The Corner Office Ch. 05

Chapter V -The previous weekend

(This is a fantasy containing spanking and humiliation. If you do not enjoy reading this type of story please do not read it. Thank you to my editor you know who you are.)


I was in the dining room of my 45 year old administrative assistants’ house waiting to pick up some documents that I needed for work on Monday. I am Bill Gray, her 30 year old boss and owner of the company.

I could hear a discussion in the kitchen between Elizabeth and her 19 year old daughter Laura. The conversation was about Laura being grounded for missing her curfew two nights in a row.

The minute Laura said it she realized she had made a mistake. She had just been extremely rude to her mother, when questioned about Why she broke her curfew.

“Laura you know your curfew is 9:00 on a school night. Coming home at 11:00 both nights is unacceptable, so you are grounded for the weekend,” said her Mother.

“Youcan’t tell me what to do! I’m too old and I’ll come home when I please,” shouted her nineteen year old daughter.

When I heard Laura shouting I’d had enough, and ordered both girls to come into the dining room to settle matters. I knew Elizabeth was having trouble with both her daughters. Laura was a senior in high school and Cassie was a 22 year old junior in college. Elizabeth had explained to me that both her daughters needed a man’s firm hand, as her husband had died several years ago.

Over the past year both Laura and Cassie’s behavior had been in- corrigible. Elizabeth saw how my spanking policy, at the business I owned had made the company successful and the employees very productive. She thought maybe I could help her at home.

“Young lady I suggest you apologize to your mother immediately!” I said.

I could see her start to back down and then her stubborn streak kicked in and she fired away, “You’re not my Father and I do not have to do what you say!”

“Is that right Laura? After I finish with you today, you will have an entirely different attitude. I plan on teaching you some manners so you won’t act like a sassy brat,” I said in a firm voice. “How long has it been since you had a good hard spanking?”

I could see that the question both started and embarrassed her at the same time. Her face turned bright red and she looked towards her Mother for some assistance. Here she was a senior in high school being asked by a stranger, when was the last time she was spanked.

“Answer the question Laura,” her Mother said. She knew her boss had asked the question for a purpose and that was to get the upper hand on her daughter mentally.

True to form, as I knew she would, she replied with the typical adolescent answer.

“I don’t Know.”

Laura shifted from foot to foot, uneasy and squirming inside not knowing what to expect next. She was mot acting like a mature young lady.

To save face she shouted: “Besides whatdoes it matter? I am too old to be spanked!” With that outburst she turned and headed for the stairs.

“Miss Delany, do not take another step!” I said firmly. Laura stopped in her tracks.

I rose from my chair and walked to the front of the dining room table where I stood in front of Laura.

“First young lady I did not dismiss you, second the next time you speak without my permission, I will wash your mouth out with soap, and third from now on you will address me as Sir.”

“Is that understand?” I said.

“Y-Y-Yes,” Stammered Laura.

“Yes what?” I asked.

“Yes Sir,” She said her head dropping.

I now had the upper hand and proceeded to continue my line of questioning.

“Well, young lady if you Don’t remember the last time you were spanked that tells me two things: first it is apparently far too long since you had your bottom warmed,” I proceeded to wrap an arm around her waist and bent her over I gave her a hard swat on each chef over her jeans.

“Second whom ever paddled you did not do a good enough job,” Two more well placed smokes followed on her rounded bottom

“DAMN that hurt!”

She knew she had made a mistake.

I reached and grasped her earlierobe with my hand, and pulled Laura to the dining room chair. I sat down with Laura directly in front of me and without saying a word I unfasted her jeans and pulled them down to just above her knees, exposing her white cotton panties.

“I told you what would happen if you speak without my permission!” I then took hold of Laura’s ear and started towards the kitchen.

Laura had no choice but to follow, her head hunted over, her jeans sliding down her legs to her ankles.

“No PLEEEASE, I’m sorry, PLEEASE let me go,” She cried.

I led Laura over to the kitchen sink and released my hold on her earlierobe. Laura had no time to recover, as she saw me pick up the half-used bar of Ivory soap from the soap dish.

“No! Mother, make him stop,” Sheappealed to her Mother who smiled.

Laura took a step backwards, “Don’t you dare move,” I ordered.

Laura was terrified. She stood frozen, while I held the soap under the water and worked up a good later. When I was satisfied, I pulled Laura towards me and leaned her over the sink. I held her by the back of the neck with the lathered-up bar in my other hand, poised for action.

“Noooo,” She cried.

I was waiting for her to open her mouth. When Laura opened her mouth to say “no,” I slid the bar of Ivory in between her lips.

“Missy when I tell you not to speak unless spoken to, I mean it!” I scolded as I twisted and turned the bar of soap.

A soapy foam dribbled down Laura’s chin and tee-shirt. The taste was most likely horrible! She gargled and almost gagged, as the soap coated her tongue and permeated every pore of her mouth.

“Are you learning anything?” I asked.

Laura nodded her head as much as my other hand would allow. I withdraw the soapand allowed her to spit out the remains into the sink. It would do no good, because the soapy taste would remain in her mouth for awhile.

“Alright, young lady,” I stated emphy, “Its time for the second part of your lesson! You have been a very naughty girl.”

“Young Lady march yourself into the dining room and find the nearest corner, put your nose flat against the wall and place Your hands on top of your head,” I ordered.

The still-coughing Laura turned and half tripping because of her jeans walked quickly to the nearest corner. The mouth-soaping had taken all resistance out of Laura, as she hobbled past her Mother. She looked like she was foaming at the mouth, and the front of her tee-shirt was all wet. She couldn’t even speak the taste of soap was still overpowering. She began crying and that made it worse.

“Elizabeth go get your hairbrush, your daughter is about to get the soundest spanking of her life,” I ordered.

I let Laura stand in the corner for about 30 minutes, hands on her head, nose flat against the wall, her Levi’s at her ankles, white cotton panties on display. She was the picture of a very sorry 19 year-old, who had met her match.

I walked over to her and gripped her by her earliestbe whispering in her ear. “This is going to be very long hard spanking and you will be crying when I’m done,” This brought fresh tears to her eyes as I marched over to the waiting straight-backed chair in the middle of the dining room.

I firmly but gently pulled her over my knees and began smoothing out the seat of her tight panties. Her legs were tanned in sharp contrast to her white panties.

“Missy this panty warming will give you a hint at what you can expect. I am extremely disappointed in your attitude. You should have received this along time ago,” I looked directly at her Mother now holding the hairbrush as I began to swat Laura’s behind.

Two more spanks landed on her rounded bottom. “I hope this will changeYour attitude. You are rude and mouthy,” I continued to smack the seat of her panties with my right palm.

“Hand me the hairbrush Elizabeth.”

I took the brush and gave her six smokes on her panties, two on each chef and two over the fullest part of the buttocks where her cheeses meet.

“Please no more, Mr. Gray………Mommy I will be ggooood…. Please make him stop,” She sobbed.

“Oh ouch please it hurtrrrts.” Laura started to cry forgetting all about the taste in her mouth.

“It’s going to sting a lot more before I am finished with your sassy backside. There will be plenty of spankings unless you adjust your attitude out young lady.” I said as I continued to swat her.

I then pulled one side of Laura’s panties aside exposing a very red Cheek and swatted it three times. I pulled the left side of her panties so they were in-between her cheeses and landed another three smacks.

“Lift up your hips, young lady,” Laura reached back to hold on to her panties in one desperate attempt to preserve her modesty.

“Laura, if you don’t do has I say I’ll just spank these naughty little girl underpants right off you.” I said.

Realizing what I would do, Laura let go of her panties but it was too late. I quickly seized her wrists in my left hand and started spanking her on the seat of her panties. Within a few minutes the loud cries of a girl learning a time-honored lesson resounded through the dining room.

Ignoring her cries for help I continued to administrator an underpants spanking for another two minutes until Laura’s bottom glowed through her cotton panties as she cried and began to hiccup.

“Now missy, lift up,” She quickly did as I ordered. I pushed her underpants down to her knees. “That was just the panty warming; I am now going to show you what a real bare bottom spanking feels like.”

“From now on I expect you to behave like a grown up, not like a brat. I want a different attitude from you. I don’t want to hearAny more sassiness from you. You will apologize to your mother and you’ll behave or you will get this hairbrush every day until I see some improvement,” I scolded, landing swat after hairbrush swat on her bottom cheeses.

I continued to spank her on one spot then another over and over. Up one side of her bare buttons and down the other including her thighs. Her bottom was becoming redder and redder her thighs glowed from being spanked.

Laura’s long tan legs stretched straight out and then slowly lowered to the floor. When her legs got high enough to interfere I pushed them back down and gave three whacks on her thighs. After about 3 minutes I stopped the paddling.

I rested my hand with the hairbrush on her bare bottom and waited for her crying to slowly stop and then I announced there will be some new rules.

“First you are grounded for a month. You will come right home from school, do your homework, start dinner and by 7:00 you will be in your PJ’s ready for bed.For one month you will be going to bed at 8:00. Is that clear?” I landed two swats, one on each bare chef.

“Yes S-S-Sir” She stammered.

“Second your Mother will be keeping a punishment book of your misdeeds and every Saturday morning I will be over to spank you if necessary.

Is that clear?” I asked.

“Yes S-S-Sir,” She cried totally humiliated.

“Third I want you tell your mother what a naughty girl you are and that you deserve to be spanked. Is that understand?”

“Fourth you are to write 500 times in your best handwriting. “I am a bad girl and not too old for a bare bottom tanning. Hand it to me by Saturday morning. Is that clear?” Again another three landed on her behind.

“Yes, S-S-Sir.” She was totally submissive.

“Okay now get up off my lap pull up your panties, and go apologize to your Mother,” I ordered.

“Put your PJ’s on you are spending the rest of the night in the corner,” I said.

Laura slowly got to her feet, a verycontrite, humbled, sore, young lady. She started towards her mother rubbing her fanny and sobbing. Laura’s I’m to old attitude gone.


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