The Code Pt. 11

11. Technical Difficulties.

“I’ve changed your sheets and duvet cover and I’ve ordered some food in.” Sarah said, spinning on her heels as I followed her into the house. “I hope you don’t have to go anywhere tonight.”

Her scrubs were gone, replaced with jeans and T shirt and sneakers.

After hanging my keys on a hook my the door, I throw my laptop onto the bed, noting that the bed looked clean and fresh finally and went into the kitchen.

“I’ve got wine. You have nothing much in your refrigerator, Peter. How do you survive like this?’

“I get by.” I said, head in the refrigerator.

Two glasses and a bottle of wine sat on the coffee table by the TV.

“Oh, no.” I said making my way past it to the internet router, I flicked the power switch to off, never checking to see if any of the cameras were on. All the lights on the router went out.

“Have you been using the spray regularly?” Sarah asked as I scouted the room for cameras and microphones.”Can I take a look?”

“Phone.” I held out my hand. “Give me your phone.”

Sarah frowned and, slowly reaching into her handbag on the coffee table, handed me her cell phone.

“My phone isn’t hacked, Peter.” She said, shaking her head.

“Everything else in this place is.” I gestured to the cameras by the TV. “Even the kitchen has two cameras. I don’t know what they want us to do on the kitchen table. The router is off now so as long as they haven’t somehow installed a backup. They can’t hear us or see us.”

“What don’t you want them to hear?” Sarah asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Any of this.” I replied, waving to the room. “Anything we say.”

“You said ‘us’.” Sarah said.


“You said ‘us’ just Now…about what we do on the kitchen table. You said ‘us’”. She looked at me quizzically.

“Slip of the…” Fuck. Enough mistakes! I thought. She’s seeing straight through me!

“Do you want to get changed out of that suit and relax? The food will be here soon, then we can chill out with a glass of wine.”

I stopped spinning around the house in the search for bugs and looked at her. Her blond pony tail was gone, her hair a waterfall of gold over her shoulders.

“Can I see your…” She motioned to my nipples.

“They’re fine.” I replied.

“I’m a doctor, let me…”

“They’re fine.” I insisted.

“Suit yourself.” Sarah gestured to the bedroom. “Get out of that suit and into some casuals. Dinner will be here soon and you don’t want to spill it down that lovely waitcoat.”

I told and headed to the bedroom, closing the door behind me I quickly checked all the cameras I could see, then changed into T shirt and jeans. I was tempted to switch the internet speaker off under the bed and thought again. They can talk all they want. They can’t see me or hear me. I’d been in shoes all day so left my feet bare, enjoying the cool of the air conditioning on my stretched toes, before quickly pulling onfresh socks and sneakers.

Ding dong.

“That’s the food!” Sarah called. “I’ve got this.”

I took my time, moving my laptop from the bed I unpacked it and set it up on my desk with the monitor attached. Then I unplugged it and took the battery out before putting it back in it’s case.

Running again Why am I running? I know why she’s here.

The smell of Indian food wafted through the locke as I made my way to the kitchen, dropping my laptop by the front door to the house. Two plates, cutlery and two glasses of wine, along with an array of curries, rice and side dishes covered the table.

“Looks good.” Sarah said with a smile. “Dig in.”

Well, if they’re still able to see, at least they know we’re eating well. I thought, looking around at the camera in the recess over the refrigerator and the one overhead.

We ate in a tension. Neither of us wanting to start the conversation we know was coming. Neither of us knowing what we know, or what we were prepared for.

I wonder what she knows. I thought to myself, looking askance at Sarah as she sipped her wine. I wonder if they’ve told her, or if Rebecca has revealed anything. I hated going into meetings, not knowing what the other people were thinking.

“Go and relax.” Sarah said, as she made herself busy filling the dishwasher and I moved the glasses and wine bottle to the blinde.

“There’s another bottle in the fridge if you need more.”

I need a fucking vat, not a bottle. I thought, turning on the TV I switched to the news headlines, hoping for a distraction from what was about to happen. The news headlines didn’t register with me. Nervously, I fumbled with the control, switching between channels for anything that would take me somewhere else before turning the TV off just as she sat down at the end of the sofa.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you.” She said eventually as she sat on the sofa. “You really should let me take a look.”

“They’re fine. Really. Just alittle…obvious.”

Sarah blushed.

“Why are you here really, Sarah.” I asked. “You’ve never come around without being asked before. It’s not to look at my wounds, is it?”

“I think we should talk.” She looked serious.

I know we need to talk. I thought. Stop fucking fishing for what I know.

“You have my attention.” I said, dancing around her lure.

“OK, this is going to be hard.” She winced and looked at my phone which had just buzzed. I picked it up.

Turn the router back on!

I ignored the SMS from Catherine. A few seconds later, Sarah’s phone buzzed.

“They…want to listen.” She said.

“I know. I’m not letting them. I’m not ready.” I replied defiantly. “They can fuck right off. This is between me and you.”

“I’m glad they didn’t hear that.” Sarah said.

“Are you afraid of them already? Do they already…”

“It involves them.” Sarah insisted.

“How?” Again, I throw her a lure.

“Please,Peter. Just turn the fucking thing on.” She said, a slight tremor in her voice.

“Who sent you the SMS?” I asked.

“That was Becky.” Sarah replied.

She knows. I thought. She knows what Rebecca wants and she is going along with it.

“And Becky wants me to turn the internet back on?”

Sarah’s smile changed. “Of course she fucking does. Can we stop This dancing around and talk. This is about you, me and The Code. You know bloody well why I’m here. You know damn well what they’re planning for us so let’s get this out into the open!” There was a tear rising in her face.

“And how…” I started but couldn’t continue.

We fell silent, the whirrs and gulps of the dishwasher disturbing the otherwise quiet.

“They told me you would order me.” I said eventually. “Is that why you’re here? You’re here to order me to sleep with you?”

“You need to put the internet on, Peter.” You…We’ll be punished. Sarah looked at me nervously.

“Just how much ofyou do they own?” I asked. “What about all that crap about how you were taking everything from me? Does that still go?”

“I’m sorry, Peter.” She said. “You know what The Code was about so, seeing me with Christopher…you should be okay with that. If you honor The Code, you won’t judge me for that…Now can you please switch on the internet router!”

“Not yet.” I said bluntly. “Look, Sarah. I want them to see and hear us but right now, I need to know where I stand. I’ll make up some excuse about technical difficulties. If they punish me then I’ll take the punishment. I love being part of The Code but where we go from here, is important.”

“It was almost vanilla with Christopher, Peter. Nothing extreme. If it had been another Code member, would it have bothered you so much?”

“You’re right, Sarah…and anyone else…it wouldn’t matter. Look. It was a bit…a lot…of a shock to see you like that but, look, I’m trying hard not to judge you. The sex with Christopher Ican live with, it’s the way you rubbed it in my face that bothers me. Using him to punish me, taking him away from me like you did…not to mention stopping visits to me from other men. I know I insulted you in my email but…”

“I wanted you to leave The Code.” She said, firmly.

“I know you did. But why didn’t you just ask me?”

“Would you have left if I’d asked?” She asked. “Really?”

I stopped. Would I? I thought. Would I really have left? She’s a mistress…or I suspect…was; and I’d have accepted her right to punish me wouldn’t I? I would have tried to stay out of her circles as much as I could but, would I have really stopped being owned and used by Catherine and Christopher if she asked?

“I was hoping the shock would make you go…seeing me with…being made to watch me. You had a way out. You still do.

“Is that what the piercing was for? To get me to use my keyword?”

“Catherine wanted you pierced. I came up with the idea. Don’t judge mefor that. I was just a delivery mechanism.”

“I’m not judging. The piercing I can handle. The way you tried to use my childhood…”

“I know.” Tears welled in her eyes. “I was wrong. I should have known by then you weren’t going to leave. I could have got a local anesthetic into you, they’d never have known. I fucked up.”

Sarah’s phone buzzed again. I suspected more orders from Rebecca.

“Can I use the bathroom?” She asked.

“You don’t need to ask me for that, Sarah. You know that. You’ve been here before.”

She stepped off the sofa and headed to the bathroom, switching the router on as she passed the shelf it was standing on. A few minutes later, all the lights on the router were on, and so were the cameras.

“Sorry about that.” I called to the room as Sarah, in her bathrobe, came back to the sofa. “Power outage.”

“What’s the camera over the shower for?” She asked.

“it’s their fetish.” I replied with a slight laugh. “They’re training meto…aren’t you aware of what they’re going to want from you yet?’

“What is it?”

“They like me…us…me…to drink from them.”

“You mean…they urinate into you?”

“Yep.” I said flatly.

“Why did you change ‘me’ to ‘us’ and then back to ‘me’ just then?”

“Because they’re going to want you to… so far…look…where are you, Sarah? What have they told you?”

“What do you mean?” Sarah asked.

“About what they want. Remember, they’re watching and listening now so, you have to be straight with me. Catherine wants you as a slave together with me. The things they get me to submit to will be the same for you. Worse I imagine…and I have a great imagination.”

“It’s not enrapment if that’s what you’re thinking. Not if it’s what I want. Rebecca’s been wanting me to switch and…”

“So, you’re doing this for her? What about what you want? You still have to be able to look at me over the Christmas dinner, remember. We still have to operateas brother and sister.”

Sarah fell silent.

“Is it what you want?” I said quietly after some time.

Her face was a face I’d seen before. A person struggling with sexual identity. No longer wanting or even able, to be dominant. Someone who had the same dreams I’d been tortured with. Letting go. No control.

“The thoughts…” Sarah struggled. “About being dominated…”

“Tell me.”

“They stay with me.” She looked at the floor. “I can’t shake them.”

“They don’t simply dominate, Sarah. It’ll be psychological. Sex will just be the start of what they want. Have you thought about how you’re going to feel? What if they make you crop me…or me you? How’s that going to work afterwards when they demand we do the intimacy thing again?”

I know…I’ve…”

“Thought about it? Really thought about what they do to a submissive?”

“Yes, Peter. Why do I feel so turned on thinking about it?”

I sat in silence until it sank in.

“So, it’s trueThen.”

“I’ve been fighting it for so long…” Sarah looked at her feet and wiggled her toes. ” I’ve had dreams. Woken up wet and aroused from them. I want to be more than a mistress.”

“More? Do you do know what you’re getting into.” I replied. “All The Code will know you. As a mistress you can hide yourself from dominants like yourself. As a submissive, you can’t hide who and what you are. They’re going to exhibit you. Make you do things with me…make me do things with you…”

“Us.” She said. “They’re going to exhibit, us. But The Code isn’t a circle. We won’t be doing a performance. We’re exploring intimacy.”

“And you can live with yourself doing that? In front of…everyone? Performing God knows what for their entert…intimacy exploration?”

“Don’t you think you’d enjoy it?” She interrupted. “You seem to have no problems with all the cameras here.” She competed to the two cameras pointed at the sofa.

“None of this involves you.”

“I want itto.” She said, instantly. “Your owner and my owner want it.”

My heart was beating like a drum as Sarah now moved closer.

“Snuggle.” She said, pulling my arm over her shoulder, she held my hand against her breast and opened her legs slightly, angling the opening in her robe, towards one of the cameras.

She’s even taunting them. I thought.

“So, you’re no longer doing the ordering you?” I asked.

“They ordered you already. In the shower. I saw how they beat you and he made you…” She replied.

“Fucking shower camera.” I rasped.

“And they ordered me yesterday, before I came to you.”

“And you’re here now, doing as they bid.” I said dismissing her.

“No. Before I came to you last night.” She smiled.

“You came to me when?”

“Last night…I was the one who you released into last night.” She pulled my hand closer beckoning me to squeeze her nipple.

“No!” I shot up from the sofa. “You can’t do that. There’s no way it was you. I’d have known if it was you in the room…please tell me it wasn’t you.”

“It was Catherine’s idea.” Sarah said. “They knew you’d forget your keyword if they kept you…busy. They didn’t want to give you the chance to back out.”


“We’ve crossed the Rubicon, Peter.”

“But what if I didn’t want to cross?” I protested, pacing the rug. “And…how do I know that it was you? They could have sent you here to tell me that. I’ve had a few female Code members here.”

“Do you really want to see the video? Would that makes all the difference?” She asked, raising her eyesbrows in slight mockery. “Does it really make any difference if it was me, or someone else?”

“I don’t believe it. That was you? Have you see the recording?”

“I know they have it.” Sarah replied.

“I’m not…I can’t believe you would do that, Sarah…not without me knowing.”

“What if it’s what I wanted?”

“And is it what you want?”

“I’m here now aren’t I?”

I shook my head.

“What’s to believe anyway?” Sarah asked. “If it was me, you…we…we’ve crossed a line that brothers and sisters don’t cross. If it was someone else, then, what does it matter?”

“What matters is…I should have had the choice.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. They’ve been sending Code members to you for weeks and you had no choice with them. They’re your owners. You don’t get a choice when it’s something you’ve been doing over and over.”

“I’ve always had the keyword.” I was pacing.

“And never used it. Or even thought about it until now.” She insisted.

“But I could’ve used it. If that was you…I could have used it.” I stopped pacing and looked down at my sister, shaking my head.

“You knew what they planned for us when you came to be pierced, and you had every chance to use it. Don’t try to tell me you don’t want this.” Sarah was on the edge of her seat.

“It won’t end with just…one night, Sarah. You know that.” I said. “They’re going to want everything.”

Sarah stood up and dragged her arms around my neck then kissed me on the lips.

“I know, Peter.” She whispered. “Put your hands around me…No…inside my robe.”

I held her in my arms, skin on skin feeling her naked warmth beneath the cotton bathrobe.

“Was it really you?” I whispered.

“It doesn’t matter.” She replied softly. “It only matters what they see.”

She kissed me again. The unfamiliar kiss of someone I knew, but didn’t. A beckoning kiss lacened with sexual fire but held in check by something I couldn’t challenge.

“Feel me.” She whispered, moving my hand to cup her breast. I touched her nipple softly, swirling my finger around the areola as she pushed herself to me.

Her hand descended from my neck to my crotch.

“You want this, Peter.” She whispered. “We both want this.”

I kissed her this time, searching for her tongue, feeling her breathing rise as I softly squeezed her breast. Then movingmy hand down her flat tummy to her wetness, I stopped.

Buzz. Sarah’s phone.

She flipped the message up and giggled at me. I knew it was from them.

She handed her phone to me and I stared at the text message.

We can’t see you when you’re standing up.

“The two cameras in here only point at the sofa…” I laughed. “I bet they fix that oversight.”

Sarah looked into my eyes. “We should go to bed.” She said letting go of my hand.

Beckoning me towards the bedroom, her bathrobe dropped to the floor. Her lovely tanned naked figure headed towards the freshly made bed, marred only by two red crop marks across her buttocks.

“Why two crop marks?” I asked as she moved away. “Aren’t you Becky’s first?”

“One from Catherine and one from Rebecca.” She replied as she continued to the bedroom. “They hurt like hell.”

I eyed my laptop by the front door and the car keys on the hook before turning off the air conditioning.

“Good idea.” Sarah said, climbing onto the bed. “They won’t want to see anything covering us, the a/c is freezing.”



Leaning on the bedroom doorway, I watched the vision of my sister getting ready to be tied to the apparatus. She smiled at me, the smile of someone who has accepted what she must do now, and what she would do for a long time. Our masters would, I know, use and abuse us and she wanted it. She was right. It didn’t matter if it was her or not the night before. All that mattered was the now. The now of our both knowing that we would become lovers enmeshed in something surreal. Where pain met pleasure, and jealousy and sibling protection would be dissolved.

I flicked my phone to the last message I had from Catherine about turning on the routers and, after typing a single word, hit the ‘Send’ button.


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