The Compliant Cuckold Ch. 09

The Compliant Cuckold – Chap 9


This story is about a husband’s willing descent into cuckoldry. Paul is a married, sexually inadequate man unable to satisfy his gorgeous young wife, Jolie, in bed. She loves him, but has become sexually frustrated and was persuaded by her stunning friend Kylie, to add some excitement to their love life. They have discovered that Paul is a submissive and that he is excited by female domination, tease and denial. Jolie finds that she is bisexual and falls for her friend. The threesome develops into an affectionate and loving relationship in which they explore the boundaries of their sexual desires. She has now moved in with them and the three of them have beenfriended a younger girl, Lucy, who has a crush on Paul. She stayed over and Jolie gave her Paul for the night. Kylie has spanked Jolie but at the end of the last chapter Paul had a row with her accusing her of going too far. This story follows on from chapter eight. It can be read as a stand alone but will make more sense if you have read chapters one to eight first.

This story contains the following sexual activities – please don’t read it if they offend you. Heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, femdom, anal and bondage. All characters involved in sexual activity are 18 or older.

Chapter 9 – House to house

I stood in the doorway watching Kylie’s Mini Cooper disappear down the road, my arms hanging limp by my sides. My anger had dissipated rapidly and now I just felt sad that we had just had our first row. The first in nearly four months of living and loving together. I had steeled myself for feisty Kylie to argue back, but instead she had been shocked and upset leaving her younger sister to defend her. Kylie had spanked Jolie last night and on seeing her bruised and sore bottom this morning I had accused her of going too far, of abusing her girlfriend, my wife.

I closed the door, my mood as miserable as the Monday morning drizzle to face a distraught Jolie.

“What did you just do? We were just experimenting, testing my limits. Just because I’ve decided I don’t like it after the fact doesn’t make it abuse. You really upset her Paul, I hope we haven’t lost her.”

“I’m sorry if you think I overreacted, but I won’t stand by and see you hurt. I promised to care for you long before we got into this thing. You know I think the world of her, but stuff like this needs to be discussed first. This arrangement only works because we all consent to it. I’m disappointed you didn’t stop her Jolie, you know how I feel about rough stuff. This is your fault too, you could have said no. Promise me I’m not going to find you passed out, covered in wealth and crueles one day.”

Joli looked generally taken aback. Then her face fell as my words hit home.

“Oh Paul I’m sorry, I hadn’t thought about it from your perspective at all. No more rough stuff I promise.”

“Babe, I don’t mind a bit of hair pulling and restraint, even the odd smack. I know you enjoy it when she takes charge. So do I. But that was quite a leathering.”

She put her arms around my neck.

“Can you forgive me? Can you forgive us? I have to go to work as I have a client meeting I can’t duck. It’s going to take most of the day. Kylie has clients this morning too but I’ll try and speak to her.”

I nodded and she kissed my cheek before heading upstairs to finish dressing. I made her coffee to drink in the car. She came down dressed in her smart navy skirt and white blouse. On her way out she hugged me with one arm, her coffee in the other.

“I know you’re not the one at fault here, but she’ll be upset and might be wary of speaking to you until she thinks you’ve cooled off. Don’t be mad at Lola, she just saw you shouting at her sister and won’t know why.”

I checked my mobile several times during the morning, but there were no texts or calls from Kylie. Lunchtime came and went andI figured she wasn’t going to speak to me so I loaded a couple of her suitcases into the Range Rover and headed over to her house. The estate agent was due in the late afternoon so I knew she would go there from work. The drizzle had turned to steady rain as I turned into her drive and the dark clouds did little to lift my mood. I’d cut the laws and weeded the beds yesterday and the front garden was neat and tidy. I was greeted at the door by a glaring Lola. She was wearing blue yoga pants and a navy crop top, which looked odd with a pair of rubber gloves. She was obviously doing some last minute cleaning.

“What do you want Paul?”

“Is she in Lola, can I speak to her please?”

“Oh, we’re all polite and reasonable now are we?” she snapped. “She’s gone out to buy groceries, there’s nothing in the house.”

“How is she, is she OK?”

“She was really upset in the car. Now she’s just moderately upset.”

“Look, I need to talk to her Lola, but in the meantime Ineed to drop some things off.”

I went to the car and pulled out two of Kylie’s cases. Lola looked shocked for a moment but then her mouth became a thin line. She stepped to one side.

“I don’t believe this. You can put them in the hall.”

I placed them where she indicated.

“Tell her I’ll come back later at five when the estate agent has gone, if she’ll see me.”

“I really wouldn’t bother. She can come back to my digs tonight. She doesn’t deserve this.”

I bit my tongue, knowing Lola was just sticking up for her sister and left, the door slamming behind me. Jolie had asked me to text her when I had spoken to Kylie, but it was two o’clock and I still had nothing to tell her. I drove through the pouring rain and sat at home drinking coffee. I was too wound up to work, torn between my desire to stand my ground and to fix us. I watched the rain run down the kitchen window. My mind replaced it with the image of tears running down Kylie’s face seen through hercar windscreen. Our Kylie. Our sexy, sweet, beautiful Kylie. Our heavy handed Kylie.

Joli arrived home that evening looking glum. She’d been to Kylie’s house and found it empty. She’d texted her but Kylie had said she was at Lola’s and to give her some space. I’d hugged her and she’d gone upstairs to change from her business clothes. I was surprised that Kylie had reacted so cutely to what I thought was a simple disagreement. It was unlike her to sulk; she was usually so confident and pragmatic. Not feeling in the mood to cook, l’d ordered in a pizza, which arrived just as Jolie came down. She was fresh from the shower and in her white oversize t-shirt she used as a night shirt. It hung low off one shoulder and finished a couple of inches below her crotch. Her dark brown hair was in a pony tail and still damp. She stood on tiptoe in bare feet and kissed me, before hoping onto a stool and transferring a couple of slices to her plate.

“This isn’t like her Paul, something’sup. Should we ring her?”

Her brown eyes were full of concern.

“Look, we know she’s safe with Lola and she’s told you she doesn’t want to speak to anyone right now. Text her in the morning before you go to work. If we haven’t heard from her by lunchtime l’ll go and find her, OK?”

We left the dishes and went into the lounge to watch tv. Jolie climbed into my lap and snuggled into me. Her tiny 4’10” frame was all skinny ribs and coltish bare legs. After half an hour I noticed she was staring into space, her thoughts elsewhere. I pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Do you want to go up and cuddle in bed?”

She smiled weakly and nodded. I stood with her in my arms and carried her upstairs. Ablutions complete, we climbed into our bed, which suddenly seemed very large. We slept fitfully with me spooning her from behind.


Lola drive us to the University.

“Are you OK honey? He’s a pig shouting at you like that.”

“Lola, I’m not upset because he shouted at me. I’m upset because he’s right. I got carried away and was selfish. I’ve wanted to spank her for ages but she’s not been keen. So when she started to get into it last night I took my chance and leathered her. I thought if I could get her into her headspace she’d realise how exciting, how good it can be. But I never thought about Paul’s Feelings. He loves her too. And whilst the marks on her bottom will be gone in a day or two, the hurt I’ve caused him will last a lot longer.”

She hugged me and handed me the keys.

“Give him time to cool off and for Jolie to work on him. Call him when you get home this afternoon. Don’t forget he loves you.”

Lola climbed out and I watched her walk across the manicured lawn. She turned and waved and then jogged away as it started to drizzle. I went to work for a couple of hours as I had two private sessions with regulars and when I returned to my locker I had a text from Jolie.

Jolie: RUOK baby? I told P I encouraged you and I’m OK. He’s mad at me too for not stopping you. I promised no more spanking. Let him cool off for a bit. He loves you. We love you. Call him this aft. Xxxx

Kylie: I’m fine thx. I’m sorry Joles, I was selfish. How’s your bum?

Jolie: It’s sore you bitch. You’re going to wear your tongue out making amends 😜

I smiled for the first time that morning, then headed back through the rain to collect Lola after her class. I dropped her at mine in case the lettering agent came early, before going to pick up flowers for Jolie and groceries to cook a nice dinner to say sorry, assuming Paul accepted my apology. My mood crashed again in the supermarket when Lola called.

“That pratt Paul came round. They’ve thrown you out, he’s brought your stuff back.”

“What!!! I’ll be home in five minutes, don’t do anything stupid.”

I drove home through the thunderstorm like a lunatic, cycling between tears and panic. How had this got so out of hand? I pulled onto the drive and Lola was waiting at the door. I was still getting out of the car when she vented.

“I can’t believe this guy. A few weeks ago he was telling me how you’d changed their lives for the better and promising he wouldn’t hurt you. Then you tell me he’s told you he loves you. But the first disagreement is enough for him to throw you out. Unbelievable!”

I picked up the two bags of groceries and trusted through the puddles into the house. I noticed the cases by the door and stopped. I just dropped the shopping and burst into tears again. Lola hugged me tight and kissed my hair.

“Let’s cancel the lettering agent and go to my digs. There’s no bedding here and no kitchen stuff. We can cook the food at mine and curl up in front of the tv, and if my flatmate’s boyfriend comes you can take it out on him.”

Just then the lettering agent arrivaled so I spent the next hour going around the house with him and agreeing a monthly letting fee. I thought fuck it, if I’ve screwed this up beyond repair I don’t want to live this close anyway. Lucy will probably bin me off too. We locked up and got in the car and drove across town to Lola’s flat. The rain had slackened but heavy cloud held the promise of more to come. The neighborhood was not great and I had to park on the street. I wondered if my car would still be there undamaged in the morning. We rode a surprisingly clean elevator up to her floor. When we got inside her flatmate’s boyfriend was lying on the sofa watching a very loud football match, surrounded by pizza boxes and beer cans. He belched, looked me up and down and crushed the beer can in his hand before dropping it on the floor.

“Unlucky ladies, sofa and tv are taken for tonight. Linda’s back at 7 and I’m keeping it warm for her, so you’d best make other arrangements for your dyke’s night in.”

He smiled and reached across to the coffee table for the remaining beers in the four pack, but I pulled them out of his reach and they fell to the floor beside me.

“You stupid cow, what did you do that for?”

I’d had enough for one day.

“Pick ’em up on your way out. This is Lola’s flat. It’s her name on the tenancy agreement not Linda’s. She gets to say who watches tv in her living room and if Linda doesn’t like it she can fuck off too.”

He stood up. He was a good six feet and almost three times my body weight. He was overweight but he could probably throw a decent punch.

“I think you need a good slap you skinny bitch, then we’ll see who’s leaving.”

He’d clearly no idea what sort of day I’d had. As he went to step around the coffee table I kicked it hard driving it into the shin of the leg he was standing on. He shouted and leaned down to clutch at it before surging towards me. I grabbed the remain of the four pack by a vacant spot on the plastic holder and swungat his face as hard as I could. It connected under his jaw and the cans went flying around the room. Lola came hurtling in from the side and caught him off balance pushing him to the ground. He looked up at us, Lola with a two handed grip on a hockey stick and me holding a leg from the collapsed coffee table.

“Alright, alright,” he shouted holding his hands up protectedly, “You two are nuts, I’ll go, just let me up.”

“Yeah, and I’ll have the whole thing on film in case you decided to try your luck again.”

We looked around to see Lola’s landlady standing in the doorway with her mobile, recording the scene.

He got up and grabbed his leather jacket from the sofa.

“I’ll be back tomorrow for the rest of my stuff.”

“You won’t. If I see you again I’ll call the police and show them this. Your girlfriend can drop your stuff off.”

He left and she shut the door behind him.

“Thanks Mrs Evans, I’m sorry about the mess,” Lola said sheepishly.

“My God you two were like ninjas! I came round to complain about the noise and walked into a woman’s self defense demonstration. It’s the best entertainment I’ve had in years!”

She sent Lola a copy of the video and disappeared next door still chuckling. I was chopping courtesys when my phone pinged.

Jolie: I called at yours on my way home from work but you weren’t There. Where are you Baby are you OK? Xxx

Kylie: I’m at Lola’s. I’m so sorry, I love you but I can’t face anyone tonight. Please understand. Xxx

Tears streamed down my face again and Lola pulled me away from the sink to hug me.

“Oh dear K, you’ve got it bad haven’t you. She clearly loves you but would she leave him for you do you think?”

“I don’t want her to leave him. They love each other. I want the three of us. I love them both, it was perfect like it was, until I spoiled it.”

“Why are you waiting then? Ring him and grovel. Tell him you’ll suck his cock. Having a lesbian go down on you while your wife watches is in most mens’ top ten fansies.”

“I’ve already given him oral. I don’t want to bribe him with sex, I want him to want me because he loves me like Jolie, but he can’t do if he’s thrown me out.”

“Then you need to let him miss you, but you do need to phone him, it’s your bad. Don’t leave it too long or he’ll think you’re sulking or you don’t care.”

We went to bed early, snuggled tightly together in her single bed.

Lola woke me at six for my morning shift at the gym. The events of the previous day rushed in horribly as my brain caught up. I showed and dressed as she fixed coffee. I pulled on yesterday’s clothes, pleased I kept a change in my locker at work. When I unplugged my phone from Lola’s charger on the bedside table I texted Jolie.

Kylie: Sorry about last night Babe. I’m OK. Just getting up and going to work. Heading to mine later to sort my stuff out.

Lola brought me cereal.

“Is it him?”

I shook my head, “I’m texting Jolie.”

Jolie: You can’t have much left. It’s all here.

Kylie: Paul brought some of my stuff back yesterday.

Jolie: Eh? Just a mo.

Jolie: You silly cow! They were empty cases for you to put your last bits and pieces in! Is this what stopped you phoning him?

Kylie: I thought he’d thrown me out

Jolie: Ring him now before I go to work.

Lola was reading over my shoulder. Her hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh my God, she giggled nervously, “I was so rude to him.”

I called Paul. He picked up on the first ring. I’d spent a few moments thinking what I wanted to say and composing myself, but on hearing his voice I went topieces.

“I’m so sorry Paul. I know I’ve spoiled everything, but I can’t bear to lose you both,” I babbled.

“Kylie listen to me, you’ve not lost us, we love you. We’ve had a row not a break-up.”

I felt Lola’s arm around my waist and she put her head against mine to listen.

“It’s true we need to talk about this and about boundaries, and I was Angry with you and Jolie. But now I just want to give you a hug. We missed you last night. I’ll come over to yours when you finish your shift and we can start dismantling your gym and bring it home.”

“OK,” I sniffed, “I’ll see you over there, thank you. I love you both.”

The rain had stopped and I was sweeping the porch when Paul’s Range Rover pulled onto the drive. He got out and I ran to him and put my arms around his neck. He hugged me tight and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. He smelled of the of the three of us, of Jolie, of home.

“I’m sorry Paul,” I breathed into his collar

“And I’m sorry I lost my temperature Kylie. But you have to know I would have reacted the same way to Jolie if it was your bottom that was red and bruised.”

I pulled back to see his blue eyes filled with concern. I kissed him gently and he responded by griping my bottom and making me giggle.

“Where’s your Rottweiler of a sister?”

“She’s upstairs packing the last of my things. I think she’s a bit embarrassed, she saw the cases and thought you were throwing me out. Play nice, I love her.”

I watched him plod upstairs. I lostered at the bottom to eavesdrop.

“Hey Lola. Is it safe to come in or are your claws still out?”

I didn’t catch her reply but I smiled as Paul joked a few seconds later,

“It can’t be as embarrassing as ejaculating over someone within five minutes of meeting them.”

A few months ago I’d had Paul on my lap masturbating him when Lola had walked in. I’d got her to flash her little breastlets at him and he’d cum all over her. I could tell hefancied her, she was so his type. But she was off limits because she was my sister and I trusted him. Paul came down carrying one case with Lola bringing the other. He went out to put them in my car and then asked how it had gone with the lettering agent as we sat at the kitchen breakfast bar drinking coffee. I told him we had agreed terms and he would be looking for a tenant to move in as soon as possible.

“Thats good. So can we make a start on dismantling your Gym? I probably can’t get it all in the car at once, so if you give me a key I can come back tomorrow and get the rest dismantled while you’re at work.”

He pulled off his hoody and I caught Lola watching the muscles move under his tight T-shirt.


I went through the connecting door into the garage and detached the bench press and rowing benches folding them ready to place in the car. I started removing the weights and stacking them by the garage door. I looked up to see the girls standing in the doorway watching me. I was kneeing, disconnecting the bar from the rowing rig when Kylie came and stood in front of me.

“Remember this Paul?”

She had pulled up her tight T-shirt to show her tummy and hoped up to grab the chinning bar. She pulled her legs up to horizontal either side of me and I swallowed as I watched her perfect abs move under her tanned skin.


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