The Company Party Pt. 03

Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


i awoke in the single bed alone, the thoughts of last night taunting me. As i sat up, the room began to sway, and for a brief second i thought i would be sick. Now that my mind was clear, the thought of Vince’s hands on me, the thought of my actions, made my cheeks burn and my stomach turn, how could i have have been so naive.

After checking the time on my phone, 6am, i reached for the soft silk kimono hanging on the door of the bedroom. It was a gorgeous pale purple, with ascents of silver on the gentle embroidery. Wrapping it around me i remembered the day Master had come home with it for me, He had been so pleased with the way the colour complimented my hair and we had spent a lovely evening together, with me playing as hostess in it. Smiling with fondness at the memory i quietly opened the door and tiptoed along the corridor to the bathroom.

i couldn’t scrub my body enough to rembarrassment, and after a good half an hour with the scorching water beating down on my skin i gave up and left the shower. Standing at the mirror i gazed at myself for a moment before applying the barest traces of makeup, a sweep of concealer for the prominent dark circles, a light foundation and a gentle tint to my lips and cheeses. Just as i began to feel some semblance of normality, like last night could fade away, the stark paleness of my neckline hit me. i hadn’t been uncollared in so many years and the thought hit me like a punch in the stomach doublening me over retching. i guess things wouldn’t be that easy.

As i slowly recovered, i padded back towards my room to dry my hair and dress. Gazing at the racks of clothes i was unsure of the situation i would be entering, and unsure what to wear. The doubt was beginning to gnaw at me, and i so badly needed to see my Master. Rushing, I decided to pull my hair into a tight high ponytail and pulled on a red skiter skirt wit’s a tight knit jumper, no bra and panties, as was my Master’s order for around the house. After a final glance in the mirror i nodded to myself, until now i had been avoiding thinking about the words my Master had spoken from the night before,

“Tomorrow you have a choice, you can leave this house and end our contract, or you can serve Me.”

Was it really a choice? In my mind at least, it wasn’t. i had brought this situation on myself, and i wanted to make it right. With that resolve concrete in my heart i walked unsteadily towards my Master’s bedroom and tapped lightly on the door. As i waited for a response my heart began to beat faster, making the composition i had to keep, harder to maintain.


That one word was so cold it made me flinch, but pushing the door open i was shocked to see Master dressed and out of bed.

“I will be out most of the day. I have a meeting with another girl. I will ask you this only once Sally, do you still wish to serveme?”

It was like a knife piercing my heart, i thought last night He had been joking about replacing me, but Master was popular and i knew i was lucky to ever be allowed to serve Him. Staring at the floor i stifled my tears, bit my lip and for one instant decided to be bold.

“Yes Master, this girl will still serve You. i will atone for my mistake and show You that i am not just a worthless fucktoy, but a submissive who deserves to be collared once more.”

With that i raised my head and stared directly in my Master’s eyes, and for a second He couldn’t contain the smile that flashed over his face. That one smile brought me hope and i smiled softly in return before dropping to my knees.

“I will hold you to that girl. I will be back in a few hours so be prepared for a special guest.”


The time when Master was away trickled by, minutes turned to hours and as I paced the house trying to distract myself with chores, the anxiety continuing to build. Sure ihad been bold to Him, i had stated my position, but what would i do if He really did bring a girl home?

i would like to say i didn’t need to worry, but at 4pm the door clicked open and in strode Master, accompanied by the most gorgeous woman i had ever met. her presence was overwhelming, from her lithe tanned body, to her wavy gold hair and crystal blue eyes she was the epitome of classic beauty, plus the leather corset She wore hugged her full curves accentuating every inch. By comparison in my skirt and jumper, i didn’t even rank on the same scale.

Moving towards the door i offered to take Master’s coat, while trying to hide my anger at Him for bringing this golden Goddess into O/our home.

“Sally, this is Patrice. She will be living with us for the near future. I expect you to serve her as you would me.”

What could i say? i simply nodded my head, holding back the flood of tears that threatened to fall. As i turned to walk towards the kitchen and prepare dinnershe surprised me by wrapping her arms around me, pressing her gorgeous breasts into my back and licking at my ear. i shuddered despite myself, i hated her already and i wanted to make that clear, but her words chased any from me.

“I’ll be here a while little… princess, so don’t cause any scenes and make this harder on yourself.”

Riling from her comment i pushed away from her and all but stormed to the kitchen. No doubt Master and her could hear the clashing and clanging of pans, but as they settled onto the sofa, cuddled in each other’s arms they just ignored me. He was my Master! This wasn’t fair! i should have been the one cuddling with Him not her!

A sharp click interrupted my internal rant and i swiftly moved towards Master, kneeing at His feet as if on automatic. i hated that He could command me with just the click of His fingers.

“you aren’t being a good host Sally. Fetch your Sister and I something to drink.”

i stood and bowed my head, how dareHe call her my Sister! Pouring the champion from the fridge i carried the glasses over to Master and handed Him one, i then turned to her, and with all the children hated in me i lifted the glass to pour it over her. As if guessing my actions her hand quickly encircled my wrist saving the glass and she smiled sweetly,

“Thank you little… princess.”

Glaring at her i was even more annoyed, was her damned corset so expensive she couldn’t even let me have that one moment of satisfaction! i quickly finished up dinner and placed Master’s portion on the table ready. i then placed mine and hers onto plates on the floor. Then announcing that dinner was ready i knelt by the left side of Master’s chair and waited for Him to be seated, but instead of sitting He glared at me coldly, before reaching down and gathering up her plate which he placed on the table beside Him.

They speak all throughout dinner, ignoring me. It didn’t matter to them if i was there or not, until it cametime to clear the plates. For a second i debated tripping and pouring the leftovers onto her golden hair, but Master would no doubt see this time. As i refilled their glasses i knelt, dejected and sad. Even if i had brought this on myself, why her? Why would He treat her so well?

Breaking me from my thoughts, Master’s words came sharp.

“Girl, go and get the remote controlled vibrator and some rope from the toy chest.”

i jumped up happy, just to have Him address me by a pet name again felt so good. As i rushed to the bedroom i took note of the fresh covers on the bed and my heart sank. No doubt He would choose her to serve Him tonight, but then i was the one sent to get toys…maybe i was still His favourite. Returning to the living room Master leaned forward in His armchair, moving her from His lap in one gentle, cradling movement. He then took the toys from me and ordered me to strip.

i was self conscious at first, i had never stripped in front of a woman, let alone one i had just met! Plus how could i compare to her…

As if sensing my hesitation Master “tsked,” impatiently and reached for the hem of my skirt, pulling it down my legs and ordering me to quickly remove my jumper. As i tried not to blush i removed my top and lifted my arms to cover my breasts. “SMACK,” came the blow across my ass, causing my arms to fall to my sides. As i stood there uncovered, my face on fire with embarrassment Master’s hand moved straight to my cunt, and for once i wasn’t soaked. Having her here made it so difficult for me, but after a few moments of Master’s fingers sliding up and down my slit i released an involuntary moan.

Just as quickly as His hand had appeared it was gone, instead He thrust the vibrator inside and began to weave the rope around me in a simple chatity belt fashion. i Know this tie well, twice circled around my breasts to make them prominent, then down my stomach and around my wait. When done correctly the knot placed onthe rope would rub mercilessly against my clip and hold anything inside in place. As i stood, trusted up my mouth fell agape when Master handed the remote to her.

“Well my dearest Patrice, use your Sister as you see fit. Oh and girl, you are only allowed to remove these instruments when you sleep. Until I say otherwise you are to be naked in the house except for the vib and rope, also I shouldn’t have to say this, but of course you are not allowed to cum, do you understand?”

Nodding my head in acceptance i feel the all too familiar buzz of the vibrator start, first softly and then more firece, that bitch was enjoying it already, and i was sure she wouldn’t take any mercy on me.

The rest of the night i spent hopelessly trying to rub my thighs together for some relief, and every time i started to get used to the victory she would switch it up. All the while making me fetch drinks and snacks for her and Master while they watched TV and cuddled together. Watching them so easy in each other’s company hurt more than anything else from the day or so i thought but as the living room clock chimed 10pm Master raised Himself from the sofa, switching off the TV and reached for her hand. Standing, i followed up the stairs to His bedroom, and waited.

“Girl, you can go to bed tonight. your services aren’t needed.”

i cried, i openly cried at His words, i thought in this He would at least treat us equally, and as her arm circled my shoulders i couldn’t help myself. i spun on her, my hand connecting sharply with the side of her face. She stumbled in shock, but the satisfaction that had filled me in that instant just as quickly drained as i found myself pinned to the wall by Master’s hand.

“Get the fuck out of my sight slut, how dare you disrespect my property like that.”

With that i collapsed to the floor in a sobbing heap as Master carried her to what was once O/our bed. Sometimes later the clear sounds of a woman moaning reached me in my bedroom, her voice was angelic as she begged and pleased for release, and the all too familiar roar of my Master as He finished…

How had i fallen so far?


The next few days passed in a haze, over and over she tortured my cunt with the vibrator, over and over i was denied entry to Master’s bedroom, but it became almost a routine, i truly was stripped of any submission position, was i almost a slave?

Of course i had the choice to leave, but every time the thought crossed my mind all i could think of was the pain i had caused my Master. If he was willing to hurt me this much, the one who had protected, loved and cared for me for so long, then i truly did not understand how my actions had affected Him.

On the 7th night after her arrival i was just clearing the plates from dinner when Master called me over.

“Girl, go upstairs and remove the vibrator and rope, go and shower and come to My bedroom.”

His words were the sweetest thing to me. i smiled happy in response and left the room, for an instant it didn’t even matter that she was still there. But after half an hour when i knocked and entered Master’s bedroom, she mattered all the more.

As i entered, there she was dressed in nothing but a leather garter belt and stockings, her plump rosy lips wrapped around my Master’s cock with her arm lounging possessessively across his leg. She didn’t even look up from her worship when i entered, and at that moment i nearly cracked. Just as i leaned against the solid wood door for support, Master looked directly at me, his hand outstretched, inviting me onto the bed. Although myself i moved, i took hold of his hand and climbed onto the bed. i was unsure what to do, but when His lips touched mine, first a gentle press, and then a desperate, raw need, i moaned in pleasure. He nipped my lip playfully, then raised his hand to cup my face. I nestled my head into His palm for a moment as a whisper fall from Him,

“Worship me girl.”

Those words held more raw need than i would normally hear from Him, and in that moment there was no way i could down. As i slide down his taut body my eyes glazed when they reached Patrice’s, but she didn’t move out of the way. Instead as i tried to kiss the head of Master’s cock she touched her lips to mine. Unlike the press of urgency i found with my Master, her lips were soft and delicate, her mouth smaller than mine but as her tongue flicked out to cares the ridge of Master’s cock i shuddered in delight at the sight.

Working together we kissed around Him, alternative between lathing His balls with our tongues and deep throwing, though whenever it was my turn, her hand would wrap in my hair and hold me down for just a second longer than comfortable, just long enough to make me gasp when released and leave a trail of spit between my lips and Master’s cock. Over and over we kissed each other around my Master’s cock, our tongues entwining and bringing Him to the edge, before the telltale tension started. As i moved to wrap my lips around the head of Master’s cock, her delicate hand encircled His shaft, struggling His release, until i tasted the sweet saltiness exploit in my mouth.

Revelling in the taste, i barely had time to comprehend what was happening before Patrice was on top of me, lapping Master’s cum from my mouth and holding her hand around my throat. As Master left the bed i felt her weight shift on me, her legs straddling me and her free hand reaching for my left breast. I bucked and thrashed in protest trying in vain to beg Master to stop the situation, He knew that I could never submit to another woman!

Every time I tried to gasp a breath her lips were on mine, her tongue flicking inside my mouth and tasting the remnants of Master’s cum. As she released my throat and ran her hands over my tits her nails scratched Forcefully, and despite myself i let out a moan of approval. Sliding her body lower i could feel the butterfly kisses guiding a path on me, but just as her lips were going to touch my clip i groaned in disappointment as she moved away.

Desperate and on fire from the week long torture i gazed up into her angled face, with the fall of golden hair around her tits my mind was flooded, i wanted and needed her. As if sensing my defeat she slide her fingers through my slit, gathering the wetness, before raising her fingertips to her lips. i Couldn’t contain the groan as she tasted me, and for an instant i wished her lips would touch the source of my arousal, but before i could beg, her fingers were back, this time pushing inside me.

her fingers were much smaller than Master’s but they were so deft in their expertise. As she curled them inside me, she gently caresed my g-spot, flicking her fingertips over and over until i was panting with the effort not to cum. Her thumb reached up to circle my clip and in that moment i began to see stars, my orgasm ripped through me and i couldn’t have held it backif i’d tried.

Bucking and screaming on the bed i rode her hand with wild abandon, my juices soaking the covers and her, until i finally collapsed in a heap, my head lolling to the side to see Master smiling in the chair at the side of the room. Feeling the softness of her fingertips touch at my lips i obediently stuck out my tongue and lapped at them, cleaning her hand of my cum. As the exhaustion from such a powerful orgasm threatened to take me i feel a sharp slap to my right cheek, then feel my hair being tugged firmly, raising me off the bed.

“Oh no, no, no princess. My fun hasn’t even started yet.”

Her words snapped me back to reality, as i realized She had shackled me to the headboard, and despite the thrashing of my legs She surprised me with her strength and clapped the ankle cuffs in place, not in the normal position at the end of the bed, but so that my knees were held wide and my cunt was on display to Her. The first few spanks of Her hand were testing, alMost like a gentle care, but as She reached for my sensitive little clip and squeezed it tight i cried out in pain. She then ensured that every blow following landed directly onto my tortured clip and i understand, She had let me cum to make me much more on edge for Her torture.

Staring up into Her calculating blue eyes i felt fear for the first time, She was an unknown to me, and i was both terrified and excited by the prospect of what She would do to me. i didn’t have to wait long though before Her legs straddled my face and i had two choices, worship Her cunt or suffocate. i had always dreamed of having a girl go down on me, but i could never imagine serving a Mistress…but here i was, my tongue flicking in and out, lapping at Her clip and sucking for all my worth to make the Goddess above me cum. Over and over She grinded onto my face as Her fingers pinched and slapped my tits, but as i tenatively stuck my tongue inside Her She began to buck. Her hands reached back almosttearing into my scalp as She held me against Her cunt, forcing me to drink down every drop of Her delicious juices.

As She collapsed on top of me i gasped in a deep breath, enjoying the weight of Her on top of me, knowing that despite my reserves i had pleased Her. For a second i wondered if this was what my life would be like now…was it really so bad? Shaking the confusing thought from my mind i barely noticed the shift in Her weight as She swwayed towards the toy chest. What She brought back made my eyes bulge. i felt Her fingers gently press inside me, before sliding down to my ass, coating me with my own juices, before placing the fucking machine in place and turning it on.

The first thrust was painful, my ass was tight and the slowness of the thrust ensured that i felt every vein on the plastic toy, plus with Every thrust outwards the dildo would exit me completely, before filling me up once more. Daring to raise my head from the bed i turned to glance at my Master,Only to see Him, not in the chair, but instead rummaging in the toy chest.

“Aww, little…princess, am I not keeping your attention?”

Came the painful retort, followed by a severe increase in tempo from the machine. Now instead of the slow thrusts, i was instead being impaled over and over on the cock. Each thrust made me move on the bed, forcing my hips up and down and making my tits bounce, and screams to fall from my lips.

With a quick press of Her lips against mine i couldn’t comprehend what was happening as the ball gag was stuffed inside my mouth and tied tightly in place. With no let up from the thrusts i began to moan and squeal behind the gag, causing the spit to drip from my lips and down onto my tits. i could no longer form a cooperative thought, and when the first caning landed across my foot the tears sprang straight to my eyes.

She was a bitch! i couldn’t believe Master was letting Her cane me in this state! But it wasn’t Her…over and over Master landed the cane, first on my feet, then my thighs, moving up to stomach and tits, crossing over each welt with another. i tried to scream, i tried to move to stop the fucking, for even just a second of relief, but it was no use. i was tied and being used…as the sensings began to overwhelm me and i felt like it was just too much, i heard an audible pop.


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