The Contortionist's Assistant Ch. 05

Madeline’s twist to the previous night’s magic and escapology act had left Jacques padlocked inside a tight steel mask that enclosed his head entirely. It’s unforgiving steel now moulded tightly around his features. The mask was locked with four high security monoblock padlocks that fitted snuggly in their hasps and were impossible to cut off.

In a change to the practiced act, Madeline hadn’t slipped the keys into Jacques’s hand. Instead, she had given the keys to four random women in the audience as a souvenir of the show. The act, and the sexy magician’s prediction, had drawn much interest, and Madeline was now choreographing the social media attention around the trapped magician in the iron mask, and the desperate hunt for the keys.

“The keys could be anywhere in the city,” Madeline smiled into her phone, the glow from the ring light reflecting on her glossy blonde hair. She was dressed in a dramatic black silk wrap dress with her breasts bouncing freely. She postedthe clip before strutting on her high heels across the large industrial style apartment to the bed where Jacques lay naked other than for black silk boxes and the mask.

Madeline smiled as she watched the helpless, headless man with the erect cock. Jacques couldn’t see and could only hear if she shouted into the mask’s single airhole which was positioned by his mouth and was just large enough to insert a straw to supply his liquid diet.

“Maddie, any news?” Jacques called in his breathy French accent, his voice echoing loudly inside his steel shell.

“It’s still early, the women are still lounging naked in their beds,” Madeline called.

“Stupid idea!” he grew, “You should have told me.”

“Feeling a little helpless in there?”

Maddie grinned as Jacques’s hands reached for her wait, drawing her closer and lifting her dress and whipping away her panties.

“Wow, I’m impressed,” Madeline gushed.

“Not much else I can do,” he grewled.

“Whatare you complaining about? You know your only purpose is to fuck me.” Madeline climbed on top and straddled his wait, “Let’s see if you can still find your way around a naked woman.”

Her black silk undies had caught on her ankle, and she freed them impatiently before pushing them crotch first into the mask’s only airhole, plugging it completely.

“Can he bring me to orgasm before he passes out?” Maddie called, addressing an imagineary audience.

She pressed down on his waiting cock and sat in amazement as her sensing deprived lover filled her. She cried out hyperpowered as she climaxed, her voice overpowering Jacques muffled cries that echoed inside his impenetrable tomb.

They lay together for a while before Maddie sprung to her feet and pirouetted dramatically. “Fuck, I hope one of these women is a bitch,” she cried, before bouncing bare foot and naked to the coffee machine, leaving her headless lover floating in her wake.


Eloise watched intently from her small cage. The kinky brunette had been in the audience at their show the week before, and a fascination for their act, and Jacques’s body, meant that she was spending more and more time in Jacques and Maddie’s company.

However, Maddie’s natural dominance and desire to keep Jacques for herself, means that she treated Eloise more like than a prop from their show. This had resulted in Eloise spending several nights on all fours, locked inside the small cage. Unfortunately, in the real world with real padlocks and where Maddie really took the key, no amount of magic could free Eloise from the incarcerating bars.

“He’s a great fuck,” Madeline whispered cruelly as she sauntered back to Eloise’s cage and sat her naked butt down on top of its heavy steel bars.

Eloise’s kindy mind didn’t know Whether to love or hate the showy blonde who keep her locked up at every opportunity. Just like the woman sitting on top of her cage, Ellie was naked, having willingly discarding her clothes the night before in the hope of attracting Jacques’s attention. She was now lying on her back, looking longingly through the bars at the woman above.

“If you let me out Maddie, I can help with the mask,” Eloise’s breathy voice trembled.

“You’re more fun as a sex toy,” Maddie laughed provocatively as she opened her legs and watched Eloise’s slim wrist reach up between her thighs and touch her vagina.

“You look beautiful,” Eloise whispered, in the hope of winning favour.

Maddie enjoyed her touch for several seconds before crossing her legs and trapping Eloise’s hand between the vice like grip of her thighs. Running short of options to earn her release, Eloise, twisted her head and flicked away her long brown hair to kiss Madeline’s butt cheats that sunk down between the bars.

Eloise’s frustration at being controlled by another woman was manifesting itself as arousal. She whimpered breathily, her moans morphing into sexual arousal. She cried out and thrust her hips against the bars, causing the large silver padlock to swing. Her twisted mind loved to be restrained, and she cried out in carnal lust as she fantasised about being nothing more than a forgotten prop in Jacques and Madeline’s show.


Jacques climbed wardly to his feet and rechecked each of the padlocks. Maybe Madeline hadn’t clicked them all closed before she handed out the keys like confetti. She had. He walked carefully across the room to the kitchen and swung his hands in search of the coffee machine, seeming unaware that he was naked with a constant echo chamber.

“Maddie?” he called sightlessly, deafening himself in his personal echo chamber.

He felt Madeline grab his cock, slap his butt and spin away with dancer’s grace before his hands could find her.

“We’ll give it to midday for the keys to be returned, no more,” he called.

Madeline gave away her location by laughing. Jacques heard her clip away, but he could barely keep up with her agility even when he wasn’t locked in the iron mask.

“Maddie, please tell me we have a backup plan?” he called.

Madeline was now close by and in fits of laugher as she watched him knee, resting the weight of the mask on the floor, as he tried to wrong it from his head. She tapped him with her shoes, pushing him over on to his back.

“I wonder if this fits,” she smiled, pressing her siletto heel into the mask’s air hole.

“It does,” Jacques mumbled as he tasted the dusty, spikey heel of Madeline’s heel which now protruded into his mouth.


Maddie giggled as she tried to retrieve her heel from his mouth. She wiggled her foot, which wiggled her body, but her heel stayed firmly wedged making her stumble and almost fall on top of him.

“It’s okay, I’ve got other shoes,” she purred, slipping out of the tan leather and helping Jacques to his feet with the ladies’ shoes protruding from where his mouth would be.


The online integerrest was building, helped by Madeline inclusion of Jacques’s naked body in her video updates. At the same time, the keys were arrived one by one, their owners breathless and apologetic for not returning the keys sooner, but with a little less urgency to handover their keys once they were up close with Jacques’s almost naked body.

Despite Madeline encouraging them to keep their keys for longer, the women were taking goal on the masked magician and by lunchtime, three of the four locks had been removed. However, that made no difference to Jacques who had spent much of the last hour trying to use the three keys that had been given by compassionate women, to unlock the fourth and final lock.

“I thought she said she was coming an hour ago?” Jacques panted his growing voice reduced to a practical mew through the small airhole.

“Late, I like her already,” Maddie grinned.

Finally, there was a knock, and Madeline opened the door to a Spanish woman. She looked to be in her mid-forties, and she was beautifully dressed in a wide brimming cream hat, a tight black top, and white cotton trousers.

“Your act was beautiful,” the woman smiled seductively in her accented voice, “…and so was he.”

“Thank you,” Madeline replied, ignoring her complement about Jacques.

She led the woman inside and over to where Jacques lay on the bed, dressed only in black boxes and mask.

“Key number four is here,” she called to Jacques.

“Oh, am I the last one? I’m sorry.”

Like many people who went to escapology shows, the Spanish woman had long had a fascination with bondage. She had only once had the chance to tie up a lover and had been disappointed when he had easily slipped out of her makeshift handcuffs, tied as tightly as she could with the cord from her robe.

In the hours since the show the woman had become preoccupied with the man in the iron mask. She had tossed in bed, her growing arousal making it impossible to sleep. She hadsoon relented and used the same cord from her robe to tie her own ankles before turning her vibrator on herself.


Madeline led the woman closer, her captivated eyes focusing on Jacques body and his large cock bulging in his shorts.

“He’s all yours,” Madeline teased, “Do what you want with him.”

The Spanish woman sat down gracefully on the edge of the bed with her knees cinched together. Jacques felt her presence and reached out a hand to cares her white cotton covered thighs.

“Hi.” His voice was gravelly and breathy inside his steel cell.

The woman gasped and then laughed. She didn’t dare touch his cock, instead running her fingers across his muscled chest and firm, hard abs. Growing in confidence and arousal, she then lovingly pressed her manicured finger against his airhole.

Jacques sucked hopelessly against her finger. The mask really was the ultimate punishment, and Jacques could understand why it had been used as a form of torture in meDieval times. He felt as locked away from the world as if he had been in a prison cell. He had spent the day hanging on Madeline’s every word and every teasing touch, but at least the final key was now close.

“Anything I can do for you?” Jacques pursued in a metallic echo.

The woman leaned over, her full breasts barely contained in her tight black top, her long dark Mediterranean hair falling deliberately against Jacques’s chest as she stroked his cock through the thin fabric.

Jacques continued to massage the woman’s legs as a cover for searching for her key. She wasn’t objecting so he probed further. He finally felt it inside the front pocket of her cotton trousers, but with the woman sitting down, the white cotton pulled too tightly around her hips for his hand to slip inside.

“The key!” he panted in excitement.

“Sorry, it took me so long.”

The woman’s white jeans creamed on the bed as she turned to Madeline who was again sitting on Eloise’s lockedcage, “Does he know who I am?” she mouthed.

“No…” Madeline Shook her head strictly, “… keep the key, ticle him, whatever.”

“No, please,” Jacques panted.

With her arousal growing, the Spanish woman ran her nails across Jacques’s stomach. She smiled with full red lips as he flinched at her touch. He reminded her of a younger man she had once dated, the body, the cock and the breathy tone of a man at her mercy.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Maddie called, standing up and skipping playfully away under the hopeful gaze of Eloise who was still locked in the cage beneath her.

The Spanish woman sat for a moment, feeling the heat in her body. Then on impulse, she climbed on to the bed and knelt above Jacque’s chest. She slowly sat back, her full butt setting down on the steel mask. Even though he couldn’t see her, adding her bottom to his inescapable blindfold made it feel more intimate and private.

“Can I touch you?” she whispered erotically.

“Anything,” Jacques panted, his cock close to orgasm as he held the broad hips that were pinning his head to the bed.

The woman sat steadfastly on the mask, daring herself to kiss his cock. She could feel a dampness and brushing sensing against the crotch of her trousers and eased upwards to see the tip of Jacques’s tongue straining through the small airhole. The tiniest tip would never satisfy a woman’s needs, but her heart melted at his desire to please.

“Can I fuck you?” the Spanish woman whispered.

“Anything,” Jacques panted, “I just need out.”

With Madeline nowhere to be seen and Eloise pouting jealously as she played with her nipples inside her cage, the woman eased her body off the bed and unbuttoned her high waited white cotton trousers. Her wound satin panties that no man had seen in years followed her trousers as they slide down her curvy legs revealing a round, but toned, middle-aged butt.

Her dark Mediterranean hair flicked as she spun to checkthe room. She may not have much time and so ripped open a condom and rolled it down his cock. She straddled his waist and hurriedly eased him inside her open body.

Her hands gripped his chest as she slowly thrust her hips against him. It had been years since she made love and even then, it was nothing like this. Jacques was reading her body, slow then fast with the obedience of someone whose fate depended on her.

Her headless man’s huge cock had the stamina to match, and she was getting dangerously close. She paused to let the sensing overcome her. Jacques paused too, now kneeling his strong hands into her butt. She started again, quicker this time, until she climaxed, holding him so tightly that her nails dug into his chest. Shaking uncontrollably, she dropped down to hug his chest and kiss his mask, her panting lips forming an airtight seal around his airhole.


By the time Maddie returned, the woman had redressed and was again sitting on the bed by Jacques’s mask, caressed his body.

“I like having control,” the woman whispered.

“Better sex that way,” Madeline smiled.

“So good.”

“It must be… you still haven’t unlocked him”

The Spanish woman let out a carefree giggle, “It feels nice.”

“Power?” Madeline asked, “Or being a bitch?”

Delighted to have finally found her bitch, Madeline took the woman’s hand and led her over to the couch where a pot of herbal tea was waiting.

“As you like keys, you may as well have this one,” Maddie pursued sweetie, “It’s for Eloise’s cage, so we won’t be needing it.”

“Maddie, please!” Eloise cried, trying to reprimand her from a position of absolutely no strength. She rattled her bars and then just witnessed as Madeline Predicatedly ignored her.

Eloise loved playing these kinky games with Jacques and Maddie, but she had already spent all night and all morning in the cage, and she was ready for a change. She watched from behind her bars in aroused trepidation as Madeline slipped the key deep into the pocket of the Spanish woman’s white cotton trousers, and then watched in even more alarm as the woman sat down, crossed her legs and gracefully picked up her cup.

“My key?” Eloise mouthed essentially as they sipped their tea.


The women turned as they heard Jacques clatter into a wall.

“Yes, he’s almost worked out how to find the bathroom.” Madeline slinked to her feet, her black dress flowing as she strutted over to Jacques. She led him to the toilet and closed the door behind him. She then glided back to Eloise’s cage, hitched up the hem of her wrap dress and sat her naked butt down on the bars, “Kiss me sweetie,” she whispered.

With sexual frustration pulsing through Eloise’s naked body, she frenziedly shook the cage door. When that didn’t work, she ran her fingers over the empty keyhole of the large padlock that hung dauntingly on the other side of the bars.

The Spanish woman watched on in amazement as ELoise’s fervent attention flipped back to her captor and she started to passwordately kiss Maddie’s butt, her tongue stretching longingly for Maddie’s vagina. “I think I own her.” Maddie called with a smug grin as she pressed her vibrator between her legs to add to the feel of Eloise’s tongue and soon the combination brought her to orgasm.

Madeline knew she was showing off, but she didn’t care. She was also starting to like her little caged pet and in a rare show of compassion, passed the vibrator down through the bars and into Eloise’s desperate hands.

“Yeah!” Eloise cried.

“It’s not the key, sweetie,” Maddie laughed as she strutted away.

But Eloise was on a subspace high and free from any inhibitions. Her shrinks of arousal drew everyone’s attention as she orgasmed and collapsed down on to her mat with a grin as she sucked erotically on her bars.

Madeline clipped back to the couch to tidy away the teacups and then strutted across to the bathroom. As the bathroom door closed, the Spanish woman hurriedly rolled up on to her feet and bounced across to Eloise’s cage, “Do you want me to unlock you?” she asked.

Eloise beamed at the attention, looking up adoringly at the elegant woman above her. Her long shiny hair, tight black top and white cotton trousers that fitted perfectly to her full curves. Eloise surprised, trying to make sense of herself. She may have been pleading for her release, but now that someone was offering to unlock her, she didn’t want to lose feeling of being safe and protected.

“I think you should unlock Jacques,” Eloise whispered.

“Okay,” the woman shrugged, swinging her full hips and pacing over to the bed.


Jacques’s face was flushed, and he was panting with a dazed look in his dilated brown eyes as the Spanish woman unlocked and opening the mask on its heavy hinge.

“Sophia,” the Spanish woman murmured.

“Jacques.” He seemed disorientated and blinked as he looked around.

“Thank you for… sex,” Sophia whispered shyly.


At that moment, Madeline returned from the bathroom, her look changing from arrogant confidence to surprise and then to teasing excitement. She held her hand to her mouth, her lips breaking into a smile, her arousal growing as Jacques padded definitely towards her, “Maddie!”

“Great publicity… our show is sold out for a week,” Maddie giggled.

She jumped as Jacques wrapped her up with one arm and then purred out loud as he gave her a gentle and password kiss. She almost felt disappointed until she realized that his hand was locked tightly around her wrist.

Madeline knew this was her turn and she waited obediently as he stripped her naked and locked her wrists and ankles together in their new high security handcuffs. She then shuffled along behind him as he walked over to the contactist box made of thick Perspex with its black steel frame. “Inside, Maddie.” His accent was strong.

“Can we fuck first?” She flirted hopefully, her nipples erect, her ostentatious blonde hair swwaying in a move that would melt most men. When he shook his head, she croouched down gracefully, reaching for his black silk boxer shorts and stretching to suck his cock.

“Inside Maddie…”

Even for Madeline, the box was tight and took several attempts for her to sit down inside and arrange her long legs in the tiny space. She tried to distract him again, hugging her face against his thighs, which he then used against her to force her down inside the box and close the lid.

Maddie’s lips were now forming silent words against the inside of the clear Perspex lid as Jacques pulled off his boxer shorts and sat down on the lid. He opened his thighs to watch Madeline plead desperate for freedom from beneath his semi erect cock which lay exclusively on the lid.

He knew that escalating these games with a woman like Madeline was dangerous and just thinking of what she might do next was making his cock rise. She may have been lovingly kissing his cock through the Perspex, but he knew she would get revenge.

“Sophia,” he called.

The Spanish woman understands and slowly undressed. She felt embarrassed now that Jacques could see her body and grateful that he was distracted with a fiddly condom. She scooted forward and sat on his lap with her strong legs wrapped around his Waist.


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