Maggie hated the daily commute. Same routine, same smells, same noises, same faces. Morning and evening Monday to Friday and the only change was if the train was late, oh the excitement that that can generate. So here we are again. Thursday and the five o’clock. Fight to get on, fight for a seat, didn’t manage to get the window so it’s the aisle. Get the book out, plug the headphones in and settle back for the hour’s journey home. The headphones are a ruse however. Maggie is a listener and a watcher. She loves to imagine people’s stories and listen to their conversations, wonder what they are thinking. So although the headphones make her look like most other people there is in fact nothing playing. She’s tuned into the local radio station but the sound is turned well down so she can hear clearly the sounds around her.
The guy at the end of the carriage always listens to heavy metal and his feet dance constantly.
The girl across from him always phones her boyfriend and has whispered conversations that she thinks no one else can hear.
The man across the aisle is usually alone but tonight he has another man’s company.
The two girls, who go on a shopping trip the last Thursday of every month are loudly giggling and laughing at someone else’s expense, as they always do
“God, did you see her shoes!”
“And that dress…..Well, you just wouldn’t would you!”
“Bet she got the bag from a charity shop!!!” Then the giggles. Often Maggie wants to go over and tell them what she think but of course doesn’t.
Then, there are the two girls, obvious from their dress they work in some big office, who talk in text conversation.
“Totally CBA.”
When did that became part of the English language?
As Maggie listened her ears tuned into the two men across the aisle. Until a few months ago she would have assumed they were talking about horses. However, she had stumbled across a couple of websites which were to do with BDSM and the conversation she could hear was about whips and crops.
“Personally I favour the crop. You can control, the direction much better than a whip and the effect is therefore more instant.”
“Yes, but with a whip there is that element of never quite sure where the fronts will land and that has it’s own merits. Of course a whip with knots or weights can be controlled very effectively.”
Maggie’s eyes widened and she could fall herself lean towards the conversation but caught herself before, she hoped, they realized she had overheard.
“Paddles are effective too.” This was the man she’d never seen before speaking, “And always leather never wood.”
Now she could feel herself tingling as she imagined what these two might be doing when they got home to their wives, Partners, girls. Always assuming they had any, of course.
The train pulled into it’s final destination and everyone queued up to get off. She could see the older man ahead of her as he strode of up the street and for a small second she thought of following him. He reached a car, got in and drive off. “That’s that then.” Maggie thought.
A boring and uneventful weekend followed and Monday saw the start of the weekly drug again, however, when she got to the station that evening she was delighted to see that the two men were again there. The one she had seen on and off for years was in his forties, she reckoned, always smartly dressed in a suit and judging from his accent had a fairly high powered job.
The “new” one was a bit older, similarly dressed and distinguished looking, grey/silver hair, beared but very tidy. He seemed to her the more dominant of the two although why she wasn’t clear about. She managed again to sit across from then and quickly homed in on their conversation. They seemed to be picking it up where they had left off as the talk was again about whips, paddles and this time canes. Then this.
“Tell me then.” The youger asked. “Do you have a special room? Or is your equipment just around the house?”
“It used to be all stored in one of the wardrobes in a spare room but not long ago I decided to turn it into a dedicated space for my interests.”
“Is it fully furnished?”
“Oh yes. I decided that if I was going to do it it would be done properly.”
Once again, without even realising it, the train had reached the end and frustrated as hell she lost. Same ritual as before. He walked off up the street, got into a car and drive off.
By the time Maggie got home she was in a huge state of arousal. She had spent the whole time imagining what his room would look like and the first thing she did was fire up the computer and research BDSM furniture. She got something to eat, and while she munched she researched the different stuff available from beds, chairs to cages, swings and benches. As she read the hotter she got and finally, as most nights she gave in and used her vibrator to bring herself to orgasm.
The evening ritual continued on and off for a couple of weeks. They weren’t there every night and sometimes the younger man was on his own but when they were the conversations had her clamping her thighs together and biting her lip in an attempt not to moan out loud at the effect their talks had on her.
She thought she had been quite discreet. She thought she had given nothing away. She thought they did not know she had heard every word.
Thursday came again. It had been about three weeks since she had first heard them chat. As she fought her way down the train as usual a hand cupped her elbow and a deep voice said, fairly close to her ear, “There’s a seat here.” And before she could even look around she was guided into it. Instinct took over and she knew. She looked up and the older man was standing looking down at her while the other was sitting opposite.
“Good evening. My name is Malcolm and this is Charles” The older man sat beside her. “And you have been very rude and listened into our conversations over the past few weeks. A woman of your age should have much better manners than that but maybe you need to be taught a lesson. We have decided, Charles and I, that we are going to teach you that lesson.”
Maggie gulped and tried to speak but no words would come out. She really hadn’t realized that they knew she had been listening and now she didn’t know what to do or say. As her mouth opened and shut in an attempt to speak Malcolm said
“Don’t both to say anything. And don’t make up excuses. No one is meeting you and you live alone. Charles here has followed you home a number of times just to make sure.”
At this point Charles leaned over the table and recalled her address to her and the registration number of her car. Then went on to tell her what she had bought at the shop on her way home from the station the previous night. The he added her name, her full name.
Maggie had never thought that anyone might follow her. She had been so bound up in what she had heard them discuss that her mind was only on getting in to the flat, getting her vibrator and masturbating till she came, so hot did their talking make her.
“Now then Maggie, now that we all know each other let me tell you what is going to happen. And I want
you to smile and look like we are all chatting pleasantly. At the moment you look like I am holding a gun to your ribs.”
She smiled wanly at him, looking him properly in the face for the first time. He had the kind of eyes that it is impossible to ignore. They gripped you and you knew you had to do as he said.
“When we get off this train we are going to my car, I know you know where I park. We are going to my house and there you shall experience first hand my newly refurbished room. And Charles will get his chance to see it too. And play with all my wonderful equipment.” He smiled at her and turning his body so that his back was to the aisle he put has hand between her legs and rubbed her quite hard. The trousers she was wearing were quite thin and she blushed as he said,
“You were right Charles. She is wet.” Keeping his hand against her clip he went on, “And getting wetter as I keep my hand here!” He laughed, gave a final rub and took his hand away. Maggie almost gasped as her body throbbed.
The train was pulling into the station and she didn’t now what to do. All of her sensible brain was yelling “Run!!” But that other bit, that bit that had listened to them talk, that bit that had looked at those websites, read those stories, looked at that furniture, that bit wanted to see what would happen. Wanted to experience those crops, whips, paddles. The cuffs, restraints they had mentioned. The dildos, vibes and butt plugs. As the rest of the Commuters got up for the usual rush for the door Malcolm kept his hand on Maggie’s arm. Signalling to Charles with his head to move out, Maggie found herself neatly sandwiched between two men. As they left the station she was till between them. They reached the car she had seen him get into night after night. Malcolm opened the back door, guided her in and Charles got in directly behind her. Malcolm then got in, started the engine and they drove off. As they drove Charles, the quite silent Charles took something from his pocket and the next thing Maggie knew was she was being blindfolded.
“We can’t have you being able to identify the house, Maggie, just in case. I know you will enjoy this night but as a precaution, for your safety and ours this is necessary. Charles, you know what to do next.” With that she felt hands on her clothes and realized that he was undressing her.
“No! No!” She screamed. “Please, you can’t do this!”
“You have listened avidly to our conversations for three weeks, Maggie. You are fascinated and intrigued by our lifestyle so now the time has come to show you. If you had been shocked and disgusted you wouldn’t have deliberately sat near us every evening on the train just so you could listen. Did you think we wouldn’t notice? We have these chats just to find out who IS interested and who might like to join us. You want this Maggie, you know you do and that wet patch between your legs prove it.”
Now dressed, if you could call it that, in only her underwear and shoes Maggie feel Very vulnerable. She had no idea where they were or where they were going and was beginning to realize that her interest had been a bit ill advised. Just as she had these thoughts the car stopped. Charles opened the door, got out and she felt his hand pull her to get out too. She could feel the cool night air on her skin which means, her brain screamed, that she was outside. As if reading her mind she heard Malcolm says,
“It’s ok, my garden is completely private, no one can see you. Once we get into the house I want you to knee down as soon as you hear the door close.”
Now that she was in this positionands since she had spent so many months reading, watching and listening to materials about this lifestyle Maggie decided that for this night she would fulfill her fantasies. If it was for her then she would learn and if it wasn’t then they would soon discover this and kick her out, she hoped. The guy Malcolm, for all he had kidnapped her, did seem to instil a basic trust and she decided in that moment to do exactly what they said.
She was led by Charles up a path and she felt the heat as a door opened. After a few seconds she heard it close and she dropped to her knees as she had been instructed to do.
“Ah, does this mean what we think it means Maggie?” She heard Malcolm ask. She nodded and felt the blindfold being removed from her eyes. She blinked in the sudden bright light and looked up at the Two men who were now standing side by side looking down at her.
“I……I want to experience all the things I’ve over hear you talk about Malcolm.” She whispered and stuttered.
“From now on, until you leave this place you will call us Sir and we,” He smiled and looked at Charles. “We can call you anything we want to. There are no more names. Sir and what ever the mood of the moment is slut, is that clear?”
Maggie nodded and whispered “Yes Sir.”
Malcolm reached down and fondled her between the legs again, feeling how wet and ready she already was with just the thought of what joys were to come. He nodded to Charles who cupping her under the elbow again, raised her to her feet. He led her through a door and told her to sit down. Finally he spoke.
“Malcolm has gone to prepare the room. Would you like a drink? This is new to me too, I haven’t seen it either so I am excited too. We work in the same building and started having lunch together.” Now that Charles had started he seemed to want to explain. “Anyway we began to realize we had similar tastes and now we like to do things together. We go to Munches and belong to a private club. What about you?”
“Me?” said Maggie. “It was listening to you two on the train that really turned me on. I’d read a bit on and off and thought about it a lot but when I heard you I really wanted to find out.”
They sipped their drinks. Even though she was sitting there in her underwear Maggie was beginning to feel more relaxed The decision to just go with it all and let herself go had given her a confidence that she found hard to explain even to herself. It was like a weight being lifted. Malcolm returned and Charles handed him a drink. He took it and eyed Maggie up and down.
“You must have a safe word which, when…” He smile at her. “Yes WHEN you use it will make everything stop.” He looked at her again and then at Charles. “This is the chance we have looked for, craved for. You and I will do things tonight that we have only ever talked about.” He looked at Maggie again. “Once we leave this room until we come back to it all of us are exploring our deepest fans. You want this as much as we do. I have done many of these things before, Charles has done some but you have experienced none, am I right?” Maggie nodded. “Then I hope that we all find what we have wanted and craved for tonight. Here’s to all of us!” And he raised his glass high. Maggie stood and the three of them, as equals for the first and last time of the evening, toasted the night ahead.
Malcolm signed to them that the time had come by putting his glass down and heading for the door. He opened it and allowed the two others through first. As they reached the bottom of the stairs he said,
“Oh, I nearly forgot, your safe word. Let’s see, name your favourite colour.”
“And a vegetable you don’t like?”
“Emm, spinach.”
“Then purple spinach it is. If you say that then everything stops. You get dressed, we drive you back to the station where all this started. That is a promise. Do you understand?”
Maggie nodded.
“I said….Do…You….Understand…slut?”
“Yes Sir.”
“That’s better. Now, let’s begin. Crawl up the stairs. When you get to the top stay on all fours.”
Charles climbed the stairs in front of her and waited at the top while Malcolm watched her from below.
She was still dressed in her underwear and the heels. The rest of her clothes were God knows where and she didn’t care. She was wet, hot horny and willing to go with whatever came next. As she got to the top she felt a singing pain on her arse and yelped in surprise. Another then another rained down on her satin covered behind. She could feel the stings linger as each had expertly hit a different place.
“Just a taste slut, just a taste.” Malcolm chuckled and came round in front of her to open a door that was covered by a curve. Charles went in and she heard him gasp. She went to rise and another blow from what she could now see was a cane landed across her back.
“Not you, you crawl. You don’t stand up till we tell you to. Now, through the door, there’s a good little whore.”
She crawled through the door and looked around. She was in a black space. The walls were black, the windows were covered in black curtains. There was furniture but most of it was unfamiliar to her. The bed she recognized but other things were only things that she hadn’t believed people really had. A bondage table, a few odd looking chairs and some hooks etc in the ceiling. Charles was wandering around, picking things up, looking at the walls. They were hung with whips, crops, paddles, ropes, restraints of all shapes and sizes. It looked like everything Malcolm owned to do with this lifestyle was on show for all to see. A moment later he spoke and confirmed this.
“Everything is on the walls so that who ever comes here knows exactly what they are getting into. There are no secrets in here. You see it all. Now, slut, crawl across here and stand up.”
She did as she was told, her pussy throbbing and soaking, she could feel her juices running down her leg. She had never been this turned on before. She stood and Charles grabbed her hands, attached a cuff to each wrist, pulled them above her head and attached them to a bar suspended from the ceiling. At the same time Malcolm did the same to her ankles and she was suspended in the middle of the room. Each man now choose a flogger from the array on the wall. Charles chose a crop and Malcolm, well remembering the very first conversation she had heard, she knew he would choose a whip which he duly did. As he reached her she saw, for the first time a table next to the place from which she was suspended. On it there were a number of things, all of which she could feel her nervous endings curling up at the thought of. She looked down.
“Ah, my little slut, you have seen some more of my toys. Charles and I are going to have fun now. He will have one side and I the other. Each time you scream you will earn two strikes, one from each of us. Shall we see how far we can go?”
Both men walked around her. She could feel their eyes invading every part of her.
“I think we should have a blindfold, what do you think, Charles?”
“Certainly Malcolm. I think that it will enhance the experience for all of us. After all, not knowing where we are will make her more excited.”
“There’s a selection over there so why don’t you choose one.”
Charles wandered over to the table. Taking his time. Touching and struggling each one. Looking from the choice to the girl and back. He picked up a leather one.
“This I think. Yes, definitely this one.” He crossed back to her and slipped it over her eyes and tightening it at the back. As he finished he slapped her arse hard, making her jump.
She heard them move away. Her senses heightened now that she could no longer see and panic began to set in. She realized how much she had given up just by the loss of her sight.
The first blow fell. Right side. Then the next. Left side. And another. Another. Each one harder than the one before. She copied. Yes, she felt them bite. The crop singing more than the whip but the effect of the whip lasting longer. They were taking it in turns and the blows were getting faster and faster, harder and harder. Both men were circled her and all she could hear were their steps and the rush of air just before the next blow landed. She had started to pant and now she felt herself moan, gasp each time. The blows were from her neck to her ankles, front and back. She could feel the whip sting her pussy lips and this made her gasp and groan louder.
“No one can hear us, you can make as much noise as you like, slut. Please feel free to scream out loud. Please.”
“Yes, whore.” This from Charles “Let us hear how you feel.”
Some more blows. Maggie could feel every one bite now. Could almost feel her flesh briising. She screamed out loud for the first time. As promised she got two together. More blows and she screamed again and again there were two very hard strikes together across her breasts.
“That’s enough for now.” She heard Malcolm says. “Let’s try something else.” The screams had obviously been their signal to stop. Now that it had she wanted more. She was embarrassed but incredibly aroused art the same time. Her body wanted more, to feel the biting and singing.
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