It was during a friendly game of cards that I discovered him. Brian was in the room with Lady Cecilia and I that day. We sat around playing cards and chatting. I watched him move silently around the room, refilling the glasses without being asked. Lady Cecilia was his owner, but soon after she acquired him, she discovered she had more of a taste for blonde, sand slaves, so she paid him little attention. Brian was darker skinned, his hair was thick and black, covering his chest and legs. As the game progressed, she said that she was restless and had need of some air.
She exhausted herself and left me alone with him. He was in a corner, sitting quietly on a cushion. He had been watching us chatter and play the game. I beckoned for him to bring more wine and he did as he was told. I took his arm and removed the glass decanter from his hand. Setting it on the table, I had him sit beside me on the floor.
“Your Mistress ignores you, I see. Perhaps you have done something to diflease her.” I said this as almost a question.
He said nothing.
“You may speak to me.”
“It may be because I am not blonde, Mistress. I am not like the other playthings she has now. They are thinner where I am thick. They are hide where I am covered with hair.”
He never once met my eyes during this confession. He stared at the tiled floor instead. I made up my mind to ask Cecilia more about him. Cecilia now breezed back into the room and dismissed Brian with a wave of her hand. She did not notice that he stole a look at me from the doorway. She was in good spirits; the air must have refreshed her some.
We chatted gaily for almost an hour when I mentioned Brian to her. She seemed not to have much interest in him when she spoke, so when we again played the card game, I made her a bet. If I won the game, I would take him from her. She laughed and readily agreed to the challenge. When I throw down the winning hand, she laughed again.
She rang a small bell and a service appeared hastily. She instructed him to get Brian ready to leave, that he had found a new home. This task completed, she walked me outside to the waiting car.
Brian was taken quickly from his room by the service and bathed. He was dressed in clean garments and taken to the car around back. The service shoved him inside, much to the delight of the hovering slaves that were busy with chores in the yard. Brian could hear them snickering and laughing among themselves as they carried on with work. He knew what they must be saying. Maybe he had displeased Mistress Cecilia and now he was going to be sent away from her.
The driver drove the car around to the front of the house. The door was opened and I got in. I leaned against the cool leather of the car and settled in for the long ride home. He was quiet, but I could feel his eyes on me and could sense he had questions, but still he remained silent.
We arrived home about an hour later, and I bad him toFollow me into the house. He did so, slowly and determined. He followed me into the study and I motioned for him to sit in front of me.
When he was sitting, I made him face me so that I could see him. I studied his face, noting the stubble on his cheeks and chin. I could see the thick black hair from under the clean white shirt and it excited me. I touched his face now. I traced his face with my fingertips. His lips were soft and full. His eyes were brown and large, his cheesebones carefully structured.
When I had my fill of memorizing his face, I reached for his hand. It was so much bigger than my own. His whole being was so much bigger than my own. I wanted nothing more than to feel his weight upon me, crushing me, engulfing me. I could feel my own pulse racing at the thought. Where he thought he was lacking in looks, he was indeed breath-taking to look at.
I would allow him a night to settle in, get used to the new surroundings, and have a meal with me. I never rushed.I always liked to take my time. I found that I got better results with a little bit of kindness. The males would vie for my affections, always trying to outdo one another to win the spot in my bed.
I got up from the chair and made him follow. Together, we explored the house. I showed him his room and introduced him to Tristan and Joel, my other slaves. They studied Brian as I had, and nodded their greeting. They were told to make him welcome, as he was now a part of our home. I left him in Tristan’s care with instructions that I wanted to have dinner in my room with Brian.
Tristan was well-tanned, with flowing dirty blonde hair that hung past his shoulders. He had a tattoo of a dragon on his arm. He was my rogue, my warrior slave. Joel was smaller and faster than Tristan. He could out run him every time. He was the cook and could give wonderful massages. Tristan was bolder, sturdier in body than Joel. Now that I had Brian, it seemed I had created a wonderful mix.
Dinner was served three hours later. Brian ate with me in the room. He was quiet, well-mannered and nodded his appreciation when Joel filled his plate and glass. It was now that I wanted the time with him alone, no distractions, and no disturbances. Joel shut the door on his way out.
When the meal was over, Brian cleared the small table and stacked the dishes neighborly on the tray. Then he came and sat at my feet. I stroked his hair a little, deciding that I would get Tristan to tend to it tomorrow.
“You may stay for a bit here. I wish to have some time with you before you sleep.”
“Yes, Mistress”.
“Go draw me a bath, Brian. You are going to wash my hair.”
He rose quickly and found his way into the large bathroom. I heard the water come on a moment later. I rested in the armchair. The meal was quite filling and it had been a long day. I wanted to rest a little, plan a little and give Brian a few small tasks to complete. It was still relatively early. Joel and Tristan would be busy for a while, having to clean up the kitchen after the meal and attend to several other things before returning to my room after my long bath.
I could hear Brian moving about in the other room and I closed my eyes for a moment, reflecting. Tristan and Joel had been with me six and eight months respectively now. Tristan had come first. I found him in a club in New York. He was young, new and uncollared. I approached him, bought him a plane ticket and took him home with me. I found out quickly that he could not cook very well, in fact, hardly at all. After a few mishaps in the kitchen, I set out to find another that could cook. I would find other uses for Tristan.
Joel was a birthday gift about two months later. A friend of mine gave me a set of fine cookware and sent Joel to deliver it to me. I found out the first morning that Joel was more adept with cooking than Tristan when breakfast was served to me on a silver tray. He woke me with coffee and a light meal. I fed him and Tristan tidbits of food and the three of us spent a cozy morning in bed.
Brian had now come back to the bedroom, the bath task having been completed. He helped me from the chair and led me towards the tub. He had dimmed the lights and lit some small candles that he had found on the counter. The tub was near full with warm cented water. I could see that he had laid out a towel and dragged my robe over the back of a small chair.
He undressed me and helped me into the tub. He took up a small sponge and washed me gently. Then he began to wash my hair. His movements were slow and deliberate, as though he were afraid of making a mistake. When the task was done, he let out the water in the tub and dried me off. Soon, I was wrapped up in my robe with a towel around my hair.
Tristan and Joel were kneeling by the bed when we emerged. They were naked except for the gold clamps decorating their nipples. Joel had brought more wine and Tristan had brought the hairbrush.
“Help Brian with the chores, then you will attend to me.”
Tristan and Joel rose up and Brian followed them. They cleared up the table from dinner and proceeded down the hall. I took this opportunity to settle into my favorite chair while I waited for them.
When they returned, I bad Brian to sit on a small cushion halfway across the room where he could see Tristan and Joel at work. Joel brought over a small stool and propped my feet up. Tristan was to tend to the task of untangling my long hair with the brush and Joel was going to paint my toes a fiery red color.
Tristan had now set to braiding my hair and cooling it above my head. When he stood in front of me to arrange a loose curl, I took the opportunity to stroke his cock. Joel had finished his task and was kneeing by the stool. I called his name aloud and he crawled to me; his hardening cock evidence.
I had Tristan stand in front of me in the chair and Joel stood at my side. I touched both ofThey now, pulled on their clamped nipples and stroked their backs in turn. I could see Brian on the cushion. He was not watching, not knowing if he should. He had not been told to do so. I called to him softly and he crept over to the other side of me. I did nothing more than play with his nipples a little before dismissing all three for the night.
The day passed by quickly. Joel brought me breakfast in bed and Tristan came to unwind my hair from the braid so that it hung in long waves down my back. Brian was to spend the morning in the garden and then help Joel later with the evening meal. Tristan had been instructed to tend to Brian’s unruly hair and then send him in to me for the rest of the night. I entered for a bit after luncheon then spent the rest of the day catching up on rest and reading.
We ate the evening meal in the garden, the four of us. They ate quietly at the low table beside me, ever-attentive, and already I could see Brian was trying to fit in as besthe could. Tristan and Joel were going to attend a party later while I stayed home with Brian. I often lent them to various friends for the evening. They were well-behaved and I had several offers for them during the months. I left the three of them in the garden and went to my room. The car for Tristan and Joel would be arrived soon and I wanted to see them off.
When the bell rang about an hour and a half later, Tristan and Joel were kneeling by the door. They were dressed in short black vests and clamps. They had small weights attached to their cock rings.
“Let me hear how only how splendid you performed tonight. Heed the Masters and Mistresses wishes. Now go.”
When they had been taken away, I closed the door and turned to Brian.
“You will come with me.”
He followed me to the bedroom. The candles were lit, the incense was already burning, and Joel had left the wine on the table. I beckoned him over to the bed, where I now disclosed my robe and was watching him. Tristan had trimmed the bottom of his hair quite a bit. He had slicked it back some and it now fell in soft waves around Brian’s face. He crept over to me silently and sat gently on the edge of the bed. He stole quick glances at me, fearful that he would somehow anger me by doing this.
“Look at me.”
His eyes scanned the tight lace shirt that hugged my breasts, took in the long legs and painted toes, and saw the skimpy thong panties I had on.
“Undress yourself. I want to look at you”.
He stood beside the bed and shed the white linen shirt and dark trousers. He wore nothing underneath but the gold nipple clamps Tristan had fastened to him and he had been adorned with a gold cock ring. I bad him to lie beside me on the bed. He did so, his breath coming a little quicker as I ran my hands over his body. His chest was matted with black curly hair. His cock was already at attention. I touched him repeatedly on his face, his chest, his cock.
I stood up and instructed him to knee. He got on all fours and waited. I stroked his back lightly with my nails. I ran my hand over his buttocks, smooth and firm they were. I gave each one a spank.
“Bring me the blue suede flogger from the chest.”
He crawled to the open box. Just as he was about to reach in with one hand, he quickly turned to me. I nodded.
“Bring it in your mouth.”
He held the handle gently in his lips and crawled back to me.
“Present the flogger.”
He removed it from his mouth and on his knees, held it out to me with both hands. I took it from him and again had him get on all fours. I stood beside him and began to whip him on his back and buttocks, lightly at first. Several minutes passed before I ceased.
“Kneel up and let me look at you.”
He rose up and placed his hands behind his back. I reached down and grasped the chain on his nipple clamps. I tugged hard several times, yet he did not wince. My eyes were steely as I looked him over. There was a flush in his cheeks and his eyes appeared glassy.
“Get on the bed face-up.”
He stood up and went to the bed. Lying down upon it, he closed his eyes and stretched out his limbs. I ran my hand over his chest, pinching each nipple in turn. I enjoyed feeling the ripples of muscle in his stomach and the hardness of his cock. I wrapped my hand around it and gave it a firm squeeze.
He lay still; his only movement was the rising of his chest with every breath. I stroked his calves and slapped his right thigh open-palmed. I noted that his cock was fully erect. A beautiful member it was, about eight inches in length and wonderfully thick. I gave it another firm stroke.
“Kiss me”, I told him.
He turned to face me on the bed and brought his lips to mine. His kisses were Passionate, as if he had been saving them for me. I could feel the stubble on his cheek rubbing against me when he began to kiss my neck. I placed his hand over my breast and he caressed the soft nipple through the lace.
I spoke as his mouth found the awakening peak through the shirt and he began to suck on it. I could feel his cock against my thigh, hard and independent. He rained kisses on my lips and my breasts. My pussy was already wet and I wanted to have him inside me, but I could wait. I would wait for the moment that would remain in his head for as long as he stayed here with me. When he entered me, he would know whom he belonged to.
He removed my shirt as he was told and cupped my breast tenderly. He licked and sucked on the plumant peak, bringing soft moans of pleasure from me. I took hold of his hair and pressed his mouth to my chest. He rolled on top of me and I could feel his cock pressing against the panties.
When I told to him to remove my panties, he ripped them off and Threw them to the floor. Then for just a moment, he stopped and looked at me. His breath was ragged and his cock was on fire. I opened my legs for him and told him tolick my pussy.
I was wet and hot, and he lapped at me until my juices were all over his face. He drank of me until I could no longer stand it. With my hands, I now pulled him up to me. His cock was against my pussy, seeking its entry. When he entered me, he groaned aloud and pushed his way in. I could feel him stretching the walls of my pussy with his throbbing cock.
He was savoring this wonderful bliss. His hands were under me, pulling me closer to him and filling me with his cock. I watched him now. Saw the look of desire in his eyes and knew I had made the right choice. He fucked me slowly, pushing himself further and further inside me until I cried out. He was bathed in sweat; the scent of sex filled the room. I pulled him to me so that his entire body covered my own. His weight was crushing me as he drove his hardness into me over and over. This was what I had wanted.
I clawed his back with my nails, could feel the independent throbbing of his prick inside me. Histongue was on my nipples again, biting the peaks as he fucked me. I came at last, my hands wrapped up in his hair and a cry from my lips. My cunt was aching from his sex, but still I wanted more.
It was now that I fucked him. Slowly and gently at first, then harder and faster. I took his hands and put them on my wait. Felt him driving himself into me as he bounced me so easily on his cock. He filled my aching pussy. His soft moans were music to my ears. I lay atop him, his rock hard member still pulsating inside me.
“Thank you, Mistress”, I heard him murmur into my ear.
“Draw us a bath. Then you will make love to me again.”
He washed me softly, nuzzling against my neck ever so often. I leaned back against him, the warm water surrounding us. Now, I could feel his cock getting hard behind me as he washed my breasts with the sponge. I pressed my ass against it, loving the feel of him. There would be more to come later, but not now.
While the water drained away, Brian dried me with a soft white towel and helped me into my robe. I had Brian knee once more before me. It was then I spoke.
“Why are you here?”
“To serve you, Mistress.”
“Why do you serve me?”
“To please you. To show my respect, Mistress.”
“To whom do you belong to?”
“You, Mistress, only you.”
“In return for my guidance, what do you offer me?”
“Honesty, loyalty and trust, Mistress. To promise to give myself over to you. To obey and show adventure, Mistress.”
With this, he kissed my feet.
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