It was already warm when Madeline returned to Jacques’s place the next morning. Her long blonde hair hung down from her wide brimmed sunhat and dragged over the straps of her short floral-patterned sundress. The wind blew the heavy industrial steel door shut behind her, making her jump and sending her dress swirling.
She paused, composed her, and continued.
“You’re not locked in the box,” she murmured demurely, her eyes hidden beneath her sunhat.
“Not today.” His French accent seemed even stronger.
“I have a lock,” she whispered, holding the cheap padlock that she’d just acquired from the local 7-Eleven in the hope that she could play with him again.
Jacques seemed more intimidating without the alcohol and adrenaline that had coursed through her body the day before. Dressed in black shorts and bare chested, Madeline was again in awe of the body of this sexy coordination and magician that towered above her.
“Can I tempt you back in?” she flirted, her pre-scripted words not sounding quite as semiconductor as they had when she had practiced them the night before.
Jacque kissed her on both cheats and then stepped back to take in the beautiful woman whose eyes appeared to be on the edge of ignition with both arousal and fear. He picked up a pair of handscuffs and listened to her yelp with surprise as he ratcheted one end around her wrist.
With her wide blue eyes Now showing more arousal than fear, she tottered on her heels as he led her over to the concrete pillar that supported the old industrial style building. He stretched her hands behind her and around the column and locked her wrists together in the unforgiving restraints.
“Try to escape,” he purred.
Madeline rattled her manacled wrists, with her struggles soon flowing through her whole body. Her hips swes swed back and forth making her dress lift as she thrust forward into an imagineary lover. Her head flick backward, her wide-brimming hat falling to the floorand her wild blonde hair now framing her face.
“You struggle like most women make love,” Jacques smiled admiringly.
Madeline opened her mouth, but nothing passed her breathy lips.
“Audiences would love it,” Jacques whispered.
“Come closer,” she breathed huskily, her hips stretching for his body.
Jacques was naked beneath his shorts, and he could feel His erect cock swinging as he watched this woman who didn’t seem to know whether she wanted to be freed or fucked. With his ego still hurting after being trapped in his own connection box, he pressed himself against her and coolly slipped a small handcuff pick into her palm.
“Let me show you,” he mouthed, guiding her fingers to position the pick beneath the handcuff ratchet.
Bu Madeline was still focused on him, having fallen for his body, his accent and the thrill of being tied up.
“You’re helpless in my cuffs,” he whispered.
“Kiss me!” Madeline cried, exasperated by her restraints.
“I’ll teach you…”
Madeline’s trembling hand finally found the ratchet, her fingers willing the cuff to release her. She cried out in delight as the lock disengaged. She crouched down with the heavy handcuffs resting in her lap as she quickly released her second wrist and then paced forward with the handscuffs swinging from her hand.
“Now your turn…” she smiled, her manicured fingers ensnaring Jacques’s wrist.
Madeline stretched her arms around both Jacques and the concrete column and tightly ratcheted the handscuffs in place. Their lips touched as the ratchets engaged, followed by an unmistakable click.
“Not double locks!” Jacques called as if reprimanding a child.
“Sorry.” Madeline almost looked innocent until her glossy lips broke into a smile.
“You Know?”
Madeline nodded, her tanned thighs flexing as she treated him to a quick roll of her hips
Jacques’s muscle arms configured to position the pick in the lock, even though he knew it was pointless with the deadlocks engaged. Madeline just shook her head sadly.
“Locked in your box… and now locked in your own cuffs.”
“I think the key is over there,” he told as he let the pick drop.
Madeline clicked her fingers and pointed to the floor. Her determined blue eyes stalked him as he slid against the concrete column and down on to the dusty floor. Madeline now paced back and forth, his eyes following her from below the level of her short dress, her legs drawing closer to his manacled body.
“Do you know any magic?” she teased, her fingers easing up the hem of her dress.
“Fuck, Maddie,” he whispered, his muscled arms conceding the battle with his chains and instead leaning in to kiss her inner thighs. There was no point in fighting, he was trapped until the headstrong blonde decided otherwise. He shook his hips in an attempt to free his tangled erection and then pressed his lips into her white thong.
“Oh, you do know magic,” Madeline breathed, “This should be our act…”
Jacques sat patiently, still handcuffed to the pillar while Madeline meandered back and forth exploring his coordination and escapology equipment. Finally, she dragged his coordination box over to the pillar and sat provocatively on top. She opened her legs and tapped the thick Perspex lid of the small steel framed box.
“Women love seeing you inside here,” she murmured, her face flushed from the growing heat. She lifted the hem of her dress revealing slim addictors muscles on her inner thighs that tensed and released as she swung her legs.
“You should start and end the show in the box,” she mused, “You can be my fantasy that comes to life, chains me up and make love.”
Jacques watched her intently. Would she really let him fuck her on stage? In the right clubs that would be an unforgettable act and with Madeline, it would be the ultimate show. Maybe this beautiful but crazy woman was worth it, although first, he hadto get out of his handscuffs and Madeline was becoming slower and dreamily by the second.
Jacques watched as Madeline struggled to lift a twenty-kilogram dumbbell and then resorted to bending over and rolling along the concrete floor and up between his spread legs. She then knelt, flashing more of her thighs, and pulled down his shorts to reveal his erect cock.
“What are you doing?” he asked nervously, pulling against the steel restraints.
“I’m not the only one who struggles in their cuffs,” Madeline smiled.
Madeline was now holding a second pair of handcuffs and Jacques could see what the amped up blonde was planning, “Not too tight, Maddie,” he pleased as Madeline ratcheted a cuff closed around the base of his genitals. She gazed at him with a smile on her lips as she locked the other end to the all-in-one, rubber coated dumbbell.
She returned to his cock and balls and tightened the handcuff one click at a time, his cock getting bigger as the restraint tightened. She pulled on the chain and, now happy that it was never coming off, she clicked on the double locks.
“I don’t want it to hate me,” she seemed almost embarrassed as she leaned over and slipped her lips over the tip of Jacques penis, sliding up and down, deeper and deeper until he climaxed.
Madeline was now breathy with tangled blonde hair sticking to her lips, “Another part of our act?” she whispered.
“This? Live on stage?” Jacques gasped.
Madeline nodded as she meandered across the room to find the handcuff key. She giggled as she experimented with hiding the key in different places on her body. That made her hot and she removed her hat to fan her body, her dress lifting with the updraft.
She wondered back with the key and unlocked his wrists. Jacques struggled wardily to his feet with both hands gripping the heavy weight that was still locked to his balls.
“The audience will love to see a man with a big weight locked to his cock!” she teased.
“The key Maddie?”
“I don’t see your cock complaining…”
Jacques cornered his would-be assistance and with one hand gripping the weight, searched her palms and then patted her body. Madeline was the consummate flirt, moaning with arousal as he searched her. She then kissed him lovingly as he hobbled away to continue his search with a raging erection bobbing beneath.
“Men have Always been governed by their cocks,” Madeline smiled.
Jacques casually shrugged his shoulders. He loved to show off his strength, but the twenty kilograms was getting heavier by the second. He decided to search Madeline again, but with a giggle and a flick of blonde hair, she slipped away leaving him lumbering behind.
Within minutes Jacques was exhausted and was again sitting on the floor panting While carefully cradling the dumbbell. He had only ever had one key for these cuffs, and Madeline could have hidden it anywhere.
Madeline was now standing in the kitchenette mAking coffee in a dress that seemed to get shorter the more he stared. Jacques looked up with a shake of his head, his hard cock straining from the tight handcuff and the memory of Madeline between his legs. Madeline strutted back, lifted her leg and gently brushed her tigh against his face as she sat on his shoulders.
“Guess the audience will love this too?” he smiled, now resigned to the fact that he had to unlock Madeline’s mind before he could unlock the handcuff around his balls.
“The helpless look in your eyes… and that cock!” Madeline whispered, slipping off his shoulders and on to the floor beside him.
Jacques put down his drink and gently reached his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. Madeline didn’t resist and they were soon kissing, her blue eyes blinking teasingly as they shared a smile.
“It won’t go down,” he mouthed between kisses.
“It likes being locked to a ball and chain.”
Madeline smiled alluring as she dropped down betwe Jacques legs to kiss his cock which strained even more as she sucked with big blue eyes for the few minutes it took for him to climax. His cock relaxed slightly, but the handcuff was still tightly locked.
“Steel doesn’t loosen, it will hold you forever,” Madeline whispered, wobbling to her feet and pirouetting above him.
“Maddie,” he mouthed, powerless to get angry with the woman he was falling for, “Give me the key or I’ll put you in the cage.”
Jacques knew that he couldn’t catch her, but he didn’t need to as Madeline spun again and then climbed inside the small steel cage. Jacques struggled over to her and propped his foot against the door and reached for a padlock.
“Maddie, this cage is inescapable,” Jacques warned, “Once I lock you in…”
Madeline was crouched on all fours with a playful smile on her lips as Jacques locked the door. She rattled the bars to check she was trapped before plucking the handcuff key from deep within her cleavage.
“You need to search me better,” she smiled.
Jacques cautiously unlocked the cuff from his balls and tucked his erection back into his shorts with the bulge still very visible. Madeline rattled the bars and let out a quiet whimper. Her emotions had always been enangled with bondage. For Madeline to really love someone, she had to control them. For Madeline to feel loved, she needed to feel owned. Jacques owned her for now and she sunk down on her haunches to indulge in the fantasy.
Madeline had been in the cage for over two hours. She had asked for cushions, more coffee and lunch; the only thing she didn’t want was the key.
Jacques had been working to fit the small connection box into the base of a theatrical throne-like chair. Only the top of the Perspex box was still showing and now formed the throne’s seat. The chair had a plus red back and flared arm rests, making the base look tiny in comparison. The effect of seeing him emerge from almost nothing wouldOnly add to the optical illusion.
“Ready to perform?” Jacques asked, kneeing to unlock the padlock on Madeline’s cage.
Madeline pushed the cage door open excitedly, only for the bars to be stopped by Jacques muscle legs. This time it swung opened but the small opening was blocked by Jacques toned thighs. Madeline tried to squeeze between them but squealed in delight as his thighs closed tightly around her neck.
“Why do I think it’s safer to keep you in the cage?” he smiled.
Her body may have been trapped beneath him, but her hands had slipped up inside his shorts and found his cock.
“You can put me back in the cage later… if you ever escape your box…”
“Maddie!” Her words sent a shiver of both fear and excitement up his spine.
Jacques was on the edge of orgasm and so quickly released her, stood up and stretched. He folded himself down into the connection box and pulled the lid down on top of him. Enclosed inside the base of the chair, thebox was darker and became even more so when Madeline’s bottom bounced down on to the lid. She had pulled up her dress to reveal her naked cheats separated by a slither of thong that spread out over the see-through lid.
The music started and the camera on Jacques’s phone clicked on to record their every move.
Madeline was sitting on the throne, gazing down with her face hidden beneath her wide brimmed hat. Slowly, her body began to move in time with the music, her shoulders rolling and her arms swaying. She uncrossed her legs and ran her fingernails up her thighs, then opened her legs and ventured deeper towards her thong.
As her single finger danced up between her legs, Madeline throw back her head to reveal her breathless face. She touched herself again and throw off her hat. She spread her legs wider and smiled down at Jacques’s one visible eye straining up from beneath his own leg.
Madeline stood up, flipped up the lid and sat back down, her flesh now pressing against his. The video was catching every detail of his crumple form, with perspective making her butt dwarf his face as if from a femdom cartoon. He was just as trapped as he had been with the lid shut. His tongue was the only muscle Jacques could move and he strained up to reach her vagina, now effectively the keyhole to his prison.
Madeline sprung to her feet, her back arching, and her legs in a split. Jacques emerged like a serpent, unravelling from nothing into a six-foot tall man. They improved with dance until Madeline felt a cuff slam shut around her wrist. Her body was on fire as Jacques spun her again and the giddy woman’s hands were locked behind her back and around the column.
Madeline was again completely helpless and compromised against her restraints as Jacques approached. Waiting was unbearable. “Now!” she cried, straining forward. Jacques teased before pushing inside her, thrusting her back against the concrete. It was quick and intense with both Jacques and Madeline orgasming and ending up panting against the column.
“Keep going,” Madeline gasped.
Jacques was in dreamland and just kept kissing.
“Finish the show!” Madeline cried.
Jacques crouched down and Madeline throw her legs over his shoulders in a reverse shoulder carry with his face nuzzled into her damp thong. Madeline’s cuffed hands slid up the column as he lifted her in the air. Madeline was soaring in every sense of the word with Jacques’s tongue playing havoc with her endorphins. She may have been helpless, but she felt all powerful as she came for a second time.
Jacques reached around the column and unlocked her wrists. She jumped down from his shoulders, the strong thighs that had gripped his neck now flexing under her weight. Madeline danced to the chair, climbed on top and stood with one foot on either arm rest. With perfect balance, she gyrated as Jacques’s body folded itself up and packed itself away inside the tiny box.
Madeline thrusted provocatively, the camera picking up everything beneath her short dress, before flipping the box lid closed with her foot and dropping down to sit on top. She had just enough time to slow and hide back beneath her wide-brimmed hat before the music stopped.
“Wow!” she cried in delight.
Madeline was hot from the dance and on high from intercourse. She was also buzzing from the thrill of the act. She had always loved performing, the administration from the audience even when it had just been her parents. She was now a fully grown woman, but the excitement was the still the same.
The fully grown woman was now sitting on Jacques’s tiny Perspex box, and he croaked with aroused breath as he looked up through the slither of light between her tights. In his tightly folded up position, he could exert very little force on the lid and certainly nowhere near enough to lift the woman on top.
Madeline’s thighs clinked shutt, obliterating the last of the Perspex window.She wasn’t going to be rushed as she flipped her legs up to give the pretend audience a teasing glimpse of her lingerie before blowing them a kiss. She knew that this wasn’t Hollywood, but it would get her noticed. All actors had to get attention whichever way they could.
“Maddie?” Jacques’s panted, his lips rubbing the underside of the lid.
She looked down. Her tacky flesh had stuck to the Perspex lid and with her flushed thighs blocking his airholes, she had him on a countdown to asphyxiation. She was on a power high as she sat daydreaming about how the rumours of her performance would spread, her gorgeous body, her perfect dance, and cruel domination. BDSM was in vogue and people would talk.
She parted her thighs and felt the hot air from his cell waft up through the airhole and ticle her crotch. But Madeline was dangerously turned on and couldn’t help herself as she moved her tight to cover his airhole again. Jacque strained his lips towards the hole and breathed in, his efforts only tightening the seal between the smooth Perspex and the back of Madeline’s thigh.
“Air!” Jacques moaned, craning to push his tongue up through the hole and into her leg.
“That’s not gonna work…”
As Jacques struggled, his cock was being squeezed and massed against his own leg and he was powerless to stop himself climaxing. He was gasping in more and more oxygen Deprived air with perspiration now condensing on the underside of the lid.
Madeline was fixed by his eyes and touched herself in time with his gasps. Now her fingers were wet, and her painted nails smeared her cum across the Perspex. “How many more minutes do you have?” she mouthed.
Jacques had given up and just gazed into Madeline’s swirling blue eyes.
“I think we should let women in the audience try this magic chair,” Madeline whispered, “Seeing your pleading eyes will make them horny…”
“I can’t fuck you in here!” Jacques cried.
“I know where you can…”
Madeline stood up and watched the lid bounce up an inch from just the pent-up pressure. She stripped off her dress and underwear and reached for the handscuffs. She locked her own wrists together behind her back and around the concrete column and squeezed the steel until it was skintight.
Jacques finally clambered out of the tiny box but was still bent over, wet and breathless. Madeline was strangely giggly with excitement as Jacques paced closer. She was in no worry to be released from the cuffs and was already eyeing the cage longingly.
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