Karla peered intensely into the computer screen, willing the image to enlarge. “Make him hard again, Erin.”
My wife adjusted the iPad camera so that my semi-erection was front and center on the screen. I moaned. Again? Erin had hardened me three times already and edged me while her coach watched and helped fine-tune her technique.
Karla insisted on observing Erin’s skill at controlling my hard-on Before she would pronounce us Domme and sub. It was a very BDSM cult-like thing to aspire to, but Erin was interested in claiming her status. So I was on display again, in front of our coach. Karla had more experience training would-be submissives than anyone else we knew. She was part of a network of women that got together every once in awhile to compare notes on how best to elicit desired responses from their men. She was teaching Erin everything she knew, no charge. At least no money changed hands. I had an odd feeling that I might become the currency of choice at some point. She watched my wife jack my cock to its full size once again.
“He’s not quite as hard as I would like to see,” Karla mused. “But he has good stamina. You have stiffened him three times and deliberately softened his erection twice. That’s important. Anyone can make their sub erection, because subs are basically all just sluts that want to be dominated. But it takes a practiced hand to control a cock like you have been doing Erin. Good job!”
Erin blushed as she maxed-out my rigidness capacity. Karla watched as I began panting under Erin’s skillful handling. My hands were secured behind me, clipped together in buckle-on wrist restraints. My legs were separated wide, with my ankles shackled to either end of a meter-long “spreader bar,” in case I was tempted to interrupt Erin’s demonstration. I would, of course never do that, but Karla always liked seeing me immobilized for these on-line instructional sessions. And I liked having my choice removed.
“How long have you kept him waiting?” Karla asked. “Just curious, he sounds like it’s been days. He isn’t always this vocal, is he?”
“He has been diligent about learning to express himself,” Erin replied. “He’s not naturally demonstrated, but I like to hear him grunt and moan. And truly, I think hearing himself makes those noises contributes to that stiff play-stick that you see on display.” I glanced down at my cock and considered begging for release. It might work. She might want to show Karla exactly how much control she had over her pet. But she didn’t especially like me taking any initiative and the last time I tried to steer her into letting me cum, she had kept my cock locked up for a week as a ‘behavioral correction’. I was learning to follow, just as she was learning to lead. I grunted and leaned into her hands.
“At least it certainly appears that he gets off on his own grunts.” Erin considered me thoughtfully and rested her hand idly on my shake while she considered my behavior. Her fingers slide casually back and forth as she spoke with her coach. She almost seemed to have forgotten me as she chatted with Karla. Almost.
“I’m going to let him cum soon,” Erin suddenly announced. “I can feel that he is about at the end of his ability to obey.” She grinned and squeezed her pet playfully. “Would you like to watch?” she asked her mentor.
“I’d love to but I have to go out. In fact I’m already late,” Karla said, glancing at her phone. “Unless you can make him do it in the next 10 minutes. Also, are you free next Thursday evening? I’m inviting you to bring him to a social gathering of like-minded individuals at my place.”
“Oooh! One of the infamous BDSM parties! Sure, we’d be delighted, wouldn’t we David?” She squeezed my cock excitedly then resumed sliding her hand up and down the hard shake a little faster. “Is it a special occasion?”
“Yes it is. Let me explain. The final requirement for a recognized Domme/sub relationship is an escorted showing among peers. That means you take responsibility for him among others of similar status so we can demonstrate how well he has been trained, and of course, so he can see first-hand that he is not the only man in town with submissive cravings. Your coach is allowed to participate to a degree, so I will guide you. All David needs to do is obey. If he can perform well, he’ll be accepted into the sub group and you will be acclaimed as his Domme – faith accompli.”
“David is what we call a “collared slut,” Karla said. “I think you’ll agree that there are a few obvious stages of growth following a man’s realization that he would be better off being sexually subservient to his female partner, yes?” Karla waited for Erin’s nod acknowledging the obvious.
“A man who can accept female dominance and prove it by submitted to being shaken and wearing a cock collar, is known as a ‘collared slut’ among the sisterhood. In other words he’s a sub in the making but has not yet been broken. Sorry, Imeant ‘set free’ you know, to be his true self,” Karla grinned.
“Although you have to admit, training them is a little like breaking in a wild horse, isn’t it? First you have to gain their trust, then they need to accept a few ‘restraints’, including a bit. Oh, and of course they have to consent to being controlled, right?” Karla smiled. “Tell me you didn’t buy a riding crop the same week David asked to be your sub.”
“Same day actually. And he had to beg before I believed him.” Erin glanced at me. “Isn’t it fun to take them shopping for sex toys that the sales clerk knows beyond a doubt is for him?” Erin patted my face condescendingly. “Poor David, did that girl look too shocked for you when we were shopping for strap-ons? Answer.”
“No Ma’am, just embarrassed for me I think.” I knew better than to say too much.
“Yes, especially after I had you bend over in a corner of the store to see how the height of the straw-on suited me,” Erin grinned.
“Spread,” she said. “I want to see your cock.” I spread my legs further apart and balanced on the balls of my feet. Her sudden attention stiffened me again.
“Stand still.” I stood beside her while she chatted with Karla. Erect, hands behind my back, legs forced apart by the spreader bar, Erin played with her toy.
“David is a good example of a CS,” Karla continued. “Even if he doesn’t Actually wear a cock collar all the time. He doesn’t, does he?”
“No,” Erin said. “Although now that I’ve spoken with you, I might have to make an alteration to his wardrobe,” my wife drawn. Erin tilted her head to one side inquisitively. “Sisterhood?”
“Yeah, as you know, I am part of a new work of women who have established some level of control over their male partners, all Consensual of course. We get together to socialize and share ideas on what works and what doesn’t. Naturally we use the occasions to show off our handiwork. After all, part of being dominant is to have your status acknowledgedby your peers, right?” Karla’s voice took on that demanding edge that I responded to so well.
“We decided what the guys are called, what stage of development they are at, and when they attain the status of ‘sub’.
I started fucking Erin’s hand slowly at first then picking up speed. Hopeful she would let me cum this time, just to show off her training skills. Or maybe she would think that making me cum in 10 minutes met part of Karla’s criteria for the official D/s design. It didn’t matter. I needed to cum this time. I felt the edge of no return begin to work its way through my groin. But she was not going to let me usurp her authority.
“Hold it until I say,” she instructed in a level, authoritative voice. Her hand continued to stroke my cock just enough to hold that edge. I couldn’t last much longer. Karla checked the time.
“Wow, can you really make him squirt inside of, let’s see now, five minutes?” Karla said, now glued to the computer screen, anticipatingthe show.
Erin said nothing, but stared at my glazed expression, judging her timing. My cock was ready to shoot in her hand. She felt it throb and pumped faster. She started counting back from 10.
“Ten, nine, eight, …” I barely made it to five before my cock erupted. Karla clapped, like a child at the circuit. Erin leaned forward and smiled. She used the excess cum running down my shake to coat my Still erect cock. Her other hand lathered my balls with the natural lubricant. I sensed that I was not going to be allowed to go soft right away. Not while Karla was watching.
“Very good Erin,” Karla gushed. “Can he do that in front of others?” Karla grinned. Again, my finely honed sense of being taken advantage of beginning tingling. Karla had something specific in mind.
“Well I’m not sure,” Erin replied. “He has never performed for anyone except you, me and my friend Linda. What did you have in mind?” Erin cocked her head to one side again. “I don’t want him to be forced into anything he doesn’t want to do. I’d rather see him co-operate just because he can’t help it, understand?”
“Of course. I don’t know what you have heard, but all the subs in our group are there because they want to be. They perform for us because they get off on it and want to please their owners. I’m sure David is no exception, thanks in large part to your skill at converting him.” Karla Regarding Erin quietly for a moment, trying to read her expression over the Internet. “You may need to prove you can make him cum on demand to get the recognition you deserve Erin. Are you Ok with that, and will he be able to do as expected in front of an audience?”
“Next Thursday? Can we do a couple of practice sessions first?” my wife asked her coach. “Just you, Linda and me. He is obviously Ok with the three of us watching him. I know Linda would love to help refine his training,” Erin laughed. “He practically shot his load just watching her tits bounce the other day.” Erin turnedto me and slapped my cock. “Such a depraved man-toy.” She slapped it again and I groaned. My cock stretched out, looking for her hands. Regardless of what I thought I wanted, my cock had a mind of its own.
“You’re such a slut. Will you do what I say, and cum when you’re told?” Erin asked, not really expecting any dissent. Her hand cupped my balls and drifted along the sensitive Underside of my erection. My breathing became laboured. I knew she could make me cum again if she wanted to impress Karla.
“Give him a break and put the control-stick away for now,” Karla advised. “If I were you I’d keep him locked up until Thursday night. You know, build a little tension. It might improve his performance when you finally allow him to vent.” Karla smiled mischievously from the computer screen. Erin stroked my cock thoughtfully.
“Good idea,” she said. “I can unlock him and harden him in front of the others. Should he wear anything special?”
“Just a cock harness will be sufficient, I should think,” Karla responded. “Do you have one that will accommodate a leash? If not, I have one his size you can borrow.”
“Perfect, just bring it with you. You can help me fit him into it once the cage comes off.”
There was a small stage in the middle of the room. Just a foot high and maybe four feet square, it served to elevate the subs so everyone could see them perform. Except for the dog collar Karla had given me and the cock cage Erin had kept me in for the past couple of, days, I was completely naked, like the other subs in the room. Erin led me to the display platform by my leash, wrists handcuffed behind me. I stumbled along behind her onto the raised podium. Karla addressed a group of about 15 women seated around the little dais. Most had brought their subs with them for the show. Naked men squatted or stood beside their Dommes in various states of compromise. Some were locked in cock cages, some had cock collars, while others wore dog collars with leashes and hoods. Karla had explained to Erin that most subs preferred to be de-personalized. Wearing a hood objectified the sub and focused attention on his cock, where his Domme preferred the attention to be. They were all docile, obedient males who had given their autonomy to their female owners.
“Take off the cage and harden him!” one of the women yelled.
“Relax Adrianne, Karla Replied. “Remember that it’s a big thing for a sub to embrace his future,” she admonished her colleague. Erin will make him cum for you,” she grinned. Erin unlocked the cock cage with the little key she kept attached to her ankle bracelet. She slowly worked the cage off my swelling appendage. To both my dismay and my relief, my cock hardened instantly, confirming my status and moving Erin one step up the ladder towards club membership.
I should have been mortified. I should never have let things go so far. How did I end up naked, collared and erect on a little stage, expected tocum for a bunch of women who treated men as a sex tools?
“Knees,” Erin instructed. My instant obedience was not lost on her audience. Murmurs of approval echoed through the room.
On my knees with my legs spread and my cock erect, I jutted my hips forward and surrendered to my handler. I closed my eyes and within minutes I was ready to make my wife a club member in good standing.
“Not yet,” she instructed. I opened my eyes about the same time as Karla took over the milking.
“You’re not allowed to cum for anyone except Erin this evening, understand?” Karla asked. Her expert fingers fondled my balls and glided effortlessly along the straining shake that threatened to erupt at any time. I moaned and whimpered, but Karla kept shaking her head. I was not allowed to disobey. Not here, not tonight.
I felt detached from my hard-on, like it belonged to someone else, Karla maybe. I had no control now. Karla kept me on the edge for a very long time. At last I felt Erin’sfamiliar touch and her reassuring voice.
“Cum now,” she demanded quietly. Her confident voice was full of authority. I would not have dreamed of disobeying her. With a satisfying grunt loud enough for everyone to witness, I came on demand for my owner. Erin smiled and held my convulsing cock in her hand while she kissed me long and slow on the lips. She knew now beyond any doubt that she owned me, and she knew I knew. A whole room full of Dommes and their subs knew.
“I now pronounce you Domme and sub,” Karla laughed. The women clapped. Another sister had joined their ranks. Their subs knelt submissively at their feet. I was one of them now.
“Karla, can I have a hand? Did you bring that cock harness?” Karla nodded and stepped forward, leather apparatus in hand. Karla fit the cock harness around the base of my erection, including my balls, displaying my genitals prominently. A stick in the middle separated my testicles and keep them slightly protruded. Small D-rings embedded in the base collar part allowed for a leash, or other restrictions to be clipped onto it.
“Perfect!” Erin exclaimed once Karla had finished harnessing me. Erin clipped a short chain lead onto my cock collar, then pulled up on the lead.
“Up,” she ordered. I struggled to my feet and she wrapped her hand around my stiff boss. “Let’s get this show on the road!” she quipped. She patted my face and led me off the stage with the lean clipped to my semi-erect cock in its new harness. Acting as master of ceremonies, Karla approached us quickly.
“Let me introduce you around, now that you’re officially a member,” she gushed excitedly. “David, follow along beside Erin. Just do what you’re told and you’ll do fine,” Karla assured me. Erin smiled down at me and tugged on my leash.
“Let’s go slut,” she grinned. “There’s a whole new social life waiting for us.” I stood and trailed after her, hands still manacled behind me, watched intently by the other Dommes.
Everyone Erin met took some time to run their hands over my body. My cock was stroked and squeezed so often it felt sickemodied from me. An encouraging slap on the ass followed by a firm brown hand on my erection reminded me that Karla was the boss here.
“That was brilliant Erin!” Karla congratulated my wife. “You have trained him perfectly. Such obedience!” Her hand continued to glide back and forth Along my hard shake, keeping it rigid. Erin held my leash but as Karla mentioned, she had coaching rights. While one hand kept my shake stiff, the other reached behind me and pulled my buttocks apart inevitably.
“Bend over David,” Erin inspired, slightly annoyed. “Can you not see that Karla wants to explore your dildo hole?” I put my hands on the floor and offered my ass to Karla.
“Spread,” she directed. Karla moved behind me and pulled my genitals backwards between my legs. Holding my erection securely, she balanced her glass of wine on my back, using me like a table. “Don’t move David. If my wine spills you will lick all of it off the floor then get me another.” Karla rested one hand on my back as she chatted with Erin. She held my boss, keeping it erect while she and my wife discussed how I could participate in upcoming events.
“They’re so much easier to be around when they’re submissive. Once they quit trying to impress each other with how virile they are, they can Just relax about their fucking masculinity and let themselves enjoy being handled. Our male-obsessed culture has been so unfair to them all these years,” Karla said, and stroked my cock. She glanced down at her human bar table.
“Having Erin makes decisions for you must be a relief, huh David? Everyone here knows you’re Erin’s slut, so no reputation to defend.” Karla squeezed my erection. “And no chance to get yourself all confused thinking you have a choice.”
I assumed her question was rhetorical so I kept quiet. Karla glued herself to my side and kept her hand moving.I closed my eyes and surrendered to Karla and her demanding fingers.
“You better take him away Erin, I’m going to have to have to make him squirt if I’m around him much longer,” she grinned. Erin smiled at Karla and pulled on my leash.
The rest of the evening played out as expected. We circled among the members. Karla made introductions and Erin was congratulated on her accomplishment. Her accomplishment was indiscriminately struck, petted, squeezed and slapped by other members. Karla informed Erin that it was tradition for the new sub to be handled by the membership following his display of obedience on the stage. My ass cheats were petted and spanked. Curious fingers penetrated my asshole, and my cock was stroked and teased relentlessly as the women initiated Erin’s sub.
“Good job David,” Erin said when we had a moment alone. “I hope you are getting into this new way of being as much as I am.” Her hand stroked smoothly back and forth along my erect cock while she spoke.
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you cum again before we leave,” she assured me, a little smile played on her lips. “Would you like Karla to make you cum? You know you turn her on when you grunt if you’re close to the edge, don’t you?” I grunted.
“Let’s go find that little boss lady. I think we’re about ready.” Erin grinned and used my stiff cock to pull me After her.
“No, hands behind your back and turn around.
I need you to pay attention now. Besides, I like you better cuffed,” Linda smiled. “Your wife and I have been talking with our coach Karla about sharing you.” The handscuffs clicked closed, securing my wrists behind me.
“SMACK!” The unexpected slap on my ass started me. But Linda was unpredictable like that. She placed both hands on my hips and twisted me around until I faced her again.
“Straighten up slut, good posture is mandatory for you now. Seriously though, about us sharing you. It’s not like you’ll just be community proprty. Linda hesitated. Well … I guess it’s a lot more like that than not, come to think of it. You’ll be passed around among three or four women with no notice and most certainly without any consent or input from you. Of course, only women you are comfortable with, “Linda hastened to reassure me. “Women who have demonstrated their ability to please you,” she added cagily.
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