The Company Party Pt. 02

Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Anger, boiling anger like nothing I had ever felt before washed over me. After realising my girl, my perfect pet wasn’t just dancing on the floor but was allowing herself to be defined the anger ripped through me stealing my breath and piercing my heart. I could see the panic in her eyes, but was I just imagining it? Was this truly what she wanted? I thought I knew my girl completely, but this was something I could never imagine her doing, I had teased her yes, I had pleasured myself and denied her but surely that was our life? Staring at her head whipping around the floor I could see the fear painted clearly, and when her gaze landed on me I knew she had seen me. In that instant despite my pain I was still her Master and my instincts to protect her kicked in. My legs moved without my mind controlling them, I strode across the floor the doubt and uncertainty threatening to consume me but ISteeled myself as much as I was able and glowered at the man daring to touch my property, forcing him to release her before dragging Sally outside.

The freezing December air did nothing to calm my rage, in fact it mocked me. She began to shiver in her little dress and babbled like a child with excuses and reasoning but it all fell on deaf ears. Marching her around the corner my hand pressing, perhaps too tightly on her arm I tried to quell the rage inside but failed, I was in no state to control myself or to listen to her ramblings. Staring coldly into her gorgeous green eyes, flooded emerald with her sadness I forced myself to look past her, pushing her up against the stone wall I stared down at her. I let that gaze carry all of my pain, all of my disappointment and I could see her breaking. She was always such a good girl, she was my treasure and I would always love and protect her, but she had betrayed me. Gazing at her I needed to claim her, right there and then, slamming herinto the wall and thrusting my cock into her tight cunt, filling her with my cum and then looking down at her. Giving her pleasure though would not teach her a lesson tonight so instead I calmed myself, becoming as cold and stoic as I possibly could and reached to my neck. The chain I wore carried the most delicious silver key, the key to my heart, the key to her collar, the collar she had betrayed.

Reaching up to her neck I placed the key inside the heart padlock and removed the emerald symbol of our commitment and with all the pain inside me flung it to the floor below. As she tried to drop to her knees to grab it I pinned her mercilessly by the throat, leaning in close I grew in her ear, “Do you honestly think you’re worthy of wearing my collar.” With that I brought my foot down and stamped hard on it, it was expensive and it killed something inside me to do it but I knew she would understand that her actions damaged it far more than I just did, “I’m getting the car cunt,grab that pathetic necklace and make yourself presentable, I won’t be seen leaving here with a cheap whore,.” With that I strode away from her finally letting the tears begin to fall silently.

I strode across the car park and slammed the key into the car, flopping back against the cool leather I breathed deeply. I wanted her, I loved her, she was my treasure and my life but I couldn’t comprehend what she did. Driving up to the side of the manor I watched her standing up clinging to my collar as she smoothed her dress down. I gazed longingly at her hips as she unintentionally swwayed them walking towards me, but it just made the rage rise, was it unintentional? Was this girl, the one I thought so innocent just playing me. As she tenatively opened the car door and shifted inside I throw the car into drive and headed straight for our home. The drive was quiet, apart from the occasional raspy intake of breath from her. After one such large gulp of air I found my hand reaching out toHer knee, to place it there to comfort her but as I caught myself I said, “Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt and throw that necklace in the glove box. You won’t be needing it.”

When we reached the house I quickly parked the car slamming the door and strode inside the house.


As I stared at the open front door the guilt and disgust inside engulfed me. I cherished my collar and all I could think of was His foot coming down on it, did I mean so little to Him? After what I did I wouldn’t be surprised. Doing as he ordered I placed the collar inside the glove box and gazed at the house, what would await me inside? My nerves began to get too much for me and the world began to spin. I couldn’t breathe and as I clambered out of the car I dry heaved croouching down by the side. What had I been thinking? How could I have let Vince touch me in that way.

Trying to pull together the tattoos of my mind I looked forlornly at the house and knew I had kept Him waiting too long already. As I fumbled over the stones and into the house I gazed around not knowing where my Master had gone. Stopping in the doorway I tenatively closed the front door as the strong smell of scotch hit me. Removing my heels I felt the cool wood floor beneath my stockings as I padded gently to the living room where my Master was sat in His usual leather chair, a large drink in His hand.

In that instant I didn’t know What to do, the air was tense and suffocating. Should I crawl to Him and beg forgiveness? Should I plead my case? Instead with all the dignity I could muster I walked to the center of the room and dropped to my knees on the padded fur rug, my eyes downcast as I waited silently. The minutes trickled by, the pressure growing and pressing on my very core, I wanted to run, I wanted to drag myself closer to Him but instead I waited. My knees began to hurt and I began to tremble but I knew He was watching me. I could feel His gaze upon me. Minute after minute I waited, until finally, when I felt like I would collapse He moved. In that instant I dared to hope for relief but instead all He did was refill His glass and sit back in His chair. Again the minutes trickled by until in the coldest voice I heard, “Go to your room.”

Raising from my knees I dared to steal one glance at my Master, but instead of the eyes which were usually filled with love His gaze wasn’t even watching me. Nodding my head silently I left the living room and ascended the stairs, with every step my heart ached. I had wanted to apologise tonight and take my punishment, I yearned to make things right and sleep in my Master’s bed, but instead I opened the door to my room. The room my Master had let me have to store my clothes. There tucked in the corner was a small single bed, sitting on the side I began to strip, not taking pride in my clothes like I had earlier in the evening. Instead after removing every garment I stood in front of the small mirror and looked at myself, my hair was tousled, my makeup running down my face… and my neck bare. Pulling back the covers I tucked into the bed naked and alone for the first time in years. Sleep wouldn’t come, I just laid there reliving all of my mistakes from the evening, finally after what felt like hours I heard my Master drag Himself up the stairs and the door to His bedroom slam shut. Tears began to prickle at my eyes as I closed them, shaking I felt the first signs of exhaust wash over me.


I had sat for a few hours sipping slowly on my scotch and thought, I thought how to handle the situation. Did I still want her? Yes of course I did. Could I forgive her? No. Should I have gone back into the Manor and hit that guy? Oh most definitely. Every special event of our relationship taunted me by coming to mind, the night she had danced naked in front of me for the first time, the shopping trip where I had tormented her and made her beg for my cock in the changing room, even the most mundane of thing.The way she cared for me when I was sick being far too attractive and taking an almost dominant concern, to our movie nights just tucked in each other’s arms. I loved Sally more than anyone I had ever met, she was my perfect submissive but tonight had made me doubt, over and over I saw her grinding, her body emrithing like it only usually did with me. Anger, fear, sadness, they all circled in my head each flitting to the next before finally as the early morning sun broke I gave in. Sitting here wouldn’t bring me any soil, instead I placed my scotch glass unfinished on the table and headed to the stairs.

As I marched up them I could hear pretty from her room a sharp intake of breath and it made me smile. Perhaps she was still the girl I loved? Smirking to myself I made consciousness effort to storm to my room and slam the door before pressing my back against it, the cool wood giving me some semiblance of grounding. Staring around the room my gaze fell to the large bed in the middle,fondly I found myself reaching out to the cuffs which were chained to the head and foot board. I remembered the first night I had used those with my girl, oh how she had squirmed, she had begged to cum over and over and I sat and watched her as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her lithe frame from the wand vibrator, and after it all, when she was a babbling wreck I had entered her. Still restrained she had given me the most beautiful smile, the one that I longed to put on her face every single day.

Sitting on the bed I breathed deeply, she had made a mistake, she had done something I never thought possible but that one small intake in breath had served to restore some of my trust in her. Slowly opening the bedroom door I padded silently across the landing to her room, oh she had squealed when I had opened this door the first time and showed her the racks of clothes I had bought for her, and how I loved having her show me her appreciation after each and every outfit… it had taken all weekend to go through them all. Gently pushing the door open I stopped and watched her lithe frame tossing on the bed in a fitful dream. I stopped for an instant before sitting quietly on the side of the bed, my hand reaching out to smooth her hair and soothe her.

“Shhh my pet, Master’s here.” She continued to stir but a scar escaped her lips and she slowly began to calm. Stroking my hand down I cupped her Cheek softly before leaning down and kissing her.


Vivid dreams, my Master throwing me to the corner, me left trying to piece my broken collar back together, I was screaming in my dream, crying from destination and through the haze I heard the softest words,

“Shh my pet, Master’s here,” In an instant my world felt restored, I felt calm and loved, a feeling that usually only washed over me when I knelt. Then a warm press on my lips, as I opened my eyes groggily I could see my Master’s hair falling around his face, then realized his lips were on mine.As the fear and anxiety of the night returned I kissed my Master more passwordately, pleading with each flick of my tongue for Him to forgive me. Groaning into His mouth I dared to touch His chest, strong and muscled under the soft silk of His shirt, for a second He flinched moving away from me but before I had time to feel hurt He pushed Himself closer interlacing His fingers with mine. The smell of his skin and alcohol intooxicated me, the urgent press of his lips, I needed to please Him, to give all of myself to Him, but just as my eyes flickered closed and my cunt began to drip down my legs the cool night air hit me.

My eyes shot open to see my Master towering on the bed above me, staring up into His eyes they were veiled as He glared down at me. i didn’t know how to make this right…

Holding back my tears i bit my lip gently and tried to form a sentence, something that would make the pain stop, but before i had chance to say anything i felt His strong hands wrap themselvesves around my ankles, pulling them up until they rested on His shoulders. His cock was urgent, forceful as it ripped into my cunt, fucking me with wild abandon. Over and over He penetrated me, my hands scrambled to hold onto the bed, as if holding onto something solid in the wave of emotion. There was no pleasure for me, but just to have Him so close, something i never thought i would have again, it was the best i could hope for. Just as His tempo increased and i knew my Master was getting close He reached His hand down and encircled my throat, pressing hard i panicked and tried to scream but i couldn’t muster a breath. For an instant my safe word flashed before my eyes, but then would He even accept it after what i had done…i choked and began to panic just as i began to see stars i reached up feabily to His chest, but the slight change in angle must have triggered Him. my Master roared above me, His eyes burning with desire, he released my throat and flooded my cunt with His cum.

In the afterglow of His orgasm i wanted to speak, to say something to put things right, but as i parted my lips to speak He leaned down to kiss me, wrapping His strong arms around me. my cunt burned with desire, tears flooded down my cheeses…one night had ruined the most precious thing to me, and i felt it as poignant now as when His foot came down on that beautiful emerald collar.

i sobbed softly to myself as my former Master held me, i didn’t want it to be the end, and as i clinged tightly to Him i heard the words that would critic my heart.

“I cannot forgive you slut, I cannot trust you, you defined our relationship and gave away My property. Master loves you, but right now you are nothing but a fucktoy to me. Tomorrow you have a choice, you can leave This house and end our contract, or you can serve Me. If you choose to stay you will be an uncollared who, a beginner slut who has to earn even the marginal amount of affection. you will have to watch as I take another girl, if I choose, and serve me regardless, until a time comes when we can possibly move on from this.”

As i watched my former Master’s form walk out of the door i scrolled and howled in destination, yearning again for His embrace…


As I strode from the room the tears began to prickle at my eyes and I clenched my fists hard at my side, I couldn’t even walk to My room, instead as I collapsed onto the landing I prayed, prayed for the first time in My life, and I prayed that come tomorrow she would still be in this house with Me.


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