Part Two: The Conquest
I lean over the desk and punch the intercom to my assistant, and much to your delight, I inform her that I will be taking the rest of the afternoon off. She acknowledges me and says casually…
“You guys have a good time”
We both have a shocked, then embarrassed look as we realize that our little secret isn’t such a secret after all. We decided to slip out the back way so as not to further fuel the fires of her imagination and jealousy.
Wrapped in my coat in an attempt to keep you warm, I realize that it just won’t do. So instead of turning for home, I make out for the highway and head for the local mall. You of course have no idea where I’m heading and are content for me to take you wherever I wish. Laying your head on my shoulder…y fingers are slipped between the buttons of my shirt absentmindedly playing with my fur.
You doze off as the drive takes the better part of thirty minutes. I find a parking place as close to the door as possible and lean down to kiss your forehead and gently wake you.
“Catalina…Catalina My pet…wake up sleepy head.”
I am breathless, for as you stir, you turn your angelic face and your eyes open. Such a sleepy and innocent look yet so totally captivating and beautiful. I can only smile and wait for you to take in the Surroundings.
“What…what is this – where are we?” You stammer.
Kneeling down next to you, looking you deeply in the eyes I reply…
“My dear, I wanted to surprise you. I thought it best I get you some clothes that are better suited for the cold weather we’re having.”
You nod happily…wrapping your arms about my neck and kissing me playfully.
“Thank you Arman….”
We anxious into the crowded mall…becoming lost in the throngs of holiday shoppers. Your attire generates a few odd looks which we simply smile away and make our way to the clitter. With my jacket about your shoulders we peruse the racks, stopping to look at a wide range of outfits…settling on a nice pair of tight jeans with a deep red blouse. To round out the attire we pick out a rather stunning black silk dress…cut high on the thigh, with matching hoes, shoes and picker. Finally we come to the winter apparel department and find you a cute knit hat, scarf and gloves…and of course a long black leather coat.
Turning to look at you I Stifle a chuckle, as you are standing there with arms extended and an ever-growing pile of garments in them. Your appreciated smile says it all and we head for the checkout desk. The attendant rings up the purchase and I happily sign the sales ticket. You ask the girl behind the counter about changing into some of the things and she shows you to the dressing rooms. A few minutes later you emerge wearing the jeans – your skimpy attire stuffed into the shopping bags with the other items we purchased.
Heading out of the store I ask if you are up for a bite to eat – of REAL food. Grabbing my arm and entwining it in yours you nod and we make for the restaurant at the other end of the mall. Strolling along, window-shopping as we go, at times we are arm in arm, in others with arms wrapped about each other. We pass a Victoria Secrets store and something in the window catches my attention. I must have paused or stared at it a bit too long, for you tug at my arm urging us to Continue…y tummy growing in need of succession. I relent and move quickly with you the rest of the way.
After having a pleasant dinner and a few drinks we head back for the car. About halfway there you stop and beg me to stay, as you need to dash back to get something. I protest because I don’t wish to be apart from you, but you assure me that you will be right back. I concede and find a seat on a benchmark while you make your way through the crowded mall.
Turning back before I round a corner, I blow you a kiss and a wink, and then curry away.My footsteps are hurried in the simple shoes we purchased along with the jeans and red blouse I wear. My eyes flick continuously around the mall, searching for landmarks I imported on my mind. Just as I feel uncertainty overtake me, I see my goal. Victoria’s Secrets looms ahead of me and I grin with eagerness and excitement. I pause outside the store, looking in at the window display that you noticed earlier. Nodding to myself, I push open the door and walk in.
A young petite blonde cashier greets me with a smile, and I raise my hand self-consciously to cover the hickie you gave me. When she asks if she can be of help, I nod and ask her to show me where the window display items can be found. She leads me to them and I thank her, waiting until she leaves to begin perusing the rack. Finding the correct size, I glance about until I locate the fitting room and take my prize back through the curve that covers the door.
I slip out of the tight jeans and blouse, leaving only the silky thong. Removing the lingerie from the hanger I hold it up to me first, looking at it, wondering if I can pull it off. Pushing aside my doubts, I slither my way into the silk and lace concoction and look at myself in the wrap-around mirror.
The black silk hugs my curves, molding to every inch of my body. I glance behind me; taking in the rear reflection and purr, knowing you’ll like it more on me than on the mannequin. The pearl g-string disappears down the crevice of my ass, looking like a stream of pearly cum dripping down between my cheeks. I pull it off again in a hurry, feeling the thong I’m wearing getting a little damp again as I tug my clothes back on. I ring out at the register and anxious with the bag to the candy store that’s across the way.
Rushing in and over to the specialties counter in the back, I pick up two dozen chocolate covered strawberries, some chocolate truffles and caramels. I dump the conspicuous pink and white striped Victoria’s Secrets bag in the trashcan, tucking my slinky purchase deep down beneath the chocolates.
I return to the bench and smile to see you worriedly checking your watch and looking about at all the people passing by. I tug playfully on your ear, having snuck up behind you and tease…
“Aren’t you ready to go yet?”
I turn around and smile…
“No…I love to mall watch.” Chuckling… “What’d ya get?”
You pull the package behind your back teasingly and tell me it’s a surprise. Standing slowly I fake an attempt to grab the package but you step back shaking your head.
“No no no…Later.”
Smiling I extend my hand and say excitedly…
“Come on…let’s go.”
Walking along beside you with My arm wrapped about your wait, I drop my hand to your ass and give it a good pinch. You squeal and try to squirm free but I hold you in my vice-like grapsp…
“You can’t get away from me that easy you little minx…”
Grinning you lean your headon my shoulder and we make our way out of the mall. The sky has grown darker as the days get shorter and shorter till the winter solstice comes. Shivering, as it has also gotten much colder.
I open the car door for you and try to get a peek inside the bag as you slip into the seat. Your legs, the new jeans fitting so nice and tight to them, damn sexy, distract me. I grin and close the door. We leave the mall and Begin the drive home. I adjust the XM-Radio to play some holiday music and we head down the road listening to Nat King Cole singing Adeste Fideles.
Once we arrive home I turn off the motor plunging us into silence. The soft glow of the yard light shines down into the car casting your face in hidden shadows. I cannot make out your expression. Finally I speak…
“Are you ready for the nickel tour?”
We go thru the garage making our way inside. The interior is dark and cavernous. I flip on a light revealing the various man toys hung upon the walls. A speedboat on its trailer is parked in the further stall. I close the door behind us with my foot and show the way…opening a stain glass door that leads into the house proper.
We walk into the kitchen, which is open to the great room. The vaulted ceiling reaching 16 feet with various angles going this way and that. You notice a spiral staircase descending into a dark room below, and to either side of the room there are doors leading to the various guest and bedrooms.
I reach down to grab a remote and press a button. The massive room fills with soft jazz, the music seeming to come from every corner. I move to stand behind you, wrapping my arms about your waist, leaning my head over your shoulder and saying softly to your ear…
“Welcome home love.”
I turn you about in my arms and look down into your face. As I reach up to gently stroke your cheek you say…
“Oh Armando, it’s absolutely beautiful.”
I smile and whisper my reply…
“It is made even moreso by your presence here dear one.”
Saying this I began to remove your coat…running my hands down your upper arms…pulling you to me and kissing you deeply.
Lifting to my toes, I kiss you hungrily in return, lips parting for your tongue as I feel the leather jacket sliding off my arms, and pooling at my feet. I lift my hands, twining my fingertips through your hair as I step closer to you, melding our bodies from chest to pelvis. My mouth leaves yours and I laugh huskily as I feel your hardness pressing into my belly.
“Mmmmmmm…” my eyes laugh up at you. “Is little Arman happy to see me?”
Your hands settle on my hips, pulling me closer to you as you grind yourself slowly against me, a motion Reminiscent of this afternoon that sets the flesh between my tights to melting.
Taking that as your answer, I dive into your lips again, kissing you, my tongue darting out to the seam of your lips, seeking entry. Growling, I tug at the hair in my hands, pulling your head back roughly as my lips attack your neck, sucking and nibbling and teasing, tasting your flesh.
You indulge me for a long moment, and then reach behind your head, grabbing my hands and easily dislodging them from your hair. You pull my hands down and behind my back, pinning them there with one of your hands about my wrists. Your free hand reachings up, and begins to unbutton the blouse you just bought me. Laughing, eager to be rid of the shirt I try to help you, but your hand on mine holds firm and I can’t move my arms. A slight frown crosses my face, just a tiny furrow between my browsers as I try again to pull my hands free of your grip.
“Arman?” My voice is questioning, just a little edgy, not quite in favor of this restriction.
You lift your eyes from the strip of my flesh revealed by the parting blouse and raise an eyebrow at me.
Your voice is teasing, the question in it rhetorical as you go back to unbuttoning my blouse. When the red silk is completely open, you tug it from where it’s tucked in at my wait, pushing it wide open to reveal my heavy unbound breasts. Trying to sound firm, I say…
“Armando, let go of my hands. I don’t like this.”
Your fingerprints tea my nipple, and you laugh as it hardens in response to your touch.
“It doesn’t look like you mind it too much dear one.”
I jerk my hands again wanting free, not because I dislike this, but because I’m feeling edge, wanting to take the lead. Your hand holds firm though, as your fingers slide down over my quivering belly to the buttons of my jeans. You pop the top one open and my breath stops, my stomach hollows. The next one follows the same way, and the next and the next until they’re all open. You push the flaps of fabric apart, revealing my smooth sad mound, the pale flesh silky smooth.
You glance up at me quickly, assured that my protest is just for show and your hand slides down covering my pussy, holding it in your warm palm. I moan and dip my hips, rubbing myself against your hand. A rosy flush spreads up my skin covering my breasts, turning their pale flesh pink and making the hard nipples an even deeper shade of wine. You laugh again as your fingers part the swollen lips of my sex, anointing them with my sweet welcome. Suddenly, your long middle finger pushes to the opening of my cunt, and with your eyes locked to mine; you push it up inside of me. I groan loudly, head falling back with my hair brushing over our hands. Slowly you begin to fuck me with your finger, and you sense that I’m too carried away with sensing to struggle. You release my hands to tug off my shirt, and grab up my wrists again all before I can even protest.
My eyes clear slightly as I realize what happened, but Your mouth dips down to my nipple and begins to suckle as your finger continues to pump in my pussy. I move my hips to begin to grind and drive with your finger fucking, and you feel me coming closer and closer to the edge. With a long loud cry I cum, spilling my sweet juices into your palm as you half-hold me up. A helpfully smug, very male smile curves your lips as you say…
“Did you enjoy yourself, dear one?”
You look up at me not saying a word. Your face a determined one as if to protect being restricted, but your eyes reveals the truth. They look upon me with total surrender. Removing my hand from your soaking sex I hold my dripping fingers between our faces…sucking one clean. Hands still hold firm, your body sagging against mine for support. You don’t try to join me in sampling the tasty treatment…yet your eyes plead to do so. I smile that man smile again and say…
“So delicious my pet…you would like some.”
Not a question but more a command – you obey and hungrily lick my hand.
“That’s a good girl.” Saying it like one would speak to a beloved animal.
In a flash your resilient nature takes over and you struggle very hard to free your hands. You succeed this time and push away from me. Your words stammer out, confused and jumbled for you are so angry yet so totally spent.
“What are you doing…wh…wh…why did you do that to me?”
I take a step towards you and you back away, continuing to do so until you bump into a piece of furniture. I move closer and you realize there is nowhere for you to go. The anger on your face is replaced by fear. Not a true terror, thinking perhaps this is a game that I’m playing…yet you’re not totally sure.
I am but a few feet in front of you when I stop and offer you my hand. The soft music seems to fade to silence, the only sound is your beating heart. You hesitate…not sure what to do. Slowly you lift your hand to mine.
Tenderly I take you in hand and turn towards one of the doors leading off the great room. Opening it I step into the darkness and pull you in with me. You hear me mumble something as the room is suddenly filled with a soft warm light. You look around and are amazed by the contents. Obviously a bedroom as a frilly pink comfortable covers the undisturbed bed. A matching chest of drawers, nightstand and dressing table are logically placed about the room. What seems odd about the room is one wall is completely mirrored and the floor space in front of it is clear of furniture and clutter.
I let go of your hand and walk over to the closet door. Opening it I disappear inside and return a few moments later carrying an outfit. I step past you and lay it out on the bed. You look down and are even more confused by what you see. You start to ask what it’s for when I tell you that after you clean up and put a face on that I want you to get dressed in this. I’ll be back in a little while and I’d like you to be ready when I return…so don’t dawdle. You begin to protest but I smile and turn, leaving the room and closing the door softly behind me.
I stand in the room, eyeing the outfit you left me with confusion still written all over my face. I think of the delicious little get-up I bought at Victoria’s Secret and can’t believe it. You want me to wear this! Not knowing what else to do, and wanting to make your wishes come true, I hook my fingers in the waist of my jeans and slide them down my legs, stepping out of them. I kick them into the corner and look at the outfit again. Shaking my head I began to grin, wondering what on earth you’ve got in mind. I first pick up the shirt, slipping the simple tight white T over my head and pulling it on. It’s thin, transparent, and strains over my breasts. My tight nipples poke out prominently distending the fabric. Laughing softly I reach for the… gym shorts.
I pull the tiny red nylon things up my thighs, feeling distinctly naked as they cover my ass just barely. The little white racing strips up the side from the slots looks very sporty. Laughing to myself, I reach for the last bit of the ensemble,the tube socks. I pull them up and on, and then take a gander at myself in the mirror laughing still.
Remembering what you said about putting on a face, I anxious to the adjoining bathroom. Fixing my hair with a brush I find in the medicine cabinet until it lays sleekly about my face. I then pull it up into a high ponytail to match my sporty appearance. I wash my face and apply a light dusting of power, a bit of blush and pink eye shadow, just enough to give myself a rosy appearance. A light clear gloss on my already dark lips finishes me up.
Nervous now; I walk back to the bed and sit down on the edge of it listening for you to come back. My pussy still wet I squirm on the bed, whimpering softly as the seam of the shorts glides over my clip. Pleasure ripples through me. I repeat the motion, and the pleasure repeats itself too. I stop, listening for you, not sure given your dominant mood if you’d be pleased for me to be doing this. Unable to help myself, I continue. I even go so far as to slide my hand down, reaching under the wait of the shorts and palming my pussy with cool fingers.
I begin to tease myself, spreading my hot warm lips, and then slide my finger deep into my pussy. Once I adjust, I add a second finger and begin to fuck myself as my other hand comes down to flick across my clip. Rapidly I build myself towards climax. Falling back on the bed my heels come up to rest on the edge as I masturbate; so wrapped up in my pleasure that I don’t hear the door open. As I scream in climax, the sound muted by my teeth on my lip, you speak…
“Enjoy yourself this time too dear one?” Your voice is full of laughter and teasing.“Little slut.”
Your flushed face turns even a darker shade of red as you hear my words. Sitting back up on the edge the bed with your head cast low unable to look at me…unable to speak. Submissively you fold your hands in your lap and wait to see what I’ll do next.
Moving closer to you I bend down and take your hands in mine, leaning even lower to see up into your face…
“Dear Catalina, if you don’t be careful your going to wear that sweet little pussy of yours out before I’m finished with it.”
Moving back somewhat I take your chin and cause you to look up at me.
“What you have done is wrong, wrong in the sense that I wasn’t Here to watch. You know how that excites me so.” Pausing I search your face…
“You are going to have to be punished for this.”
Now I get a reaction, your expression moves from embarrassment to one of fear.
“Wha…wha…wha do you mean Armando…”
Standing I pull you up, look down into your face and speak very precisely.
“You are mine Cat, mine to do with as I please. And it would please me now for you to make up the score. By my count, my little fuck slut has three orgasms to my one.”
Shaking my head…
“This is hardly fair and needs to be reconciled immediately.”
Releasing youI step back and look you over head to toe…nodding approvedly.
“Very nice Catalina…looks hot on your young sexy body.”
Smiling you are relieved that I am not too angered with what you had done. You follow my instructions and walk over to the mirror…
“Look at yourself dear one. See what I see. And watch closely as I want you to do something for me.”
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