The Code Pt. 13

13. Basecamp.

“Fuck. Five to eleven.” Sarah was off the bed. “Phones, Peter, where are the phones?”

“Do you know how many calls the power company are going to get about this? The power will be back on before you get through to speak to someone.”

“I don’t want to call the fucking power company. Get the phones so we can make a movie.”

“Make a movie?”

“No power. No internet. No cameras. They can’t see us. Do I have to spell it out, Peter?”

“Fuck.” I was off the bed, stalling my toe into the leg as I headed to the dresser where I thought my phone was.

“It’s not here.” I whispered.

“Try your jacket. I think I’ve dropped mine down here.” Sarah’s voice was on the other side of the bed where she was on her hands and knees.

“Where’s my jacket?”

“I don’t fucking know.” Sarah’s whisper was louder now. “Where did you last have it?”

“It’s in the car. Why are we whispering again.”

“Go and get it!”

In the almost pitch dark, naked I stumbled down the corridor to the door. My keys, I knew were in a bowl on a stand by the entrance. My luck was in. So was my phone.

“Got it.” I called to Sarah.

“Good. Get it in here quick.”

I flicked the screen and turned on the onboard torch, lighting up the corridor, then made my way back to the bedroom.

Sarah was sitting on the bed looking at her phone.

“Does your camera work?” She asked. “I’m not sure about mine. I think my phone memory’s full.”

“Of course.” I replied, feeling superior.

“Find a place to stand it up so that it shows us. I’ll use mine for light.” She turned on the torch facility on her phone.

Buzz. Catherine.

Why is your router off?


Power cut over this side of town.

“I’m not sure there is a lot of power in my phone so we’ll have to be quick.” Sarah whispered in a half panic. “Get your phone set up to film us. You can tell her about the power cut later. At least we can show we tried.”

I placed the phone on a shelf next to the bed, trying to get the whole scene in by the half-light of Sarah’s torch.

“Pass me your phone.” I whispered. “I want the light to come from along the camera.

Sarah handed me her phone which I positioned next to mine. The scene was slightly better but it was hard to see exactly what the camera was picking up.

“Tie me up.” Sarah whispered.

“Why are we still whispering?” I asked her.

“Fucking tie me up and stop asking stupid questions.”

She was in position on the bed and I quickly ran around to cuff her and wind the handle. Her arms went up and forwards towards the rail, presenting her beautiful behind to me in the half light. I kissed it and slowly let my tongue move towards her opening.

“Blindfold. Don’t forget the blindfold.” She whispered.

“Fuck the blindfold. You can’t see in this light.”

I licked her vagina, trying to bring as much of the excess semen to her anal passage so that my entrance would be easy.

“Don’t try to make this easy.” She rasped.

“The instructions were for me to…oh forget it.”

I positioned myself behind her and moved my erection to her, feeling for her opening with my fingers. I challenged her with one wet finger, then another.

“Do it.” She snapped. “Just fucking do it! Push it in for fucks sake!”

“Fuck.” Still whispering but louder.


“I forgot to press record on my phone.”

I divered off the bed and stalled my other toe on the bed leg.

“Ow” I yelped and hoped on one leg.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Stubbed my toe.”

“Get the fucking camera running!”

“You’re meant to have some sympathy.”

“You’re meant to be fucking my arse, now stop messing around and get to work.”

I turned on the camera, checking the picture and joined Sarah back on the bed.

How the hell I was staying hard through all this panic was beyond me.

“Is it on now?”


“Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m fucking sure…I’ve used a camera before.”

“It didn’t feel like it a few moments ago.”

Slowly. Very slowly I started to enter her, first with my fingers and then my cock.

“Don’t be nice.” She whispered. “Don’t be afraid to hurt me.”

There was a familiar sight of one of her mini orgasms and almost by command, her anal passage released its tension to allow me in and I pressed into her. She responded with a push back to give me even deeper penetration.

“Stop there.” She whispered, letting go a slight sight.

“Are you okay?”

“Can you feel how deep you are in me?” She wiggled slightly.

“Can you?”

“Oh, yes. This is wonderful…now…slowly pull back and then come in again but try for deeper… yes…like that…now harder…now…yes…deeper…faster…ooh…wonderf…deeper…ooh…harder…ooh…that’s…fuck…this is good…ooh…yes…yes..oh I can see why…oh…deeper…harder”

I’d decided that trying to keep a count of Sarah’s gala of orgasms was futile so tried to concentrate on my own while watching the scene on the screen of the phone camera pointing at me. The lights came on just as I orgasmed into her. It would be a few minutes before the internet came back to life but that was the further thing from my mind. My cock pulsed into her, releasing my warm semen into her anus. Then slowly, very slowly, I withdraw from her and, holding my quickly receiving hard on, moved to her side. I clicked the ratchet off and Sarah dived onto my sex, sucking the last of my seed into her stomach as her mini orgasms twitched at her body. Then, without moving her mouth from me, she curled off the bed and, kneeing took me deep her throat.

“If you.” Gasp. “Want to.” Gasp. “Pee.” Gasp. “Go… right ahead.” She told and held me at the back of my mouth where I stayed relishing the pleasure of her tongue.

“I have to crop you.” I said eventually,breaking the spell. “I have no instruction to pee into you.”

Slowly, Sarah released me and climbed onto the bed, burying her head into the pillow she offered the two red marks up to be hurt. Another sight.

I took the crop hanging on the post and took aim.

“Hit me hard.” She whispered.

I struck her.

“Harder than that.” There was the sight again.

Release, Sarah released me and climbed onto the bed, burying her head into the pillow she offered the two red marks up to be hurt. Another sight.

I took the crop hanging on the post and took aim.

“Hit me hard.” She whispered.

I struck her.

“Harder than that.” There was the sight again.

Recently, I flicked the crop onto her behind and still she told.

“You’re going to have to be a lot harder than that, Peter. That’s not a real crop like the one they used to put my two marks on me. Make me cry.”

When the cameras finally went off, Sarah headed towards the bathroom. The fake crop hadn’t added to the two marks on her rear, but it was glowing red. When she returned, she handed me a tube of cream and laid on her tummy. “Apply this to me.” She seemed tearful. “It’s just Lignocaine. It takes the sing away.”

I spread the cream over where I had struck her with numerous snaps of the fakecrop, slowly letting my fingers move towards where I’d just deposited myself.

“No. Not there.” She smiled at me. “That was very exhaust. I want to relish it.”

She wiggled on the bed.

Buzz. Catherine.

OK, so there was a power cut but what we saw was good.


We caught some of it on my phone if you want to see it.

Buzz. Catherine.

Send It over.

I cast and hugged Sarah. It looks like we got away with that one. They know about the power cut and will take the video from the phone that we did it.

“It was fantastic.” Sarah crossed her elbows under her chin. “I’ve never felt so…vulnerable…exposed like that…it was so wild.”

“So, I didn’t hurt you?”

“Oh, Peter. It was great…you were great…”

“I really laid into you with the crop. I was worried I went too far.”

“Really. You can go a lot harder.”

“Harder?” I was incredulous.

“A slight tap gives me a tiny orgasm. A good crack and it’s like fireworks going off. You can make me cry…or scream…either will work.”

“You mean you orgasmed through all that?”

“It’s a fine line.”

“Yes…but you really orgasmed it away?”

“It’s the situation for me. I get horny and the situation take me away.” She rolled over on her side and smiled. Not the playful slave smile, this was a sexual, smile reserved for a certain form of intimacy. “Turned the lights off, Peter and get into bed. We need to be at basecamp.”

I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and, returning to the bedroom, turned off the lights. Sarah, hot under the duvet enveloped me as I got in alongside her. She kissed me deeply. Skin on skin.

“See.” She whispered. “Basecamp. This is the real us.”

I kissed her breast. “Thanks for this. I’ve still gotta learn more about how you can orgasm like you do.”

She squirmed. “If you keep that up we’re going to have to go again.”

“I’m beat.” I whispered. “I’m not sure how many nights I can do this.”

Sarah chuckled “You need a fitness program.”

“A gym?”

“I’ll find something for you. The Code has some good people.”

I kissed her, letting my tongue play inside her mouth before holding her tight to me. She reached for my sex.

“Did you send it?”

“I think so.”

“Think so?”

“Video files are big. My internet plan is unlimited, but it might break their internet limits.”

“You think The Code systems have limits?”

“Code systems? I just sent it to them.”

“What do you think they’re using?”

“Oh, I never really thought about that. I mean I knew they had some good tech and they must have some really crack IT people, but it never occurred to me to ask about it.”

Sarah thought about that. “That’s not as stupid as it sounds. As a slave, you’d best not poke around asking questions. As a mistress I came in contact with a lot of the systems The Code use. They’re quite extensive.”

“Just how big is it?”

“Don’t ask any more questions, Peter. As a slave, you can’t be allowed to know too much.”

I changed the subject. “I hope the light was enough for them to see.”

“Yeah I hope so too and…hey we have our own copy for once.”

“Oh, yeah. Everything they’ve recorded they’ve kept to themselves. We finally have something we can relive.”

“Really?” Sarah whispered seriously. “You really want to relive that chaos?”

“It was amazing once we got going.” I kissed her ear, rolling my tongue deep inside and around and down her neck. Sarah was in flight in seconds, and beckoned my hand to drift towards her dripping wet sex.

I probed my fingers, gently finding the soft flesh int the groove running up to her cliporis. The groove seemed to be perfectly shaped for my finger to slide gently up and down. Sarah moaned and clenched her buttocks.

“Just there.” She jolted as a mini orgasm shook her. “Stay there…oh…fuck.”


“Just the lightest touch, Peter.” She gave a slight gasp and shuddered.


I froze.

“OK…again…light touch…very light…and…stop!”

I froze again, my finger touching her with the lightest touch.

Sarah was silent and still for minutes before sighting and easing back to me, she kissed me again.

“When we’re more awake. We can try that with me tied up.” She whispered into my ear. “It takes me to the edge and stops me and leaves me there. The final orgasm from that is mind blowing. Do it like, twenty or thirty times and the pleasure at the end is just phenomenon. Once you get to read me, you get the control it all and then it’s like being held over a cliff edge.”

“How many ways can you do this? It’s like you never stop. You’ve got this whole library of ways to get an orgasm.”

“Mistress Rebecca’s an expert. She’ll be teaching Mistress Catherine a lot of new tricks. Poor Master Christopher will be on a step learning curve. She chuckled quietly. “They’ve a lot to learn those two. All this vanilla act they put on…don’t like the F word or the C word…it’s not the way Mistress Rebecca runs things.”

“And how is that?”

“Much more discipline for a start. Control of your…our orgasms.”

“And that’s what you want?”

“It’s what Mistress Rebecca wants.”

“So all these…basecamps?”

“We have to have a base, Peter.”

“Do you know what you’re saying?”

“We only do it once we know they’re offline.”

“You know I’m not supposed to release unless they tell me I can. This is breaking all the rules.”

“Do you want to stop?”


“Then shut the fuck up and hold me.”

As she laid in my arms, I listened to her breathing slowly calming down, her body relaxing in the warmth. She gave a slight twitch as I moved my hand away from her sex.

“Sleep time.” I whispered, but she was already there.

“Can I get you a drink, sir?” The drinks cart appeared next to me as I lay on my stomach strapped to the dining table at 86. My ankles had been tied to the heavy table legs and my arms, outstretched were tied at the other end. Someone was mid thrust into me when the flight attendant arrived. The cart was full of sandwiches and snacks and ice creams, a white smile under the red bonnet of the flight attendant’s airline uniform beamed at me. “A drink sir? Can I get you a drink, sir? Can I get you some coffee, sir? Coffee? Coffee?”

“Coffee.” Sarah’s voice melted into the flight attendant’s “Real decaf coffee not the instant crab you’ve been having.” Her voice was singing. “Come on. Some of us have work to get to.”

I opened my eyes and shook my head. “Fuck…I was deeply asleep then.”

“I don’t know what you normally have for breakfast but you’ll find some healthy fruit and cereal in the kitchen. Help yourself to more coffee. I’ve got to dash.” Sarah was pullingher hair into a pony tail as she looked in the mirror.

“How’s your…” I point to her bottom, squiting at the light entering her bedroom.

“Fine.” She smiled. “Lignocaine helped. I’ll get some more.”

“And what about your…” I pointed again to her bottom.

“Anal passage?” She told. “For fucks sake, Peter call it what it is.”

“Yes. Your anal passage…how’s that?”

“Fine.” She kissed me quickly on the forehead and headed into the corridor. “You need to get setup and do some work and you need a good shake.”

“Yeah…” I groaned. “I’ll have a shower in a second. Just let me wake up.” I took a long gulp of the coffee. Sarah came in from the corridor.

“No. You need to shake. I’ll have to take you to see someone.”


“Shave your bear.”

“Yeah, I normally do it with an electric shaker after I get in the shower.”

“Your pubes and your bum.”

“Eh? When was that rule brought in?”

“When Mistress Rebecca realizedthat Mistress Catherine didn’t enforce it.”

“How come I never hear about stuff like this?” I finished my coffee and started to head towards the bathroom. “How come I’m the last to know what’s going on? I shouted over the sound of my urine splashing in the toilet.

“You can take it up with Mistress Rebecca if you like.” Sarah replied loudly. “I doubt you’ll get any sympathy. Master Christopher and Mistress Catherine are…too unconventional.”


“We’re slaves. We should be naked. Look. Look at my pubes.” Sarah dropped the pants of her scrubs.

“You don’t have any.”

“And neither will you once you’ve been waxed.”

“Waxed? You mean…”

“Spread it on, rip it off. It stings like hell, but hey, it’s only once a week.”

I stepped into the shower, relishing the cleaning, revitalizing spray before exiting and cleaning my teeth. I pulled the electric shaker from my travel pack and started to shake my face. Sarah’s head popped aroundd the door.

“That’s never going to be good enough for Mistress Rebeccca. I’ll take you to someone. Once you see how it’s done, you can do me, and I can do you.” She smiled and licked her lips. “Maybe have some fun with it.”


I looked at the shader and at my face.

“Get breakfast. I’ll call you later.” Sarah shouted as she departed for the hospital.

“Fitness? Gym? Health food? Waxing?.” I muttered as I put the shake to work on my stubble.

The coffee pot in the kitchen was thankfully full. I poured a general amount of something called muesli into a bowl with some blueberries and milk and sat at my desk. My laptop hummed to life and normality almost crept in.

Buzz. Sarah.

I forgot to ask you. Did you get some ice trays?


Yes. Weird ones.


We’re going to have fun with them.



Do you know what they’re for?


Of course.


Are you going to tell me?



I ate the thing called muesli and drank as much coffee as I could handle before giving up on how weak the coffee was. I needed the hit of instant coffee and Sarah had none. Is this another torture my owners are putting me through, I thought, as I got my laptop setup for the day.

I spent the morning feeling tired and tetchy from lack of caffeine so decided to head out for lunch where I bought a jar of instant coffee and a sandwich. The afternoon was going to be a much better part of the day. I’d brought the ice tray things in from the back seat of the car and sat studying them at my desk with a steaming mug of instant non-decaffeinated coffee.

Just like a normal plastic ice tray, There were 12 recesses except that instead of the reception being a cube, they were slightly tubular with a pointy end. Like a short bullet with an open end where the water could be poured in.

“Like a short bullet.” I said to my laptop.

“Ah you got those did you?” Catherine’s voice came from the speaker.

“Er…How long…” I started. “Oh, er…yes, Mistress.” I recovered.

“Good.” Catherine said. “Would you like to try them out?”

“I’m not sure what you mean, Mistress.” I called to the room.

“Didn’t anyone tell you what was required?”

“No, Mistress. I asked Sarah and she said I had to guess.”

“And have you?”




“I have an idea, Mistress. Can I ask a question?”

“Of course, slave.”

“Where do they go once they’re hard?”

“Where do you think?”

“Into her or into …me?”

“Why not both?” Catherine taunted. “I’ll leave that up to you. Oh, and nice movie by the way…short, but very er…tasteful. Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, thank you, Mistress. I hope that you did too.”

“Yes. It was very nice. I look forward to the live event soon.” I could almost see Catherine’s vanilla smile. “Anyway…we’ll see you later. My husband wants to come by and…well you know…and I want to spend some time experiencing your sister. The two gentlemen who enjoyed her the other day also want to use her again. We can then have a chat you and me. An equals chat.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Is one of the other beds ready for use?”

“I think so. Sarah is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her home. I’m sure it will be very comfortable.”

“Yes… very…pleasant.”

“I’m sure it’s ready for you, Mistress.”

“Good. It’s not for me. You’re sleeping in that from now on. We’ll get Jonathan to setup some more arrangements in that room. I’ll make sure we get some keys cut.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Oh, and Slave P.”

“Yes Mistress?”

“Basecamp’s cancelled.”


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