9. Co-Owners.
The next day, I called James and told him I had something to show him.
“I’m sorry for last night.” I said opening the bedroom door. “I was trying to hide this from you and, I shouldn’t have.”
I’d made the bed and laid out the cuffs and crop on top of the duvet. The cameras, I knew, were on.
Please don’t speak, please don’t speak. I Thought, remembering Catherine had full control of the speaker under the bed and could announce herself at any time.
“Fu…” James said, eyes wide open. “This really is kinky shit.”
“I’m in this sort of…organization. It’s very er…intimate.” I was trying hard to put a reasonable face onto my slavery.
James toyed with the handle on the side of the stand, watching the chain pull the cuffs up to the rail.
“Organization?” James looked at me quizzically. “What sort of organization needs this?” His face was mix of frown, and wry smile.
“It’s called The Code.” At least that was true. “We share…intimacy.” Inside, I cringed.
“Intimacy.” James frowned disbelief. “It’s so intimate, you have the need for all these cameras?”
“We share…stuff.” This was going to be difficult.
“And the one over the shower. It goes on in there too?”
“Well, not yet. But I guess it will.” I blushed at the thought of kneeling to drink from someone.
“And the two by the TV, you share…intimacy…watching TV?” He gave a wry grin.
“I don’t think they’ve been used yet.” Fuck this was hard.
“So, it’s not for an audio visual.”
“Well, it is in a way.” This was going nowhere, and I wanted it over. “Look, James. I’m a submissive to the couple I met. As part of that they…like to… watch me…”
“Having sex.”
“Being intimate.”
“Having sex.” He smiled.
“Fu…king…hell.” James looked around the room. Fortunately, I’d put the laptop away in the wardobe, and the case with the rest of the implements was hidden in the linen cupboard. If helooks in there I’m screwed, I thought.
“So the ones pointing at the sofa haven’t been used?”
“So…no hanky panky where I sit and watch the football?”
I blushed again. “Not yet.”
“Please put something down before you do.” He laughed. “Ew.”
I laughed, more from relief than anything else. He seemed to be taking this well.
“What about the two in the kitchen?”
“The two in the kitchen, the one over the fridge in the reception and the one over the kitchen table…I mean I’m not eating in there if you’re doing…audio visuals on the table.”
“What cameras?” I almost ran into the kitchen.
“So, you didn’t install them?” He called after me, still toying with the chain mechanism.
“They’re a Surprise to me.” The cameras were tiny and had no tell-tale LED base. The one above the table was attached to the light fitting and the one over the refrigerator was in a gap in the wooden frame surrounding the refrigerator. Both pointed at the table.
“Oh, well I must have missed those.” I said nonchalantly returning to the bedroom doorway.
Jonathan was playing with the cuffs.
“They sometimes, tie me up.” I ventured, hoping to draw him away from the room.
“With this.” He motioned to the apparatus.
“Sometimes.” I said, trying to sound confident, making a bad job of it.
Jonathan looked up. “Is it safe?”
“It’s safe.”
“No, I mean, is this organization safe. Are they okay?”
I fondled the blindfold hanging on the rail.
“I think it’s the safest place I’ve ever been.” I said quietly.
“Cool then.” James bubbled. “As long as you’re happy. Pop the kettle on.”
Phew. Thank God that’s over.
I made coffee and chatted and joked for an hour and then made a ‘have to do some work’ excuse, which wasn’t far from the truth. I was getting behind on my project.
“Someone else installed the cameras and you didn’t know. Are you sure it’s safe?” He said, getting to his feet.
“They like to watch.” I replied slowly. “And I want them to.”
“Kinky shit.” He smiled and headed to his car.
When he left me alone, I pulled the laptop from the cupboard and sat down at my desk.
“I hope that was okay.” I said, singing a long sight of relief to the camera.
Nothing from under the bed. No emails. No SMS.
“No, I’m not running any.” I told myself and looked at the base of the camera.
The rest of the day I spent catching up on the project I was on. I had three meetings online, carefully adjusting the laptop position so that nothing of the background showed my equipment. Over lunch I watched the screen saver displaying my work. Never any faces other than me; they were sharp, intimate close-up shots of my usage and an excellent shot of my bondage as my second visitor was up to the hilt inside me.
I checked on my laptop that the screen saver could be removed and found nothing was stopping me but for some curious reason, I left it as it was.
7 pm at 86, I thought. I wonder what this is about.
I arrived just before 7 and parked my car alongside Sarah’s black BMW.
“Fuck.” I whispered.
The cold air curled around me as I stepped into the room, and I welcomed the lack of humidity. I closed the door quietly behind me and scanned the room as my fingers fumbled for my collar, hanging on it’s hook.
“Don’t both undressing.” A voice called from the TV area. “Just put your collar on and bring me the key.”
Becky? I thought.
Rebecca, Sarah’s partner sat on the locke which had it’s back to the door. Catherine was in her usual place on her end of the sofa facing the TV screen. Christopher and Sarah were nowhere to be see.
Rebecca didn’t get up but shuffled her immaculate, lithe body to sit close to Catherine. I handed her the key to the padlock and looked questioningly at Catherine who simply ignored me and stared at the TV.
“Sit nextto me and be silent.” Rebecca instructed, quietly. Catherine looked absorbed in something.
Rebecca had always seemed aloof to me. At family gatherings, ever since Sarah’s coming out, I’d taken both Sarah and Rebecca to be independent to males, especially bi males like myself. Sarah still doted on her mother and father but for Colin and myself, there was a distance.
Rebecca had two small devices in her hands. One a black rectangular box that looked like a games controller. It had two sticks and several buttons. In her other hand she held a small white plastic rectangle with two buttons. She pressed one on the white rectangle and a slight whirring sound vibrated from the sofa.
Catherine closed her eyes.
“Silently…and, keep your eyes open.” Rebecca said the Catherine. “Like I showed you.”
Catherine surprised and shuddered, shaking the sofa.
Rebecca turned to me. “She has a robot inside her.” She whispered, then pressed the other button.
The whirring stopped and Catherine’s shudders abated, and she glanced at Rebecca with a pleading look on her face. The whirring started again, and Catherine gave a slight moan.
“Silently.” Rebecca insisted. “Hold it all in. It concentrates everything.”
Catherine jolted and the sofa shuddered again. When she closed her eyes to take in her orgasm, Rebecca stopped the robot.
“We’re ready.” Rebecca called and she clicked a button the bigger box. A few seconds later, the TV screen came on. The image of Sarah, smiling into the camera in a close up of her face. Her hair was drawn over a pillow.
“Hello, Peter.” Sarah said into the camera. “I’m so glad you could join us.”
The whirring started again, Catherine stared at the screen and jolted to stop herself emrithing.
The robot stopped and Catherine surprised.
“We’ll do this in silence, so you appreciate it.” Rebecca said. “Keep watching.”
Rebecca pulled back on one of the sticks on the box. The view panned back from the close up of Sarah’s face to reveal her lying naked on a bed, legs wide open. Her wrists were fastened to each side of a wooden rail which was supported by two stands one the side of the bed.
My room.
My bed.
My apparatus.
The view panned back further, Christopher was kneeing between her legs, also naked.
“Well, Peter. I said you would be punished.” Sarah smiled. “And this is where it starts.”
The whirring started and Catherine let out a tiny moan. Rebecca nudged her into silence.
“I think you’re obsessed with Catherine and Christopher.” Sarah continued. “It might even be love of some kind. They’ve trained you well so far and you’re devoted to them as a slave should be to his master. The thing is, Peter. I have to extract my punishment on you. So, I’m taking them away. We’re going to be co-owners and, as of now, Christopher, who I know you crave, is out of bounds to you. I’m taking Christopher, and tonight, Becky is taking Catherine.”
I glanced sideways at Catherine, staring at the screen. Her lips moved silently, as if hostage to a force she couldn’t speak about.
Christopher moved into position. The screen split into several views. The main view from above, one from each side. Rebecca flicked the buttons and the views changed to show intimate portraits of Sarah and Christopher.
“I really loved the way you narrowed Your masturbation, Peter.” The camera from above zoomed in on her face. “I think it’s a really great idea Catherine came up with and I want to have a go myself so, let me walk you through this.”
Catherine orgasmed. The sofa Shook and the whirring stopped.
“Keep watching.” Rebecca ordered.
“I’m taking Christopher off you, Peter. He won’t be using you again, in fact, he’s just entered me. You know the wonderful thing about this, Peter, is that he can have me like he has you, with this bonus that he’s using now. I’ve got something you don’t, Peter and he’s using it.”
From the movement of her face, it was obvious she was being taken by Christopher. The camera panned out to reveal him moving into a rhythm.
“It feels great, Peter.” Sarah continued. “He really knows what he’s doing. What a goal you won’t feel him inside you again, but… what’s that I hear you say? What about Catherine? Well as co-owners we’ve decided she should still keep Your crop marks fresh and feed you nectar, but Christopher, he’s not going to use you again. He’s going to take me like this and later, like he does you. Oh…I can feel him growing inside my vagina, Peter. Did he grow like this in you? Oh…this feels so…so…good.”
Sarah let out a gasp.
“I asked him to tie me down for this, Peter. I know how you liked to be tied down. It really does make you feel used doesn’t it? I can see why you like it like this, Peter,”
Christopher was moving across her body, each camera expertly showing the detail as he kissed and sucked the nipples on each breast ashe plunged in and out of her.
“Do you think I should encourage him to fuck me harder and harder, Peter. Like you did? I think I will.”
Sarah stopped narrowing and dropped into her lovemaking. Shouting to Christopher to take her. I watched, mouth open as my master was taken from me. Catherine simply stared at the screen, watching as her husband deposited himself into my sister before rolling off her, leaving her naked, dripping with his semen. Her legs wide open.
The camera zoomed in on her face and her hand, now freed from it’s bondage to the rail, touched her lip.
“He tastes lovely, Peter. Oh, but, your already know that don’t you?” Sarah licked her finger.
“This is mine now, Peter. I’ve taken it away from you. I’m said I would punish you and this is the start, and it will never end. I’m taking this and everything else off you, Peter. Your bed. Your master. Your mistress. They’re all going to be mine.”
The camera panned out. Sarah was wiping herself on my duvet.
“Don’t wash this until I tell you.” She said to the camera.
“Don’t wash your pillows or you sheets. I want my smell here to remind you who owns you now.”
I gasped.
“See you at home Becky.” Sarah smiled and the screen went blank.
Rebecca turned to Catherine. “Co-owners.” She said, then kissed her deeply. Catherine responded with approval from her sex which she arched towards Rebecca.
“Enough for you now Catherine.” Rebecca said.
Catherine, in silence still, opened her legs to reveal a small, white wire, protruding from her opening.
Rebecca pulled slowly on the wire until a small, egg shaped, device fell out of Catherine. Before she had time to scar, Rebecca defly lifted the device up by the wire and placed it at Catherine’s lips. Catherine opened her mouth, holding he device between her teeth, licking it clean.
“Goodnight.” Rebecca said, standing up.
“I’ll see you out.” Catherine said finally.
“That’s not necssary.” Rebecca said heading to the door.
We sat in silence, listening for the car to reverse from the driveway of 86 before Catherine surprised.
“Christopher will be here in about an hour.” She said. “I’ll tell you what’s going on but please, don’t hold it against us. We both know we own you. We have to work this out.”
“Work this out?” I asked. “From what I Just saw, Sarah has it all worked out already. What did you agree to for fucks sake. I just had to watch my sister have sex… In my own fucking bed!”
“Swearing, Peter? To me?” Catherine admonished me. “I still own you. I’m still your mistress so put your slave hat back on and cool down.”
“But, Mistress!”
“Don’t you dare raise your voice to a mistress of The Code. Did you learn nothing tonight about insulting an owner?” Catherine snapped. “Do you want to relinquish your position as a slave and leave The Code? It’s what she’s doing.” Catherine pointed at the blank screen.
“They came today and had lunch. We didn’t expect that Sarah would be so…clever…manipulative. We thought we could just promise to punish you, but she wants more. She wants the punishment to last, Peter. Psychological punishment. There are no rules in The Code for this. “
“So, you just gave me to them? They own me?”
“It’s not that simple, Peter. We talked for hours with them today and…” A cheeky smile came over Catherine’s face. “We had a bit of fun too. Rebecca has such fabulous hands…and your sister…your sister…wow. I just never thought…”
“You gave me away, and had sex with them?” I sounded astonished but, having seen what I’d seen, I somehow wasn’t. “Hang on. Sarah came out as gay a few years ago. What the fuck was she doing with Christopher?”
“Swearing, Peter.” Catherine tutted me. “Please, can you cool down. There’s absolutely no need for it. Let’s get you a glass of wine and then we can relax. And we didn’t give you away.” She stalled finger at me. ” We’re co-owners. The rules we set out are that, they are in control at your home and theirs. Here, we are in control but Christophers isn’t… Look I’ve I’ve got some ideas… that you won’t like but Christopher thinks are going to work. “
“Won’t like?” I asked. “Won’t like? Is there anything to like about this?”
“Let’s wait for Christopher shall we.” She got up and went to the fridge and brought back a bottle of Chablis and two glasses. “Do you want to watch it again?” She smiled, pouring the crisp white wine into chilled glasses.
“I don’t, but I know you do, Mistress.” I smiled at her, shaking my head.
“No. I think we’ve seen enough of your sister for one day.” She touched my hand affectedly. “I’d rather watch you when you signed your pledge. That was a yummy evening.”
Catherine picked up the control box for the video and a list of titles popped onto the screen. She chose one called ‘Pledge’ with my name alongside and the screen came to life. She fast forwardedto the camera over the shower where I’d taken my first drink from them.
“We can still do this.” She said smirking. “And still beat you and have you used. It’s only your master you’re going to miss.”
If there was anything I had learned about Catherine it was that she was transparent when it came to her fetishes. A few minutes later we were back in the shower cubicle, both naked with me on my knees. Afterwards we showed together and kissed deeply. A long password kiss under hot water. I thought how my mouth must have tasted to her but there was no reaction of distaste. As we dressed, the garage door opened, and the Mercedes pulled in.
Christopher looked tired but poured himself some red wine and sat in his chair as we sat on the sofa. I fingered my collar.
“They have my key.” I said quietly.
“It’s not your key.” Catherine replied. “And anyway, all padlocks come with two keys.”
We both seemed to star into space for a few moments until.
“Equals.” Catherine said.
“Thank you, Mistress.” I replied, surprised at the gesture since we had talked like equals for the last hour, but knowing that it wasn’t really true. We are never equals, I thought. I can’t be an equal when I’m owned.
“First off.” Christopher settled into his chair. “We didn’t know a member of The Code was your sister until you told us. It doesn’t matter, and you need to get over it. I…We, hope that tonight will help.”
I nodded. “It’s been difficult and very, very weird.”
“I bet it has.” Said Christopher. “I won’t say I enjoyed it.” He lied.
“Oh, you liar!” Catherine slapped his arm. “You loved it.”
“It was your idea.” Christopher said to Catherine and Shook his head. “Tell him.” He nodded in my direction.
Catherine surprised.
“Sarah asked to see us to discuss you today. She came over for lunch and they’ve been here since. She left with Christopher when we saw you leave your house. You must have cruss-crossed on the freeway.” said Catherine. “You should be proud of her, Peter. She’s an amazing woman.”
“I’m a bit shocked really, Mistress. Not just by what happened with master. I always thought she was just gay. She told everyone she is.”
“A front.” Christopher was leaning forward. “She’s what she calls, multi-sexual.”
“Multi-sexual? So, she swings both ways like me?”
“No. Sarah doesn’t see sex like we do. For her it’s a game of the mind.” Catherine cut in.
“She gets off in her mind.” Christopher explained. “What she’s doing could be anything at all, her mind is doing the work. She can orgasm just thinking about it. “
“How did it feel watching us?” He said. “You really need to open up, Peter. What you saw tonight was…”
“Just the start.” I replied. “Sarah said it was just the start.”
“Yes.” Christopher looked concerned.
“It’s strange.” I said. “I really don’t know what I feel yet. I think I’m still processing it.”
“Take your time.” Catherinetouched me on the hand softly. “Take a few days over it.”
“I hate to ask you this but…did it turn you on?” Christopher asked.
Until now the thought of what I’d seen hadn’t even occurred to me as a turn on. I’d regard it as a duty to be at 86 to obey my owners and, if watching one of them have sex with someone else was what they wanted then that was my duty.
“It didn’t occur to me.” I said honestly. “I think what Rebecca was doing to Mistress was a turn on but I’m not sure about what I was seeing.”
“If it had been anyone else?” Catherine asked.
I paused for a few seconds.
“I think it would be…seeing Master takes his pleasure is always a turn on.” I replied.
“Would you fuck her if I order you to?” Catherine asked.
Christopher was silent. Then slowly he nodded to me for an answer.
“Fuck her?” I said, incredulously. “My sister? You want me to fuck her?”
“I’m asking if you would, not telling you that I want you to.” Catherinesaid.
“Catherine gets ahead of herself sometimes.” Christopher said apologetically.
“Sarah asked for the meeting to talk about your…situation. We didn’t expect them to be here all day but, as you saw, things got a little… involved. What happened was Catherine’s idea and Sarah…being Sarah… went along with it. She’s messing with your head.”
“And what are you doing to stop her?”
“Nothing.” Catherine said sharply. We want her to.”
“We’ve agreed to co-ownership and to let her abuse you.” Catherine said eventually.
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