She really didn’t know what to say, He’d been so distant lately and she was beginning to think he was finished with her. Since beginning life at The Consortium she had experienced things she never thought possible and grew desires for things she never believed possible to crave. He had called her into his office first thing this morning. And now she stands before him patiently waiting for him to speak. He sips his coffee and looks over some papers then sets the mug down. Shifting in his seat he looks at her, she is obviously nervous. He cares little for her fidgeting and nerves. But he takes goal on her, she has been nude for hours and the morning was very cold.
He loved the large window open in the morning, when he called her to him he’d just let her stand there and wait for him, he just carried on with his work until he felt ready to speak to her. He sees, now that he’s looking, that she is covered in goose flesh and her nipples are tight pearls. The nipple rings he’d installed a few weeks prior are standing at full attention and the charms hang and sparkle in the morning light. He is amused by her willingness to stand there at his beck and call, especially if she knew what she was waiting for!
Finally He speaks, “My dear little one, are you chilly? Please warm yourself with my jacket.”
She turns to put on the jacket, moving slowly in his presence, as he requires. She bends over, arching her back deeply, letting him have full view of her sexy body for his use. He sees the clip ring’s diamond, sparkle in the sunlight as she displays her sex for him. He likes the jewelry he’s installed on her. She wraps the jacket around her, merely a suit jacket and it does not afford a lot of warmth. He know this though before he offered it. She know this too but it mattered very little to her. He blessed her by watching her and she was happy for his attention even in its tiniest form. She returns to him, sashaying across the freezing room, jacket hardly covering her or providing much warmth but she catches a whiff of his cologne on the collar and she breathes it deeply. It provides some comfort and warms her with memories. That’s all she has had lately and she still fears he may be sending her away. She comes to stand in front of him again and becomes a frozen status again, until he says otherwise.
He knows she is very distracted because he has not used her in a while. He is aware that she does not know why he’s been away for so long but, He has a training plan and for the past few weeks, He was teaching her abstinence. He is calculating and patient, withholding his lessons from her until she finally cracked. Last night he tapped her fondling herself, though to her credit, she stopped just prior to orgasm and then spanked herself as He has taught her to “self discipline” when she has transgressed.
“Are you nervous?” He inquires.
Her eyes drop from their stoic stand at the wall down to the floor. “Yes My Lord.” Now she kNows for sure, he must know about her activities last evening. She trembles obviously but stands there hoping he will teach her a lesson if only to be with him for a moment of any kind of attention.
“Sit on my knee and watch this with me.” He tenderly commands. She is concerned about his motives but she obeys, silently, with only the slightest of hesitation.
He begins a video of her room and Feels her stiffen in shock. He had told her, her room was private and she would only be taped with her knowledge of it. She turned towards him with a look of shock on her face. He turned her head back to the screen sharply with a strong hand. “Watch your video, I have seen it already.” She watches herself playing with “His” body. Then her heart starts to race, she is in deep trouble and she senses it. He pause’s the video just before she ends her session unfulfilled. “I am most proud of this next part though I think it needs some work.” She sees herself administratoring her punishment for heractions. She instantly gets moist watching her self being spanked. “Did you sleep well?” he inquires.
“No my Lord, I thought about you and it made me very hungry.” She stumbled over the words as she began to tremble.
“Aww, you know that almost makes me feel better.” He says with maniacal sarcasm.
“Yes, my Lord.” she admits defeat, realizing that no matter What she says, he will not be satisfied.
“You are strong little one.” He says after some time had passed. “Stand before me.” He orders with a soft command.
She stands up and faces him eyes cast down. “Yes My Lord.”
“Why do you think you are here today?” He asks.
“My lord wishes to punish me for using “His” body last night.” She states with an awful pain in her gut. She knows he is disappointed by her.
“No!” He shouts then rises to prowl around her like she is prey. “You are here because you finally pleasured yourself.”
“My Lord?” She questions.
“I have been training you in Abstinence; I wondered how long it would take to break you. Do you remember your contract with me?”
“Yes, My Lord, It states that I must never touch your possession without your consent.” She related his rules with confusion about everything so far this morning.
“You are forgiven this once, because I see now how long your conviction to hold out is, and it pleases me Greatly! I see you are confused, let me explain. These past weeks have been a test of your obedience. You passed! You lasted two weeks longer than I would have guessed. Even after I had you watch me take other girls and withhold from you. You withstood more than any other before you.”
Breathing a sight of relief she mumbles a humble, “Thank you My Lord.”
“No!, little one you misunderstand, either you don’t have a need to be sexy daily or you don’t care anymore, either way, it is obvious to me that your need is maladjusted.”
“Then how have I passed anything My Lord?” she queried.
“Well in the sense of the test, you passed but you seemed to have too much ease going without sex for so long, usually a difficult task for most traines. I feel you need to be highly sexy. As for your training and per your contract, it also states that you are not to go even a full 12 hours without sexual use. So in a way, the test is really designed to fail.”
She looks questionably at him.
“I feel it is important to explore why it took so long to break your resolution. What do you have to say?”
“I am confused My Lord, I only restrained at the bitter edge of insanity, I needed release so badly but I knew you’d be disappointed. I only held out as long as I did by suppressing my need, controlling my desire as you have taught me!” She defended.
“Shhh, little one.” He stroked her back and smoothed his hands over her shoulder. “If that is true, then you can prove it to me with a new training session. Are you up for another challenge?”
Shivering with excitement she answersa war “Yes My Lord.”
“Good then, we can start now.” He settles in a chair across the room nest to a covered table. A tall straight back armless chair, the one he uses for spankings she notes privately. “Lay across my lap.” He softly commands.
She is nervous and confused but she knows that her Lord knows best. She struts across towards him and settles to her knees. “As You command, My Lord. Shall I hand you the strap or the paddle Sir.” She asks hesitantly but with a growing excitement from memories of past sessions.
“For now just lay over my lap I have something else in mind.” He answers with indifference.
She strips the barely warm jacket from her body and lays it gently on the floor. Then she lays “His” possession over his lap, her body hanging uncomfortable over his legs. He smoothes his hand over her skin and traces her spine with a finger. She feels a smooth lotion being massed over her skin and especially around her massage. He begins inserting a thin length of some soft material between her tight round globes working it between her cheats. She begins to become terrified.
“My Lord?” she asks, knowing she is not to speak.
“Hush now, it is time for you to lose your anal virginity, I will do this gently and you will prove to me “your control” over your fears or, I will stop, and you will submit to further training as per your contract. Which do you prefer?” He stopped and waited for her answer.
“You know what I need My Lord. Do as you will, I am your possession.” Her voice cracked.
“Yes, you are, and I do know what you need but as for what I am doing now, this is only to break your virgin ass. I have more adventures in mind for you than just this session. You will accept this gladly or not at all. Let this enter you now.”
She cried out in shock as he penetrated her, she felt like she was being probed with a snake. “I Cannot My Lord!” She cried.
“You know what this means girl, if you don’t allow this youwill pay the price!” He warned.
“All I want, My Lord is your cock in my cunt!” her anger blazed but she reined it in. “Please, I am not ready to be penetrated in that way!” she begged as she scrambled to her feet, unable to say the words that demean her.
“As you wish, bow to me on the floor, doggy style, Now!’ He barked.
She breathlessly obeyed, waiting…
He went back to his desk, opened a cabinet and pulled out a machine. “You will be sorry you did not let me continue. You have deprived me of my possession and I so wanted to explore you, now you will submit to my training or you will be forced to leave my house, which is your choice?”
She silently cursed her self, she could not be sent away but the training he planned, whatever it be, terrified her.
“Speak!” he commanded.
“I will submit My Lord.” She acquired, sadly.
He clapped his hands loudly and a male service entered the room.
“Yes My Lord.” She heard the boy says and was instantly embarrassed to be “but faced” to the door in full view of his slave.
“Boy, I want you to mount her, enter her cunt only but do not thrust.” She is immediately humiliated by the way He commands the use of her as if she were worthless and unmentioned.
She steames herself on her elbows and knees and immediately feels the boy mounting her like a dog. She feels his breath on her neck as he grips her hips. She waits for the moment that her Master will give the boy permission to penetrate her. She is utterly humiliated and wishes she had just obeyed; now this was going to be difficult. Her tearful eyes shut as she waits.
“Boy I want you to press your considerable meat into her and fill.., as she put it.., “her cunt with your cock.” That is all I want you to do. No more. Do you understand?”
“Yes My Lord” he answered breathless. She could feel his tensing meat hot and ready to penetrate.
Master was always good at drawing out each moment to the full. “When you are ready to penetrate her fully I want you to do so without regard for her comfort, only fill your need to penetrate, then remains still while I bind your thighs together to ensure no movement. You, boy, will then be fucked anally with this Fucking Machine until she learns her lesson that what she does here affects us all. Is that clear?”
“Yes my Lord!” the boy breathlessly excels. She notes the pleasure in his voice and wonders…
Master gives his permission. “When you are ready fully, you may penetrate her.”
Instantly she feels his huge uncircumcised cock fill her hole. The boy is huge, that is why Master only uses this “boy” for filling and stretching, she had taken him before and she hurt for days later. She knew he was not fully erect yet, he will grow within me! That thought both thrilled and haunted her.
“Make sure you are pressed fully within her boy!”
“Yes My Lord, she is fully penetrated!” he groaned with need. She felt utterly stuffed. But still felt him expanding. God, how she wanted to be fucked!
“Now hold still while I bind your thighs.” He commanded. “Now don’t you make a pair of coupled animals?” Master observed with satisfaction. “You need to be penetrated also boy, open your ass for me, wide! I am using only a small amount of lube as I want this to hurt a bit, it pleases me to watch you squirm. I will be using the large fisting attachment; you remember that one don’t you? Open for it now.” Master commanded.
The boy compiled with a breathless “Yeeess Master!”
She felt it the moment Master pressed the machine relentlessly into the boy, he tensed within her. The boy arched in anguish tinted with pleasure as it filled his tight hole. The machine was switched on and the boy began bouncing from the Pressure of the machine fucking him. He started tweaking the girl’s nipples painfully as he grunted and tried to contain his pleasure as their Master had not given the boy permission to enjoy this assault.
She felt him tense and shiver internally, and he was getting bigger! She thought he might rip her apart but then something changed. She felt her cunt expand and welcome his length. The head of him was pressing fully to her womb and she felt herself expand then lock tight around him. Did master know this might happen? He is a true master she thought, knowing all and letting us only experience what he already We need. She tensed in some pain suddenly when the boy readjusted slightly to steady himself better. His cock head pulling firmly, deep in her stretched tunnel. The machine then picked up pace as Master turned it up a few notches. The boy groaned in anguish bordering on tortured pleasure. She felt his body lunging under the duration of the invading length within him and she felt his body tension uncomfortable.
She was filled with regret and remorse for subjecting him to this “I am so sorry for this boy, I never meant to hurt anyone!” She cried in sorrow and humiliation.
“Master, may I speak to this girl?” The boy asked.
“You may.” Master granted.
“Girl you are to be Masters companion are you not?” He asked with great difficulty trying to contain his orgasm. “Master knows only your pleasure, let him guide you as he guides us all!” his words cut off and he let a groan of pleasure escape. He was whipped with a flogger for allowing his pleasure to happen at all.
“Silence, boy! You are not concentrating! This is not about you, and your pleasure will soon turn into pain as your orgasm subsides. Is her cunt slick and hot?” He asked, teasing the boy further?
“Yes!” the boy breathlessly groaned. “Oh master please let me feel this pleasure, it is soo good!” The boy begged.
“You see my little girl, how he begs to be fucked in the ass? Do you believe now that I have only your pleasure in my mind.”
Master knelt in front of the girl and pressed his large cock into her mouth, she wants to begin sucking and arched her back. This moved the boy’s meat deeper still and brought a huge moan of tortured ecstasy from the boy.
“Please have mercy on me master I am ready to cum!” The boy began.
“Not yet boy,” Master commanded. “We will come together into her, but you may begin thrusting if you wish.”
The boy tried to thrust and was hindered by the straps, so he ground the girl’s hips over his groin, lifting her and dropping her as he felt his pleasure cresting. The strap bond her tightly and prevented most movement so when the boy began bucking her tightly against him the straw began to dig into her thighs. The boy moaned a string of “thank you’s” to his Master while he enjoyed the girl, and for the machine now fucking him wildly.
She was screaming the entire time, or she would have been if master’s cock wasn’t filling her throat. The large head of the boy’s lengthy girl was painfully stretching her and master’s cock was choking her. But neither of them seemed to care. They fucked hermindlessly and then…
“Boy, cum with me and fill this worthless girl with your seed, she will be impregnated by you and she will no longer be my toy but yours also. Pump her full on my command…”
The boy pumped harder till master sensed his peak then… “Fill her now!” Master ordered.
She was screaming, beginning and began helplessly thrashing. She felt the boy’s hot spunk coat her womb, she was indeed in her fertile moment of the month and she knew she would conceive. As they both softened and master exited her mouth, she cought and sputtered then spat in her master’s face.
He laughed manically, “I am sorry my dear but you forced me to make an example of you. This boy has been begging for you ever since you came here, he likes your tight cunt, you see. This boy I wanted to impregnate you so he could fuck you while your belly swelled. I thought it might be fun to see this also so we installed the cameras in you room so he could get horny watching you break your abstinence then, saving his pleasure for today, he finally got his reward. We will both fuck you from now on. I wanted to play with you longer and get you used to your new position here in my house but I had no choice, as you are so near to your conceiving hour. He will mate with you many more times in the next few days to ensure it takes.”
She was speechless. Master worked fast removing the dick machine and unfasting the boy from his girl. As the boy moved around to cradle the girls spent body, he held her softly. She felt tiny in his arms and strangely, well taken care of, she decided this was what she wanted all along and she cupped her body into his. “Do you agree to be ours “ma’ petite”?” The boy asked coolly. She shook her head yes.
Masters commanding voice broke the moment, “Now remove her from me and take her to her room. Fuck her twice more today and twice more tonight, I will be watching boy, do not let me down.”
“No Master, I would not dream of it.” Theboy eagerly compiled.
Master turned the girl to him. “When we know if “it” has taken, you will be fucked daily by me in your ass and he in your cunt, but you will never feel my cock in your cunt again.” Master said that last part as a reminder of her disobedience to him.
The girl cried hard inside herself, she would be punished forever for her outburst. Master could be so cruel but he was patient and calculating and he would have his way, this was proven to her today. The boy took her away to stretch her fully to days unending.
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