The Consummate Cuckold Ch. 04

The Consummate Cuckold – Chap 4


This story is about a husband’s willing decent into cuckoldry. Paul is a married, sexually inadequate man unable to satisfy his gorgeous young wife, Jolie, in bed. Although he is good looking and has a slim but muscled physics, he has a small penis and prematurely ejaculates. She loves him, but has become sexually frustrated and her stunning friend Kylie has become her lover and moved in with them. They have discovered that Paul is a submissive and that he is excited by female domination, tease and denial and has become their cuckold. The three of them have beenfriended Lucy, a student and chair of Paul’s Fan Club. Lucy stayed with them for a while after falling out with her parents and has submissive sex with them. Lucy has now moved into Kylie’s empty house which she shares with Kylie’s sister, Lola. Jolie’s colleague, Tamsin, has confessed that her huge weightlifter husband, Carl, is desperate to fuck her. Joliehas admitted she wants to take his huge, black cock and has persuaded Kylie and Paul to let her. In this episode Jolie prepares Carl for his cuckolding. Confused? Read the Compliant Cuckold and Chaps 1 to 3 of this series and all will become clear!

This story contains the following sexual activities – please don’t read it if they offend you. Heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, femdom and anal. All characters involved in sexual activity are 18 or older.

Chapter 4

Preparing Paul


As I drive the girls home on Sunday afternoon Lola was pressing Lucy for details of her afternoon tryst with Paul, but she was being coy.

“Stop teasing her Lols, I want to ask you both a favour. Will you be extra nice to Paul for the next couple of weeks?”

Lucy twisted in the passenger seat to look at me.

“I let him do me up the bum three times this afternoon, how nice do you want me to be?”

Lolaburst into a fit of giggles, but I tried again,

“Please girls, I’m being serious. He might be a bit fragile this week, and especially after Saturday.”

Lola stopped giggling and put her hand on my shoulder from the back seat.

“Why, what’s happening on Saturday K?”

I heaved a sight.

“Its complicated. Lets just say that I have concerns.”

“Then you’re coming in for coffee. You can’t leave us hanging now, we care about the three of you.”

I found myself with a mug of coffee untouched, sitting on a barstool in their kitchen pouring out the story so far.

“On Wednesday evening we’re going to Carl and Tamsin’s for drinks and to see where the deed will take place, then on Saturday Paul and Jolie are going back and Carl is going to fuck her whilst Paul watches.”

A single tear rolled down my cheek and in a flash Lola’s arms were around me from behind as Lucy knelt in front of me, her hands on my thighs.

“God K, can’t you speak to her? She loves you, I’m sure she wouldn’t go through with it if you asked her not to.”

“I know, but I don’t want her not to do him because I’ve asked her not to. I want her not to want to,” I waited miserably, knowing I sounded children.

Lucy held my hands in hers,

“What does Paul think of all this, is he happy?”

“I’m not sure happy is the right word, but he’s a submissive beta male and he craves the humiliation of an alpha taking what should be his. He’s excited at the thought of seeing this big black bull fuck her with his massive cock. But it’s the effect on him psychologically I’m worried about. It might prove to be a step too far. We need to make sure that he feels loved and valued. Lols, I know I’ve warned you off him, but feel free to follow your Feelings, I know you’ve got close to him recently. I’m sure Lucy won’t mind.”

“I’ve already told her it’s fine with me – I only borrow him sometimes.”

Lola looked at me with a smile,

“Are you pimping me outbig sister?”

She made me smile and I wiped the mood from my cheek.

“Don’t act all coy. You’ve been wanting to ride his little soldier for weeks! Or has Ally turned you full lezzer already?”

Lola hung her mouth open and it was Lucy’s turn to giggle as I bantered with my sister. I stood to go and Lucy hugged me,

“Come round on Saturday evening Kylie. Lola is out with Ally so you can paddle my bottom and make me yelp as loud as you like.”

I kissed her cheek,

“That would be lovely, but come to me instead. Then I’ll have the full range of painful acoutrements available.”

Lola followed me out to the car. As she hugged me goodbye, she murmured in my ear,

“You know he’d be my first don’t you?”

I pulled away, open mouthed and noticed her cheeks were pink.

“Are you surprised that I’m not the slut you thought I was, or shocked that I’m a prude?”

“Neither sweetheart, it’s just I know you’ve had a few boyfriends and I just assumed……”

“I’m not a prude K, I’ve wanked a few willies and swallowed my share of semen, but I’ve been saving my cherry for someone special. I’m just not sure he’s special enough yet. Lucy likes it up the bum though, so maybe I could try that seeing as he’s small.”

I smiled at her and stroked her cheek. I didn’t let on that Paul had already told me that he’d had a finger up there while she masturbated on his lap.

“I can’t even stand the thought of doing that. Not after what happened with Dad.”

She told,

“You know I’ll never forget what you did for me. It’s because of what you did that I’m able to decide who my first will be.”

We hugged again and I got in the car and backed out of the drive. Unpleasant memories flooded back as I drive home. My mother’s death when I was just ten and Lola was four. My stepfather ‘noticing’ me when my little buds started to puff on my flat chest. I was 12. Him leering down or up my big t-shirt that I wore for bed with nothing underneath as he insisted. Him masturbating next to my bed when he thought I was sleeping. His heavy body on mine as he took my virginity at 14. Him threatening to do the same to eight year old Lola unless I gave him my bottom too. The feeling of the kitchen knife going into his naked back as he broke our bargain and tried to take her. Nearly 11 years later the scars on my soul still bleed when disturbed.


When I got home supper was almost ready. We ate and as Jolie cleared away I made coffee. I took it into the locke where Paul was sitting on one of the sofas with Jolie in his lap. I snuggled into Paul’s side pulling his arm around me. We watched a movie but I was subdued and didn’t really pay attention, my thoughts elsewhere. Jolie had noticed and as Paul switched off the TV at ten pm she slide along to me, burying her face in my neck.

“Where are you my love? You’re not here with us tonight are you?”

I took a deep breath,

“YouRemember a few weeks ago I said there was this issue in my past?”

She nodded,

“When you freaked out when we tried to bind your wrists.”

“Well, most of the time I can keep the memories buried deep, but occasionally something happens to trigger them again. Its a testament to how happy I am here that it hasn’t happened as much as it used to, but a conversation with Lola today has brought them to the surface again. I just need to put them back in their metaphorical box.”

She kissed my cheek and took my hands in hers.

“What can we do to help?”

“It might sound a bit weird, but I need to sleep in the spa room tonight. I’d like Paul to come and tuck me in, and then lie outside the covers and hold me until I fall asleep.”

Paul searched my face,

“I can do that for you sweetheart, are you sure you’re OK. Do you want us to call Lola?”

I shook my head,

“Just come up when I call.”

I kissed Jolie goodnight and went up to rummage formy old Paddington Bear T-shirt. When I pulled it on it no longer covered my knickers but it still had that familiar smell and feel. I climbed under the crisp linen and called for Paul. He straightened the duvet, tucking it under my chin, then climbed onto the bed pulling me into little spoon in front of him. Even though he was outside the covers I could feel the warmth and strength of his presence. He kissed me goodnight then buried his face in my blonde hair and held me. I lay awake for a while, but eventually drifted off lulled by his strong arms and gentle breath on my neck. My sleep was troubled and dream filled. I woke up panting, my heart racing. The red clock digits said it was ten past one. A strong arm hugged me and Paul’s voice was soft in my ear,

“Its OK baby you’re safe. It was just a bad dream, go back to sleep. I’m here.”

For a second or two I was ten again, in the arms of a father who loved me as his little girl, not his little slut.

In the morning I was awoken by Jolie crawling under the covers. She was wearing a T-shirt and knickers like me, only her T-shirt covered her bottom and was new. She pushed her bum back into my tummy and pulled my arm around her.

“Five minutes then I have to get up for work.”

Paul’s sleeping form was still spooned behind me on top of the covers, but a single blanket had been laid over him. Jolie must have checked on us in the night. I whispered in her ear,

“Thank you for last night. It was just what I needed.”

“Then it was worth missing you for a night. Now cuddle me please, we have three minutes before I have to get up.”


On Wednesday morning I was sitting up in the bed I shared with my girlfriend and her husband, listening to him in the Shower. I was excited about the prospect of seeing Tamsin again this evening, but this was temperatured with my misgivings over Jolie and Carl. I was on late shift at the gym where I work as a personal trainer and physio, so I was enjoying a lazy start to the day. I was supposed to be working twelve until eight, but I had managed to arrange to leave an hour early so I could go straight to Carl and Tamsin’s to meet Jolie and Paul. Jolie had left for her office over an hour ago and Paul had brought me coffee after seeing her off. I sawed in bliss and wriggled my toes under the duvet before the peace was broken by my mobile vibrating on the bedside table. I snatched it up and disconnected the charging cable, seeing Lucy’s pretty face on the screen.

“Hiya sweetie not at uni this morning?”

Lucy’s voice was tense,

“Dad’s coming at eleven and Lola is going in to uni to prep for a class she has this afternoon. Are you able to come over, at least until I know he won’t be weird?”

Lucy’s Father had imprisoned her and confidentized all her tech a few weeks ago, apparently to protect her from the lascivious attentions of men. Paul, Lola and I had rescued her and she had moved into my empty house with my sister who was also at uni. Things had calmed down, and her Dad was doing an anger management course. He seemed to be coming to terms with his daughter’s independence, but Lucy was still wary of him and was worried he would try and drag her back home again if she was on her own with him.

“I have a shift later so I can’t stay long. Tell Lola I’ll drop her at uni on my way to work as he should meet your housemate and landlord properly anyway.”

I showed and dressed and was at Lucy and Lola’s by 10.45. I demanded toast and coffee as I had forsaken breakfast and would probably miss lunch. We were sitting at the breakfast bar when Lucy’s father arrived. He recognized Lola and I immediately,

“Ah, the other two thirds of the rescue squad.” He looked at Lola, “A fine diversityary action on your part young lady.”

Lola grinned sheepishly,

“Hello Mr Pascoe, I’m Lola, Lucy’s friend and housemate.”

She nodded towards me,

“And this is Kylie, my big sister and our landlord, so to speak.”

He took the mug of coffee from his daughter, but I noticed his eyes linger on her chest.

“Well ladies, I hope you can let bygones be bygones and we can make a fresh start.”

Lucy was wearing her most conservative bra and top. Her girls were strapped down tight as in the past her father had accused her of flaunting them. In fact the reason he gave for locking her up was to protect her from men who might want to take advantage of her ‘obvious assets’. Today he was pleasant and chatty, asking how her studies were going and if she had enough money. Lucy asked him about his anger management and he said he was still attending. But as she collected up the coffee cups I saw where his eyes went. I knew his type, what he was. Constant wealthy glances at his daughters breasts. But it was when Lola bent to load the dishwasher and her top gaped that I noticed him subtly adjust his position to try and look down it to catch a glimpse of of the tops of her little braless breasts. Lucy was telling him about her latest exam results, expecting him to be pleased, but his attention was on trying to peek at Lola’s breastlets. She looked up and caught him gawping. He didn’t even notice she had seen. She flicked a glance at me and I nodded. She interrupted Lucy,

“Mr Pascoe, are you trying to look down my top?”

He looked away quickly, his face reddening,

“Of course not, I was just watching you load the dishes.”

“Because if you wanted to see my little boobies you only had to ask.”

Lucy’s father half rose from his chair spluttering,

“They’re not big and bouncy like your daughter’s but if you come with me to the bathroom I’ll let you see them if you promise not to touch.”

She held her hand out but Pascoe was clearly mortified and rushed out of the house slamming the front door behind him.

Lucy and I looked at each other astounded before we all burst into hypercar laughter. Lucy was the first to get her breath back,

“Lola!!! Would you really have shown my Dad your boobies?”

“Of course not. Your Dad’s a pervy old git Luce and he just needed calling out on his letting.”

We were still giggling as I dropped Lola off at uni.



When Kylie left I went up to the office and did a couple of hours on the new novel, Short Staffed, writing the outline for chapter three and finishing fleshing-in Chapter two, for which Lucy had written the outline. I then had an hour in the garage on the multi-gym before making some lunch. Jolie phoned to say that as Kylie would be coming straight from work, she wouldn’t have time to eat, so Tamsin was going to make a chicken casserole and I was Not to make any dinner. I showed and changed into cargo shorts and a short sleeped shirt to leave the ensuite free for Jolie. She arrived home at 5.30 having left work on time for once. After excitedly huggingand kissing me, she rushed upstairs to shower and change. She emerged from the bathroom naked and as she bent to step into her knickers I hugged her from behind. She turned in my arms and reached up to kiss me,

“Tonight is just to see where it will happen and for you and Kylie to get to know them a bit more. He won’t be getting in my knickers tonight sweetie, so try to relax a little. Just remember I love you and this is just me scratching an itch. Are you OK?”

“I guess I’m OK. I get that my cocklet isn’t enough for you, but I can’t help feeling jealous that Carl is going to be the one to give you what I can’t.”

“Its true that your little willy can’t satisfy me, but you are so much more than your trigger happy cocklet. You are handsome, kind, loving and loyal and a gifted and successful author. To say nothing of your very talented tongue. Remember, you’re our beta male and Kylie and I love you.”

She hugged me again and gave my caged will a fondle before peering into her closet. She chose a tight, pale green cap sleeped top that emphasized her flat chest and hollow tummy. Her tight jean shorts showed a little of the under-curve of her pert little buttocks. She applied a clear lip gloss and pulled her hair into a ponytail and when she pouted at me I grew and reached for her. She laughed and fended me off,

“This isn’t for you sweetie, this is to get Carl’s motor running. You can have some fun when we get home this evening after he’s had chance to paw me a little.”

Then we were in the Range Rover heading across town. The gate was open when we arrived at the posh period residence and I drove straight in. Tamsin came out to meet us, hugging Jolie and surprising me with the warmth of her embrace and a kiss on the lips that left me wanting more. She was braless in a pale blue T-shirt and tight jeans that clung like a second skin to her grogeous arse. We passed through a large hallway with an impressive staircase into a sleep and spacious kitchen, a modern extension to the victorian property. A couple of steps led down to a seating area that looked out through large glass doors onto a patio and well manicured garden. Carl was huge and handsome in a nice polo shirt and khaki shorts. His predatory expression when he saw Jolie’s outfit had her smiling at me and his subsequent hug had her feet kicking in the air. His handshake for me was warm and firm Without being painful. Tamsin opened the bottle of Pinot that Jolie had brought but Carl asked if I wanted to try some of his home brewed ale. I eagerly accepted and he led me through into a utility room behind the garage. A batch of IPA was brewing in a large plastic tub and a pressurised keg of bitter was ready for drinking. He drew off a little into the bottom of a pint glass for me to taste. I nodded enthusiastically as it was very good. He filled both glasses and handed me one, before leading us back into the kitchen where Jolie was seated at the island chatting toTamsin as she cut a french stick into hunks. She looked at Carl as we set our glasses down.

“Baby, why don’t you show Paul your new gym setup?”

I caught her meaningful look and followed him through a short glass passageway into an impressive area with a large floor to ceiling mirror on the back wall and wide windows looking out over the garden. Paul explained that it had originally been a granny annex but he had knocked down a couple of internal walls to create the current space, just leaving the shower room and a toilet in one corner. Running, rowing and stepping machines faced the windows and a large multi-gym occurred the centre of the space. A free weights area was at the rear of the room against the large mirror. I looked up at him as he rubbed the back of his neck, he seemed to hesitate.

“Paul, I’ve never done this cuckold thing before and I’ve no idea what the rules are. I really like you both and I don’t want to cross any hard lines. Tamsin says Jolie wants meto be dominant and forceful, but I need to know what your limits are, and if you’re still OK with this.”

I sat down on a weights benchmark and screamed,

“We’ve never done this before either, not with another man. I guess Kylie cuckolds me, but she does it in a way that includes me somehow and I know she loves me. But this is new and although the thought of seeing my wife understanding on a really big cock is exciting, the reality might be too much.”

I leaned forward with my head in my hands. The benchmark creaked as he sat next to me and a big arm went around my shoulders.

“Buddy, just use the safeword at any time and no one will think the worse of you. It just stops.”

“Jolie might think worse of me if she’s having a good time.”

“Maybe for a moment, but everyone has to get something from this. I get to fuck your beautiful wife whom I’ve got the crazy hots for, Tamsin wants to see her husband being the big dominant stud taking another man’s wife, hopefully Jolie gets her brains fucked out, but you have to get something out of this too. If this submissive, beta male humiliation thing gives you a hard-on then fine, but if it freaks you out, stop the show Paul, seriously. How is Kylie with all this?”

“She’s not thrilled about it, but she’s adamant she won’t stop her if its something she really wants.”


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