Jacques whoke the next morning with his face pressed against Madeline’s bare breasts. He kissed them contentedly as Madeline roused, smiled from behind closed lashes, and stretched out her legs. Only then did Jacques remember that his wrists were still handcuffed to Madeline’s ankles, and he was forced to follow Madeline’s feet towards the foot of the bed.
Jacques’s face was now level with Madeline’s bare crotch, and he couldn’t resist pressing his face against her and breathing in her scent. There was a giggle and her top leg lifted to let him reach deeper into her damp vagina. Madeline moaned contentedly as her drawsy body enjoying his touch, but then her eyes fluttered shut and her top leg dropped back down.
“Maddie,” Jacques mouthed. His attempts to untangle himself from the sleeping blonde had only resulted in his head being clamped between her soft female curves, “Maddie!”
Madeline mumbled in her sleep, unaware that she was thrusting her hips against his face.Her legs tensed as she stretched again, unwittingly crushing her captive prey between her flushed thighs.
“Maddie,” Jacques grew.
This time she blinked open her eyes and propped herself up on her elbow, “Oh,” she whispered, her voice still hoarse from sleep, “You’re in there.” She opened her legs to reveal her dishevelled performing partner.
“We’re still hooked up,” Jacques smiled.
“How convenient,” Madeline murmured wiping a path through her tangled blonde hair and opening her legs further.
“Oh, you want to me to…?” Jacques teased, placing a kiss on her damp held vagina.
“You’re chain to the feet of a naked woman,” Madeline purred, “do you really want to displease her?”
Jacques took his time with his lips and then rolled on to his back as Madeline straddled his wait. He was now trapped with his arms chained down by his side as he waited for Madeline to ease down on to his waiting cock.
His lips had made her so ready that he slipped straight inside. Madeline thrusted slowly and climaxed within minutes. It was quick and intense and left Madeline panting as she flopped down on to his chest.
“That was amazing,” Madeline whispered, “…but I really need to pee.”
“Hold on tight,” Jacques grown, tensing his abs to pull himself up into a sitting position.
Madeline giggled with excitement as she wrapped her strong legs around his waist, which because of the cuffs, also forced Jacques’ arms back behind his back.
“Harder than it looks being cuffed to your ankles,” he smiled.
“I know,” Madeline hugged her arms around him and kissed his lips, “Why do you think I locked you there…”
Jacques braced himself and then powered to his feet with Madeline clinging on tightly. He walked across the room and stopped at the cage which still contained Eloise, their more than willing volunteer from yesterday’s show. Eloise had stripped to her white bra and panties and had been eagerly watching their every move from behind her bars.
Eloise desperately wanted to join Jacques and Madeline on the bed, but unfortunately for her, the key to her cage was just out of reach in the pocket of Madeline’s discarded jeans.
Madeline had performed a theatrical strip tease the night before. Expressive blue eyes, flowing blonde hair and overt sexuality as she strutted around the open plan apartment. Jacques and Eloise had watched in awe as every item of clothing had been cast aside. Eloise had even stolen a kiss, her face pressed up against her bars as Madeline’s naked bottom rested briefly on her cage, but all too quickly Madeline had danced away to make love with Jacques.
Inside the tight confines of her cage, Eloise had quickly slipped out of her tan miniskirt and white blouse. Kneeling in just her white lingerie, she had reached through the bars and flicked out her clothes in the hope of sliding Madeline’s jeans within reach. She had tried everything, but the stillwarm blue denim remained infuriating out of reach.
Jacques and Madeline had moved to their bed leaving Eloise’s lovestruck body fighting against the large padlock that sealed her fate, bashing it in frustration when it had refused to open. Breathless, Eloise had then cared the bars, kissing them in lieu of a love as she watched them make love again.
Her hosts may have forgotten her, but cage confinement had turned from a thrill into an outright sexual high. Eloise lay on her back, her fingers running up and down her bare body leaving goosebumps in their wake. She now desperately didn’t want to be released as she had both hands inside her white panties, vicariously matching Jacques and Madeline’s cries as they orgasmed again.
Eloise had fallen wait in captivity and hurt the same way. But even after eight hours in her cage, she was still buzzing and watched in delight as Jacques now carried Madeline across the room and nearer to her cage.
Jacques could feel his erect cock bouncing in front of him as he carried Madeline over to Eloise’s cage, but with Madeline’s legs pinning his arms behind him, there was little he could do to cover up.
“Cuff key please Ellie,” Jacques called.
Another of Madeline’s tricks from the night before was to use Eloise as a key safe. It had worked, with the only key to their cuffs having been quickly secreted away beneath Eloise’s clothing.
“Please Ellie, the key,” Jacques panted.
Madeline was starting to get heavy and her interlocked dancer legs were crushing his waist. With his arm’s fatigue, he sat down on the edge of the cage. Madeline was kissing him so fervently that he barely noticed Eloise reach for his cock and kissed it through the bars.
“Key, Ellie!” Jacques gasped, “Or you stay in that cage.”
Eloise was too consumed with how to get his cock in her mouth to even contemplate his threat.
Madeline was also getting restless, “Toilet, please!” she whispered, “… or you’ll both get shown in my pee.”
Jacques stood up and carried the conjoined naked woman to the bathroom and lowered her down on the toilet. As her bare flesh touched the seat, he was forced to knee before her on the cold tiles. Her pee gushed out, echoing loudly around the porcelain toilet while Jacques gazed up from between her legs.
He then scooped her up and carried Madeline over to the kitchenette where he starred hopefully at the coffee machine.
“No hands?” Madeline smiled.
Unable to do anything while handcuffed to her ankles, Jacques lowered Madeline to the floor and waited on all fours by her feet.
“Black and strong,” he asked, kissing her leg.
“Good doggie,” Madeline giggled.
“Just make the coffee!”
Madeline had never reacted well to orders and instead spread her legs wider and tapped a finger high up on her inner thigh. She let out an indignant cry when Jacques only kissed as far as her knee.
“You know I cando the splits,” she replied with an ominously wide grin, “Where would that leave you…”
Jacques was now lying on his back beneath her as she spread her legs wider and wider.
“My legs are longer than your arms,” she giggled, “I’ll rip you limb from limb.”
Jacques was trapped. His arms were at full stretch with Madeline’s bare crotch resting on his face. Having exported her kiss and still in the splits, she rolled her hips forward and sat down on his face.
“I feel like your yoga mat,” Jacques mumbled.
Madeline slipped an elastic from her wrist and used it to tie back her long hair while grinning knowingly. Yoga stretches could arouse her, particularly when spread wide on a soft supporting yoga mat. She had even fantasised about her yoga mat coming to life, like a slow erotic dance with a partner held close.
She tensed her legs, leaned forward, and lifted up to let Jacques breathe. Her legs were shaking from exertion, the muscles in her thighs definedas they held her weight. A few seconds later she had to release and let her naked bottom sink back to seal his face.
“My legs can’t hold that pose for long,” she panted, “And when they exhaust…”
“I just kiss and prey,” Jacques cooed.
“Let’s do it,” Madeline cried. She planted her feet and this time slide backward on to his chest and then down on to his engorged cock. It Felt nice with her legs so open, and it didn’t take long for her quivering legs to bounce them orgasm.
This time Madeline did make the coffee and meandered over to the cage with Jacques at her heels. She dropped down on to a stool and smiled at Eloise through the bars.
“Thank you for letting me stay,” Eloise whispered, still overawed by her uninhibited friends just the other side of her bars.
This was the first time Eloise had indulged her kinky side and she wanted to please them. She sat up as far as the cage permitted, brushed back her dark hair and pushed up her bra.
“You’re cute,” Madeline replied somewhat condescendingly as she arched her back and arrogantly flicked back her hair.
“Thank you… it was fun,” Eloise ventured.
Madeline gave her a theatrical pout with pretend goal in her blue eyes, “Oh and we left you in the cage all night.”
“I liked it.”
Madeline shrugged, “Well sweetie, shall we swap keys?”
Eloise nodded and started to search for the cuff key. Jacques watched, astonished that it took so long to locate it given that her only three possessions were her bra, panties, and cuff key.
“It’s warm,” Madeline’s mused, unlocking her ankles from Jacques’s wrists and helpfully relocking the empty cuffs to the bars of the cage. Jacques was just able to price the key from her fist before Madeline sprung gracefully to her feet, whipped up her jeans and bounced to the shower.
“What about my key?” Eloise whimpered as the blur of blonde hair disappeared.
When Madeline returned, she was dressedin a pale blue shoulderless top, dark blue jeans and heels. Her hair was freshly washed and dried and her make-up was flawless. Eloise, in contrast, was still kneeling in her cage, a smile on her lips despite her dishevelled look and smells of yesterday’s mascara across her high cheese bonded cheeses.
Madeline kissed Jacques, grabbed her bag and strode away.
“Maddie, the key to Ellie’s cage,” Jacques called.
“Oh, can’t it wait, I’m late for dance class.”
Madeline turned on her heels, stopped exhausted and spun back. She craved dominance and the thought of have complete controlling over someone’s day made her hot. Eloise’s naïve puppy dog eyes peering out from behind the bars only made her more determined to keep the key.
Jacques pulled on some black boxer shorts, walked up to Madeline and playfully slapped her butt, “Just wait until tonight’s show,” he whispered with his hands pushed deep into her back pockets. Everything about Madeline was sexy, especially the unknown of what she would do next.
Eloise watched Jacques take the key which he casually throw on to the couch before walking away to shower. Eloise was aroused as hell waited for her release.
It was the evening, and the second show was going well. The audience was transfixed as Madeline slipped out of her short 1960s inspired pink dress to reveal high cut white lace lingerie. She lay down on a white rug and pressed her face against Jacques’s muscle inner thigh.
Madeline grinned, she had chosen his outfit of tight black tee-shirt and short shorts and lifted her head to press against his erection, his bulge clearly visible beneath his tight clothes. Jacques, in turn, was happy to let her explore as he reached down to lock her wrists and ankles in solid Irish eight handcuffs. Madeline’s blue eyes looked up adoringly as he locked a steel collar around her slim neck and then chained everything together to condemn her to a tight hog chain.
“You haven’t gIven me the key,” Madeline whispered.
“I thought you were magic?” he replied.
The blue eyes now looked shocked as Jacque pushed a ball gag into her mouth and then continued to confine her body with elbow cuffs and masses of industrial strength chains and padlocks. Madeline was panting his name through the ball gag but everything was lost behind the dramatic stage music.
“Now come on to the stage and watch Madeline escape from her chains,” Jacques announced.
Madeline tried to rage at Jacques through her gag, but all too soon found her body heating up as her struggles forced her already taut crotch chain deeper between her legs. She may have been professionally locked up in maximum security restraints, yet all she could focus on was the simple crotch chain. Any movement drew it tighter against her vagina and this, combined with the growing crowd, was in danger of bringing her to orgasm.
Jacques stood astride her struggle body, watching over his partner asshe Valiantly wrestled with her inescapable chains. Thanks to Madeline, he had ended the last show handcuffed to the ankle of a random woman from the audience. This was his revenge.
“These are the only keys to release her,” he smiled, “Who will start the bidding?”
Madeline reacted with a dribble and moan, but she was exhausting herself. The only thing her chained up hands could reach was her own butt and she was embarrassed to discover she had been caressed it, amplifying the teasing sensing that ran up her spine.
“Would anyone like to help her?”
Madeline felt multiple pairs of hands on her body, rattling her chains and tugging at the padlocks. Jacques himself croouched down to tug her croouch chain. A woman was staring right down into her eyes just as the feeling between overwhelming Madeline orgasmed into her gag.
Jacques ushered the audience back to their seats and crouched down to check Madeline’s dreamy eyes, “Looks as though I’ll need a new assistant,” he called to the audience. Several hands shot up as the curtains closed.
Jacques and Madeline walked back on to the stage for the second part of the show. Although looking innocent in her short pink dress and matching heels, Jacques knew from the determined look in her big blue eyes that she would also go off script.
Madeline selected four volunteers and lined them up on the stage before kissing Jacques deeply on the lips. Then within seconds of her lips leaving his, Madeline positioned a heavy steel mask around his head. It had been made to measure and closed tightly around his head, providing total sensing deprivation with only a small hole by his mouth.
Madeline turned theatrically to face the audience, “The man in the iron mask…,” she announced. “We will now demonstrate Jacques’s ability to read minds. And just to ensure no peeking…” Madeline declared with a flourish, “Each of my four assistants will place a padlock on his mask”.
Madeline watched with excitement as one by one, the four women came to snap their lock shut through the mask thick steel hasp. At least two of the women outfits without pockets, a short blue cocktail dress and a skintight faux black leather dress, and the chances of all four women still having their key at the end of the act was low. Just one missing key and Madeline would be fucking the man in the iron mask that night.
She then led Jacques forward, helped him down on to his knees and positioned his neck and wrists in the lower half of the heavy wooden pillory. She then picked up the top half and placed it over the two guide rails and down to complete the devices tight clutch around Jacques’ neck and wrists.
“Ladies, take your seat,” Madeline called, ushering them over to sit down on to the top of the pillory. Jacques’s sightless head now hidden behind eight female legs.
“The stage is set Jacques,” Madeline called, “Try to escape…”
There was silence as Jacques braced his muscular body and forced his arms and neck up against the pillory. He groaned but remained pinned under the women’s combined weight.
“Oh dear,” Madeline smiled, “Eternity trapped in the pillory.”
The sexual tension in the room was building as Jacques panted inside his mask, “I don’t suppose any of you girls want to stand up?” Madeline called with a shake of her head, a gesture that was soon repeated along the line of jailers.
“No, my assistants seem comfortable,” Madeline called, trying hard to suppress her giggles, “Maybe try harder this time, Jacques.”
Jacques braced and thrust up again, but again was defeated by a quarter of a tonne of aroused female flesh. He moved his left hand and felt a soft female leg. The leg shifted closer allowing him to massage her taut calm muscle. At the same time, another woman’s leg pressed against his mask, allowing him a whiff of her cent before her flesh pressed closer to seal his one air hole. He tilted his head, but theleg just followed.
Madeline watched. It was no surprise that a group of drunk women would take advantage of such a sexy yet helpless man, but even she was stunned by their outright cruelty. She quickly moved on, fanning out a packet of playing cards and holding them face down so that each woman could choose whichever of the fifty-two cards took her fancy.
“Now look at your card, but don’t show anyone else,” Madeline called. The woman in the black leather dress took her responsibility seriously with the briefest of glances before tucking it away inside her bra.
“Only good friends will get to see your card,” Madeline joked. The audience laughed making the woman cross her legs and gaze back defiantly. Madeline tingled, the odds of her having to lead her sightless lover to bed were growing by the second.
“Now if Jacques can guess your card you must stand up,” Madeline called, “Oh and one other thing…”
Madeline croouched down to point to a thin layer of foam that ran between the top and bottom halves of the pillory, “This foam is compressing under your weight,” she explained, “The pillory is already tight around Jacques’s neck and the longer you sit, the more it will constrict and choke your prisoner.”
The woman sitting directly above Jacques’s head opened her denim cover thighs and looked down at the masked head panting beneath her. It feel strangely cathartic to have such power, her own breath quickening as a hot flush filled her body.
Jacques was also on a high from the grip around his neck and the initiative of it tightening further. He paused to enjoy the feeling of his erection pressing up against his tight shorts before announcing ‘the five of diamonds.’
The woman at the end of the row clapped and then showed her card to the audience while springing to her feet and leaving the stage. Jacques was again successful with the second and third women who stood up to bring him another step closer to freedom.
“The Queen of diamonds,” Jacques croaked, his noise having tightened further under the final woman’s weight.
The fourth woman leaned to the side, her short blue dress riding up as she retrieved her card that she had been sitting on to hide its secret, “No,” she announced in surprise.
Madeline smiled a little cruelly, having deliberately changed the cards.
“Three out of four are correct Jacques,” Madeline announced, “Can you escape their evil clutches?”
Jacques tensed his back, his whole-body straining as it channeled the weight of the remaining woman on top of him. The woman scooted towards the middle of the pillory and spread her legs, revealing glimpses of her silk lingerie. The audience cheered as the top half of the pillory lifted with the amazing woman suspended a few inches in the air.
Suddenly, the woman bounced, her bottom thudding forcefully against the heavy timber restraint. Jacques hadn’t expected that, and his body crumpled with the heavy pillory crushing down tightly around his throat.
“Please,” he gagged, his hand gently stroking her calm muscle in a desperate plea for freedom. But driven on by the excitement from the audience, she sat motionless, her curves maintaining their toughlehold on her prey.
The room was enthralled as they watched Jacques’s predicament. Madeline croouched down by the woman’s arrogantly crossed bare thighs to check on her Partner. There was something cruelly sexual about the scene and she fantasized about what would happen if she joined the woman on top of pillory. He would be fucked, a slow demise of her gorgeous submissive.
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