The Corner Office Ch. 06

VI. The Interruption

(This is a fantasy containing spanking and humiliation. If you do not enjoy reading this type of story please do not read it. Some readers do not understand the difference between fiction and real life. It is all in fun. 🙂 Thank you to my editor you know who you are.)


BUZZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!! The intercom interrupted my thoughts. I was in the middle of preparing a proposal to supply Internet software to a large company and had told my administrative assistant that I did not wish to be disturbed.

“This had better be important young lady,” I said over the intercom.

My 45 year old administrative assistant, Elizabeth Delany knew she was in trouble whenever I addressed her as “young lady.”

She started to stutter, as she talked into the intercom. “It’s its about my daughter Cassie. She is in trouble at college and I need your help.”

“No Missy what you need is a lesson in obedience bringing your hairbrush andCome here. I am going to tan your bare backside,” I said it loud enough into the intercom, so all 6 girls who worked for me would hear it.

“But, but I’m…,” She stuttered.

“Do you wish me to spank you in front of everyone? Not another word,” I ordered.

Elizabeth quickly got her hairbrush from her purse, where she was told to keep it, and walked to my office. She She realized they were talking about her and her face turned a bright red. She felt as if she were headed to the principal’s office.

She knocked on the door and quietly let herself inside. I was still studying the proposal and didn’t even glance up from my work. The ritual was always the same, not a word needed to be spoken. She walked to the middle of the room, Still holding the hairbrush, and put her toes on the line.

The line was a long white strip of tape on the hardwood floor about 5 feet from my desk directly in the center of the room. This is where all of the girls stand that are about to be spanked, while they waited for my instruction. Sometimes I made them stand a few minutes and they were spanked quickly. Other times I would send them to the spanking corner, as I liked to call it, to await punishment. All of the girls wished for a speedy end to the spanking. It all depended on the time I had, and the seriousness of the offense.

Elizabeth put her toes on the line, heels together, head up, hands at her side. She hoped she would be spanked immediately without the additional humiliation of corner time. It was bad enough being spanked, at age 45, by a man 15 years younger than her and corner time was such a juvenile form of punishment.

After 5 minutes, I glanced over my reading glasses and could see the embarrassment in Elizabeth’s face. She knew she had disobeyed and she also knew she was to be spanked, but hated the anticipation. I decided to make her wait a few more minutes.

“Panties down young lady,” I ordered.

Elizabeth looked at me. The butterflies in her stomach grow larger. Her breathing became short and quick with excitement. Her knees grew weak, almost shaky. She tried to avert her eyes from me.

“Don’t look away. Pay attention and do as you are told. Pull your panties down or do I have to do it for you?” I said.

“No Sir,” She answered her voice very low, as she stepped back off the spanking line.

I rose to my feet and quickly walked the three or four steps to where Elizabeth stood. I took the hairbrush from her hand and said “get back on the spanking line.”

Elizabeth took a step towards me her knees were shaking in anticipation of what was to come. We were only inches apart when I commanded her to turn around.

She turned towards me as I put my hand firmly on the back of her neck to steady her. My hands moved to her shoulders, then down her arms, finally coming to rest on her hips. My hands dropped lower to the hem of her yellow knee length skirt. I reached under her dress to the waistband of her panties and slowly lowered them to below her hem line, between her knees and ankles.

“Don’t let them drop any lower,” I said. “I like the way they look right there.”

She had to spread her knees slightly to keep the yellow bikini undies tight and in place. I swatted her with the hairbrush right across her skirt covered backside and ordered her to stand in the corner.

She yelped and rubbed her skirted backside. She had to half waddle and half walk, as she didn’t want her bikinis to slip any lower.

“Put your nose against the wall, tuck the back of your skirt into the waistband and put your hands on top of your head. I want you to concentrate on the spanking you are going to receive, and I want you to explain to me why you disobeyed my orders. Is that understand, missy?” I asked firmly.

“After I finish tanning your bare fanny, you will definitely follow my orders in the future. You won’t be sitting comfortablely for a long time. I am not happy with you.” I said my voice firm and low.

Elizabeth started to sob, she felt so humiliated being talked to as if she was a little girl. She stood with her nose plastered to the wall, her skirt up to her hips and her bikini at her knees. She knew her humiliation was far from over. She almost wished for the spanking to begin, anything was better than being in this position.

I was in no hurry. I was enjoying seeing her in this position. I continued for the next 30 minutes to work on my proposal. I finally announced: “Elizabeth go get the spanking chair place it in the center of the room and stand directly in front of it.”

Elizabeth moved as quickly as possible with her panties still at her knees. She placed the chair as directed and stood at attention in front of the chair.

“Now young lady, do you have any excuse for disobeying my orders,” I said as I sat down on the chair.

“Yes Sir” She answered.

“What is it?”

“Well, my daughter Cassie is in danger of losing her college scholarship and I wanted your advice,” She sobbed.

“That excuse is unacceptable Miss Delany it could have waited until I was done. Isn’t that correct?” I said.

“Yes sir I suppose.”

“You suppose is that so? What you need is a good hard spanking and I think it is just About time. Come over here Little One.” I said treating her as a youngster.

Elizabeth made her way to where I was sitting and stood to my right side. Her knees began to shake and her face turned a bright red from the humiliation of being treated like a child.

“Young lady do you understand what is going to happen to you?” I asked speaking like her Daddy.

“Yes Sir,” Elizabeth answered.

Elizabeth began to sob. Her legs were shaking and she felt as if she had butterflies in her stomach as it churned with fear and embarrassment. There was a set question and answer period that all of the girls that worked for me hadto follow prior to being spanked. I felt it helped intensify the punishment session to have the spankee confess their crime and to ask for the spanking.

“Why are standing here with your bare behind on display Elizabeth?” I questioned.

“Sir because I have been a naughty little girl Sir,” She said.

I require each sentence to be spoken clearly, loudly and without hesitation. It must begin and end with the words Sir.

“What do you deserve Missy?”

“Sir I deserve a tanning on my bare bottom Sir,” Elizabeth stated.

“Why are you going to get a tanning, Elizabeth?”

“For disobeying your order not to interrupt you, Sir,” Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth knew immediately she had made a mistake and tried to correct it. “Sir, for dis…” She stammered.

Whack! Whack!

I had slapped her on both bare tights, first the right then the left. “That mistake of not starting your confession with Sir will cost you 10 extra with the hairbrush, understand! Nowrepeat the answer and get it right this time.”

Elizabeth started to sob but knew she must continue: “Si, for disobeying your order not to interrupt you Sir.”

“You will write that answer 500 times over the weekend and have it on my desk Monday morning. You act like a little girl not a grown woman of 45. Put your naughty bottom over my knee, I am going to spank you until I think you have learned your lesson, Missy,” I ordered as I patted my lap.

Elizabeth felt her knees shake as she approached my lap. She bent over my knees, so that her fingers touched the floor on one side and her toes touched the other side. Her skirt was tucked inside her waist band and her panties were banded still in place just below her knees. Her garter belt framed her bare bottom.

Elizabeth wiggled a bit, adjusting her position, as tears ran down her face and the sounds of her whimpering filled my office.

“I am going to give you something to cry about Missy. You are going to feel this each time you sit for the next few days. You will learn that when I give an order I expect it to be obeyed. Is that clear?”

“Sir yes Sir,” She practically shouted.

Elizabeth was very well built with a curvy figure, including long tan legs and a full round bottom. She was slightly plump in her nether regions. Her full round cheeses jutted out at the top of her thighs and contrasted sharply with the flat of her small back.

Her posture over my knee caused her shaped bottom to stick out in a most vulnerable position. The roundest part of her bare bottom arched in anticipation. The muscles clenched across her well-padded cheeses.

“Turn your toes towards each other,” I instructed. She would have to relax her cheeses with her toes turned inside, which is what I wanted.

I tapped her bottom with the hairbrush as if measuring the distance and target area. Elizabeth knew her punishment was to begin momentarily.

Whack! Spank!

The hairbrush descended on her bottom. It stung like crazy. Elizabeth held onto the chair leg for dear life knowing if she covered up it would be worse.

Smack! Smack!

Her buttocks were pretty colored; the left cheek pink spotted with light red marks and the area near the deep cleft of her bottom still white. On her right cheek the summit was very red having absorbed most of the early spanking. Each time the hairbrush landed across the lower part of both chefs, Elizabeth sobbed out loud.


Over and over the hairbrush landed going from one chef to the other, then landing a few on the same spot. Her legs kicked up and down then crossed over each other. She cried loudly. “Please, please I’ll be good,” Loud enough so the girls in the outer office could hear her.

I began to spank the lower part of her bottom on her sit spot. Both bottom cheats began to become very red. Her panties slipped down her legs to her ankles. Tears flooded her eyes and her nose began to run. The brush landed again and again, a few blows on her upper thighs made her really kick.

‘Now will you disobey me again? “

“Sir, noooo Sir!” She shouted.

Finally I stopped spanking her bare backside. She lay across my lap sobbing tears running down her face, her mascara ruined.

Once I saw she was starting to calm down I announced: “Well, Elizabeth that should have ended your spanking, but because you could not recite your punishment sentence correctly you have ten more. Now you are to count each one and ask for another very politely. Is that clear?”

“Sir yes Sir.” She sniffled

“Okay, you may begin,” I ordered.

“Sir please spank me on my bare bottom with the hairbrush Sir,” I landed one swat after Another for a total of ten swats.

Finally it was over, but she lay over my lap crying and hiccupping until I told she could get up. She rose to her feet and started to do a spanking dance hoping from one foot to another and rubbing her behind. I let her do it for a few minutes as she looked and acted very much like a punished young lady.

I then grasped her ear with my left hand and marched her back to the corner, swatting her all the way with the hairbrush on her tender cheeks. I placed her nose in the corner and told her to stand up straight and compose herself. I took out my handkerchief and wiped her runny nose and had her dry her eyes. By this time her makeup was smeared on her face from her tears. .

I waited a few minutes, and then used the intercom to buzz Linda, who I knew would be seated at Elizabeth’s desk. Another one of my rules was someone always had to be seated at the desk outside my office.

“Linda, send all of the girls into my office once they complete what they are doing and you come in also,” I ordered.

“Yes Sir;” She answered.

Elizabeth started sobbing again. “Nooo, sir please, not in front of all of the girls. I don’t want them to see me.”

“Be quiet Missy or I will give youAnother spanking in front of them,” I said.

Just then in walking all six girls, they automatically walked over to the spanking line and stood at attention. They were not sure what was going to happen, as this was Friday afternoon, when I usually took care of any discipline that had to be done from the previous week. All of the girls knew that my form of discipline was spanking and all had agreed, when they were hired to be Disciplined in this manner.

“Now girls, Ms. Delany has something she wishes to say to you.”

All eyes turned towards Elizabeth, who was still facing the corner, nose firmly against the wall, her panties had slipped down to her ankles and her very red bottom was on display because her yellow skirt was tucked into her back waistband.

“Turn around Elizabeth,” I instructed.

Elizabeth slowly turned her eyes were red from the crying and her makeup had smeared her face. She looked like one well spanked young lady.

“Now, what do you have toSay for yourself Missy?” I asked sternly

Her eyes were focused at her feet and she started to sob with mortification. It was bad enough to be spanked, but now she had to apologize to her peers.

“Don’t make me spank you again Young Lady,” I threatened.

“Mr. Gray spanked me on my bare backside because I am a very naughty girl. I was disobedient and did not follow His orders. I am very sorry and have learned my lesson. Thank you for sanning my bottom, Mr. Gray,” Elizabeth said her eyes lowered.

“You’re welcome.” I answered.

“Okay girls, none of you will be spanked tonight. You may leave for the weekend,” I could hear a collective sight of relief as they started to leave the room.

“Before you go Susan, step forward. Are you continuing to follow the dress code? Last Friday I had to spank you for not following it.” I questioned.

“Yes Sir I am,” She said her face starting to blush.

“Turn away from me and pull your skirt up to your wait so I cancheck you out. While I do this, Elizabeth you may go to the bathroom and compose yourself then you can tell me the problem with your daughter and college.” I said.

Susan immediately bunched her blue knee-length skirt and slip up to her waist. Much to my surprise and the other girls, Susan had on a white panty girl holding up her tan stockings. “Why are you wearing a panty girl, Susan?” She had a fantastic figure and had no need for it.

“Tom has spanked me each morning after my shower. As part of my punishment for not following your dress code I must wear this very tight panty girl for a week, which really holds the heat in.” She said her face a bright red.

“Very good, glad to see Tom has decided to keep you in line. I hope you learned a lesson?”

“Yes Sir I definitely did.” She indicated blushing.

“Okay, you may let your skirt down and make sure you behave yourself.”


I gave her one solid swat on her panty girl to send her on herway.

“Okay, Elizabeth come out here and explain to me what is going on with Cassie and be quick about it,” I said.


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