The Contest

Benny Price looked a bit discomfited as he entered the Marathon room.

There were four guys, kneeing on pillows…

Yes, naked as the day they were born, jerking their dicks VEERY slowly.

They looked exhausted, and Benny looked at Nora, his beautiful fiancee, and wondered what the hell he was doing here.

“You were so busy with work, you’ve missed the last seventy-two hours” Nora said with pride.

Everyone else has dropped out, the finalists are Clive, Puck, Graham and Montgomery.

Todd was really holding out there, but he had an accident, and his trainer, Cristalena, is working him over in the um, locke.”

And indeed, Benny’s ears heard whacks, swats, screams and a woman’s voice

“You stupid cunt-boy!

You only had another hour, probably, and now I’m humiliated!”

“I’m really hoping that next year you’ll be eligible for a bit of fun, Benny.” Nora said, laying a soft hand on his arm.

“We’ll have to train you up for it, dear!”

Benny, who had not had an orgasm in 39 days, shivered and watched the naked guys. Sweet Lord, this is a strange thing to be doing!

What was on these jerking guy’s minds, anyway?

Out on the floor, 30 year old Montgomery checked out the hot girl…Nora?


It was humiliating, as always, to be masturbating naked in front of yet ANOTHER hot girl, but it was more fun than his coach, Master Hans.

Hans had taken a break to smoke, but he’d be back

And how Montgomery had wished that Lady Kidreaux could have done his training herself!

Montgomery’s grandfather, Monty the Masochist, had been an investor in the original PainCafe Hotel.

Although he had not lived to see the Dungeonopolis gift shop.

Montgomery’s dad, Montgomery Jr. called Gum (MontGOMery) was editor of a Pentecostal newsletter.

Gum had been so publicly ashamed of his dad that he’d left home right after his conversion by the Buttermilk State U. Campus Crusade for Christ.

And had never returned to Buttermilk Falls.

And as soon as Gum discovered that Montgomery III was a sexual deviate, he’d disabled him.

This happened fortunately after Montgomery had passed the Series 7 exam and was a successful broker on Wall Street.

Montgomery had begun seeing Lady Kidreaux, a Manhattan dominatrix about five years ago.

He’d casually told her about his grandfather’s similar submissive leanings back in the 1920s.

Sure, and when she told him he had a chance to visit Buttermilk Falls and make her proud, he’d jumped at it-

Thinking of course that Lady K would be accompanying him.

But Lady K had been a woman of surprises!

Montgomery had begged for chatity, but she’d put him Through the reverse, making him jerk off four to eight times during their expensive weekly sessions…

This, and if he couldn’t get any “juice” out, she whipped him viciously, and of course there was no thrill there, since his semen had already been extracted…

It was just pure pain!

After about two years of regular sessions, Lady K had relented and had put Montgomery in chatity, encouraging him to date…

And just be a gentleman!

As Montgomery had been brought up a Bible-thumping Christian, he knew the places to meet girls who want to take it slow…

Montgomery had met Nydia at a church picnic and they’d dated for eighteen months before getting engaged.

And then even the shy Nydia had told Montgomery that she was willing to “go further”.

But of course he had been getting teased and locked back up by Lady Kidreaux, for $300 a week.

And then paying $500 every 120 days for the privilege of jerking off on Lady K’s boots.

Yes, eating his cum before being locked up again!

Finally, Montgomery broke the engagement to Nydia.

He knew that he’d have to fuck her on the wedding night, and Lady K was just so much more interesting.

And when, after 2 monthsof his latest chatity, Lady K told him about the marathon going on back in Buttermilk Falls.

“Basically, I have to sign an affidavit that you’ve been chate for six full months, all the competitors will be.

Yes, and then you’ll all be competing by jerking off without cumming for a period of about a week.

You’ll get to sleep eight hours an evening…

Yes, it’s not like a dance marathon, but the other sixteen hours, minus three 20 minute intervals for meals, and you’ll be kneeing and jerking!

If you break down and cum before the others, of course you lose.

And you will not get a happy reception when you return to Manhattan—

I might stop seeing you as a client!

And if you win, I receive a platinum trophy.

It looks sort of like an Oscar or an Emmy.

And I might consider accepting that diamond ring from you that you got back from that little Baptist idiot Nydia!”

Montgomery was excited about this, though of course he couldn’t imagine six months with no relief.

He’d been started out with weekly intervals between masturbation, and that had been really tough, seeing all the hot girls at the brokerage.

And then two weeks, and then once a month.

That had lasted for almost a year before he’d been jacked up to two months, then ninety days, and now four…

But six months?

“Don’t’ Worry, I can give you a referral to a proctologist friend of mine who will milk your rectum once a month.

It’s not that big a deal”

But of course it wasn’t for Lady K.

She wasn’t the one who was going to be going without orgasms for six months!

But Montgomery knew he had to do whatever it took, and he’d thought she would be accompanying him.

Yes, and then she’d introduced Montgomery to Master Hans, a six foot tall German with cropped blonde hair.

“I’m not gay, Lady K, and I don’t think—”

But Hans had reached over and slapped Montgomery’s face, hard, and it was in arestaurant! Lady Kidreaux had just smiled.

Everyone was looking, but Master Hans ignored the gawkers.

“You are a spoiled imbecile, Montgomery—

I should call you Maria, you are such a girl.

Lady Kidreaux has offered you her hand in marriage, should you win this conversation, and you complain about the sex of your trainer?

You disgust me!”

Twice weekly (not counting his visits to Lady K) Master Hans would drop by Montgomery’s Soho loft.

Yes, and hand him the key to the chatity device, and order him to knee and jerk.

When Montgomery got too excited, Master Hans slapped him…

Or hit him in the back of the head, and eventually he got Montgomery to masturbate slowly and methodically…

Yes keeping his erection, but being careful Not to go too long with the precum stage.

Of course Master Hans also charged $300 an hour, so with his fun sessions with Lady K, where she teased him while wearing a blue body stocking.

He was paying nearly a thousand dollars a week…

But he was a good stockbroker!

Now, Montgomery tried to jerk slower, feeling humiliated and aroused from Nora’s steady gaze…

Ah his dick and balls felt like they weighed a thousand pounds!

He was so close to cumming, and it was indeed disturbing.

He hoped Master Hans would come in soon, because one thing Hans wasn’t was arousing!

Middle aged Puck was kneeing next to Montgomery.

He winced as Olivia, his dominant wife’s best friend, whacked his shoulder blade.

He’d forgotten that she was behind him.

Olivia had taken the first shift today, she’d been in a tight pink shirt and short-shorts.

Despite being in her early fifties, had all the jerkers just gazing at her hungrily.

Sure, except for that one guy from Chicago whose trainer had put blinders on the side of his head.

Olivia had high hopes for this year’s Marathon.

It was a friendly competition, because Fawn, her sisterr, was engaged to Clive, who was also a finalist.

In 2002, Puck had come in fourth.

Olivia had smashed his balls with a lead-tipped policeman’s sap for disappointing her.

Olivia had locked Puck into the six month chatty session, and he’d burst into tears.

They had a deal where Puck could get to jerk off when he brought home his university term reports, and they were at least a B average…

Oh but Olivia had suspended this mutual understanding that had gone on since Puck was put into chatity in his first year of college

… Because it was time for him to compete!

Not, of course that he wasn’t taken out for “practice”.

When Puck got home from work, Zanzibar would strip him and make him knee, and unlock the belt…

Then Puck would try different alternatives.

One was putting his thumb on the top of his cock and the other four fingers on the bottom.

And pulling until he was just about to ejaculate, and then he’d stop and put his hands behind his head.

When Zanzibar saw any evidence of his legs shaking, she would begin whipping Puck HARD with a straightened coat hanger.

This, not surprisingly took his mind off his impending orgasm!

Now, his knees ached something terrible. His dick was really, really sensitive, and he had to grazed it quite lightly.

But Puck knew if the judges saw him take his hands off his dick for more than thirty seconds per ten minute interval, he would be disqualified.

He’d complained to Olivia last night that he felt like it was getting to be too much,.

Annoyed, Olivia had tied him to the small bun allocated Puck by the PainCafe for the sleeping part of the Marathon…

So she’d whipped him until her rattan cane broke.

And some of the other submissive competitors had gasped.

“I have told you that your attitude should be an Attitude of Gratitude!”

Olivia said as she brought the cane down again and again on Puck’s defenselessass.

“I have entered all my sons in the damn thing, as well as my husband, and no one has ever won, in twenty-six years…

If Fawn wins, I will be enraged!”

Then Olivia hugged the wedding husband to her considerable bosom.

“I know it’s been difficult for you, darling.

It saddens me that Fawn has been so childhood competitive…but I must take her down a peg…

Mistress will be very happy if you can hold off like a big boy, until you are the last boy jerking. It’s been six days…

You can hold out a little longer, can’t you?”

And Puck nodded, enjoying the closeness to Mommie’s incredible bosom!

Now he was jerking and trying to touch his cock lightly…

Puck held off.

He was so close. It had been half a year, six long months.

Oh please, but he knew it would be disappointing to displease Mistress!

Suddenly there was a moan and a scream, and the blond German guy who was coaching Montgomery was whipping him witha South African policeman’s stick.

Puck couldn’t help feeling gratified as he saw the small pile of semen between poor Montgomery’s knees.

“P-please, Master Hans, give me mercy.

I am so sorry I let you and Mistress K down” Montgomery shrieked.

“But the need was so desperate, you have to understand, Sir…please don’t be angry!”

Now Master Hans was dragging Montgomery away by the ear, whacking him with the bat unmercifully, and cursing in German, or maybe Dutch?

It was nasty, but it was over for Montgomery, and he just had Clive and Graham to contend with.

He looked over at Clive, who was being encouraged by Fawn.

Fawn, an ash blonde, kept jiggling her cleavage at Graham and Puck.

Zanzibar whacked Puck on the left earlobe.

“Don’t look at Fawn’s tits.

Think about baseball scores or something and touch your dick as little as possible.

You know Mom is not going to be happy if you fuck up!”

Zanzibar looked at hermom.

“Fawn’s a cunt, Ma, don’t worry about it.

We’ll clean her clock you know.”

She laid a black nailed hand on Olivia’s arm.

Olivia tried to look a bit gratified.

“Please don’t use language like that, it’s not appropriate in a young lady.”

Olivia said automatically, as her Olivia had probably said to her, and so on and so on…

“Zanzibar I am just so disappointed in your sister’s desire to exceed me.

Clive is such a weak willed little creativity, and I am sure Puck or Graham will overcome him.

Of course if Puck can’t win, I’d prefer that Clive did…

But Fawn can be so challenging and limit-setting. It’s always been a problem with that girl!”

Puck tried to think about the Orioles game he’d been allowed to listen to on the radio (The RADIO…who listens to the radio with ESPN) while scrubbing his wife’s baseboards a few weeks ago…

It was really difficult though…

Even thinking of young Hispanic baseball players was getting Puck a little excited. My god, with all this chatity, was he turning into a fag?

It was true that Puck had been forced to suck many cocks by his wife and her friends, but he’d never enjoyed it…

Oh but now, with his dick so hard, he was thinking of pitcher Jeremy Guthrie’s tight little ass…

And that wasn’t good.

However, his alarm at This recent development of possible homosexuality seemed to be calming down his semen flow.

And his dick limped just a little, thank heaven.

Graham watched nervously as Montgomery was dragged out of the Marathon by the enraged German guy.

Jesus, what a horrible mess.

“What happened?” asked Kyra…

“I heard a lot of noise, but I was on my cell phone, someone had an accident, right?”

Kyra’s sightless eyes glimmered.

She loved controversy.

It was amazing she’d missed anything.

Although blind since birth, Ky was able to pick up on a lot with her four other senses.

Gyra looked up at his beautiful girlfriend, her breasts heaving in the snug white top.

“Don’t worry about it, Kyra.

Yes, I only have two other competitors now…

But I’m feeling really close to the edge, you know?”

Kyra bent down next to Graham, feeling for his shoulder.

“I am so proud of you, baby.

You know that I’ve been in the um, scene for twenty years, and this trophy means a lot to me.

I love you dearly, Graham, but I will be disappointed if you screw this up.”

Graham had met Kyra on a computer dating site.

He hadn’t really known he was submissive, and he’d been absolutely mesmerized by the pictures of this blind girl.

She was so beautiful!

Graham was rather homely himself, and was thrilled when Ky, after a few online chats, said she wanted to meet him.

That had been nineteen months ago, and for fifteen of those months, Graham had been in chatity!

How had it happened?

Somehow, Kyra had begun necking with Graham on the first date, and then had used her amazing fingers to give him a nice hand job.

Yes, telling him that she was uncomfortable with sexual intimacy so soon.

But they began getting naked, and without poor Graham using his dick at all, she’d gotten him to perform extensive oral sex on her…

Yes and had corrected his mistakes with little slapses.

Ky gave great hand jobs to Graham, after every long period between her legs, but he kept pressuring her about sleeping together—

Doing the real thing.

“Graham, I think you’re too focused on sex.”

Kyra had told him one night.

“I have found with guys that after they get their orgasms, they just roll over and go to sleep, it’s like I’m not attractive anymore.

This is OK with you shooting off in my palm, but I would feel really hurt and angry if you made love.

Invading my maidenhead, and then just rolling over and go to sleep.”

And then she’d finally let Graham fuck her, after about six weeks of dating.

And she made him promise to hold off from cumming…

And of course, with her being able to tighten her vagina, she got him to cum almost immediately,.

But then to his horror, Kyra had gotten out of bed…

Felt around for his pants, pulled his belt out of the loops and whipped his cock and balls for about ten minutes!

Ky hadn’t let Graham see her for two or three more weeks, and he called and begged, and sent flowers.

He’d had some cute (seeing) girlfriends but Kyra really was great in bed, and she had wonderful long hair and huge breasts, and a wicked sense of humor.

When Ky finally let Graham see her again, she didn’t even allow a goodnight kiss for two more weeks, and then he’d gradually worked his way into her bed…

And then fucked up again.

When Kyra finally outfitted Graham for a chatity belt, he was almost relieved.

“I’ll let you cum now and then, but I want you to be more of a gentleman…

More considered, and if you’re very attracted to me, as you should be, it’ll help more if there’s some sexual tension.”

For the first nine months, Kyra would go on dates with Graham, about twice a week.

The rest of the time he was horny—

At work, at home, but what could he do?

She would call him and give him long, sexy phone calls, that drive him out of his mind, and of course he’d want to break into the damn chatity device…

But he didn’t!

When they got together, he’d treat her to dinner and all sorts of entertainments—

Kyra’s eyes were useless, but she had a brilliant ear, and loved concerns—opera, rock, rap.

It was amazing how she appreciated things like that, and even liked movies and plays.

Then, when They got home, Ky would allow Graham to give her a two hour body massage and perform between her legs…

Yes, until she’d orgasmed four or five times…

Yes, and then she’d tie him down andgive him a forty-five minute cock massage that stopped just short of orgasm.

Once a month Ky let Graham fuck her, and actually cum…

It was wonderful!

Sometimes, if she was bitchy, she’d just let Graham jerk off, but he’d had a few intense lovemaking sessions, and it was better when he was really, really horny.

He was terribly into her and they could fuck for hours!

But then Ky heard about the marathon going on in Buttermilk Falls…

Whe she’d worked as a dominatrix before, and she decided Graham had to enter.

She continued the dating ritual she had with Graham, teasing, denial…

Ah but then once a month, when he was supposed to be able to fuck her, she’d have him do it with a straw-on dildo over his chatity device.

When Graham Complained about this, Ky let one of her other lovers fuck her…

While Gray watched, tied to the radiator, and after that he didn’t complain any more.

And now he was competing in this horrible thing, and didn’t know what to expect.

They’d started out with fifty guys, and gradually, day by day, guys had fucked up.

Now it was down to the three of them…

But Ky wanted this ridiculous trophy, and by this time Graham was a hardened slave boy.

He had moved Ky into his big house, given her the master bedroom, and she’d instructed him to sleep in a closet, Not even on the same floor!

She teased him as often as she could, tying him up after he’d made her breakfast, or while they were on a hike…

Yes, people had walked into the clearing where she was jerking his dick-

Yes, and she’d stepped away from him like she didn’t know who he was! So humiliating.

She’d also tied him to a chair naked in a movie when they were traveling across the country…

And let the maid find him while she had tapped her white cane down to the Starbucks for an hour!

She was something else!

But Graham wanted Kyra to be happy, and if he could keep from cumming, it would be so nice…

Oh but he was so close, and she was so beautiful…

All of a sudden there were screams.

Both Puck and Clive had squirted about the same time.

Yes, and Fawn and Puck’s Olivia were whipping them.

“Is it really bad?” Ky asked with an eager smile.

“Yes, they are really upset, but I didn’t cum!

You got the trophy, Kyra!”

Graham now began pumping faster…his first orgasm in six months and he was a winner!

But Ky slapped his face.

“No, take your hand away. We’re locking you up, see babe, after winning this trophy, and with a year of chatity… you qualify for the finals in Budapest…”


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