The Contortionist's Assistant Ch. 01

Madeline watched the street entertainer with growing interest. His athletic well-endowed body, dressed only in tight black shorts, had just front-flipped across the square and landed with his feet inside a small Perspex box.

She was now transfixed, her hands propped on her denim hips, as the man’s strong sexy body contorted down into the steel framed container. The last move was to tuck his head down beneath his tighs until every last corner of the box was filled with male muscle.

Madeline watched as the twenty-something woman that he had chosen to assist, stepped closer. Her four-inch heeled sandals and short denim skirt now dwarfed the concerntinaed man crumpled beneath her. The woman tapped the box with the toe of her sandal, before using her foot to casually flip the lid down on the compacted man.

“Oh no,” Madeline mouthed, as the woman then placed one tan leather shoe on the box and wobbled precariously as the second shoe joined it. With the music still running, the woman thrust her hips in time as she soaked in the applause and increasing laughter.

“Even tighter in there now!” one voice called as the contactist’s desperate eyes looked helplessly through the Perspex lid to the spread legs above him.

Madeline couldn’t help but laugh. She knew it was cruel and humiliating for the trained athlete to be trapped in his own box by the strutting above him, but it was funny. The new act was becoming increasingly sexual with her fingertips massaging her tight white stick top as her dark hair bopped back and forth.

The man was evictly stuck, totally unable to free himself from the box with the dancer on top. He had gone from being the main attention, to being just a plinth for the thrusting woman who was now twerking overhead.

Two of the woman’s friends then joined the act, with one woman slipping her underwear out from beneath her short blue dress before kneeling down in front of the box. The two friends then climbed upon top of the capsulised man for their finale before jumping down and disappearing back into the crowd.

Madeline stared, unable to believe that no one was coming to free the poor performer whose hand could only tap practically against the inside of the box. With the crowd now dispersing, she ran forward and dropped to a crouch in front of the small box. Her new jeans pulled tightly on her hips, taking her attention for a few seconds as she checked her crack, before she refocused on the box.

“Open the catch,” the guy called from beneath his own thighs.

“Oh,” Madeline exclaimed, realising that the woman in the blue dress had threaded her underwear through the hasp.

“Ugh, I don’t really want to touch this,” Madeline called, her hands hovering above the offending black thong.

“I can’t get out,” the man panted.

“Yeah, well you need a better assistant,” Madeline winced as she touched the damp fabric.

“Please lift the catch,” he begged.

“I’m trying,” Madeline snapped, “but they’re really knotted!”


Madeline sent and sunk back on her haunches. “Fuck… what had the woman done to her panties?”

Madeline stood up to see a loud group of guys that had just spilled out from a bar and were now heading towards them,” Quick, come with me,” she called as she pushed the box with her foot and followed as it rolled away on its small wheeled trolley. She slung her bag over her shoulder and leaned down to push the trolley across the street and out of sight at the far end of a small alley.

Panting, she turned and sat down on the box, her back up against the wall to keep out of sight as the noisy crowd passed.

“You need a better audience as well,” she gasped.

“Thank you,” the man breathed, his fingers pushing essentially Against the inside of the transparent lid.

Madeline exhausted and straightened her white top, “You’re welcome,” she called.

She opened her legs and pressed her fingers against his in a strangely intimate moment despite the Perspex separating them, “I’m Maddie,” she smiled.

“Jacques,” he replied.

“Jack-in-the-box,” she giggled, “Of course you are!”

“Jacques,” he repeated in his French accent, “Please let me out?”

Madeline spread her legs wider to study the man beneath her, all the while hoping he couldn’t read her arousal, “I’ll try,” she replied, her fingernails picking cautiously at the tightly tied female underwear, “although I’m not using my teeth!”

“You must be used to tos,” he called, having witnessed all too clearly the lingerie slide off the drunk woman’s body and into his makeshift padlock. It wasn’t the cleverest thing to say to the woman who now controlled his freedom.

“Hey!” Maddie called, “You’ve very forward for a man imprisoned inside a tiny box. You should be nice to those of us on the other side of the glass!”

Madeline closed her legs so that he couldn’t see her smile. This was perfect, she would happy flirt with this man all day.

“I’m sorry. Nice ass?” he called.

Madeline breathed out in disbelief. His choice of words was terrible! If he had been anyone else, she would have locked his box once and for all with a big padlock and then tossed the keys in the river of her way home.

However, this was the sexy French guy. “Okay, thank you,” she smiled.

Madeline was a wannabe actress who, like many, was stuck tempting at cafes and bars to get by. She had always loved the thrill of live performance and seeing Jacques had once again sparked some wild ideas. Being part of a successful act, especially with a man as sexy as Jacques would be amazing.

She condescendingly tapped on his lid, “You need an assistant, Jacques… someone to free you from wayward pairs of panties.”

“Probably.” He was breathy, but his accented voice still seemed calm.

“I would be perfect,” Madeline insisted, “I could lock you in with real locks and send the box sliding towards a spinning blade!”

“How would I get out, Madeline?”

Maddie had yet to work out the details. Instead, her blues eyes and blonde hair were gazing out into the distance, “Oh sorry,” she murmured “I just love how you say my name.”

There was now perspiration dripping from Jacques crushed body. Madeline knew that she was sitting on the only airholes in the box, but aspiring actresses would do anything to be persuasive in an interview.

Jacques stared up at the stubborn blue denim cheeses that looked to have settled in for the day. He strained his body again, but in this position, he could only just lift the lid. There was no chance he could ever lift the wannabe assistant on top. “Come today and we talk about it?” he puffed.

Madeline smiled, her fingers returning to the entwined thong come padlock. The fabric was damp from its owner’s perspiration, and her dried arousal seemed to have glued the material together. She continued to pick at the double knot until she could pull it clear.

“Okay, you’re finally free of her pants,” Maddie whispered, dropping the offending lingerie on to the ground in disgust.

“But you’re still sitting on me,” Jacques panted, his body aching to get out.

Madeline paused. She was so excited about working with this man that she didn’t want to let him go. She ran her fingers over the seams of her Levi’s, wishing that they would just fall apart so she could perform.


She was starting to obsess over his French accent and the way his hoarse voice was interspersed with breathes as he pleased with her in such a patient and adoring way.

“Okay…” She reluctantly stood up and lifted the lid, “Ta-da!” she smiled hopefully as she took his hand and helped him unravel from his prison.


Later that afternoon, Madeline walked excitedly through the open roller door and into to Jacques’s single room industrial unit complete with exposed pipes and high concrete ceilings. Theplace was filled with pictures from his acts which combined dance, coordination and escapology, as well as various props and equipment. Jacque was again dressed only in black gym shorts as he hung from his pull up bar.

“The girl who removes panties,” Jack called, dropping panther like to the floor.

“Lucky for you I do,” she replied.

Madeline looked transformed, dressed in a short gold wrap dress with a plunging neckline. Her make-up was perfect, and her long blonde hair freshly styled. She walked forward on her high heeled sandals and let him kiss her on both cheeses.

“Bad show today,” she breathed, taking in his tall muscle body.

“It’s fine,” he replied.

“Fine?” Madeline walked over to the small steel framed connection box with the thick Perspex sides, “You’d still be in there if it wasn’t for me!”

“I could get out.”

Madeline felt her body tingle with the challenge, “Let’s try shall we,” she called, turning her back on him and easing up her dress to reveal a thong pulled tight between her legs, “Let’s recreate your capacity.”

At last, she had his attention and could feel his eyes searching her body. She turned and sat down on the box and straightened and spread her legs. Tensing her core, she lifted her feet off the ground and balanced yoga-like on the lid, her full weight resting on the Perspex.

“Wow,” Jacque breathed.

“Think you could get out of my prison?” Madeline breathed, her wrap dress falling back to reveal her thong beneath.

Jacques was mesmerised by the sensitive woman who seemed to be making love to his box, “Beautiful act,” he whispered, taking her hand and pulling her to feet. Madeline spun on her heels, winding herself in along his arm, until they finished in a tight embrace. He kissed her Cheek before flicking his arm to spin her back out.

Madeline was like many of the women he knew at dance school, confident to use anything to get her way. Madeline was certainly stunning andTogether with him could make for an amazingly photogenic act. However, performing both coordination and escapology means entrusting your life to your assistant. Many hours of gazing helplessly up at a woman who controlled everything.

He took her hand and led her over to a pair of handcuffs that was hanging by a chain from the ceiling. Madeline didn’t resist as he locked her wrists into the cuffs above her head, leaving her Straining to get press her glossy lips closer to his.

“There must be trust,” Jacques breathed, running his hands up her body.

Madeline had no fear in her eyes, just the thrill of being held.

“Inside that box, I trust you with my life,” Jacques breathed, rewarding her with a kiss on the lips.

“You can trust me to put on a show,” Maddie mouthed.

“Show me,” he breathed.

Jacques stood back and watched as Madeline performed, improving a dance with her hands chained above her head. He stepped in, wrapping his arms around her waitto join her thrusting rhythm. Madeline was still dancing and writing in delight as he walked away to fetch the key and unlock her handcuffs.

“Let me show you,” Maddie pursued, taking his hand and dancing him back to the box, “I’ll draw inspiration from your confidence.”

Jacques put on his stage music, stretched his body and slowly concerned down inside the tin space. Madeline was now a giant, with long smooth legs soaring above him as she closed his lid.

Madeline started by thrusting and twisting passwordately, the sheer gold fabric swinging wildly. She then climbed on to the box and stretched down to place her hands on her feet. With her back to the pretend audience, she bent and stretched each leg in turn, her butt rocking from side to side, until she throw one leg straight up and then the other to perform a handstand on the lid.

She dropped, turned and sat on the lid and spread her legs into the perfect sitting splits. Her body glistened and trembled as her strong leg muscles fight to hold the position. Her to be just the thickness of the Perspex away from Jacques face, and she looked down and smiled as he used the limited movement in his fingers to paw at her through the glass.

“You’re my genie,” Maddie called, lifting her dress and sliding her hand inside to massage her clip, “I just need to stroke here…”

She sprung to her feet and opened the lid, twerking above the open box as Jacques appeared like an unravelling phantom between her legs. Maddie wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned back as he spun her. She could feel his erect cock pushing against her body as they kissed.

“Is this your wish?” Jacques panted.

Madeline Shook her head, placed her manicured hands on his shoulders and pushed him down. Jacques was now on his knees, pulling His assistant’s underwear to the side as he kissed her vagina, both of them still moving in time with the music. Madeline climaxed and jumped up to sit on his shoulderders. She wrapped her dancer’s legs around his face, forcing his face tightly up against her crotch.

With Jacques’s head hidden beneath her dress, it seemed almost innocent as she played the part of a mysterious creativity, drawing power from below.

“Back in the lamp,” she cried.

Jacques carefully stepped back inside the box and eased himself down on to his knees. Madeline still gripped his neck with her thighs and continued her mermaid-like salsa until Jacques was so far in the box that her feet once again touched the floor.

Madeline released her vice around his neck, straddling the box as he tucked his head back inside. She closed the lid and started the striptease, a slow descent of her white thong pulling taut and rubbing against her tanned skin.

“No, Maddie,” he called, trying to unravel his body and push up on the lid. But Madeline’s fingers were faster, snapping the clap down and threading her underwear through the hasp. She then finished her performerce by curling up on the lid and pretending to sleep.

She waited for a few minutes, watching Jacques’s fingers stroke the Perspex beneath her before crying, “Cut!”

Jacques looked up at the back of Maddie’s thighs pressed into the Perspex above.

“So sensitive,” she mouthed, her cheeks rolling back and forth on his lid.

“Fuck, Maddie,” he moaned, his aroused eyes staring Helplessly through the lid.

“When I’m your new assistant, you can gaze at me every day…”

“I should have left you in your cuffs,” he moaned, craning his fingers to touch her naked bottom that had sealed his small airhole.

“Maybe,” Maddie smiled bashfully, slinking to her feet as arousal coursed through her body. She quivered excitedly as Jacques escaped the box and then giggled, struggling her blonde hair, as she backed away from his advancing body.

Jacques discretely adjusted his erection as he advanced on the attractive woman who had now turned and crawled inside the small cage that was part of yet another half-planned escapology act. Maddie’s bare knees were clambering over the bars at the base of the cage as she clanged the cage door closed behind her.

“How did it feel to be trapped by a naked woman?” she went with big blue eyes staring out through the heavy steel bars.

“You want me to lock you in?” Jacques breathed.

“I want you to trust me…”

Madeline trembled in anticipation as Jacques slipped a padlock through her cage and clicked it shut. She reached through the bars to explore his strong legs and then pulled down his shorts.

“How does it feel to have me as your prisoner?” she whispered, her hands clamping shut around his balls, tugging him closer so that his cock pushed through the bars and into her waiting mouth.

Jacques tried to free himself, but her hands only squeezed tighter, her long painted nails starting to dig in. This beautiful woman had tethered him to the cage, and he had no choice but to surrenderand let her bring him to orgasm.

“Fuck, Maddie,” he exclaimed, stepping away and pouring two glasses of whiskey. He passed one glass in through the bars of Madeline’s cage and watched her drink, “You are incredible,” he smiled, “but maybe less sex for the family show.”

“I just wanted to show you what I can do,” she replied back, her face pressed up against the heavy steel bars, her tangled hair sticking to her face with perspiration

He sunk his drink and watched. Then, thinking that he had played the crazy sexual woman, he unlocked her cage and waited as she wobbled back up on to her long-tanned legs.

“Inside,” she mouthed, “Show me this act.”

Madeline’s skin glistened under the hash illuminous lighting as Jacques dropped to his knees and crawled into the cage. She pressed the pointed heel of her sandal into his back to encouraged him inside and used the same padlock to lock the cage.

“For this act I need the secret key,” Jacques called as Madeline’sswaying hips waltzed away to explore the rest of the space.

“No,” she called dreamily, her back to him, “… I want to see magic.”

Jacques rattled the cage door hopefully, but Maddie didn’t even look around. “You tricked me,” he mouthed, both aroused and afraid of what this outrageous blonde woman might do to him next. Her mind was running rings around him even before she inflicted her body.

Jacques was speechless as her semi-naked body wondered back towards him and sat down on his cage. She propped one leg up on to the bars and eased out her short dress so that her naked bottom was inches above his head. His hands gripped the bars on either side of the cage as he looked up, realising that he was once again trapped.

Madeline smiled down and spread her legs wider, “Now, let me tell you about our next act…”


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