Bob was a twenty two-year-old young man. He had left college and joined the military where after his basic training he was surprised to be assigned to become a chauffeur. His first posting had been for two months with an old duffer called Colonel Paul Kite. This man was an idiot nearing retirement, and Bob had enjoyed an easy time with him. After his summer leave, he returned to find himself given a long-term assignment to Colonel S. Harris. To his amazement, he discovered she was Susan Harris, a muscular blonde with heavy thighs and big fat breasts in her early forties. She travelled the country checking on accommodation for the various bases and it was Bob’s task to drive her.
She rapidly established herself as a pain in the neck with her demands for punctuality and discipline. After three days of being ordered around in a particularly rude pedantic manner and with the heavy driving load, Bob was desperate to get another posting as soon as possible. As they drove to yet anotHer base for yet another long meeting, Bob looked in the rear view mirror at her. She was rifling through a sheaf of papers and Bob realized that with her large breasts and full lips, she was quite an attractive woman. She looked up and said, “Watch your speed soldier!”
Bob returned to his driving and hating her for her bossy rude manner. They arrived at the base and Bob found himself assigned a bed in the Regular soldier’s quarters for the night while Susan went off to the officer’s mess He sat in a grim bar and fumed. He noticed a bottle blonde with a plump body named Peggy who was serving the soldiers and started to chat her up. To his surprise she responded.
As the evening drew to a close, Bob offered to walk her home. As they walked, he (kissed) her and he found her mouth eager. They ended up in some bushes, Bob with his trousers around his ankles and her with her skirt up. He was on the point of coming when they were disturbed by the military police, torches blastinga rude light on their dark encounter. Peggy screamed and ran away and the military police tried to question Bob, but things rapidly got out of hand. Bob was arrested and spent the rest of the night in a cold cell.
The next day, he was brought before an extremely frosty Susan, who said, “I have a full report about your misdeeds here soldier! I need you to drive me but when we return to our home base this will cost you many weeks in the cooler! Now get your things we are late!” Bob got his things and drive off an extremely worried man. A spell in the cooler would be extremely unpleasant as well as ruin his record and not for the first time he wished he could keep his dick under control. Apart from a short lunchtime break and Susan barking directions, they drove all day in silence. Finally as evening approached, she said, “There’s base near here! Go to the nearest hotel!” Bob drop to a cheap roadside inn and soon both were booked for the night. To his surprise, they had rooms nextto each other. Susan ate in her room while Bob ate a meal in a shabby restaurant adjacent to the hotel as he ate, he decided to speak to the colonel and to beg her to be lenient with him. Fortified by a few drinks, he left and knocked on her door.
She opened it in uniform but without a jacket, Bob was looking at her large breasts inside her tight shirt when he heard her say, “Yes?”
Bob felt his confidence drain away but hurried on with a garbled pleasure for mercy. When he finished, she glared and said, “I will think about it!” And then she slammed the door in his face. Bob stepped back and returned to his room. As he showed, he thought about the day and realized that she had not said no. He still had a chance to escape the cooler.
As he stepped from the shower, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. It was Susan. She smiled and said, “Okay soldier do you want to discuss that report?”
Bob gulped and said, “Yes but let me dress.”
“No need I know what a man looks like. Follow me!” Susan marched back to her room and Bob gulped but followed her. When he got in her room, she was sitting on a chair she said, “Your conduct should cost you three months inside and ruin your promotion chances. Agreed?”
Bob was very uncomfortable standing dressed only in a towel but nodded in agreement as she continued, “I cannot obviously condone your conduct! The military police have a difficult job but I would be willing to ignore this report if you agree to another sort of punishment. Do you agree?”
Again the embarrassed boy could only nod as he wondered what she had in mind. Susan said, “Your choice is to accept standard military punishment or to agree that for the next three months to be under my total control. No questions or refusals, do what ever I say! Okay pick!”
Bob was amazed but knew that three months with Susan was a lot better than three months inside quickly said, “Three months withyou!”
Susan smiled and said, “If you change your mind, soldier I will get together a report which will convict you of rape and earn you several years of hell. Understand?”
“Yes” was his feeble reply
“Good now sexy remove that towel and do a few turns for me!” Bob gasped but realized that he was now committed and wondered what sort of things Susan wanted from him.
He removed his towel and stood naked in front of her scrutinising gaze. She said, “Not bad! Now lie on the bed.” Bob was relieved to lie down, as he felt less naked on the cool sheets. Susan approached him and started to strip. Her body was very muscular and her breasts were magnificent. Her pussy was covered by thick blonde pubic hair. She looked at the naked boy and said, “Three months to use and abuse you! Sexy, by the time you have finished pleasing me, you will wish for the security of a nice cell! Now play with your cute dick and get it fully up. I hate to see a man soft. It should be the law formen to be hard all the time!”
Bob rubbed himself and was soon erect as he stared at the older woman in front of him. Susan was gently struggling her own pussy as she admired her prey. She said, “I am a real woman, not a cheap tart like the one who got you into so much trouble yesterday! I demand a lot from a boy and have a real dirty mind, as you will discover. You are going to go sexually to places you never dreamed of with me, darling! Now lie still and do not move. Remember, I am having you, not you me! If you want to come, do so. My vagina is strong enough to hold you in hard or soft!”
She mounted him and inserted his dick into her surprisingly tight pussy. When he was fully imbedded into her she lent forward onto her elbows and kissed him. She started to move and rotate her pussy on him as he lay beneath her. Did she grabbed his hands and held them above his head as She rode him for five minutes and then came with a loud gasp.
Bob was getting close and started to moan with password under her. She continued to ride him, and said, “You can come if you want, baby, but I am going to carry on riding you!”
Bob exploded spunk into her as her powerful pussy milked him. When he had finished coming, he tried to pull out but her muscles tightened on him and he was kept deep in her tight wet pussy. He struggled for his freedom as her pussy rode his tender penis. Bob hated to be touched after orgasm and to be rubbed by such a strong pussy was total age. To his horror he discovered that she was much stronger than he was and he could nor break free. He lied screaming with pain as his penis was roughly ridden.
Susan said, “Told you to wait sexy! I am stronger than you in all ways just remember that for the next ninety days of service!” She continued to rape his penis with her powerful vagina as Bob moaned beneath her. As Susan rode him, giving herself another two orgasms, Bob found the pain diminished and was replaced by excitement as her powerfulpussy rotated and squeezed him.
For ten minutes his excitement grow and he became Susan to finish and let him come again. She laughed and said, “No way when I screw, I screw for hours, sexy! Come if you want but we have only just begin! Remember toy, I am a real woman not a little weak girl!” When she came again, Bob could not hold back and joined her in pleasure that for him Rapidly turned into pain as her insatiable pussy drive him ever on.
Bob moaned, begged, and struggled but Susan held him down beneath her solid body and rapid him vigorously, laughing at his distress. After a longer and more agonising time, the pain was again replaced by excitement and Bob knew the struggle against orgasm was starting again. Never in his life had he believed he would have to fight orgasm, but as Susan pounded away on top of him, he knew he must. She came every five minutes or so without changing her rough pace.
Finally after fifteen minutes he could hold back to longer and twisted as a strong orgasm hit him. Susan said, “You must learn restraint, sexy, if you are to survive under me!” She clenched her vagina against him. Bob hoped he would finally go soft but her powerful vaginal muscles held him firm and erect as she continued to pound away on top of him. Soon waves of agonising pain were pouring from his trapped inflamed dick and he was again begging and screaming for mercy.
Susan obviously found his torque arousing and as he screamed and cried. She started to have even more orgasms. The next forty minutes were hell for Bob as the siren used him as a human dildo. His pain was mixed with horror and trepidation at belonging to such a love fiend. However he tried, he was too weak to escape her embrace and his feeble efforts to break free only turned her on more. Then to his amazement, his distressed penis came. This orgasm gave him no real pleasure and was rapidly replaced by an even higher level of pain as Susan continued to rap his broken body.
Another hellish forty minutes passed, and by now Bob reckoned Susan must have come at least thirty times. Surely soon her pussy would be satisfied. Then his tormented penis came again and this time it was definitely not a pleasure for Bob, who screamed in total age before blissfully passing out. Susan ground him in into the bed with her powerful body, laughing at his defeat. Pain and exhaustion confused Bob’s memories of the rest of the night. He recalled coming around and seeing Susan’s happy face lost in yet another orgasm before the age from his penis wiped him out again. Later, he remembered being on his front and his arse being in age as a hard object slammed in and out of him. Then he had a vague recall of being moved around and posed wearing some sort of soft clothes.
He awoke in his own bed and staggered up as he saw he was late. As he showed, he looked at his dick which was red raw and blistered. His balls hung empty and bruised beneath his agonisingly sore penis and his anus seemed tender and bruised as well. He put on his uniform and moaned as his pants touched his privates. He could not believe what had happened to him and remembered with total terror that Susan had control of him for ninety days.
He considered deserting but realized that she would track him down and maybe even fix up a rap charge against him so he knew he had no escape from her domination. His door opened and she entered dressed in her full formal uniform.
She said, “You are late soldier! I have had breakfast but we must go now! Move on out!” From her attitude, it seemed to Bob as if the whole of last night was a horrid dream until as he got to the door her strong hand grabbed him between the legs and said, “The fact that I own you, toy boy, is our little secret! I enjoyed myself with you last night and you had better be ready to serve again! Tonight darling I will explore how good your sexy tongue is before using your dick and cute arse again!”
Then ever so much the efficient Colonel, she walked past him and towards the car. Bob gasped and moaned as he realized that all day he would be under the control of the nagging women and then at night he would become her helpless love slave under the control of her ravenous pussy.
– The start/end –
Edited by Susan
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