It was there when our eyes connected; our first time meeting after chatting online for so long. Not a Domme and her potential sub, just two people having coffee and working through the initial awkward nerves. It was there though, that palpable excitement at what could evolve from this moment.
“So I assume you’re packing a girlcock in that pursuit of yours?” you ask with a cute grin on Your face.
I let out a laugh and shake my head saying, “Too small…I left it in the glove compartment.”
We both laugh, knowing how obsessed I am with pegging. Your fingers drum on the side of your coffee mug as I nervously slide my ring up and down my finger, searching for something witty to say. That’s when our legs accidentally bump and instead of moving them we stay frozen in that moment, feeling each other for the first time. I let my legs relax against yours and our eyes stay locked.
After a few moments of comfortable silence studying each other I say, “I’m trying to pictureyou on your knees in front of me.”
Caught off guard you struggle to get the coffee down that was in your mouth as your face breaks into a smile. Looking around at the tables close to us, you lean forward, lowering your voice. “How’s that working out for you?”
“Good,” I smile slowly, “really good.”
You study me intently before saying, “I think I’ll love being on my knees and looking up at that beautiful face of yours,” and then in a teasing tone, “double chin and all.” The smile you give me reach your eyes and I feel it in my stomach and smile back, dropping my eyes to my half empty coffee cup.
“I think we need to make that happen.” I raise my eyes and wink.
You look down at your watch and back up at me. “I’ve got time now so…”
I roll my eyes and reach into my purse, pulling out a small box and sliding it across the table. “Go put this in.”
Your eyes blow wide as you study the small black anchor plug displayed on the front. Your hand immediAt least covers it so no one sees. I watch a multiitude of things play out on your face but acquiresce wins and you slide it in your pocket as you stand up. You pause, looking down at me. “Would you like photography proof?”
I consider it for a moment and then shake my head. “Not necessary.”
I can tell that throws you as I normally request proof for tasks I ask to be completed but you nod and disappear in the direction of the washrooms. I wave down our waitress and pay for our bill while you are gone.
When you return, I gather up my purse and stand up as you approach. You’re about seven inches taller than me and I smile up at you and say, “Let’s go for a walk.”
Without missing a beat you grab up your phone and keys from the table and follow me out.
The breezy night air is warmer than the air-conditioned restaurant and I enjoy the feel of it as it ruffles my hair around my bare shoulders. We walk close, in silence, smiling whenever our eyes meet as we make our way down to the waterfront.
“Thank you for doing that for me, ” I murmur apparently as we approach steps that take us down to a rocky beach close to the pier.
You nod, an easy smile lighting up your face. “You’re welcome. Definitely spices up the typical coffee date.”
I shoot you a wink and say, “I haven’t been on a date in over two decades…I’m a bit rusty at them.”
At that you laugh and say, “Should I be worried what’s in store for me tonight?”
I think about that for a second, deciding in that moment the course of our evening, and smile confidently. “It’s definitely going to be a memorable one.”
You blow out a breath and smile, doing your best to hide any hesitation you feel from showing. “I’m in your capable hands.”
Our eyes hold in that moment and I feel our connection begin to solidify.
Grabbing your hand I pull you over to a wooden pillar under the pier and in the darkness of the evening, position you against it facing the waterr. I face you, standing a bit to the side, looking in the direction we just came from. You’re close enough that I can smell you and feel your body heat and my pulse speeds up at your proximity and what I’m about to have you do for me. You obviously relax, knowing there’s no way to approach from the other side and I stand, shielding you from view, able to see anyone coming.
The water is loud, lapping at the concrete footers at the shoreline so I whisper loud enough for you to hear. “The plug in your ass is a vibe…controlled by this.” I reach into my jean pocket and produce a small black remote.
You swear under your breath and laugh. “Of course it is.”
I lean in close and bite your ear, letting go of the warm flesh only to whisper, “Are you commando like I asked?”
You nod on a long drawn out moan. I lick up the shell of your ear and feel you shudder.
“Good. Unzip your pants and take your cock out, slave.” I let the endearment fall from my lips like a promiseand you respond immediately, doing exactly as I tell you, dark eyes locked on mine.
“As you wise-shhh.”
I press a button on the remote, taking away your ability to speak. The hum of the vibe is silent next to the rolling waves so I watch your face as I cycle through the various patterns until you gasp out and I know I’ve found the one I wanted. I lean my hip against you, Letting my breast press into your side. “Put your arm around me and stroke your cock with the other hand.”
Your strong arm encircles me, holding me tight to your side as I keep an eye on our surroundings. I slide my hand up your chest to settle against the side your throat, pressing my nails in until your head falls back against the beam. Your pulse is beating rapidly as you work your cock up and down.
Laughter from a couple coming down the stairs startles you and your hand stops.
“Don’t you fucking stop, slave. I don’t care what you hear, you only stop stroking MY dick when your hand is covered in cum, understand?”
Hesitantly, you begin stroking but my mouth is there against your ear, my words heated. “All they can see is two lovers sharing an intimate moment. They have no idea you’re a shameless slut who gets off having his ass violent in public for me.”
You unclench your jaw and a soft curse escapes and dies on the wind, your hand tightening on my hip. I move my mouth from your ear to look over at the couple cuddled up on a log a few feet away and say thoughtfully, “Or maybe they do know. Maybe they’re laughing at you…at what you become for me…a greedy little ass whore.”
My words hit their mark and I feel your hips jerk and tension build in your body from your mounting arousal. I know the vibe in your ass is mercilessly thumbing against Your prostate and more noises escape your parted lips. I move my hand up to cover your mouth and press into you closer, watching your hand fly over your cock as you ride the edge of an orgasm. “What are you waiting for, slave,” I whisper, grinding against your thigh, “give my cunt what it NEEDS.”
Your teeth bite into the my palm, as your breath comes hard and fast, your hips flexing, once, twice, as you explore into your closed palm. I kiss along your stubbled jaw as the tension drains from your body and your tieth release the tender flesh of my palm.
“Holy fuck….,” you say breathlessly when I move my hand.
I click the remote with my other, bringing the violences in your ass to an end and smile down at your messy fist. “That was better than I expected…you were amazing!”
I slide my hand down to your fist and bring it up. “Help me clean this.” My tongue swipes out first and you join in, licking up the other side.
When most of your hand is clean I let it drop and lean up on my toes for a kiss. Your mouth is there, dirty tongue moving against mine in a sensitive rhythm.
I pull away, breathlessly and notice the couple nearby has moved on, leaving us to our privacy.
You’re lazy leaning against the pillar with a sexy, dazed look on your face, watching me. “Feeling pretty good, hey?”
Your mouth tips up in a lop-sided grin, as you arch an eyebrow thoughtfully. “Best…coffee…date…EVER.
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