Katerina was one of the most beautiful and rich noblewomen in Russia. The single female offspring of the powerful Count Orloff, Katerina learned her lessons in nobility well from her father. Her father, the Count, was at first disappointed in not having a male heir, but eventually accepted that fate had other plans for his line. Realizing that this beautiful daughter was the only child he would ever have, he Devoted all of his energies into transforming this beautiful girl into just as powerful and formidable adult as he would have with a son.
Katerina’s family had enormous industries all over Russia and were one of, if not the most, wealthy nobles in 18th century Czarist Russia. Over hundreds of years, through fortunate marriages and ruthless business practices, the Orloff family had amassed a fortune only Surpassed by the Czar himself. Under their direct control lived innocent numbers of nameless serfs on hundreds of thousands of acres, all completely subject to the slightest whim of their ruling masters.
Entire regions of the vast country were under their direct ownership, and the family employed thousands of Cossacks for security to oversee the millions of serfs that tilled their lands. While the Countess held the highest rank society could grant, at the lowest opposite end of the social scale were slaves. Below even serfs, who were tied to the land but not considered property, slaves owned nothing, Not even their own bodies. The slave caste was created primarily as punishment for serfs that got out of line and was such a heinous fate that rarely in all of the history of the great frozen lands of Russia had there ever been even a hint of rebellion, the threat of slavery being a powerful motivation for good behavior on the faceless millions.
Her father the Count ran his estates with an iron fist, and the family proved greatly under His brutal rule. All of the serfs that were tied to him trembled in fear when his coach approached and that fear extended to his daughter when he was not present. Everyone in the whole empire knew that Katerina was the apple of her father’s eye and as such, she was greatly feared. One word from her and any of her peasants could have their lives forfeited just from the nod of her alluring head.
Count Orloff certainly had spared no expense on his beautiful daughter Katerina, knowing she would one day inherit his empire. Educated abroad, she was brilliant, speaking 7 languages fluently and having a brain for both science and arithmetic, she could easily match wits with any man in the royal court. In addition to being fabulously rich and incredibly intelligent, Katerina was widely acknowledged as the most beautiful woman in Russia, her body much lusted after by all who saw her.
Every noble family in St. Petersburg with unwed male heirs attempted to connect their sons to her, and she was always relentlessly pursued by a host of would be lotharios and social climbing parents. Although being the toast of St. Petersburg, the young Countess was hopelessly bored with these dim noblemen and their slightly efficient ways as her tastes definitely were more “earthy”. No man really could ever hope to meet up to her standards, and certainly none excited her sexually, so court life for her was a pure druggery, but she grinned and bore it as her duty dictated.
When the Count finally died, Katerina, at the tender age of 24 inherited his title (becoming a full Countess) and his uncountable vast wealth. Now the richest AND most beautiful woman in Russia, the desperate other noble families foisted their hapless unmarried sons on her relentlessly day and night, hounding her almost to insanity with their constant requests and presents of affect. She tried hard to fit in to the courtly life of St. Petersburg, with the Imperial Balls, nights at the ballet and fabulous feasts and parties, but it all just bored her to tears. These girly men, most wearing more jewelry and perfumethan herself, simply disgusted her and she dreamed of finding something that would finally scratch her it that would never be satisfied.
The Countess grew increasingly frustrated and constrained by her role in high society. Although all of the huge advantages she had, she was at her core deeply unhappy and quite restless with her day to day life. The reason was simple as among the many fine qualities the beauty inherited from Her powerful father one was his unbridled and insatiable lust. Her father was notorious for his insatiable sexual appetites, and many a young girl fell under his seductive charms, even well into his 80s. Katerina was no different and her appetites were just as strong as his, but being 18th century Russia and she being a woman, this was a problem. Men were instantly under her spell once they were in her presence and not just Because of her beauty, which was substantial. Her devilish appetites coupled with her razor sharp wit gave her an aura of eroticism that intooxicated almost any man lucky to be in her presence.
When the young Countess did finally occasionally give in to some handsome young nobleman, she always came away disappointed by the experience. They always wore out far earlier than she did and thus left her wet, hot and unspilled, her hot boiling nectarically staying locked inside her lovely body.
It normally would start well enough as once she had the object of her affection back in one of her palaces she loved nothing more than running her delicate hands over their firm taunt bodies, especially once their frilly overly feminine court-wear had been removed. Sadly, though, it was usually wham, bam and over before it even got started as none lasted long enough to bring her pot to boil. They also almost ALWAYS seemed more concerned with satisfying their own sexual needs than hers, all having grown up as typical campered and spoiled noblemen in the very male century culture of 18th century Russia.
Few to none had learnedd the French art of cunnilingus, and fewer still even know what a clitoris was. When she would try and guide the young man on how to please her, once she indicated that he was to kiss her moist pussy most were highly resistant to the idea and only reluctantly submitted after Katerina withheld her charms until they took their rightful place under her blue blooded ass.
These noblemen also thought, as even many non-noblemen foolishly do, that their dick was the end all and be all of sex. Once they had stripped naked and presented their goods to her, they expected that she would become awed with their manliness and submit to their desires. Years of fucking maids, servants and peasant girls had ruined them for dealing with someone of their own class or higher. Katerina would roll her eyes at their ham handed methods of seduction and always yawned defiantly in their faces when they failed to excite her. Occasionally one of them may give her an orgasm, sometimes 2, but this seemed to only be a preface for them to coax her into serving them.
What she craved most was a man that would serve her only, who would be so insane with lust for her body that nothing else mattered but her satisfaction and happiness. After a few years of toying with these silly young Barons, Counts and Earls in Saint Petersburg, she realized that her desires would never be satisfied by the likes of these silly frilly girly men and would have to look elsewhere for sexual fulfillment like her father had.
Every summer, Katerina, like her father before her, would go on a grand tour of her industries. She always looked forward to this tour all year as it was a way to finally escape the stifling atmosphere of court etiquette of St. Petersburg and enjoy the fresh air of the vast Russian countryside. Additionally, she had to admit, she yearned all year to get away from the mind numbing boredom of her gilded life. Another big side benefit to her annual trip was that it gave her the opportunityto occasionally view some of her more handsome male subjects working on her vast estates. These men were REAL men, not at all like the girly poors back in St. Petersburg and her silken expensive and imported panties would grow quite wet when some particularly hot specimen caught her eye.
Often as her laborate gilded carriage rolled by one of the hundreds of farmers in her domain she would spend the day peeking Through her curtain and grin when she would spy some beautiful Russian Boy at work. The object of her desire was almost always shirtless, toileting in the fields, muscles rippling, sweat pouring down his back, hair uncoifed and face scruffy and she would grow damp as she imagined his rough hands ripping her clothes off and taking her like an animal.
These young men were far more exciting to her than the fancified dandies she normally consorted with, and though she never thought of acting on it, she certainly enjoyed the view. Many a lazy summer evening in one of her hundredsreds of elaborate Dachas, thinking of these hard young men, toileting away in the fields, toileting for HER, she would slip one of her delicate fingers into her silk panties and sight as she found her magical spot as she drifted to sleep. The wetness that gushed out of her as she fantasized about these serfs, so hard and manly, and so inappropriate for someone of her status, would cause her to tingle with lust fantasizing about them. The taboo nature of such a couple making it only that much more sexually exciting for her.
This particular hot summer morning was glorious as Katerina boarded her carriage for the next leg of her journey. Not a cloud could be seen in the sky, the weather was unbearably hot and from the looks of things, it was going to be even hotter as the day wore on. Her grand tour of her industries had set out from St. Petersburg in May and slowly worked its way through her considerable holdings. Now in Late July, they were approaching the Ural Mountains, and the finalfew villages she owned.
This was the further eastern extent of her duchy, and after today, she would swing south and tour her southern domains before returning to St. Petersburg by mid-September, just in time for the social season to start up. Katerina surprised at the thought of another boring frozen endless winter in St. Petersburg and as the hot summer sun beamed through the window of her coach, she smiled as it sizzled on her face, wishing to drink up as much of this glorious heat as she could. When her coach pulled into the final remote village square, at first it went unnoticed. As she peered out the window, she knocked on the roof of her carriage to alert the driver since she saw something that immediately caught her attention.
At the far end of the village square a small crowd had gathered, and was obviously quite agitated. A young man, no older than 22 was imprisoned in a stockade right in the center of the mob. As her eyes focused, they became quite wide as she tookin the whole scene. He was imprisoned in the stocks, but this was unlike anything she had ever witnessed before in any of her earlier travels. He was completely naked and due to the intense heat of the day, sweat poured off of him in rivers.
His head and hands were firmly trapped in the stocks and chains were attached to his feet to spread him painfully wide. His cock and balls were obviously exposed and were the source of the crowds jeers and laughing. As she looked closer, she could see that his cock was also imprisoned in a chatity cage. It was obvious that he was quite large in that department as it barely fit into its cramped little steel prison, and despite this obviously humiliating experience, it stood proudly erect for all to see.
His body was perfect and pushed every one of her sexual buttons at once. Every ripple of his muscled body flexing and twitching as he struggled to close his legs to hide his shame from his neighbors. Looking at his eyes, she could see they burned with hatred as he glared at the Cossack overseeing this punishment.
The crowd was so focused on this erotic scene playing out before them, none had noticed her carriage’s arrival in the village. Finally, the Countess emerged from her carriage and proudly walked over to the mob, her sudden presence in their midst causing panic. When the serfs caught sight of their Mistress, all dropped to their knees and stared at the ground in total subscription. The Cossack in charge of this village removed his hat and bowed his head instantly as a sign of respect.
“I apologize your highness that you had to witness this” the Cossack said, his voice cracking with obvious nerves.
“I thought you were coming tomorrow, so please forgive me for exploring your royal highness to this disgusting display.”
“Arise dear sir,” she proudly announced as she held out her hand for the Cossack to kiss.
“I am not offended at all sir, as I take great interest in the management of myCountess asked.
“Well” the Cossack continued “He has forfeitized his rights as serfs, and after his “shaming” today he will be sent to work as a slave in your copper mines in Siberia.”
“Oh?” her eyebrow raising “What did he do to earn that rather dark fate?” the Countess asked.
“He has been quite a troublemaker for years. All of the families in the village had complained to me about him and many a day I had to take the joke to his back, but obviously it did not make an impression. He appears to be quite the ladies’ man, and he has seduced several of the villager’s daughters and taken their purity. If this wasn’t enough of a crime, he also stoleSeveral of your pigs and sold them to another village and as your highness surely knows, a crime of this nature has to be dealt with severely. And as such, all of his property has been forfeitted, his house, his farm, all of his clothes even. He has nothing, and after today, he will not even own his body anymore as he will be forever branded a slave.”
The Countess felt the familiar tingle in her loins as she heard the Cossack describing the “crimes” of this young man. The idea that he now was her complete property enthralled her even more, and she felt her silent panties grow warm and moist as she considered the terrific possibilities. As she listened to his crimes being recruited, she took her time studying him, and he was EXACTLY her physical type. Every inch of his body was quivering in rippling muscles and his cock and balls were enormous, easily the most impressive package she had ever seen. It was no accident that he was so successful seducing these peasant girls as he was anabsolute astonishing specimen of pure raw masculine beauty. As her glance lusted up and down his astonishing body, from his full pecs and six pack abs, to his thick cock and balls and simply astonishing dimpled hard ass, she finally rested her gaze on his caged cock.
“So noble Cossack, what is the shaming punishment you are referring to, and why, if I may ask has his male member been so caged?”
The Cossack blushed as he realized he was going to have to discuss this with his noble overlord and it was definitely not a subject to discuss with a noblewoman, especially one as beautiful and powerful as Katerina. Gritting his teeth, he mustered her courage and spoke.
“The shaming consists of being striped publicly and placed in these stocks. This public nudity serves to not only humiliate the prisoner, but also to serve as a warning to others to obey our laws. The chatity belt was added as a special punishment for him since, I am embarrassed to say this your Ladyship, soI apologize if it offends you, but, several of the girls in the village were coming out at night and, well, uh, taking care of his, er, manly needs during his shaming”
The Countess, to the great relief of the Cossack instantly and loudly laughed out loud. “My, My, he must be quite the stud if the girls can’t keep their hands off of him, even when imprisoned like this”.
As the Countess spoke, she stared into the face of the imprisoned man. His face was crisis in humiliation, but his eyes spoke of anger and hated despite their sexy dark pupils and chiseled manly face. Oh, how she would enjoy breaking him to her will in her own palace dungeon. As she bravely ran her eyes over his exposed body, a plan was hatched in her head as she continued to listen to the Cossack.
“Yes My Lady, it was quite a problem. As you can see, the other village families were quite distressed that their daughter’s virtue was being stolen by this man. As a punishment to him, and to protect thegirls of the village, I felt it best that his offending member also be imprisoned.”
“Good thinking Cossack” the countes continued as she now circled the young man, running her riding crop over his nipples and ass. When they touched his exposed balls, dangling so helpless before her, she saw his whole body jump.
“How long does the shaming last, before he is shipped off to Siberia?”
“One month My Lady, he has already been imprisoned for 3 and a half weeks, so on Friday I had arranged for him to be shipped to your mines.”
“Yes” interrupted the Countess. “About that, I think I will have him sent to my Palace in Saint Petersburg instead. These sorts of crimes must be dealt with severely, and I will see to it he suffers appropriately. This sort of behavior, if we mollycoddle it will only spread.”
The Cossack quickly agreed and bowed his head, relieved that the Countess was not angry with him for inflicting such a depraved sight on her noble eyes. Discussions were had, and it was decided that his shaming would continue for an additional month, as it was obvious that he needed MUCH more shaming punishment, and after such time, he would be sent to her in St. Petersburg by a special coach she would send for him.
The Countess continued to run her riding crop over the young man, especially over his imprisoned cock as she inspected her new property. The look on his face; his eyes closing, his mouth slightly open, the slight moan that emitted from his throat confirmed what she thought. She knew that not only was this humiliating for him, but, having his cock locked up and denied any sexual contact for almost a month was causing him great torque. Hearing that his chatity and shaming was now extended only made him harder. Obviously this rogue needed sex often, as the number of his peasant girl conquests indicated, and being denied such release was as much of a punishment as being sold into slavery was.
For the next month the Countess masturbated every night thinking of her slave suffering, nude and belted in that faraway village awaiting his eventual delivery into her clutches. Exposed completely naked and without the ability to masturbate himself his seed continued to back up in his balls and her pussy flooded with her own hot juices as she imagined the unspent cum boiling in her slave’s balls desperate to erupt out. She could hardly wait until he was brought to her, and she spent the month making preparations for her new plaything inside her palace.
The Countess, being insanely rich, sent her most trusted servants out to hire six of best prostitutes in St. Petersburg to work as “maids” in her Palace just for this assignment. Choosen not only for their beauty, but also their discretion, once they were recruited she called them all into her private chambers to personally explain why they were here.
They were hired for their intense beauty and famous sexual prowess and were to have only one client from now on. Explaining the fee they would earn the beautiful girls tittered wildly as they all realized they would earn more money in a month than they usually would earn in a year and would therefore be well compensated for their work. They were to keep this one client, who was to remain naked, caged and chained, aroused to absolute insanity at all times. His cock was NEVER to get soft and he was to be stroked, teased, licked and rubbed day and night over and over until she said to stop. Being that she hired six of them, they could work in shifts so he would NEVER have any rest.
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