Chapter IV – Susan is pinned
(This is a fantasy. If you do not enjoy stories about several spankings and humiliation please do not read it, as you will be disappointed)
I can’t be late. I parked the car and quickly ran into the office where I work. Mr. Gray, my 30 year old boss, instructed me to be at his office at exactly 8:00AM. I am on time for the meeting. I straighten my knee length green skirt making sure I have the pins and my letter. I finally knock on his office door.
“Come in Miss Baker,” my heart jumps as I turn the doorknob and walk into Mr. Gray’s office. I feel as though I am going to wet my panties. I am so nervous. It is as if I was 6, not 32, and I was reporting to the principal’s office.
I see Mr. Gray Sitting behind his desk, which looks about 10 feet high, he motions me to the center of the room. I feel like a little girl. He makes me stand ignoring me, while he continues to work on some papers. I begin to fidgetfrom foot to foot, as I glance at the clock on the wall. The first five minutes pass, then the next 10 minutes and I am still waiting for him to say something. I promise myself that I will never again be in trouble.
Finally after 15 minutes, he looks at me and give me an icy star. “Why are you here young lady?” He questions.
I can hardly speak, “You told me to be here 30 minutes early sir.”
“Why?” He asks.
I start to stutter. “Be- Be-Be-cause I w-w-as late la-ast week, and be-be-be-cause I didn’t dress correctly,” I am acting like a little girl instead of a grown woman.
“Go get the straight-backed chair and bring it to the center of the room NOW!” I jump and run for the chair placing it where he indicated. Is he going to spank me? I am so sore from this past weekend, I still can’t sit comfortably.
Mr. Gray sits in the chair pointing to where I should stand. My legs feel like rubber and I begin to rub my backside. I can feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. Why wasn’t I a good girl? I am so sorry.
He takes my arm and gently but firmly bends me over his lap. My head is touching the floor to his left, I can see the carpet just inches from my nose. My legs are straight to his right, my high heels digging into the carpet. I can feel his palm resting on my skirt-covered bottom. I am so embarrassed. He knows this and gently rubs my cheeks.
“Now, Young Lady, did you bring your pins,” He knows I did, but wants to hear it from me.
“Yes Sir.”
“Let me have them,” He orders.
I hand him the three pins that are in my hand. He is going to pin my skirt to the back of my white bloom so that my panties will be exposed all day. My face is bright red just thinking about it. I am so ashamed and humiliated. Never again will I wear pantyhose. I start to sob, tears running down my face. I feel him take my skirt raising it slowly up my legs. It has now reached my thighs. He continues to fold the skirt over my back, wherere my white cotton panties are now exposed to him and will soon be to the entire office. Higher and higher my skirt rises until it reaches my blouse. He takes the three pins and fastens the skirt to the blouse.
I have seen the other women in our office, who were ‘pinned’. Their faces were constantly red from crying and embarrassment. I will be no different. He takes his hand and slowly pulls my panty so that it is in-between my cheeks. The summits of both my fanny cheeks are fully exposed.
My bottom is bright red because my husband spanked me this morning. He said he is going to paddle me each morning this week Will Mr. Gray take goal on me and not spank me?
“I see you have been spanked this morning,” He says.
“Yes sir,” I answer.
“Your husband Did a good job, but he missed right here,” I feel him patting my backside right on my sit spot.
I feel his eyes inspecting my underpants. They are white cotton without frills or decorations. Tom said I acted like a little girl so I do not deserve to wear big girl undies. They are well-filled and stretched tight as a drum over my full round buttocks. Mr. Gray does not yank them down immediately, but smoothes his hand across them; I feel my posterior quiver as he touches them.
He starts the spanking, as each spank draws a distinctive yelp from me as I start some lively air kicking and squirming. I do Not try to cover my bottom knowing that is forbidden. I can feel him concentrating his attention on the placement of the spanks. He keeps them low altering cheats but varying the pattern and the rhythm. Occasionally he applies several quick sharp slaps to one side or the other. These flurries get my attention and I feel tears start to well in eyes. He continues the sequence several times until he feel the time was right to move on.
He let me lay over his lap for a full minute before he slide his hands up along my hips and slipped his fingers inside the elastic of my white cotton panties. Inch by inch he eased the waistband downward slowly unveiling my very red bum. Mr. Gray continues until the panties lay tangled inside-out at my knees. My face is buried in my hands from embarrassment; I could feel the blush extend to the base of my neck. I felt the goose bumps on my bare bottom, as he stroked upward from my knees and my muscles tensed as his hand approached my bottom.
I hear him scold me “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself. You are an intelligent, accomplished, professional woman having to be treated like a naughty little girl. Just look at you, your bare bottom across my lap getting a spanking. Imagine what your friends would think if they could see you. Your skirt pinned up and your underpants around your knees. What would they say if they knew you had to have Your fanny paddled to teach you to act your age?”
I was mortified at the notion of others seeing or even knowing about my present position. I felt shamefully exposed. A smartly dressed business woman jackknifed across her boss’s knee, her bottom naked, about to be spanked like a willful child. He readjusted my position so that my head almost touched the floor and my bare backside was high across his lap.
Crack! The sound of the first slap landed on my right rump. Crack! A second sizzling swat quickly landed on the other side. The crisp swats rained down on my bouncing bottom. He was starting to hit his stride; his hand raised high and he finished each swat with an emphatic snap of the wrist. For several minutes he spanked me, mostly on the cream at the base of my buttocks. I was now sobbing, tears running down my face. It hurt as much as any spanking I have ever received. I promised myself never to do anything wrong again.
“I hope I am making my point young lady,” He said.
“Oh yes sir,” I started to cry big sobs.
I could feel the heat radiating from my bottom. “I think we are making progress, Do you think you have learned anything about the advantagesof mature behavior?”
“Yes sir,” I stammered.
“Good lets finish you off,” Ten of the hardest swats I have ever felt landed on each bottom chef, “I have learned my lesson. I will be soooo good!” I cried.
“Okay pull up your panties and get up and compose yourself,” He ordered.
I reached behind me to my knees and slowly pulled my panties over my hips wiggling as I did so. Once my panties were in place, I climbed off his lap. I was sobbing and hiccupping, but knew better than to rub my sore backside.
“Okay 30 minutes of corner time and then we will go out and let the rest of the office see you,” He ordered pointing to the far corner.
Mr. Gray gave me a smack on each chef and sent me to the corner, where I stood for 30 minutes nose Touching the wall and my hands at my side. I was busy thinking about how I was going to make it through the rest of the day, when I heard him say. “Okay Susan lets to the office for the rest of your punishment. Take your letter, you can read it in front of the office to everyone.”
“No, pleasure, it’s too embarrassing,” I sobbed.
Whack! Whack! “Do you need another tanning, young lady? Now come with me.”
Before I started to walk, he grasped the waistband of my white cotton panties and pulled them up so tight that you could see both my red fanny cheats. With the hem of my skirt pinned to my blouse, I slowly walked to the main office where the other girls sat at their desks.
“Okay, girls,” I hear Mr. Gray announcement. “Susan is going to spend the remainder of the day with her skirt pinned so that everyone can see her underpants. She violated the dress code and was late several days. I hope this will teach her a lesson. When she has no work to do she will be standing in the front corner with her nose touching the wall. I don’t want anyone to speak to her except about business. Now she is going to read a letter that her husband made her write about her punishment Friday night and then I wanther to apologize to all of you for the trouble she is causing you.”
After I read my letter in front of everyone and then apologized to all, I spent the entire day either sitting on a hard wooden chair or in the corner standing with my skirt pinned and my panties on display for a full 8 hours. Doing my work while having my skirt pinned felt both strange and embarrassing. It also stung like crazy, my bottom was a fire Engine red and every time I moved it hurt even more. To top it off, Mr. Gray would visit me every so often have me bend over my desk and swat me two or three times. He called it his touch up sessions.
When I wasn’t working I reported to Elizabeth Delany, who would take me by the hand as if I were a child and march me over to the corner. Sometimes I had to stand with my hands on top of my head and my nose touching the wall. Other times Mrs. Delany would get a small stool meant for a child and had me sit on it. Once she took my undies down so that my panties wereat my knees. My bare bottom was on the hard wood of the kindergarten chair. This punishment lasted for a full 8 hours and ended with a question and answer session while I was over Mr. Gray’s knees in front of everyone. He asked me if I think I had learned my lesson. I quickly answered yes sir; I was then dismissed for the day with hard swat and a promise to myself to be a good girl in the future.
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