The second jet strung from her lips to her neck. The third sprayed her breasts. The fourth, fifth and sixth ropes of cum landed across her stomach, clip and pussy. Wes pushed back in Keisha’s pussy and fucked the cum from the last two spasms into her.

“You please your master,” Wes said.

“Thank you, master.” Keisha said.

Wes’ cock flexed again within her.


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