The Code Pt. 12

12. Science experiments.

Another tropical storm grumbled overhead and the huge droplets or rain could be heard sploshing into the steamy puddles outside.

With the bedroom lights finally turned off, the cameras stopped glowing, Sarah laid down next to me under the duvet in the dark. We kissed for a few moments before resting in each other’s warmth.

“That was lovely.” She whispered. “You taste nice.”

“Thanks. So do you.” I replied, still falling back to earth.

“I thought you were going to back out. What did you send them?” She asked.

“I just said ‘Enjoy’.” I said quietly. “Do you think they did?”

“Like you said. I think it’s just the start.” She replied. “I think they would have had a great night.”

It had been easier for Sarah than I thought it would be. She seemed to be in the place and mood for exactly what our owners wanted. She’d made it easier for me too, encouraging me to take pleasure in her as she took pleasure with me. Initially, the thought of penetrating her was difficult but Sarah put a lot of energy into kissing me passwordately so that when the time came, it was as natural as being with any woman. I’d simply slipped inside, into her warm depth of delicious pleasure.

I’d uncuffed her very soon after we’d commenced, at her request; so that she could embrace me and coat me into her further. She like to use her arms and her hands. Her mind was obviously turned on to the idea and she orgasmed several times before after enjoying her sweet vagina, I too couldn’t hold back and, with a deep thrust deep into her belly, I deposited my semen.

She then started me by taking me in her mouth to clean the remnants of my seed and, lowering herself onto my mouth, had several more orgasms. It was becoming apparent that Christopher was right about her. She could orgasm just thinking about something. Doing it was even better for her.

With a huge sight, both of relief and release. We relaxed on the bed. The cameras. Off.

“So that was really you?” I asked when she was finally breathing normally. “Last night, I mean.”

“It was me.” She chuckled. “You’ve had me twice so…are you’re over the…”


“Yeah…that’s the word. You’re over it? I mean we can try for a third if you…”

I was drained and needed time to recharge. “You want that or is it them.” I asked, playing for time, knowing where she was heading.

“We all want it.” Sarah replied, moving even closer into me. “I know you were…apprehensive about this, Peter but I’m really into it. The thought of fucking you is…well it’s dazzling me. I really hope you’re into it the same way I am. I know it’s meant to be wrong but…if this is wrong then…”

“You don’t want to be right?” I whispered.

“This last few days has been an immense turn on for me. Once they told me what they wanted I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I’m glad you accepted it in the end. I think we’re going to have a lot offun.”

“We’re going to have to talk about how we handle each other, Sarah.” I said earnestly.

“I know.” She whispered and laughed. “Why are we whispering?”

“It’s a mood thing.” I replied continuing to whisper.

“The cameras are off aren’t they?” She asked.

“Yeah, I think they’re all went off. when I pulled out of you.” My eyes darted around the room for the glow of the LEDs.

Sarah’s naked leg fell over mine and intertwined with me. She slightly ground her pelvis to me and pulled my hand to her nipple. Her hand descended to my cock as she kissed me, her tongue seeking the back of my mouth. It normally took me about 30 minutes to recover but I was getting ready again.

“Can we?” She asked with a whisper. ‘When they aren’t watching…can we?”

“So, it’s not just the fact that they watch that turns you on.” I replied, as my tongue probed and licked her ear.

“No.” Sarah gasped. “I really want you inside me. Being a slave for them is just theicing on the cake. This…taboo…it’s such…it’s immense. It’s hard to describe it.”

Sarah’s leg came further over and her sex collided with my now hard cock. Slowly she raised her body to straddle me and then settled down, impaling herself on me, surrounding me with her heat I sank upwards, into her belly.

Her breasts, nipples now hard were like ripe fruit in front of me and I took each into my mouth, kissing and sucking them voraciously. Her mouth found mine and our tongues danced inside each other as she moved up and down on me. She was never far from an orgasm and had several, the pleasure making her body jolt and close her vagina around me.

Faster and faster she moved on me, taking orgasm one after another until I finally joined her to release once more into the warmth of her liquid vagina.

“Stay here.” She whispered. Our bodies still connected, relaxed, and she laid on me with her head on my chest. Eventually, I slipped out of her and I held her in my arms.

“Let’s make this a rule, Peter.” She said quietly. ‘We always, come back to this.”

I kissed her forehead. “What do you mean?”

“This.” She continued. “No matter what they do or what we have to do. No matter who we sleep with, we come back to sex between just us. Nobody watching. Just us.”

“Isn’t that a bit weird?”

“In what way?” She said.

“Well…I mean…we’re owned by them.”

“I think we should have a base, Peter…a sort of emotional base. Us. We have to be ‘us’. I know we’re brother and sister but this…this sex we do…it keeps us grounded in each other. It has to be tender and warm like we just did. We need to keep it as a sanctuary. We can be fucked all day long by The Code but this, this is our home base.”

“You’re getting a bit mushy aren’t you? I’m still coming to terms with fucking you.”

“You’ll get used to it.” Sarah whispered.

“I like your confidence.” I replied.

“They want us to move in together.”


“Becky is moving to their place up on Laurel. She’s going to work with Catherine. I think they get on really well. They want us to get used to fucking each other. We have to move to my house… it’s bigger. The arrangement is being setup there and the cameras…Some master called Jonathan is coming for it all. You can keep this place going obviously but, we’re going to spend a lot of time together. They want what we do to be a natural thing between us.”

“Natural? Are you sure you have the right word? Nothing about this is nat…”

“OK then. ‘Easy’ is a better word. This has to be easy for us. They want it to be easy so that when it isn’t easy, we do it, this way we can know we’re there for each other. That’s why I said we should keep the sex like this, just between us, as a base. It’s just us. We have to be so familiar with each other that nothing they do can mess with our heads.”

She kissed me. Another long kiss filled with password and sexuality. Sarah’s rEally into what she’s getting into. I thought. I wonder if she really is that prepared.

“Get some sleep.” I said.

Sarah. Sister Sarah, squirmed into me and fell asleep in my arms.

Sarah, Sex slave Sarah, woke up several hours later with a whole new world on her mind.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, noticing that I was starting to look tired. “You shower first.” I offered, sliding back into bed, hoping for another hour or two of sleep.

“Tie me up.” There was a snapiness to her.

“Huh?” I was still bleary eyed. “You know…most people start the day with good morning.”

“Show me how you get tied up.” Sarah moved off the bed.

“Now? Don’t you have a job to go to? Sick people or something?” I blinked.

“I want to try it before they order you to do it, so that I’m…we’re ready.” She insisted.

I flopped out of bed and, still naked wound the cuffs down to the centre of the bed before setting a ratchet on the mechanism so that, as it would up, it wouldn’t come back down.

“I knee here.” I pointed to the center of the bed. “Blindfold on. The visitor cuffs my hands behind and winds this lever.” I showed her how the cuffs moved towards the rail. “As it tightens, it forces pulls my arms towards the rail which my head down and offers my…”

I blushed.

“Anal passage.” Sarah said. “I’m a doctor, stop tip-toeing around the words, just fucking saying ‘anal passage’.”

“Anal passage…” I continued. “To be used.” I winced and rolled my eyes.

“For sex.” Sarah insisted. “Just fucking saying it, Peter. You let men fuck you. I know. Mum and Dad and Colin know. The whole fucking world seems to know except for you!”

“For. Sex.” I replied quietly. “Catherine and Christopher don’t like to use the F word. They also don’t like the C word.”

Sarah was thoughtful. Her eyes darted around the room, looking at the apparatus and the cameras, which as far as I knew, remained off.

“Let me try.”Sarah was out of bed in an instant, kneeing in the center facing the rail. “Cuff me.”

She bent over with her head almost under the rail and clapped her hands behind her back. Gently, I fastened the pair of chromium cuffs and wound the lever slightly. Her arms went up and forward towards the rail, forcing her bottom in the air, presenting an unimpeded view of both her anal passage and her vagina.

“Blindfold.” She said. “Let’s do this the way you do it.”

Carefully, I slid the blindfold over her eyes.

“When I’m like this…” I started.

“It’s going to be okay, Peter.” Sarah muffled into the bed. “I know what happens.”

“They come and tie me and ra..Catherine likes to think of it as rape…they fuck me like this and make me clean them in my mouth. Then they Leave…I never know who does it to me. Sometimes the cameras are on and sometimes not.”

“Peter.” Sarah’s voice came from the mattress. “Come here.”

I bent my ear to hear her.

“When they ask you to do that to me, don’t hold back. Don’t be gentle in any way. It’s going to be OK…think about what we had in the night and we’ll always return to our base. When they tell you to tie me and crop me, you have to do it, and do it well. Don’t hold back or try to protect me from this. You can’t. I’m handing them control.”


“Be proactive. Get ahead of them. It’s OK.” She whispered. “We can only protect each other by getting ahead of them.”

Easier said than done. I thought, as I removed the ratchet lock, letting her come back to the bed.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I told you it was okay. I want it to be like that. You have to be hard with me when they order you. I’m going to be the same with you so make the most of it. Whatever you do, don’t think about protecting me. You’re a slave as I am. Do as your owner commands. The Code doesn’t damage remember. “

“Yeah, but there’s more to damage than physical.” I pleaded.

“Yeah right.” Sarah dismissed my protest. “Now…get the coffee pot on, its time we got on with our other lives.”

“Coffee pot?”

“You don’t have a coffee pot?”

“I have instant coffee and a kettle.”

“How do you survive, Peter? Instant coffee? Oh for fucks sake. Is it at least decaf? Please, tell me it’s decaf.”


“Of fuck. It’s a good job you’re coming to live with me. At least you’ll eat better.”

“Decaf doesn’t wake me up.” I protested.

“You’ll be okay once we get you off it. After a week or two you’ll feel better.”

“A week or two? I’ll be dead at this rate without caffeine. And wat am I supposed to tell people? My buddies. Mom and Dad?”

“About caffeine?”

“No. About moving in with you. What if they find out?”

“We’ll come up with some excuse.” She said heading to the shower. “On thing at a time. Instant coffee…for fucks sake, Peter.”

I made instant coffee which Sarah, shaking her head in disbelief, refused to drink. She gave me a deep kiss before heading off for work at the local hospital; a large austere building near the center of the city, it had been there as long as I could remember. She seemed to enjoy her life as a doctor and was now enjoying life even more as a slave to Catherine and Rebecca. She still hadn’t explained if Christopher was also her owner.

Jonathan turned up just after lunch to remove the apparatus and cameras.

“I hear you’re moving in with someone.” He said smiling. “That’s nice.”

“Yes, Master.” I replied, just managing to remember that Jonathan was also a Code Master and one of the first to take me on the apparatus.

“It’s going to be a bit further for me to travel.” He told, patting the bed. “Get on here and do your duty.”

I knelt on the bed, Realizing that Jonathan had been the first in this room, and would likely be my last. The next time it’s likely another will be watching me. I thought as he entered me.

“Oh, these are for you.” He said, sitting in his car with the window down, he handed me two green velvet bags, each just slightly bigger than a matchbox.

I opened one. “A bracelet?”

“Nice touch don’t you think. There’s one each for both of you.”

The bracelet was like a medical alert bracelet. A silver chain with an elliptical plate with an inscription.


The ‘E’ was above the ‘O’ which was above the ‘3’. From each direction, it read the same.

“EO3 ?” I gave Jonathan a quizzical look.

“It’s actually EOE but the last ‘E’ is reversed. It makes it look like a medical alert, don’t you think?” He replied, smiling. “Put it on. Don’t take it off unless a master or mistress tells you, or you’re going through airport security.” Jonathan smiled.

“Well…I guess so…” i slipped the bracelet on my wrist and snapped the clasp shutt.

“Make sure the other slave puts one on too.” He shouted as he drove away.

Sarah called at six to tell me to pack some clothes and work gear and go over to her house where we would reside together for as long as our co-owners wanted us to.

“Don’t both with the instant coffee.” Her voice was excited.. “I have real coffee and an actual coffee pot here.”

I decided to empty what there was in the refrigerator into the trash before I left. It was only a twenty minute car ride to Sarah’s home but I really didn’t know when I would be back. By 7pm the car was packed with laptop and computer gear, my clothes and a pack of what looked like ice trays that Jonathan had said I would need. These were white plastic and the indentations were bullet shaped rather than normal cubes. I shrugged and throw them on the backseat.

I arrived at Sarah’s to find the blue Mercedes parked in the driveway.

Sarah, naked and in a collar with Leash dangling, let me into the house where, in front of Catherine, Christopher, Rebecca and two other gentlemen, she undressed me and collared me.

It felt like a longtime since I had knelt to worship my owners and for once, I felt a little humiliated doing it in front of the new people.

“The apparatus is ready.” I was kissing feet so assumed Catherine was speaking to the others. “Use them as you see fit.”

“Kneel, slave P.” Catherine ordered and I sat back on my bottom and looked towards the sexes of my owners.

Sarah knelt beside me, keeping her gaze on Rebecca who handed her a small plastic measure with a familiar golden fluid.

“It’s mine.” She said to Sarah.

Sarah in my peripheral vision, took the measure and quickly throw the liquid to the back of her mouth and swallowed it.

“Thank you, Mistress.” Sarah said with a slight wince, as she was handed another measure. Double the size. Again, Sarah throw the liquid to the back of her mouth.

“Hold it on your tongue and show us.” Catherine ordered, handing both of us an even measure of nectar.

I took the measure and took it into my mouth. The familiar acridtaste sat on my tongue as I opened wide to show myself tasting it. I wanted to watch Sarah but had to keep my gaze towards my owners, as she was doing. Sarah made a slight sight as she held the nectar in her mouth.

“Ok, you may swallow it.” Catherine said. “Good start, Slave S.”

Catherine then looked at the two men. “Slave P here is a bit more experienced at this. In fact, it can take my husband into his throat and accept almost a full bladder as long as my husband isn’t too hard. He’s also very good at drinking from women. If either of you want to try…”

I blushed.

“What about the other one?” One of the men asked.

“Oh, that’s new to it but, you’re welcome to try it if you like. It will probably not manage all of you but could be quite fun. I suggest you use the shower alcohol in case it can’t handle it.” Catherine answered, then firmly. “The sooner it gets used to it the sooner we can have two human urinals.”

I wondered if the immense turn on I gotfrom being called an ‘it’, was the same for Sarah. She seemed to have adapted to her new role that I expected it wasn’t lost on her.

The men stood up and one grabbed Sarah’s lean, leading her on her knees to her bathroom. I sat and gazed at where Christopher was hardening and watched as Catherine, raising her dress, moved her fingers to her mound. She gave a slight gasp. Rebecca kissed Catherine and then whispered something into her ear.

Catherine nodded and smiled.

Rebecca stood, took my leash and led me to the bathroom where I paused on the hard tiles to watch the two men push themselves firmly into Sarah to relieve their bladders. As expected, part of the excitement for our owners, was challenging brother and sister to see each other being totally submissive. I also expected they would use us to wild the crop and floggers on each other. Sarah also had anticipated this and I suspect Catherine also knew that we had somehow, in the one night of sleeping together, been able to develop a plan to deal with our feelings. As slaves, we know that our owners were more than just owners. There was now a competition in place to see how far we could be pushed by them. How willing we were to humiliate and debase ourselves and to see how much we could resolve as brother and sister.

The attempt at humiliation continued as Rebecca led me to the bedroom, where the arrayus was waiting for me. In my usual position, Christopher took his pleasure in me before making me clean him. I caught a glance as Sarah looked on, kneeing; seemingly in a blissful state of orgasm. I turned at her just as she closed her eyes and let out a sight.

The two men left soon after they had used us to their satisfaction as a urinal. About fifteen minutes later, our co-owners also departed. I found out later from Sarah that both men had deposited their seed in her belly before I had arrived.

“You’re going to taste them later.” She sniggered as she helped me to unpack andset up a desk in a corner of the bedroom.

“Are they coming back?’ I asked jokingly.

She laughed and pushed me onto the bed. “You. And I. Are going. To have some fun.” She kissed me, a long sweet kiss which ended in her biting my bottom lip before she pulled away. “Catherine and Rebecca left instructions.”

“They what?”

“Envelope on the table in the other room.” Sarah answered.

“When did?”

“Use your words, Peter. “Sarah surprised. “Mistress Rebecca handed it to me and told me to follow these instructions to the letter. I haven’t opened it yet.”

“Oh, fuck.”

“What?” Sarah asked.

“I forget to give you the bracelet.”


I’d placed it on the bedside cabinet, still in it’s pouch. I picked it up and throw it to Sarah.


“I’ve no idea either. Jonathan just said we had to wear them unless we’re told to take them off.”

“Some sort of code do you think?”

“Maybe. Some sort of identifier. Maybe we’re off to a party.” I smiled.

“Oh fuck. The instructions, you were telling me about the instructions you had.”

“Yeah, Mistress Rebecca gave them to me.”

“Mistress, Rebecca? You’re being all formal now? It was Becky earlier.”

“I’m trying to get us both into our roles more.”

“Oh fuck. No.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“No…that’s fine its just that…they’ve been gone an hour. What if they had a time in the instructions?”


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