The Community Bull Pt. 02


She led Stevan through the pantry and into a large immaculately clean, custom fitted, and well-equipped kitchen. It had been built by a local architect who specializes in restaurant design to accommodate a culinary arts school that Susan ran, offering cooking and baking lessons to young local women interested in taking their rudimentary food preparation skills to the next level. A large empty area spread out in front of the food preparation island. It was used to set up folding chairs where class participants sat. For now, the chairs were put away, leaving an empty quarry tiled floor of approximately twelve square meters.

Stopping in the middle of the empty floor, she turned to face him, “Ok now first things first. We need to clarify the rules and the boundaries in this arrangement. I want your transition into my service From whatever you have with Julie to be as comfortable and natural as possible. I do have rules and you need to follow them. I am neither cruel, nor do I take pleasure from causing the suffering of others.”

She looked up into Stevens eyes looking for both an acknowledgement of understanding and any sign of his anxiety coming to rest. Nothing so far. “I am not going to torture and humiliate you Steven”, she said curtly and followed up with a warm smile.

There was an audible sight from Steven followed by nodded acknowledgement.

“I will Need you to choose a word or phrase that you can use to stop any activity or lesson instantly- a ‘Safe Word or Phrase’. When you say it aloud, whatever activity we are engaged in will immediately stop and we can discuss what is going on to your complete understanding. Don’t make a habit of using it. You do only if you become very frightened or very confused about what you are expected to do. Resist as much as you can breaking out of our interaction as it will slow your progress. Holding the course and accepting my control without resistance will be far more rewarding in the end. Having said that it is there for your peace of mind, and I will always honour it.

“It should something that you can easily remember- maybe the name of your first dog or cat, a café in a favourite city you visited on holiday, whatever you like. I suggest it be a something that you associate with being calm and at peace with yourself.”

Susan observed him carefully, studying his posture and body language; the movement of his eyes, the placement of his hands. She paused regularly, taking things deliberately slow.

She continued, “I don’t need it right now. You won’t need it this evening. Think carefully and let me know your decision the next time we meet.”

“Now except for your new collar, you will remove all that clothing and run it through the wash. When You leave here in the morning you will be completely free of all the shame and dirt that you’ve been subjected to outside of this place both in body and as far as we can accomplish, in soul. Getting physically clean isan important and powerful symbol of renewal and we will use it to full advantage. That part is easy.

“Working on what has been done to you on the inside will take more time but I’m certain that together, we’ll be just as successful in due course.” With that Susan turned away and walked over to a bank of light switches at the double pocket door entrance to the family room. Shutting them off, she thought, would give Steven the comfort of darkness to get undressed.

Only moonlight entered the broad expansion of lace covered windows against the outside wall lit the scene. As Steven’s eyes adjusted, the room gradually appeared brighter but dark enough to offer a thin veil of privacy. He was basked in the soft grey light, appearing to Susan, more in silhouette than in detail. How much she adored moonlight she thought to herself.

He started with his T-shirt and worked his way down to his socks, carefully folding and placing each article of clothing on the floor beside him. Susan watched, barely visible, save her bright floral print dress, as she looked at him from the doorway to the family room.

He stood there a moment feeling self consciousness, awaiting further instruction. “Underpants too Steven, please.” Susan instructed, feeling slightly impatient. He compiled quickly betraying an erection, and quickly covered it with both hands.

Susan’s eyes brightened immediately in a smile, at the site of his attempt at modesty. His cupped hands were bathed in moonlight. “Don’t try to hide that from me Steven. Your erection is a gift. It’s an honestest and flattering delegation to me. Let me honour your generosity. Let me enjoy seeing it!” She immediately started across the tiles, heals struggling a deliberate echoing beat as she closed the distance between them.

Steven complied, dropping His hands, and remained still, as she approached. His rampant phallus pointed directly at her. His scrotum tight and contracted, his testes against his body, poised for ejaculat. Susan could see little of him in the darkened expansion but knew not to turn on the lights lest it raise his anxiety level.

She stopped in front of him and reaching out, took his erection firmly in hand. She gently stroked and pulled, testing the quality of it. He seemed to be of average size, perhaps a little thinner than most men but very firm and he presented at a nice angle. Any woman who enjoyed grinding her sex against a man laying under her would enjoy this immensely. A couple of names came to mind.

“You have a very beautiful cock my Darling.” She purred, “I’m looking forward to getting more familiar with what you can do with this nice hard dick.” She continued struggling a somewhat perplexed but grateful Steven. Susan was correct in stating earlier that she was nothing like Julie in her approach. A part of him remained guarded, waiting for the hammer to fall.

Susan continued to explore his manhood further, gently squeezing his scrotum, teasing his tests to descend. She then quite unexpectedly squatted down in front of him and took his swollen glans into her mouth, holding him briefly between tongue and pallet. She began a gentle rhythmic suction, tasting him and getting used to his shape. She could feel him swell slightly and his shake grow more rigid as she gently began bobbing up and down half his length providing slightly stronger suction as she continued. She enjoyed sucking a cock that was closer to normal dimensions. Her husband was so large and aggressive that she had to be super hornney to enjoy having him in her mouth.

Before long she could taste his precum beginning to present at the tip, and his body offered little shudders with his increasing excitement She paused and then looking up at a dumbstruck Steven announced, “Yummy. Nice, tasty pre-cum treatments Darling. Such an eager and responsive cock!”

With that, Susan holding his gaze, ran her tongue from bottom to top along his shaft on both sides, then took his glansin her mouth once again. What happened next took him by complete surprise.

Susan placed her hands on either side of his hips, gripping firmly and lips pursued at the tip of his manhood, started slowly descended the length of his cock, swallowing him completely to the point where her mouth pressed firmly against his torso. He was deep inside her throat and could feel her muscles tighten and contract around the bell end. As she bobbed up and down several times, he could feel her throat start to relax and open for him. At the same time his shake stiffened and swelled even more in his excitement making up the difference. After repeating this motion three or four times, she would withdraw his engaged cock completely, leaving a rope of thick saliva joining her mouth to his swollen glans. His shake was soon coated in thick mucus.

She seemed slightly out of breath as she looked up at him, stroking his cock top to bottom in an increasingly fast tempo hand job. “Cum for me Darling.Deep inside, deep in my throat.” She smiled up at him briefly before beginning the entire sequence again.

It was the third time she said it that Steven could holdback no longer. He shuddered upon hearing Susan’s request and began buckling at the knees and throwing his head back, letting out a guttural moan in throws of orgasm. Susan clamped the base of his cock between her thumb and forefingers, preventing his ejaculation briefly before deep throating his member once again. Holding him there, she could feel the twitches and pulsing of his cock as he ejaculated into her throat. She could never have attempted such a thing with Marcus, as big as he was. She slowly backed off his shake with each spurt, leaving room for his ejaculate.

“Oh my God!” Steven croaked in amazement, “FUCK.”

Short of breath she finally withdraw entirely, remaining attached to the tip of his penis with pursued lips. Gasping briefly, she took several deep beats before sucking and licking the remaining fluid and throat mucus from his still turgid and highly sensitive penis.

Steven, still weak knee and shuddering, struggled to remain standing as he gradually composed himself after such a powerful orgasm. He had never in his life imagined an experience like that. Julie never sucked his cock- it had been in fact more than a decade since his penis had been anywhere near a woman’s mouth!

Susan rose to Her feet, satisfied at what he’d been able to accomplish. She was concerned that Julie’s abusive and selfish behavior over the years had completely emasculated him to the point of erectile dysfunction. It was clear that despite her selfish abuse, he may yet prove to be an invaluable service.

“Wow Steven”, she announced still struggling his slowly retreating manhood, “I can see you’re a diamond in the rough. Now let’s get those clothes of yours in the wash and then you can come into the family room and worship me properly while I explain the rules and tell you a little about your new Domina. One thing you should know immediately is that I will not tolerate the use of profanity in my presence, under any circumstances. Its indicator of a weak and lazy mind.”

“I’m sorry Susan.” He apologized, feeling quite embarrassed by her admonishment.

She immediately picked up on his anxiety and responded quickly, “Not to worry, you’re instantly Forgiven, and now you know. Let’s just do better.” It was left at that.

The house remained dark as he picked up his neighborly folded clothes and followed her back through the pantry to an adjoining laundry room. Once inside, closing the door behind them, she turned on the lights and happily noted that Steven remained relaxed, despite being fully exposed in his nakedness under it. There was a large sturdily built table for folding clothes, with shelves underneath and some storage bins for cleaning products. Steven noticed there were retrieved D-ring tie down cargo anchors at each of the four corners of the tabletop. The table top itself was made from inch thick marine grade plywood, perhaps a meter wide and two meters long, varnished to a glass finish. That seemed odd but he decided to just take things in rather than ask questions. He’d been through the house many times over the past few months but never in the laundry room.

The stand-up washer and dryer were along the opposite wall. There was also a smaller machine that could provide both the wash and drying cycles on limited size loads. Susan explained that going forward, he was to remove any clothes he arrived in and run it through the smaller machine. To the left was a clothes hanging bar, with several empty wooden hangers and a few that included what appeared to be men’s bath robes in varying sizes.

Susan answered his anticipated question, “Yours is the sage green one on the end Steven. You’ll wear that while in my care unless otherwise instructed. You won’t require any footwear for the time being. Your personal shoes can stayat the back door on the mat just inside.”

“Yes Ma’am.” He replied.

“Nope, not Ma’am. It is now and always will be ‘Susan’. I have no need of power names with you Steven. ‘Susan’ will soon stir as much awe in your heart as ‘Ma’am’ or ‘Domina’ or any of the other tradition lifestyle names. You’ll see. It will all become clear soon enough.” She gave him a playful swat on his backside before continuing, “Now let me show you how this remarkable all in one machine works.”

After explaining the settings on the machine, Susan instructed him to dress in the robe and then join her in the family room in ten minutes. He was to remain in the pantry until then and then arrive neither early nor late. Susan explained that to her time is of primary importance and never to be forgotten nor squandered. “Being on time”, she explained, “is both a courtesy and a measure of precision. Precision demonstrates discipline and intelligence- two characteristics I demand you always exhibit in my pResence.”

She left him to it and went directly to a neary powder room that was ensuite to the family room. She quickly freshened up, then generally applied Pherzone moisturizing cream on her torso and along the inside of her thighs. She had found the cream, pursued to contain pheromones, very useful in helping men concentrate on her physical beauty, in the past.

Touching up her lippy with a Slightly redder shade, she then applied a liner the same hue as the darkened fringe around her spectacularly well-developed inner labia. It had taken years to find the right colour, but shortly after ordering some through her local costumes store, it had become a local best seller and was always available, much to her personal amusement.

Satisfied with her appearance, she stepped out into the family room closing the door behind her. She then arranged her favourite wingchair, turning it to face the gas fireplace, with its back to the entrance. She then lit the lamp on a side table, selecting a warm glow setting, and moved the table directly beside the chair.

Pouring herself two fingers of her favourite single malt, she added a few drops of water before gliding towards the window. She peered through the curtains, searching for a sign from Julie and Steven’s bedroom at the house nearly fifty meters distant. Marcus was to have opened the curtains and turned on a light. There was none, meaning Marcus had yet to complete his second round with the lovely Julie, feeding her both what she craved physically, and desperately sought emotionally. It was early yet.

Taking a sip from her drink, she enjoyed its warmth briefly before reaching down and opening the middle drawer of the campaign desk in front of the window and removed a braided leather rope lean, she had the local saddler make to match Steven’s collar. It was of the same fine leather with solid brushed nickel hardware. Before leaving the desk, she turned on the banker’s lamp perched in the centerof the desk, then adjusted the curtains slightly. The subdued green light it produced was a prearranged signal to her husband that she was preceded to plan with Steven’s onboarding into his role within her stable of submissives. “Green light!” she snickered to herself.

She then walked over to the wingchair and placed the coiled leash on the side table where it was beautifully lit in a pool of light from the table lamp. She had Worn that evening a floral sun dress that she favored, because of its bright floral print and for the way it gathered her ample bust into a décolletage presentation that tortured any red-blooded breast man. She had discovered that most submissive men were generally taken with women’s breasts to the point of near obsession. In any case, she’d caught him a few times, studying hers when neither Julie nor herself were aware- or so he thought.

She adjusted the fit around her corseted waste and smoothed out the front making the final touches on her appealrance before the next act began. The dress was long, descending several inches below the knee but not far enough to spoil the view of her shapely calves. She sat down and made herself comfortable, her small frame nearly disappearing into the large comfy chair. She suddenly remembered at the last minute to remove her shoes, placing them together under the wingchair.

Susan enjoyed wearing heals as they enhanced her shapely legs and brought her closer in stature to her husband Marcus. Now, in bare feet, she stood a mere 155cm to Steven’s 172cm and Marcus’s 198cm. Her body, which Julie had often cruelly described as ‘plump’ and on occasion ‘fat’, was in truth very fit and curvy with a heart shaped backside, below a narrow waste and firm D cup breasts. Her limbs were lean but showed a hint of the muscle definition of a woman who did a lot of strength training and road work. Her skin was an alabaster white with a scattering of small light brown beauty marks on her arms and legs. She sported a single tattoo on the back of her neck, a small black crescent moon with both points facing downward, bisected by an arrow piercing through the center, the flights facing downward. Green eyes and loosely curled strawberry blond hair extending a few inches below her shoulders were the final touches on what made her appear as a firey and exotic partner to her husband Marcus, who was very tall, very fit, and very black.

She sat in the chair, her back to the entrance into the room and enjoyed another sip of her Scotch and noticed by the clock on the mantle that Steven had thirty seconds remaining, when she heard his voice behind her. He had stood at the door briefly seeing the two lit lamps and the back of the wingchair. He could hear the crackling of the fire the tick tock sound of the grandfather clock in the front entrance foyer. No sign of Susan waiting for him as promised.

“Susan?” he called out to her, “Are you there?”

Perfect timing, she thought to herselfising, “Yes, my pet! Come in-come in. I’m here waiting. Come around to the chair in front of the fireplace.”

Steven did as he was told and padded across the silk rug, making his way toward the fireplace, and turned around to face his new Domina. He stopped perhaps a meter before her and waited for her to speak.

Susan enjoyed another sip of whisky while looking him up and down, “I’d offer you one too except I sense strongly that you have a natural tendency towards anxiety. Alcohol, as a depressant will only serve to make things worse for you.

“In fact, I want you to abstract completely from stimulants of any kind- drugs or alcohol without my permission until further notice. That goes for your time away from me as well. No exceptions. Do you understand?” She said watching his reaction to this instruction carefully.

“Yes Susan”, he replied calmly, without hesitation.

“Take off the robe and draw it over the desk chair by the window then take your place again pLease. “

He compiled and returned to the same spot in front of her. She studied him carefully as he stood naked before her, his eyes fixed in a gaze at the floor in front of him, seemingly at ease. She placed her whisky glass in the center of the coiled leash, which Steven noticed for the first time. She rose, and pacing slowly around him several times, quietly studied his fine bonded frame, and the detail of his skin, looking for tell tale signs of physical abuse. Finding none she was pleased. It appeared the damage he’d suffered was mostly to his character and self esteem. Although mental abuse while less visible to the untrained eye, usually proved more difficult to correct.

During her inspection his penis became slightly engaged despite his having had an orgasm less than half an hour prior. “I see your shaft starting to thicken. Is that for me Steven? Are you sexually excited by my attention?” she crooned up at him.

“Yes, I am. Very much.”, he replied.

She ssed he was anticipating what she would like to hear her and trying to please her, rather than being completely honest. She had her work cut out for her. “Well then,” she said moving back and sitting down once again, “Show me. Let your sexy organ rise fully, here in the light of for me without touching it. Show me how I inspire your shake to thicken in taxe and offer itself to me. Show it to me Steven.”


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