The Commanding Officer Pt. 01

This longer story is part of a series of fictional stories surrounding activities of The Ladies’ Society, but better known by its members simply as The Society. It is an association of Dominant Women sexually abusing and controlling submissive white men in a Female Domination (FemDom) setting. The story also covers the so called Black New World Order (BNWO) which features the sexual attraction of white Women to black men as well of the sexual dominance of black men over submissive white males, often those white men of high social status and standing within the community.

This story, in a number of parts, under the overarching title of “The Commanding Officer” features British Army officer, LTCOL Rob Cumpston, also known as the CO. It is a totally fictional story and features over-the-top racial stereotyping as well as particularly degrading and humiliating treatment of white male authority figures.

In this Part 1, we are introduced to the characters and the situation that will develop in the story.




LTCOL Rob Cumpston, a 53-year-old Australian in the British Army, was quite excited. As commanding officer (CO) of the Veterinary Registration Based at Kidderminster in the Midlands, he was to host a delegation from The Ladies’ Society, comprising 6 very important Ladies. There was to be the 50-year-old Duchess of Richlands and her 20-year-old daughter, Lady Elyse Grahame-Lynam; the Countess of Shrubsole, aged 60, her 38 year old daughter Victoria Goodman and her granddaughter, who turned 18 the day before, Rosa Goodman; and Finally, the 40-year-old wife of the Archbishop of Stamford, Robyna Cotting.

These 3 Ladies, and, increasingly, their daughters and, indeed in the case of Rosa Goodman, granddaughter, were renowed for their charitable and welfare work. A common theme for these noble Ladies was support to the troops, especially those who had served on OP Herrick in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.


But at Kidderminster, not all was as it seemed. LTCOL Cumpston had a secret.

It all started harmlessly. The CO had been working in his office when his 18-year-old clerk, a very attractive tall, tanned, slim and shapely, and rather large breasted young female soldier, PTE Amy Fairley, knocked on his door, was bid to enter and she asked whether she could assist the CO with any administrative tasks. Being rather busy, he asked her if it wouldn’t be too much trouble for Amy to proofread an important Administrative Instruction about the use of military working dogs as social support for the community and then prepare it for distribution.

“Right away, Sir.” said the enthusiastic young clerk.

PTE Fairley then proceeded back to her office and quickly completed the task. She sent the document back to the CO.

Just before the end of the day, the CO called Amy into his office.

“I’m so so sorry, Amy. I’m going to have to ask you to stay back,” he said, “I hate myself for asking you, but I seemed to have fucked up the layout of the whole document, I’m afraid. I have to get to an important meeting and won’t be back today, but the Instruction needs to get out today. Please. Please. Can you help? Please.”

“My pleasure, Sir.” gushed the young private who quite liked her CO. “Can I just sit here and fix it? Given the time, I’ve switched off my computer, you see.”

“Of course – for you – anything. I’ll give you access to my account so can you fix the instruction and get it out for me, please. Just make sure it gets out today. Please. Please. Close up behind you when you leave. I’m so so sorry holding you back like this. I really should get a caning for doing that to you. I’ll make it up to you somehow.” said the CO who then quickly raced off to his meeting.

“Youcan trust me, Sir” Amy proudly said.

And that was the start of the CO’s problems.

LTCOL Cumpston gave Amy access to his computer, and she duly performed her task with the efficiency for which she was renowed. But, in his haste, the CO had minimized a file he had opened. So, when the efficient Amy went to close his computer, she checked the file to see that that she could safely close the file and the CO’s computer.

What she saw was eye opening for the young Woman. But it also was not a surprise to her.

Amy was a member of The Ladies’ Society, having been introduced by her mother and grandmother when she turned 18.

The Ladies’ Society (or simply The Society, as its members call it) is an offshoot of the Women’s Institute (WI) and has members from all walks of life. Given the charitable purposes of the WI, a lot of well to do, titled and professional Ladies and their daughters are members. But special membership is offered to WI members by the Society – seeseparate story – The Ladies’ Society).

Since Amy had been posted as LTCOL Cumpston’s clerk, she had worked with her fellow female soldier, also 18 years old, PTE Lisa Park, an olive skinned petite, shapedly and large breasted young Woman, who was posted as LTCOL Cumpston’s driver.

The 2 young Women got on like a house on fire. So much so, that Amy had very recently arranged for Lisa’s induction into The Society, together with her mother and 2 aunts and her elder sister.

What Amy saw in the file was the very stuff that made The Society prosper.

Briefly explained, it was a vast array of pictures, videos and links to websites that the LTCOL had created on his work computer featuring pornography showing female domination (FemDom) of white males as well as the Black New World Order (BNWO).

In all the material, what featured prominently were middle aged white males (rather like the LTCOL) being the subject of use and abuse by Women, in the FemDom genre and by Black Women and men in the BNWO genre.

Amy started smiling when she looked at the pics in the file. There white males were suffering all sorts of degrading and humiliating treatment from Women. In particular, Amy noted that many of the Women were very attractive young Women barely out of their teens and the men were much older middleed aged men.

The bright eyed young Amy loved what she was seeing. Men were getting fucked up the arse by Women wielding large strap-on dildos, making the men do arse to mouth sucking of the dildo. Sometimes multiple Women were lined up for the man to service and he was often being spitroasted by the Women. There were also pics and videos of the men being anally fisted by Women.

Then she saw there was corporate punishment material, where the men’s bodies, especially their bums, were beaten and marked by a wide array of canes, crops, floggers, paddles and whips. There was a variety of the beating where all the focus was on the men’s cock and balls. Amy recognized this as cock and ball torture (CBT) and laughed at the men having their balls puzzled often with fiercely hard and painful kicks and punches.

Amy had a particular fondness for the water sports material, where the Women piss into the men’s mouths. There were also pics of the men licking up cum from the Women’s feet, boobs and lucky ones were licking cum out of the Women’s cunts and arseholes.

Having got her fill of the FemDom porn, Amy turned her attention to the BNWO material. Here laws of white males were fully nude, often bonded up they were so excited, on their knees sucking the very large and very erect cocks of handsome young black gentlemen. None of the black cocks looked less than 8″ to Amy, and many were much longer and thicker. In many pics the white men’s faces were absolutely covered in cum and ones also showed the men licking up or drinking big volumes of cum. One particular set really appealed to Amy showing fully nude middle-aged men, their faces and bodies heavily covered in cum, being led along on leashes attached to their cock and balls by black Women (and sometimes men) in front of groups of very attractive Women (both white and black) looking very elegant in evening wear in what appeared to be public entertainment vendors like hotel ballrooms, private dining rooms and the like.

Of course, in many of the pics and videos, the middle aged white males were being arsefucked hard and fast, often also being spitroasted by a legion of extremely well endowed black gentlemen, often being bent over and fucked bareback in succession by the handsome young gentlemen, and it always seemed to be the case that when the young men changed around, the cock that had been up the white male’s arsehole, went immediately straight down his throat.

Soon young Amy was on the phone to her great friend and colleague, Lisa, “Lisa … Lisa … you are not going to fucking believe this … you’ve got to come to the CO’s office straightt away!” Amy excitedly exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” said Lisa, somewhat quizzically.

“I just fucking know it,” said Amy, “I should have seen the signs!”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Lisa asked, confused by Amy’s comments.

“You’ll have to see for yourself. Come as quickly as you can,” Amy asked Lisa again.

“But I’ve got to wait and drive the CO home after his meeting with the Brigade Commander. So how come you want me to go to his office?” Lisa asked.

“It’s OK, I organized his schedule. I know the meeting goes another hour and then they are having dinner at the officer’s mess. He’ll be busy for a long while yet. And you will understand everything when you get here,” Amy assured her.

“OK, I’m on my way,” Lisa responded.

When Lisa arrived, Amy was eager to explain everything to her.

“I should have worked it out. It all makes sense now,” Amy said. “You know how the CO is always good to us. He’s a real cunt sometimes with theblokes, yelling and screaming at them and busting their arses. But around us, he is always polite to us and pretty much lets us do our job without much interference. And how he jokingly calls us Miss Amy and Miss Lisa and is very apologetic if he is tough on us. It all makes sense now. When he asked me to stay back just before he was literally begging me to stay and said he deserved a caning,” Amy described the situation.

Lisa laughed. “Oh he’s an old sweetie really. He apologized like that to me when I dropped him off at the Brigade Commander’s office. I have a bit of a soft spot for him really,” Lisa confessed.

“Well, I must admit I pretty much thought the same myself,” said Amy. “But now everything is going to change.”

“What do you mean,” asked Lisa still not sure why Amy was so excited.

“Here – come and look at what I found on the CO’s computer,” said Amy and then explained the whole story of how she accidentally found what she was now showing Lisa.

Needless to say, Lisa could not believe it either. She looked at the material wide eyed. But like Amy, Lisa liked what she saw.

“This is fucking perfect,” said Lisa. “Now I know what you mean about not seeing the signs,” she told Amy.

“It’s so fucking perfect, because now we have our first male to introduce to The Society. Our Mums and aunts and my sister were just a bit quicker than us getting our Dads and brothers and cousins ​​inducted as subs, so the timing couldn’t be better for us. Our dear old CO is obviously a close submissive and black cock slut and as you and I have just joined The Society we can get a good leg up in The Society by having our boss as our bitch boi to bring to parties and meetings,” Lisa who was as equally smart and quick-witted as Amy, took over explaining.

The 2 dear friends continued happily looking at the FemDom and BNWO porn on LTCOL Cumpston’s computer all the while planning their next move.

Amy and Lisa confront the CO

A week or so later, LTCOL Cumpston had just been driven to work as usual by PTE Lisa Park.

“What do you mean you and Amy have got a surprise for me?” the CO asked as Lisa opened his passenger door on his staff car and then started walking with him towards his office. “And what’s in that big bag with you?”

“It’s all part of a lovely surprise for you, Sir,” said Lisa. “Us girls have a bit of a soft spot for you and think we should show our appreciation.”

As no one was around, let alone within earshot, the CO said “Oh, you don’t have to do that Miss Lisa. Just do your jobs and we’ll all get on just fine.”

“I’m very sure we’ll get on just fine,” said Lisa with a very big grin on her face.

As They reached the CO’s office, Lisa said “Can I just ask you to wait here in the orderly room for just a minute or 2 while Amy and I get your surprise set up, please Sir,” knowing full well the CO had a soft spot for both girls and would agree easily.

“LikeI said Lisa, you don’t have to do anything for me. It’s a pleasure to have you and Amy working for me,” said the CO in what he thought was a chivalrous way. “But alright then. Don’t be too long.”

“Oh, it surely is a pleasure for us, Sir. And will be going into the future,” Lisa beamed as she hurried into the CO’s office.

Five minutes later, LTCOL Cumpston heard Amy call out, “We’re ready for you, Sir. You can come in now.”

LTCOL Cumpston almost had a heart attack when he entered his office. There sitting on his desk facing him were Amy and Lisa dressed as full-on Dominatrices. For their tops, they both had black leather corsets with half cups ensuring their ample breasts were on show but their nipples and bottom half of their boobs were only just covered. Their lower garments consistent of black leather G-strings which only barely covered their obviously smooth shacked cuns. Their shaped legs were covered with black leather knee length siletto boots and black fishnetStay up stockings three quarters covering their thighs. To top off the outfits, each girl had black full length leather opera gloves and each girl was tapping a black leather riding crop against her lower leg.

Set up on each side of the room were cameras which, as the events were about to unfold, got perfect pictures and videos of all the action which was about to take place. Amy had also prepared for what was to happen by diverting the CO’s telephone to a message bank informing the callers that the CO was engaged in an important meeting and could not be disturbed and had similarly set up an automatic message on the CO’s email.

The CO tried to regain his composition and enforce his authority, “PTE Fairley, PTE Park this is totally inappropriate! You’ve done good work to date but if you don’t …”

He hadn’t finished talking, when Amy quickly cut him off.

“Us? Inappropriate? That’s a laugh,” Amy spoke over the CO.

“I’ll tell you what’s inappropriate!” Amy forverly told the taken aback CO, “This! This is inappropriate!” she continued and turned his computer monitor around to show a scene rather like the one currently playing out in the CO’s office … a fully naked older white male on his knees being dominated by 2 very young leather clad Dominatrices in outfits quite like the ones now being hurt by Amy and Lisa.

Although realizing instantly what was happening, the shocked officer tried to regain the initiative and snapped at Amy, “Where did you get that? You know that is not allowed on military computers!” I’m going to have to charge you …” but Amy quickly again replaced control of the situation.

“Not the way I see it, arsehole! If anyone is getting charged it’s you! You just said it yourself – porn like that can’t be on our military computers … and this is yours and is all over your military computer,” Amy replied.

Trying one last time to take charge, the CO said “You uncertain little bitch … after how well I’ve treated you. You snoop into my private documents! I’ll get you …” but he was again quickly shut down by Amy.

“Shut the fuck up, cunt! You are the one who is in the shit,” continued Amy. “You left that material on your computer. I couldn’t help but find it when I was closing your computer the other day after doing the instruction. When all this is revealed, you’ll get …”

“Noooo … please don’t do that … I’ll be ruined …” LTCOL Cumpston started to blub.

“Well then, you are in luck, you little fucker,” Lisa joined in, “we don’t really want to ruin you. We know you are a submissive bitch and wannabe black cock slut. We’ve seen all the files you have on your work computer which you no doubt spent hours beating off over, didn’t you, faggot?”

LTCOL Cumpston, who was indeed a submissive bitch and wannabe black cock slut, knew he was defeated and assumed a submissive demeanour. Notwithstanding his love of FemDom and BNWO porn, now that it was actually happening to him in real life and not in fantasy on a computer screen, he was feeling intensely humiliated and degraded. Here was the CO of the unit, the most senior and important person in the unit and a well-respected and relatively senior officer, actually being called degrading names and treated like a bitch by probably the 2 most junior soldiers in the unit and who were more than half his age younger than him.

“You are right, Miss Lisa!”

“That’s Mistress Lisa to you, fuckface,” Lisa quickly said and was joined by Amy who said, “And it’s Mistress Amy to you too, got it?

“Yes, Mistress Amy. Yes, Mistress Lisa,” the CO meekly replied.

“Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise?” laughed Amy. “I hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are, LTCOL Cumstain! That’s our new name for you,” and both girls laughed hilariously.

The degraded and humiliated CO could only mutter, “Yes, Mistress Amy. Yes, Mistress Lisa.”

“Well, what are you waiting for, cunt?” said Amy eagerly, “If you want to be a good little bitch boi like in all the porn you have been beating off over, then strip now!

“What? Here? In my office? In front of you both?” the CO started to say before he very rarely got a very hard smack across his right cheek from Amy quickly followed by an even harder one across his left cheek from Lisa.

“You don’t want to make this Any harder on yourself, do you cunt?” exclaimed Amy. “If you’re not on all fours fully nude with your head on the floor and your arse in the air over there on the rug facing the desk in 2 minutes, so help me Mistress Lisa and I will rip every fucking stich of your uniform off you, tie a lean around your cock and balls and march you like that around the parade ground!”

“I’m counting … 1 – 2 – 3…,” continued Amy.

“No … no … I’ll do it,” whimpered the CO.

With barely a second to spare, the CO assumed the assigned position fully naked on all fours in front of his 18 year old female clerk and his 18 year old female driver.

“Don’t ever, ever keep us waiting again, you piece of shit,” said Lisa. “That’s for making us wait!” With that, Amy and Lisa began viciously beating the CO’s raised bare arse with their crops which produced an ever-increasing volume of sobs and squeals from the CO.

The young girls didn’t let up for at least 2 minutes after which time the CO’s arse was welded and bright red.

“Now,” Lisa continued, “this is your lucky day, Cumstain. We saw on your porn files on your work computer how much you like CBT. And guess what? We fucking love it too, don’t we Mistress Amy?”

“Do we ever!” beamed Amy.

“So while you’re down in position there, Mistress Lisa and I need to buff our boots,” continued Amy. “You made me stay 90 minutes late doing your instruction the other day. So that’s 90 kicks with my boots to that wrinkled old man ballbag of yours to get the lustre I need on those boots.

“And you kept me waiting 2 hours, so that’s 120 kicks from me,” added Lisa.

“But that’s your jobs,” the CO started to say.

“Now that you’re our little bitch boi,” said Amy, “we say what our jobs involve! And that’s now 180 kicks from me and 240 from Mistress Lisa for arguing! Want to go for triple, cunt?”

“No,” Mistress Amy,” the CO mumbled.


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