The Contract Ch. 02

This is the second chapter of the story. To get it in full please read ‘The Contract Ch. 01’ first.

Please also note the tags. If any of these activities are not to your taste please find another story to read. Thanks. I hope you enjoy the story.


Kalina and Rada had not received any attention so far. Neither girl knew whether to be relieved or disappointed. Without being used they had no chance of selection, but one look at poor Violeta’s tortured, little body or a thought about Rayna’s piss filled belly and their wish to continue false. Only the thought of a life of poverty and hopelessness drive them on.

Bogdan and Andrei took the two women and secured them side by side to a whipping frame. Their legs were spread apart and their wrists were secured above their heads. The frame consistent only of two upright posts and an overhead beam so the women could be freely beaten all over their bodies.

Andrei selected a a looped cable device aboutTwo feet in length with a phallus shaped plastic handle. Bogdan took a single tail, leather whip.

“Your fate is in the urinal” chuckled Andrei. He held a bowl in front of Rayna and told her to select a slip of paper then read it out.

“Fifteen strokes on the breasts.” Read Rayna.

Andrei felt Kalina’s large pendulous breasts.

“These will swing well. The cable hurts severely and fifteen is a lot. We will see how you do. You will call out the number of strokes yourself.”

He stepped back and the first strike resulted in a loud yelp. The distinctive line of the cable came up in an angry red on Kalina’s left title. After a few seconds delay and a disturbing look from Andrei she recalled and said “one Sir!”

Tim offered a cigarette to Violeta and gestured to her to sit down beside him. They had a good view of the whipping frame. Violeta’s gaze was fixed while Andrei continued whipping Kalina’s breasts.

Tim lit her cig. “Are you still happy that you cameHere? You must be very sore.”

“It’s OK. It hurt much, but I must do this and be best.”

“Why must you do it?” A tear was trickling down Violeta’s cheese as she replied that her boyfriend had lost his job. They were behind with the rent for their tiny flat and they would soon be thrown out if they could not pay.

Drawing hard on the cigarette she paused before tearfully saying

“I must get thousands euros. I need my home and he will beat me if I don’t get money.”

“Surely he won’t beat you as bad as you have had today.”

“Not like that. Cane OK. He angry. Punch and kick.”

Tim was shocked. He hadn’t thought of such behaviour.

“No surely he won’t. He knows you are suffering here to try to get the money you need.”

“Not care that. He will hit me.” The tears were flowing freely.

Kalina just managed to say “fifteen Sir” after the last stroke landed on her living tits. Her knees bent so she swung on her upstretched arms for a while before shecould struggle upright again. Bogdan passed the camera to Andrei and walked over to Rayna. She took another slip from the bowl.

“Eight strokes on the belly.”

Bogdan smiled at Rada. “Lucky girl. You got off lighter than your partner.” He positioned himself and flexed the whip to make sure he would hit his target.then his arm went back and the whistle of the whip through the air was followed by a gasp from Rada. A few moments of silence followed.

“We start again and you call out the number this time.”

“Oh nooo. Please Sir”

“Shut up. This will be number one. Shout it out clear.”

The whip cracked down again on her stomach just a litle higher than previously.

“Aaaaaagh! One Sir.”

Violeta continued to gaze at the the two women being beaten in the whipping frame.

“You will have more to come you know.” Tim said to her. “You are small. Do you really think you can stand more than these women?”

Tears ran down Viioletta’s cheats and shetook a final, long drag on her cigarette. She remained silent.

Rada took her last stroke and screamed loudly as she called out the number. She looked down at her belly crus crossed with fierce red welts.

Andrei called a break. He released the two women from the frame and handed round cigarettes.

Noticing Andrei glancing at her, Rayna quickly said “please Sir. I need to go to the toilet.”

Andrei chuckled. “Not only your own piss eh? You got the guys piss in your belly.” Rayna’s cheats flushed a little and she looked down.

Andrei went to the cleaning cupboard and came back with a large bucket. “Piss in there. We will see at the end how much piss has gone through our urinal.” He chuckled again. The humiliation made Rayna flush even more, but she needed to pee very badly. She squatted over the bucket. After some delay with everybody looking at her a powerful stream of piss began and she put what looked like two or three pins in the bucket.

“Well done girl. Lovely as it has been pissing into Rayna, this business is about women being whipped, not finding how well trained they have been by their husband to take a belly full of piss. You are no longer the urinal Rayna. You can pick a girl to take your place.”

“Ooh…I…I don’t know Sir.”

“If you want a chance of that 1,000 euros you had better choice now.”

“Umm…err…Rada Sir.” Rayna shook as she uttered the name. She wasn’t quite sure why she had picked Rada. Maybe it was because the name was similar to her own. Perhaps she thought Rada had got off with a bit less than the other girls so far. She just didn’t know.

Andrei told Rada to get on her knees. She hesitated, but obeyed.

“How do you like to drink piss Rada?”

“I have never done that Sir. I don’t know if I could.”

“You know that complete obedience is required here don’t you. You do anything we say or you go home.”

“Yes Sir. I know that. I will try.”

“Head back, mouth open.” Andrei aimed his prick and shot a jet of piss into her mouth. “Swallow.”

She closed her mouth and gulped down.

“Open your mouth. Come on. Don’t mess about.”

Another shot filled her mouth with yellow liquid and then she cought. Piss splattered Andrei’s legs and Rada’s face went pale before she turned quickly and throw up in the bucket.

“Stupid bitch. You’d better go home now.”

“No, please Sir. I’ll do better. I will be the best for your films Sir.”

“OK. One more chance. You can have ten extra strokes of the flogger on your cunt for that and you are the urinal for the rest of this session.” Andrei had Rada lie on her back while Tim and Bogdan held up a leg each so that her pussy was an open target. Andrei picked up the leather flogger and started work. In just a few minutes he delivered ten hard strokes while Rada screamed and her cunt was covered in vicious looking red and purple welts.

When he was finished he took the sobbing Rada by the arm andDraped her face down over a low table. His prick was sharp now and he rammed it into her bruised, swollen pussy.

” Always the best guys. A red hot cunt.

Tim was stimulated by what he saw, but uncomfortable with the obvious sadism displayed by Andrei. The conflicting emotions of taking pleasure in dominating a woman and beig concerned for their welfare at the same time made him think more about Violeta’s situation. When Andrei finished with Rada and sat down Tim went over to him. They were far enough away from the others that they would not be heard.

“Who do you think will win the thousands euros today?”

“We have more to do yet. A couple look promising. Rada seems the shamest just now.”

“Not Violeta?”

“HaHa! No, not a chance. Too skinny and little tits. Our views don’t want to look at that.”

“Why don’t you tell her and save her any more punishment?”

“They all get paid something and they need to earn it. Anyway, it is fun whipping them isn’t it? Apart from that you can do anything you want with them while they are here. That’s the rules.”

Looking up Tim saw that Rada was sucking Bogdan’s dick and Rayna was rimming him. Kalina was walking towards them with a tray of drinks. Tim took the glass he was offered and went back to Violeta who was still sitting alone and smoking another cigarette.

“I want to help you and I think I have a way to do it.”

“What you mean? How you can do anything?”

“You must get away from your boyfriend or he will suffer you.It is not safe to be with him. Trust me and I will find you somewhere to live. I have money. I can give you a job where you will be safe.”

Violeta was confused and scared, but she liked Tim and thought he was telling the truth. She didn’t love her boyfriend anymore. She would take her chance with this stranger.

“What I have to do?”

“Go to Andrei and tell him you can’t take any more. You need to go. I will take you to a safe place and tell you about the job.”

Shakily Violeta went to Andrei. Tim got his phone and rang Gordon. They agreed that Violeta could stay at Gordon’s flat for as long as necessary and Tim would pay her living expenses. They also agreed on another little plan. Violeta returned clutching one hundred euros and with a trace of a smile on her face.

Tim was already dressing. “Hey Andrei, thank you so much for inviting me here. It has been a fantastic experience. I am going to take the girl home now, but I really appreciate the great time you have shown me. I will always be a fan of your films. Have a drink on me.” He passed a few notes to Andrei. Probably about a hundred euros.

Violeta slipped on her few clothes and followed Tim to his hire car. There was no conversation as they Drave to Gordon’s flat. When they arrived Tim introduced Violeta and immediately suggested that she show Gordon what had happened to her at KaneKlub. He was pleased to see that she was relaxed enough to remove her clothes right away without any question.

“Phew, that must have hurt.” Gordon ran his fingers over the raised welts covering Violeta’s little body.

“Not bad now Sir.”

Sit down Violeta. I am going to tell you what is going to happen. He explained that they were going to go to her flat for her to collect her belongings.

“What will your boyfriend be doing Now?”

“Maybe wait after drink beer.”

“He will be at home?”

“Yes. Wait for me to come back with money.”

“OK, we go now.”

Accompanied by two men, Violeta no longer had any fear when they arrived and she unlocked the front door.

As soon as they walked in a shout came from the bedroom.

“Hey bitch. Come here. Have you got the money?”

All three of them went into the bedroom to find the naked man sprayed on the bed with a beer can in his hand. He leaves up only to fall back again when Gordon’s large hand hit him forcedly in the chest.

“Shut up jerk and do as you’re told if you know what’s good for you.”

As she had been told, Violeta went around collecting her belongings and packing them into bags they had brought with them.

“You’re an asshole and you are going to have to work for a living now or starve. Violeta is leaving.”

The boyfriend tried to sneer in contempt, but the slap from Gordon’s great paw smoked it away. The two men dragged him from the bed and tied his arms and legs firmly with sheets. When Violeta finished the small amount of packing she had to do the guys sat her bound and naked ex boyfriend at the head of the bed.

“Would you like to tell him what you think of him and then show him how you appreciate your new friends?” Violeta yelled a torrent of abuse and accusations at her former boyfriend before getting on her knees and giving a blow job to Tim and Gordon in front of him. After she swallowed the second load she got up, smiled broadly and throw the flat keys at him. They left with the front door wide open so that he would be found by somebody before he came to much harm.


Back at Gordon’s flat Tim sat Violeta down and explained what he meant by a job. He would take her back to England where she would live with him in his lovely home. On his laptop he showed the wonder struck girl a walk through of where he lived.

“I am not going to marry you and you will not be my girlfriend. This is a job just like the one you were hoping for with KaneKlub, but there won’t be any films. You will be available for me every day to use in the way that I want. I will use your mouth, cunt and ass any way that I want and I will punish you however I choose, but I will never cause you any permanent injury and you can leave at any time if you want to.”

Violeta looked confused. She was awestruck with the house where Tim lived and she liked him a lot. What he was saying sounded worrying though. If she was going to live with a man she didn’t mind serving him, but she wanted to lovehim as well. The problem was what choice did she have.

“How I get to England. No money, no passport, nothing.”

“Gordon has a spare bedroom here. You can stay as long as you need to get a passport and I will take you to England when you have your passport. I will pay all your expenses while you are here. You haven’t asked, but you will earn good money in your job with me.”

Tim chuckled before going on.

“You will be a sex slave, but not a financial one.” He laughed again.

“What you mean. I don’t understand.”

“Well, if you were in porn films you would get paid for each job you did. As my personal sex slave you will be paid for each service I take from you. For example, if I fuck your ass you will get 20 euros. Every time I cum in your mouth you will have 10 euros and you will be paid 2 euros for each stroke of the cane you take. I will cum in your mouth at least once every day and I will want plenty more from you so your earnings will soon mount up. IfI have friends visiting I may want you to serve them as well. You will get 50% extra for each service they take from you so you will be pleased to entertain my guests. I will draw up a full list of services with the fee for each. You will be paid in cash at the end of every day so you will never have to wait for your money.”

Violeta had been listening carefully and slowly her worried expression had softened until she was smiling. As Tim finished speaking she leaves from her chair, throw her arms round his neck and kissed him passwordately on the lips.

When he could finally break away and ease her back into her chair he said

“Wow, that was quite something, but steady on. Will you be happy leaving your country and what about your family here. I want you, but we have to get it right.”

“I always did dream of England one day and there is only my Mum. She very poor in village. I don’t see her much.”

“OK, you must go and see her before you leave and when you startearning money from me maybe you will get enough to send her some.

At that point Gordon walked in carrying bags full of take away food. All three of them laid out a table while the food kept warm in the over and then sat down for a very long chat and relaxed meal over a couple of bottles of wine.

When they were finished they went to Gordon’s bedroom, stripped off and the two men enjoyed Violeta in all her holes until they fall asleep.


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