Alexander pulled up at the school. It was late, at least 8:00 PM. He had to work during the day so he was never able to come here during normal school hours. Actually, he had never even been inside. Just driven by it occasionally. But now he was here for a parent-teacher conference. His son’s teacher had been nice enough to schedule this conference for after working hours. He appreciated that. He knew that. she did not have to do that, and it was a great help for him. He had never met Ms. Toshak, but he had spoken with her on the phone. She had sounded like a nice enough person. Hell she had to be if she was willing to meet him late at night for something that he really should have been able to do during the day.
He walked up to the side door of the school which she had said she would leave unlocked for him. That was different. He was from Raleigh, which was far from a bustling metropolis. But it was certainly large enough that no one would leave a door open at night. It was also large enough that teachers did not make late night appointments to talk with parents. But Alexander did not live in Raleigh anymore. This was Sanford, and things were definitely different here.
He slipped in and locked the door behind him. Then Alexander went up the stairwell to the second floor, down the hall and to the third room on the left. The light was on, spilling into the dark hall. He walked up to the door and looked in. He liked what he saw. Ms. Toshak was a few years younger than himself and looked quite sexy as she attempted to appear professional. She had dark hair and a curvy figure. She probably thought she needed to loose weight. But she was most certainly wrong. The prospects for the meeting were looking up.
He introduced himself and they started talking. She was going over benchmarks that were used to evaluate learning objectives for first graders. Alexander thought back to his own first grade experience. It had been a long time ago and it was hard to remember clearly. But it seemed like his son was learning a lot more than he had. Of course when Alexander thought about grade school, classroom standards were not the first thing that popped into his mind. His early school years had been tough for him. He had been intelligent but shy, lacked social skills and probably had ADD. This was complicated by attending school in the newly desegregated south which still had tremendous racial tensions. Alexander had not understood those tensions at the time, but he had been quite aware that there were people who wanted to beat him up. All in all school had been a lonely and frightening place. By the grace of God he had actually managed to do fairly well, but he did not have pleasant memories.
After they had gone over the benchmarks, Alexander still had no idea if his son was doing well or Not. Ms. Toshak seemed to sense that this and explained that he was doing very well academically. Alexander was pleased. He suspected as much, but it was niceto have it confirmed. Ms. Toshak said that his son’s only fault was that he could be a little more distributed with regard to his classroom behavior. Alexander laughed. His son was a handful. “Yes I thought he might be causing you problems. I guess we could all use a little more discipline” Alexander answered. She smiled at him “Yes, I know I could” she answered and then turned away quickly.
There was something in the way she turned that aroused Alexander’s curiosity. If she had not turned he would have thought nothing of her comment. Yet she appeared to think that she had given something away. And now she was trying to hide that. It was subtle and at one point in his life he would have convinced himself that he was imagining the whole thing. But not now. She was flirting with him and Now she was embarrassed by it.
Alexander thought she was hot and he was going to see if he could pursue it. “Oh really? Do you need a little discipline in your life?” he asked. She turned redand fumbled for a few words. “Oh, I was just babbling” she answered, not looking at him. It would have been a more convincing denial if she was not so embarrassed.
They continued with the conference, but Alexander’s mind really was not in it anymore. He wanted to steer the conversation in a more personal direction. He got his chance a few minutes later. He was sitting on top of a cluster of student desks, and she had been behind her desk. But she walked over to show him a paper. When she did, she laid it down on the desks that Alexander was sitting on so that she was next to him and facing the desk. He turned sideways to face the paper as she was expecting but instead of looking at it he placed his right leg behind her so it held her up to the desk. “Why don’t you tell me about this discipline you need” he whispered in her ear. He was not sure how she was going to react. He figured that if she really did not want him making passes at her she would throw him out about now.
But she did not. Instead she started to protest “I’m at work and we are having a conference and we can’t do this.” He liked the sound of that. There was nothing in it about not wanting to do “this,” whatever “this” was, and he could tell that she was not really going to put up a fight. “We are the only ones in this building. We can do whatever we want. Why don’t you tell me about your discipline fansies now.” He was surprised when she started talking. “I like to be tied up and spanked. I work so hard at this job and to take care of my daughter. It makes me so stressed. And I’m new here and that’s hard too. I just want someone to be in control of me, just for a little while.”
That was a lot more than Alexander had expected to hear. Apparently it was a lot more than she had intended to say as well. She turned a deep purple and started stammering as she looked for words to say. But Alexander did not let her finish. He pulled her closer to himself and pulled her down over his lap sothat her butt was in his lap, her feet on the floor and her face on the desks beside where he was sitting. It was an excellent position for a spanking, but he was not ready for that quite yet. “Thanks for trusting me with that” He began. “Tell me about whats stressing you”. She seemed to find this submission position comforting. She told him about her job and how she was always afraid she was not doing well enough. About her daughter and how she tried to do what was best for her, but was never sure she was doing a good job. About working another job on the weekend to pay the bills. She had lots to say and was crying about 5 minutes into it. “I can handle all this” she said, “Please help me.”
He knew what she wanted. It would seem strange to most people be he was enough of a sub to know. He reached down and took her “oh so professional” skirt and raised it above her waist. Then he took her “I’m not nearly so professional underneath” panties and pulled then down around her knees.He could not see her face now, she had it hidden on the desk with her hands around it. But her bottom blushed a nice shade of red. She stayed red for a long time and he did not do anything while she was. It was enjoyable to watch her embarrassment. As her bottom faded back to white, he brought his hand down on it with a firm smoke. “Oh my God yes” was her response. He smoked her again and again. His hand stung. She was crying. Sobbing. But each time he struck her she also cried yes. This went on for at least 10 minutes. He finally had to stop because his hand was hurting. Her ass was red. She lay over his lap, crying and not trying to move. He could smell her. She was excited. He suspected that she could tell that he was as well. It was incredibly erotic to do this to her.
She stood up and pushed him back down onto the table. She crawled on top of him and kissed him. She kissed well. But she did not dwell on it. He felt her hand search out is crotch and go down his pants. “I want to take you in my mouth” She whispered to him. She slip down and unzipped his fly. He popped out, fully erect and she placed her lips at the head. Then slide them down the shake. It felt so good. His hands went into her hair and he guided her down. Then expanded into an orgasm and filled her mouth with cum. One thing he had always done well was cum, and he could pump it out. She swallowed Every bit of it.
Alexander lay on his back for a second with his head spinning. After he avoided some control of himself he slip down to the floor, laying on his back. She was still in her blouse, but her panties had long ago fallen from her knees. He pulled her down on top of him so that she was straddling his face. Her pussy was wet. And her ass, of which he now had a close-up view, was still nicely red. She pushed her pussy into his face. He liked that. She really ground into him as he licked her juices. She felt good on top of him. She was a curvy girl and he loved the way that felt. He licked and sucked her and he could feel her tense as she approached climax. She was squeezing her legs together now. His head was between them so this made it hard for him to breath. But he did not care. She raised her head up in the air and ground her pussy into his face. She came with a scream Alexander found most satisfying.
Afterwards they sat on the floor and kissed for a long time. Finally they decided it was time to go. They both agreed that it best if another parent teacher conference was scheduled for the following week.
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