Madeline had had an intense night. At her insight, Jacques had locked her back inside the small steel cage with her hands, wrists and neck bound in heavy steel shades. Jacques had watched her hands run up and down the bars, her face pressing against the cage as she seemed to make love with the bars. Everything was a performance with Madeline, her naked body emrithing in delight at her capacity.
She had eventually fallen stay curled up beneath the sheet and was only just waking when Jacques climbed out of bed and walked naked across the large, double height industrial style room.
“You’re awake,” he croaked, modestly covering his cock with his hands.
“I’ve seen it before,” Madeline smiled dreamily, reaching through the bars in the hope of getting closer to his body, “and anyway, right now you own me…”
Jacques dropped his hands and sat on the edge of her cage with his erect cock bouncing confidently.
“You kept me shackled all night…” Madeline seemsed to delight in the fact.
“You asked me to.”
Jacques crouched down by the cage, playing with the keys in his hand. Madeline rattled the door with her chained hands but unlike most prisoners, she let out a delighted giggle as the heavy padlock held it shut.
“Ready to perform?” he smiled.
Jacques unlocked the cage and Madeline clatered forward feet first along the black leather effect mat.
“You underwear?” Jacques asked.
Madeline looked coy behind a wall of tangled blonde hair as she nodded towards her thong resting on the concrete floor on the other side of the room.
“You felt you were overdressed?” he smiled.
“Well, as I was staying in last night…”
Jacques took hold of her calm and kissed her bare foot.
“What’s the trick for escaping these,” she whispered, “I tried everything.”
“These one’s are real,” Jacques kissed her steel encircled ankle, “You could spend your life in these and never escape without this key.”
For a woman who could be so utterly cruel and dominant when she had him locked in the box, Madeline was surprisingly submissive when chained up. She smiled sweetly, moaning on her outbreath as he unlocked her ankles, wrists and neck from the restraints that had held her all night.
“Can I shower?” she murmured.
Everything in Jacques industrial warehouse style apartment was open plan, including the bathroom. “Sure. I won’t look,” he smiled, reading the shy expression on her face.
“Can I trust you?” she asked.
It seemed a strange concern from a woman who had been so vulnerable all night, but then women had always been a mystery to him. He handed her a large bath towel which she just let drop to the floor.
“I read that contactortionists need to spend extended time in flex,” Madeline whispered turning her back on him and wriggling back into her panties, “So I can control your prying eyes?”
”Okay,” he smiled kindly. It seemed a fair request after the trustthat she had shown him.
Jacques lifted the small Perspex coordination box out of the base of the red chair and placed it on the trolley. He then pushed it over to the far side of the room where it was hidden behind the kitchenette.
Madeline fidgeted impatiently as he stretched and then composed his muscle body down inside the box. The lid wasn’t even quite closed as Madeline sat down on the box and padlocked it shut. There was a big grin on Madeline’s face as she jumped up and stripped off her panties.
“I thought you wanted privacy?” he called, his voice distorted by the pressure against his jaw.
“I do,” she grinned impishly, “but…umm… there’s no seat by the shower.”
Madeline giggled playedfully, spun around and started to push Jacques’s box back across to the shower. The box was now so close that it caught the spray from the large showerhead as Madeline stepped under the hot water.
Madeline loved an audience and slowly and erotically washed her hair and then bubbled up her body. Jacques’s folded up body looked out from beneath his own leg until the Perspex became steamed up with condensation. Madeline didn’t want to disappoint her fans and stepped out to wipe his box before continuing her dance.
“No applause?” Madeline smiled as she shut off the water and sat down on the box.
”Can’t move my hands,” Jacques mumbled through lips crushed against the inside of the box.
“Well in that case…”
Madeline opened her legs and squeezed her wet hair sending a trickle of water through the small airhole and on to Jacques’s face. Her body felt alive, and she giggled happily as he blinked away her soapy shower water.
“Fuck, you make me feel sexy,” she cried, slowly threading her used through the airhole where it bunched up against his face.
Madeline laughed, bounced to her feet and hunted through the bathroom, “Hair drier, I’m impressed,” she smiled, plugged it in and sat back down on the boxto dry her sodden blonde hair.
Jacques’ eyes were focused as his nose made a pitiable attempt to push her used panties back through the hole and out of the box. “Oh no you don’t,” Madeline giggled, wriggling her bottom across so that she was sitting squarely on his airholes.
Now with only a towel wrapped around her, that failed to really cover either her breasts or her butt, Madeline lifted a leg and kicked his box back across the concrete floor and towards the kitchenette. She made herself some coffee and toast and sat on the box, with her feet curled up to the side, as she dreamt up their next act.
The first show was going well with a mainly female audience enjoying both the drama of the act and Jacques amazingly toned body. Madeline had progressively undressed and was now wearing a sparkly silver liotard and had just changed from ballet shoes to high white silettos. Jacques was wearing short black shorts with no underwear to disguise his sexual emotions.
For the last act, Madeline called two volunteers to the stage. The two women inspected the handscuffs and enthusiastically searched Jacques’s body for any keys. Jacques then lay face down on the stage with the women standing either side of his outstretched legs.
“Prisoners are regularly handcuffed to a police officer,” Madeline announced with a flourish, “but we will chain Jacques to two people.”
Madeline crouched down and cuffed each of Jacques’s outstretched wrists to the women on each side of him. It was an easy enough escape as Jacques had a handcuff pick tucked under his ring which he would use to release the cuff around the first woman’s ankle. Once no longer held spreadeagle, he would reach over and unlock himself from the second woman.
Jacques’s head was craneted to One side admiring the first woman’s tan leather heels and toned legs when she suddenly pulled her foot away from him. His arm was now stretched to the maximum with the chain between them pulledtaut and the shiny steel cuff around her ankle now out of his reach.
He twisted his head, his gaze following her long curvy legs up to a short tan miniskirt, white blouse, and dark hair, “Come closer,” he mouthed.
The woman giggled playedfully, shook her head, tensed her thighs, and pulled harder. Her legs that had been modestly crossed were now slightly parted to reveal strong thighs that easily outpowered his prostrate arms.
“Please,” he mouthed.
The woman tensed her leg again and this time the small pick slipped from Jacques fingers. The woman quickly stood on it with her free foot and then bent her leg to send it skimming across the stage.
Jacques was now completely helpless with his outspread arms locked in place by the woman standing over him. Madeline, who had been distracting the audience with a provocative dance, stopped and watched the two women cruelly explore how far they could spread their prostrate victim.
Madeline had to think quickly.“Thank you, you may return to your seats,” she announced, starting the applause.
“What?” the woman in the tan miniskirt called, shuffling across with Jacques in the west.
”Nice trick. You’re now a permanent part of the show,” Madeline whispered with a showy grin, “And good luck getting out of those cuffs.”
The crowd clapped and laughed as the two women were forced to shuffle back to their seats with Jacques crawling along beneath them. This was the loudest cheer of the evening, with the hen group enjoying having a sexy magician chained up on the floor beneath their table.
With the show over, the crowd had started to disperse leaving the two women and their enthralled friends trying to open the handcuffs with the pick that the tan skirted women had kicked off the stage. Meanwhile, Madeline had slipped away to change into a light blue sleepless top, dark blue jeans, and heels, well aware of what she would find when she returned.
The blonde woman in the tan skirt was standing in the middle of her giggling friends with Jacques stuck on all fours surrounded by a sea of female legs.
“What’s going on?” Madeline called, kneeing down and squeezed between two pairs of stocking covered legs to find her partner.
“You double locked them,” Jacques grew.
“Well, she was annoying me,” Madeline whispered back.
“Where’s the key?”
“We didn’t bring one.”
Madeline edged back out of the forest of legs and stood up. “I’m really sorry, but we’ll have to take you back to our place to get the key,” she announced, an inconvenience that really wasn’t necessary as the key to the cuffs was in the back pocket of her jeans.
“Or maybe he can come back with us?” cried one of her friends wearing a particularly short rara skirt who was now riding Jacques shoulders like a horse.
“Well, I assume you want to be unlocked at some point?” Madeline smiled, “and there’s no getting out without that key.”
They loaded the stage props back into the van and Jacques sat in the back with their new friend, Eloise, who was still giggling excitedly. Jacques had to lean forward into her lap, and Eloise was happy to run her fingers through his short black hair to encourage him to rest his head on her thigh.
Madeline turned the key in the ignition, revved the engine with her silettos and turned to look behind her, “Keep your hands to yourself back there or I’ll chain your other hand to Ellie’s other ankle.”
“I think you should!” Eloise blurted.
Jacques looked up to see the streetlights reflected in Madeline’s blue eyes, “You cage tonight,” he mouthed.
Madeline nodded enthusiastically. She twisted; her jeans squeaking on the leather seat as she locked and double locked Jacques’s remaining free wrist to the woman’s other leg. Madeline had restricted what little movement her passengers had left and after a few moments of organisation, Jacques’s head finished between Eloise’s open thighs.
Eloise held Jacques’s head close to her trembling body as the acceleration rolled him a little deeper inside her skirt. Jacques may have been rattling the handscuffs for a way to escape, but Eloise was hoping that the key would be lost for good.
They arrived at Jacques industrial space where Jacques and Eloise’s manacled bodies struggled out of the van accompanyed by Madeline’s laughter. Jacques knew he could wrap his arms around Eloise and carry her in, but that would spoil Madeline’s fun and he didn’t want to be left chained to the giddy brunette all night.
“Wow, I love all these props,” Eloise cried, clattering over to the cage, tripping over Jacques who was crawling like a dog between her legs.
“Thank you.” Madeline kissed her cheek, “You were the most fun prop in the show tonight.”
“Me a prop?” Eloise giggled.
Madeline could see that Eloise was enjoying this far too much and so surprised theatrically as her palms patting her back pocket. “Duh,blonde moment… I did have the key.”
“Oh…” Eloise looked devastated.
“And I dragged you back here for nothing,” Madeline apologised.
Eloise looked down with a disappointed frown on her pouting lips as Madeline unlocked the cuffs from her ankles, “I was just getting used to a man at my feet.”
Madeline scowled at the cute, flirty woman. She had only kept them chained together to annoy Eloise. That had certainly backfired and now Madeline’s female jealousy was on high alert.
“Want to try the cage?” Madeline’s deceptive smile was dangerously endearing.
“Okay…” Eloise blurted, treating them to a little dance before climbing inside.
“And you, Maddie,” Jacques’s voice was gravelly as he walked up behind her and gently pulled her arm behind her back.
“No, not me!”
Jacques’ grip tightened, forcing Madeline down on to her knees. She couldn’t match his strength and was soon forced inside the cage, her body enangled with Eloise. Eloise had climbed in feet first leaving them interlocked head to toe in the confined space. Jacques padlocked the door and walked away to make himself an expression.
“This is amazing,” Eloise trembled, tussling for what little space the women had to share.
Madeline was also shaking from arousal, frustration and from the physical effort of just keeping her face out of Eloise’s crotch. This was not the plan. By now she was supposed to out of her tight jeans and making out with Jacques while Eloise watched helpedly from the cage.
Jacques strode back and crouched down to watch Madeline through the bars.
“We could make love?” Madeline proposed.
Jacques sipped his coffee and motioned for Madeline to lower her head on to Eloise’s white panties. Eloise was super sensitive and started to moan, vibrating herself against Madeline’s face and then gripping Madeline’s head between her tights.
“Do you want to spend the night in there?” Jacques asked calmly.
Madeline ShookHer head, her usually perfect blonde hair tangled around the other woman’s thighs. “I’m sorry I left you chained to her ankles.” Madeline’s breathy voice sounded desperate.
Jacques leisurely finished his coffee before unlocking the women’s cage. Madeline’s butt and tight blue jeans wriggled as she crawled backwards out of the cage. Eloise didn’t follow; there was a reason she had volunteered to be part of the act and now her hidden kinky side wasn’t going to give up on this opportunity.
“Careful or Maddie will lock you in…” Jacques stopped mid-sentence.
Madeline was quick, slamming the steel door and locking it with the large padlock, “Oh damn, we don’t have a key to this lock either,” Madeline showed, sliding the key deep into her back pocket.
”Now let me out of these cuffs,” Jacques breathed, jangling the steel still locked to each wrist.
“No, we’ll need them…” Madeline purred, hurriedly escaping from her jeans.
“The cuff key, Maddie…”
Wearing only her bra and panties, Madeline waltzed over to the cage and dropped the handcuff key inside where it was quickly captured by Eloise and whisked away somewhere beneath her clothes.
“Our new prop is also a key safe,” Madeline smiled.
She walked back over to Jacques, pulled off his shorts and pushed him backwards on to a chair. She then sat straddling his lap, her naked butt on his naked thighs, and reached down to lock each of his wrists to each of her ankles.
“Thinking of running away?” she mouthed.
“Guess not…”
Jacques was exhausted from the show, but his body came alive as he eased his cock inside her open body. She held on tight, her arms wrapped around him as she pummelled him with her hips. Madeline’s body was on fire, pulsing and thrusting, her dancing legs dragging his arms in their wake.
Eloise watched in awe of their wild love making. Eloise’s men had always been safe and conventional and never this password. Best of all was the cage. Eloise had experimented with tame self-bondage but now it was real. The key to the cage was out of reach inside Madeline’s discarded jeans, and she was certain that Madeline wouldn’t give another thought to her clothes that night.
Finally, the cries subsided, and Jacques stood up with his body firmed wrapped in Madeline’s arms and legs. They walked over to a cupboard and Madeline pulled out Some blankets and pillows that they dropped inside Eloise’s cage.
Jacques sat down on the corner of the cage while Madeline eased him back inside. They fucked again, this time with Eloise’s animated face less than an inch away. They climaxed and looked down at the woman imprisoned beneath them who seemed to be gasping for breath as much as them.
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