I dedicated the last weeks of our probation period to perfecting my body. I worked out diligently twice a day and made sure everything I ingested into my body was healthy. I performed my Kegels Sometimes I would do extra work at home or go for a run.
Mercy and I grew closer and closer. We cuddled and kissed all the time. We admired how great our own bodies looked as well as each others. Our sex life was better than it was when we first met, because we were horny all the time but we also knew what we were doing. It was fantastic. We fell in love all over again.
We had our body check on a Wednesday night at the end of the six months. It was a formality and we passed easily. Tanya and Todd congratulated us. We had each already arranged to take the next week off of work. They told us to go out and celebrate and that Cindy and Dave would drop by on Thursday evening.
When we saw Cindy and Dave drive up Mercy and I were both at the door waiting for them. We were excited like little kids waiting for Santa Claus. They came up the sidewalk and into our house, each carrying a shopping bag that they gave to us.
“These are your clothes to wear tomorrow. We will be here at 8am to pick you up. Do not pack anything else. Everything will be provided for you. You both probably have many questions. Don’t ask them. We will have someone take care of your house. Everything has been taken care of. You just need to relax and go with the flow for the next nine days. I guarantee it will take your mind off of everything else.
“We will see you in the morning.”
After they left we looked in the bags. We both had comfortable casual outfits and comfortable black thongs. Mercy had a cut down black sports bra. They had even supplied us with comfortable shoes.
We were excited and had trouble sleeping. After a while I jumped on her. We fucked our excess energy away and melted into a delicious sleep.
When the alarm went off in the morning it only took amoment for us to remember what was about to happen and then the adrenalin kicked in. We were shown, dressed, and ready by 7:45.
Cindy and Dave drive up right at 8. We got in to the back of their car and they took us to the airport and dropped us off.
“You are all checked in. Go to Gate C-8. We will have someone there to help you with anything you might need.”
We said goodbye and made our way through security and down to the gate. Todd was there to greet us. He didn’t say how he got through security without a boarding pass and we knew better than to ask. I assumed he probably worked for an airline or the FAA. He didn’t say much to us, just sat with us until it was time to board the airplane.
It was a direct flight to Nassau.
“We will have someone down There to meet you. They will have a sign for your benefit but they should recognize you. It will be someone you haven’t met before. Good luck and have fun.”
We found ourselves in first class. We werebrought breakfast and champion without ordering it. We smiled and toasted each other and settled in for the flight.
We got off the plane quickly since we didn’t have any luckgage, even carry-on. We proceeded to ground transportation as Todd had instructed. I felt like we were being escorted but couldn’t be sure. As soon as we exited the secure area we saw a man who could have passed for a Secret Service Agent wearing sunglasses and holding a sign that said ‘Mercy and Rich.’ He introduced himself as James before we could say anything and escorted us outside and into a waiting limo.
James offered us a drink and we took him up on it. Mercy had more champione and I ordered a bourbon on the rocks. After he handed us our drinks and let us have a sip he spoke up.
“I am going to need to blindfold you now. It’s part of our security.”
James slipped sippy lids over our stemware. The blindfold was comfortable, the ride was smooth, and I had my drink in a secure holder nextto me. I started feeling a little tired after that and remembered I hadn’t slept much the previous night as I drifted into a deep sleep. I woke up part way at one point and was aware of being in what seemed like a small airplane and then I was dreaming again – or was that part of the dream?
When I next awoke I instinctively removed my blindfold. We we were in a limo. As I started to move I felt Mercy move her head from my shoulders and lift off her blindfold also.
“Where are we?”
Before I could say I had no idea James spoke up.
“We will be arrived in 15 minutes. You may take your blindfolds off now. Would you like anything else before we arrive?
My head was a little foggy but when Mercy asked for another champione I decided to join her. We clinked glasses.
“To our new adventure.”
We turned into a long driveway and saw a huge mansion up ahead similar to the one you see all the time in the BBC miniseries. As we approached the entrance theFront door opened and a man and a woman came out and made there way down to the car. They opened our respective doors and welcomed us to the Couples Mansion. The man introduced himself as Jack and the woman introduced herself to Mercy as Jill. They each indicated we should follow them. We went together through the main entrance.
“You might want to kiss now because you won’t see each other for a little While.”
We shared a deep kiss and then split up.
Once we were out of ear shot of the women Jack spoke up.
“Welcome to training week. This is all part of the Couples Club. You will be our guests through next week. You will be receiving training in several areas, concentrated in skills your spons perceived you most needed. Some of the things you will be put through or asked to do will seem very ‘unusual’. My best advice is to expect anything and go with the flow.
“I know you weren’t in the military, but this is just like basic training. Everyone here isabove you and you are to do whatever you are ordered to do at all times while you are here. Do not speak unless spoken to. There will be times when you will have many questions or even be afraid. Most of those questions will be answered at the time. You must be patient and trust us.
“For this week you belong to us. Remember that and you will be off to an adventure beyond your wildest dreams. For the remainder of the week you will be referred to as ‘R’.”
He stopped at a door and knocked. He slipped a blindfold over my head and guided me inside the room when the door opened.
“Greetings R. Relax and let us take care of you.”
It was an order. I almost opened my mouth to ask what was going to happen but caught myself. I decided then to change my whole outlook. For this week I was someone else named R and I would do whatever was asked of me and do my best.
I felt my clothes being gently ripped from my body leaving me only in the thong. I felt an erection tryingto grow. It was well confined in the tight fabric.
I was laid face down on a table. My face poked through a padded hole and I realized I was on a massage table. My ankles and wrists were gently secured to supporting appratus.
I received a massage like none I had ever had before. Several pairs of hands were working on me, massaging each individual muscle. At several points the massage was very deep and painful but therapeutic. My arms and legs were released individually to be treated and then re-secured
At some point well into the massage I felt my anus being probed. There was a lot of lubrication and it felt good. My cock tried to respond without success. Then I felt something happening in my insides and realized I was receiving a warm enema. My body felt things it had never felt before and I melted into the sensings.
About the time I started to feel like I needed to explore the enema the massage ended. I was released from the table and into a room.
“R,When you hear the door close remove your blindfold. Use the facilities as necessary. When you are completely finished climb into the tub of warm water and put your blindfold back on and wait.”
I did as compiled. It took me quite a while until I was completely sure my bowels were evacuated. There was a entertainment screen I could watch while I was waiting for my body to process itself.
The tub was in the middle of what looked like a small locker room shower room that had long hosts with shower heads on them.
I found it was a lot warmer than warm. It was a regular bathtub only 40% wider and at least 7′ long. I eased my way in to the water and put my blindfold on and waited.
After a few minutes I heard the door open. Hands helped me into a standing position and then out of the tub. I Feel myself being lathered up all over and then scrubbed thoroughly, especially in places I didn’t normal concentrate on. Sometimes the scrubbing was painful and often it was stimulating. My cock and balls responded as expected when they were cleaned, but there was no noticeable reaction by anyone and eventually they deflated.
After the scrubbing was done I felt myself being sprayed with gentle warm water for a few different directions. Every so often a hard stream would hit me, usually in those same places I didn’t wash as often like behind my ears.
After that was finished I was bent over at the wait. I felt something probing me again and then my rectum was invaded by a medium size object that pressed against my prostrate.
I was guided back into the bathtub. My wrists were secured so my lower arms were resting on the tub and my upper arms were bent upward.
“Sit and soak and enjoy yourself.
I found that by contracting my Kegel muscles the probe would massage my prostrate and it felt good. Having my hands restrained only added to the excitement. Soon I was climaxing.
The door opened shortly after that. I was stood up and my probe was removed. After one more rinse I was escorted to another room. After a moment warm jets over air shot all over my body while I was drunk by at least two people with luxurious towels. I was given a cup of warm liquid to drink. After that I was escorted into another room and put into bed.
“Nap time.”
I didn’t think I would be able to sleep with everything I had to think about but the next thing I knew I was awake and no longer blindfolded. There was a note on the night stand.
Put on the clothes laid out for you and wait patiently. Someone will be in for you shortly.
I put on the what turned out to be a set of workout clothes and was escorted to the gym where I went through my full normal routine. I showed and then put on Another set of clothes that were generic casual. When I finished dressing I was escorted to an office where a woman I recognized as Jill was waiting for me. She had a stack of papers she was looking at. After a fewminutes she looked up.
“Welcome R.
“Congratulations on your success so far. Your previous handlers have identified areas where both you and Mercy could improve. This week will be designed to help you in those areas. By the end of the week we will also provide you with instructions on how to work on these areas on your own.
“Assuming everything progresses satisfying, you will Both go through an initiative/celebration ceremony at the end of the week. More details of that will emerge as the week progresses. In the meantime you will not be together again until after that ceremony.
“As I’m sure Jack has told you, you are subservient to anyone else you meet here. Any questions? This is your last chance until the week is over.”
I shook my head. I figured any question I had not really be answered anyway.
“Good. Two more things. Stop me if you have any questions.
“If you pass, there will be an initiative ceremony at the end of the week. You can choose to go through the standard ceremony, the advanced ceremony, or the special ceremony.
“The advanced ceremony will involve some of the fans you have expressed interest in. It will also give you some points towards your Silver level of membership.
“If you choose the special ceremony it will be anything goes though we will try to respect your wishes. If you choose this ceremony you will be half-way towards a Silver level.
“Tonight at bed time you will need to make your decision. Mercy will make her decision independently. You will be given the initiative at the lowest level one of you chooses, so if you choose Standard and she chooses Advanced, it will be Standard.
“Finally, I am going to give you a safe phrase. It is ‘ Ess-Oh-Ess’. If you cannot speak, blink you eyes three times slowly, three times fast, and three times slowly.
“If you invoke this safety feature we will stop what we are doing, collect your partner, and send you home. Understood?”
Not really. I was overwhelmed. But I nodded yes.
“Stand up and remove your clothes.”
I hesitated momentarily before quickly disrobing. Jill came around from her desk and stood in front of me. She examined my penis and took it in her hand in a totally non-sexual way. I still got aroused. She felt my chest, my arms, my legs and my tights. She looked at my face and my feet.
By this time I was fully aroused. She took my cock in one hand and my balls in the other and felt them both as a doctor would. She gave them both a firm prolonged squeeze that she released only after I had started to buckle at the wait.
“Put your clothes back on.”
She went back to her desk and made notes while I dressed and waited.
“Very good. It is time for your evening meal.”
She led me to a room where I was served a balanced meal of chicken, salad, two vegetables, and a glass of skim milk. There was a personal entertainment device to keep me company. It had a choiceof music, erotic literature, or erotic videos. I chose the later and watched Insatiable while I ate.
After dinner Jill took me to a room. There I received a lesson on different techniques for cunnilingus I practiced my tongue exercises as instructed with a PowerPoint and movies. At the end of the lesson she gave me a new toy. It was round soft rubber object with holes, hills, and buttons. She instructed me to put it in my mouth and learn to manipulate it at will.
“This will improve your oral dexterity and strength.”
She escorted me to my room and had my strip off my clothes and prepare for bed while she watched. After I brushed my teeth and washed myself she handed me a warm damp wash clothes told me to lay on top of the bed and masturbate while she watched. I compiled quickly. After I came I cleaned myself up with the washcloth. She came over and took it with a rubber gloved hand.
“It is time for your decision”
I wasn’t sure what she was talking about. She handed me three crackers and a sealed metal can with a slit in the top. They had written stamped into them; Standard, Advanced, and Special.
“Decide which one you want and put it in the can. Eat the other two. Mercy’s cracker is already in there. The can will be opened later in the week if you are still here. No one will know who put which cracker in.”
I realized this was about the Initiation. I was feeling a little adventure. I ate the standard cracker while I thought. All those points would be nice. Mercy would never choose the Special certificate so it didn’t matter if I did. I dropped the Special cracker in the box and ate the Advanced cracker.
“When do we find out which certificate we are getting?”
Jill smiled.
“You’ll know it when you see it.”
Jill came over and took the can and then pulled the covers over me, turned out the light, and closed the door.
Sunday morning I awoke on my own feeling refreshed. There were workingout clothes laidout for me by the bed, water, and a banana. After I was dressed a woman in a mask came in and escorted me to the workout room. I exercised aerobically for an hour as instructed.
After a shower and breakfast Jill met me and we went through some classroom instruction. This time on grooming and hygiene techniques. Then I had a sex class on sexual positions. In the late morning I had an hour long weight-lifting session followed by another shower and lunch.
After lunch I had some free time in the ‘library’. There were books, movies, and a computer. Most of the material was sex related. The computer blocked access to any sites with contact to the outside world including e-mail, news sites, and sports sites. I found an Allison Tyler book I hadn’t seen before and read a few stories out of There.
That afternoon I had some more classes, one on bondage techniques and one on teasing/light flogging. Both touched significantly on safety. I had a half hour refresher on the cunnilingus techniques I had learned yesterday and then I had a short break. When I returned Jill met me dressed in a bath robe. She took me to a new room with a large bed and told me to strip. I quickly compiled. She then opened the bottom half of her robe and lay on the bed and told me to practice the cunnilingus techniques she had taught me yesterday.
I was slightly nervous and hesitated, but one look at her face and I put my tongue in her groove ropety-split. She spent what seemed like thirty minutes correcting and refining my oral skills. Finally she laid back and let herself go, coaching me once to slow down and another time to suck her lips into my mouth and gently nibble on them. After that she was silent except for heavy breathing followed by an ear-splitting orgasm.
After she recovered I forget where I was and started to climb on top of her before catching myself.
“Now you are going to practice holding back a climax. Sit in the chair.” , she said, indicating a padded wooden armless chair. I sat down as instructed, my cock still raging hard and bobbing. She secured my wrists and ankles with hidden Velcro strraps and then lubed up her hands and began playing with me.
I was ready to go right away so I thought about baseball and spam and Queen Elizabeth and 28 Days Later until she got back in my head by talking dirty and moving into my line of vision. I noticed how wonderful her body was.
“Would you like to fuck me? Would you like to feel my breasts? They are spectacular. I bet you would like to straddle me and run your cock between my tits and in and out of my awaiting mouth…”
I tried to think about bloody Zombies but my mind was reeled in and I started to think about fucking her. I tried to lift my hands fruitlessly.
“You know, Mercy is probably sucking Jack’s cock right now. Dave said she needed some work in that area. Jack has a nice big dick too, I bet she is begging him to fuck her with it…
At the same tI was she slowly massaged the underside of the head of my cock with one lubed hand and the spot between my balls and anus with the other. That was it. My balls squeezed and my cock spasmed. Jill immediately released me and stopped all stimulation. I had one good spurt and then my orgasm peaked before it even started. More semen leaked out of my rapidly deflating frustrated penis.
After some ‘free time’ sandwiched around dinner I received instruction on different sexual positions, several of which I had never known about before. After that Jill took me back to my room and I got ready for bed. She told me to strip off my pajama bottoms and once more she stroked my cock and talked dirty to me after she instructed me not to come.
I lasted much longer this time. Finally she gave me the green light and I came hard and heavy While she continued to stroke me until my orgasm was complete. I was almost asleep before I closed my eyes.
The rest of the week was similar. Two workoutsessions a day, one day weightlifting and the next aerobics. I would be introduced to new topics and practice the things I had learned the previous day. On Monday for example, Jill and I went through the different sexual positions I had learned the day both wearing tight underwear. I was rock hard and she was a little wet, but their was no actual intercourse. Later in the week I had a refresher course where I had a strap-on and Jill was naked.
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