The Code Pt. 07

7. Sarah.

I slept in until just after nine and even though I had shown and washed out my mouth, there was the lingering taste of them with me. I sat at my desk in the corner of my bedroom feeling tired, sipping coffee, eating a banana.

My email inbox showed a list of over eighty un-read messages and as I watched, the number of unread messages was going up.

I scanned the list. Apart from the obvious spam emails there were several dozen with the subject ‘Welcome to The Code’. Bleary eyed looked at the sender names for each one. Catherine was on the list of senders.

Quickly I clicked the email from her and, feeling some how proud, read:

Welcome to The Code. I look forward to using you for my pleasure.

Catherine F.

Feeling a little proud, I closed the email and opened another with the same subject.

Welcome to The Code. I look forward to using you for my pleasure.

Jared K.


Welcome to The Code. I look forward to using you for my pleasure.

Samuel W.

Each email was exactly the same.

Ah. Standard email, I thought. It would be nice to have seen the video.

“Or would it?” I said frowning to the laptop.

I sipped my coffee and contemplated my feelings about being shown having sex with them. I wondered how far it had gone. Was it when it started? Was it in the cage with the wheel and crop singing me? That would be embarrassing.

No, I thought. More likely they filmed the sex with Christopher and Catherine.

“What about the bathroom?” I said to the laptop. Remembering how I had knelt on the tiles to let each of them discharge their bladders into me. Catherine had been quite easy to take but Christopher was a deluge and, even though I could accommodate him in my throat, I couldn’t help but spill some of his nectar into the cubicle; which they then made me lick clean.

I was getting hard just thinking about it.

Four more emails.

I went for more coffee and a bowl of cereal and came back to my desk.

The email list was growing, all the same subject. I scanned the names.

Then I saw it. Buried in among the third was one from Sarah.

‘Welcome to The Code.’

My sister.

I scanned the list again, hoping I’d made a mistake, that the subject wasn’t the same but there it was.

“Oh fuck.” I said to my coffee. “Oh fuck.” I said to the laptop.

I clicked on the email and read:

Welcome to The Code. I look forward to using you for my pleasure.

Sarah R.

I read it out loud to myself. “Fuck!”

I stared at the screen. So many names, so many I knew nothing about and one which certainly had my sister’s email address.

“How have they done this?” Again, I was talking to the laptop.

An unread email appeared. It was from Catherine.

Welcome messages.


slave R

You likely have some welcomemessages from masters and mistresses of The Code. Make sure you thank them promptly and respectfully.

FYI Code members do not use surprises. You are now slave R.

Catherine F.

“This is some sort of joke.” I shook my head at the laptop. “She can’t possibly be involved in this.”

I opened the email from Sarah once more and re-read it. I examined the email address looking in detail, confirming that it was exactly the same as hers.


I went back to the list and read all the messages, confirming they were the same. Then came back to Sarah’s and read it again.

“This can’t be happening.” I said to the empty room. My hands shaking. “How the hell…She’s a gay doctor for fuck’s sake. How the hell…”

I slumped in my chair and gazed at the screen.

In a daze, I re-read Catherine’s email.

Make sure you thank them promptly and respectfully.

Promptly. I thought. This is them having fun.

“They know I can’t answer Sarah! This is them playing games. But how the hell did they get her email address?”

“Breath Peter,” I said. “Deal with this. You’re a computer professional.” Tapping the desk with fingernails, again I read Catherine’s message.

“Ok, lets get replies to the ones I’ve never heard of.” I swung into action.

I opened an editor and typed:

Thank you

I look forward to you using me.

slave R.

Then replaced it with:

Thank you

I look forward to being of service.

slave R.

I underlined ‘being of service’ then constructed a mass email to send to all the addresses except for Sarah’s.

“Well, if they can spam me, I can spam them.” I sawed to the laptop. “More coffee.”

Returning to my desk I was about to click on Sarah’s email and noticed another from Catherine.

slave R

You must reply to all members.

Catherine F.

“How the fuck are they doing this?” I swore at the laptop.”It’s only been five minutes. How the hell do they know what’s going on?”

More emails had arrived.

“How many are in The Code?” I asked the laptop as I built another email group to send to.

Eventually, I clicked on Sarah’s email and clicked the reply button.

“How to reply, Peter. Think.”

I started typing, brain in a fog. Gulping coffee I remembered how we had arranged to spend Christmas, which was fast approaching. Our parents and my brother would go to the beach house up the coast. A yearly event that I always looked forward to.


It took me the best part of an hour to come up with such a simple message.

Hi Sarah

I was a bit surprised to get an email from you about The Code. I hope this doesn’t embarrass you at all and that we can keep it to ourselves, especially at Christmas.

Much love.


I read it and re-read then read it again.

‘Hmm neutral enough.’ I thought. ‘Tests what she knows. AndIf it is a Catherine and Christopher joke then… I can brush it off.’

“OK.” I said to the laptop. “Here goes.”

Click. The email was sent.

I didn’t wait long for a reply:

slave R

How DARE you infer that I would betray The Code.

Your owners will be informed of this disrespect to a mistress of The Code. I will be seeking punishment and will demand that it is harsh. You may be new to this but that is no excuse.

Sarah R.

“What!” I shouted. “She’s a mistress! No fucking way!”

Still not trusting that it really was Sarah in on my slavery. Stupidly reacted and, without thinking, replied:

Hi Sarah

I wasn’t inferring anything of the sort. I just don’t want the family to know.


Again, within minutes:

slave R

You are making things worse. You are still implying that I would betray The Code to Mum, Dad and Colin. How fucking DARE you!

Once I have spoken to them, your ownerswill be ashamed of you.

Sarah R

I jumped up from my desk. The laptop now feel like my enemy. Every time I touched the mouse and keyboard it seemed to be to betray me.

It has to be her. I thought. She mentioned Colin. How would they know about Colin? I’ve never mentioned him.

I was pacing the room, head in a spin. “Sarah. Little Sarah who always liked girls.” I glanced at the laptop and noticed the new message indicator.


Subject: Sarah R


Ding dong. The doorbell.

With shaking knees, feeling in a cloud I went to the door.

“Hi slave”. Jonathan grinned at me.

“Oh, fuck.” I said, dazed.

“Something wrong?” Jonathan asked. “That’s not a Very respectful greeting to a Master.”

“Oh, fuck sorry.” I said, brain in a whirl.

“I’ve got your apparatus in the back of this van.” He said, eyeing me.

“Oh…sorry…er…Jonathan. Some weird news.”

“Master Jonathan, to you.” Jonathan narrowed his gaze. “Come on. Lets get this setup and you can tell me all about it.”

We carried the apparatus into my bedroom. It consistent of two heavy stands with pulleys and winding mechanisms bolted to them. The stands were placed either side of the bed, and a thick wooden rail across the top. Each stand could be raised and lowered and the rail had eyes and pulleys bolted into it along the top and holes with indentations where things had been fixed.

Once in place Jonathan brought in a small suitcase which contained cameras, some tools and implements, chains and pulleys. The final implements he laid on the bed. A blindfold, cuffs, and a crop.

“Can I leave you to it?” I said, disheartened.

“This won’t take me long.” He looked concerned. “Where can I plug this in?”

“What is it?”

“Charger for the cameras.” He said. “They’re good but you might need to charge one every few weeks. They hook up to your router. Do you have the password?”

I took a papernotepad and wrote down the router password.

Jonathan quickly set cameras up around my home. Four in the bedroom. One over the bed, oneon the shelf by my desk and two on the ends of the rail held up by the stand. Two cameras went in the lounge, both alongside the TV facing the sofa. One in the bathroom above the shower cubicle. As he placed each one, he tested the reception on a laptop on my kitchen table. Going back and forth for the right angle.

“There’s sound on them too.” He said, heading into the bathroom; though I was hardly listening.

The walls seem to close in on me. My owners could now see me work, sleep, shower, relax. Most of all they wanted to see my intimacy and at the moment it was infinitely far away.

“Look.” Said Jonathan. “Why don’t you make me some coffee and we can talk About what’s bothering you.”

Intimacy. I thought. That’s what’s bothering me.

“How do you have it?” I called from the kitchen.

“White, no sugar.” Jonathan wasStill setting up the apparatus.

I came into the bedroom and handed him a mug of coffee and slumped at my desk and slumped at my now tepid brew. The laptop had gone into screen saver mode.

“What’s weird.” Jonathan asked.

“It’s all gone to…shit.” I replied.

“That bad?”

“That bad.” I confirmed glumly.

“You know…I know there’d be some humiliation and Some paid and some…”

“What’s happened?” Jonathan pulled on a chain being held on one of the bolts attached to the rail. He bolted the cuffs to the chain turned a small handle on the side stand. The chain moved towards the rail.

“My sister.”

“You have a sister?”

“Yeah. She’s gay and…a doctor and…”

“Nothing wrong with that. Plenty of gay doctors around.” Jonathan looked at me curiously and shook his head.

“She’s a mistress in The Code.”

“Oh.” Jonathan understands the pain in my face. “How do you know?”

I moved the mouse and the laptop screen came to life.

“Welcome message.” I glanced at the computer screen.

Jonathan dropped the cuffs and came to the desk, reading the email trail over my shoulder.

“Hmmmm.” He said. “Not good.”

“Not good? Not good?” I wanted to scream.

“Hmmm.” He re-read the email trail. “Well, she’s right.”


“You’ve insulted a mistress.”




“Don’t you get it?”

I rounded on him.

“Oh, I get it.” Jonathan looked at me with a frown. “You still don’t understand.”

“She’s the same as every Code member and you should have paid her respect. Her being your sister has nothing to do with your intimacy with C and C or any other member. Look at last night. If she’d been Mistress Mellissa, would it have made a difference?”

“Oh, I couldn’t have…not with Sarah.”

“Melissa ordered you to do it and you did what a slave does. Your sister would have expected the same.”

“Really? She would have had me do that to her?”

“If that’s what she wanted.” Jonathan said flatly. “It’s not a big deal. Believe me. Your bigger problem now isn’t being humiliated by her, its how she’ll demand you be punished. You’ve insulted a mistress. That’s not a good start.”

“But I…”

“You’re lucky. C and C will understand and negotiate with her.”

“Negotiate?” I said, staggered at what I was hearing.

“No damage. Remember?”

“Damage? What about I can’t look her in the eye anymore?”

“All part of intimacy I’m afraid. You’ll get used to it. It’ll work out.”

I took a deep breath and shook my head.

“Right now.” Jonathan said. “I need you to undress, get on the bed and put your blindfold on and get ready.”

I looked at the contraction. Jonathan patted the bed.

“Head down here, bottom in the air.” He said.

“Wrists cuffed behind you, I’ll wind this handle which pulls your arms forward and back. It’s a classic pose because it sets your opening up.”

I surprised.

“Turn the laptop off, there’s nothing you can do.” Jonathan ordered. “Get undressed and do as you’ve been instructed.” He slapped my cheek.

Slowly I did as he ordered. Kneeling on my bed, blindfold in place he cuffed me behind my back. As I knelt forward the chain holding me to the rail tensed, pulling my arms upward and forward, presenting my bottom to the air yet holding me rigid.

“When you get an SMS saying someone is coming to use you.” He said, entering me. “Be ready, on your knees and blindfolded.”

He used me then had me clean him.

When he’d finished, he released me from the apparatus, and I showed and dressed again. Choosing shorts and T shirt for simplicity.

“Can I have your spare house key if you have one. I’ll get a duplicate or two.”

I gave him the spare key and showed him to the door.

“It’s no big deal about your sister.” He said as he got into his car. “Concentrate on your current task.”

“What is?”

He turned the engine off and signed me to move closer.

“The Code know where you live and will let themselves in. Make sure you’re kneeing by the bed with your blindfold on. Offer yourself respectfully. You won’t know who it is who uses you in your home. You’re there for them.”

The engine roared to life and the car reversed from my driveway. Another tropical rainstorm was starting as I headed back to my bedroom.

More emails. The total now was closer to a hundred but the ones from my sister burned brightest. I had to concentrate. I had to email replies and get my head together. Jonathan was right. There was nothing I could do about Sarah and the email that had arrived from Christopher earlier, enforced this.

slave P

The incident with your sister must not get in the way of your service to your owners, and The Code.

We will arrange a meeting with Mistress Sarah and you will attend. In the meantime, you will be used tonight by two Code members. Do not disaptop us.

Christopher F

It’s like it’s meaningless to them. I thought, trying to get back into work mode at my desk.

Another email. This time from Catherine.

Your performance was dismal, and we are most disappointed.

“What the fuck is going on? He’s only just gone!”

I re-read Sarah’s emails and thought about the email from Christopher. They had been watching me with Jonathan. They’d seen him cuff me and blindfold me and fuck me.

“Oh well”. I said to the room. “That’s got to be shorter than last nights event.”

Then I realized. Sarah had watched me with them.

The email was standard, like all the others from every Code member. They had all watched and had all sent the same email. So The Code had a system to stream events and for standard replies.

Sarah had watched.

But I didn’t know what she’d seen. I hadn’t a clue what was edited in or out.

“Oh, fuck.”

I quickly wrote a reply to Christopher.


Please may I see the footage from last night that was sent to The Code.

slave P.

Five minutes later, he replied.

slave P

Mistress Sarah received the same footage as every other member. She then requested the un-edited version which was also supplied to her. You may not see it.

We appreciate you may feel you need to talk about this issue, but it is irrelevant. Jonathan has given you good advice.

Christopher F

I slumped in the chair and stared at the screen. “Nothing I can do.” I said to the laptop. “She’s seen everything. Even…”

But what had she seen?

I had no idea what the footage showed, edited or not. I had no way of knowing.

My sister knew me now not matter how much of the video she saw. I was beyond humiliation until I realized that she too had to come to the surface.

“Oh, fuck. She’s a…”

There was no way out. I’d not only insulted a mistress, I’d humiliated her be revealing her to my owners.

“Oh, fuck. I have to stop this.” I looked around the room.

The apparatus, cold steel waiting to subject me to more use. The cameras watching me. The cameras.

Jonathan had installed a camera on the shelf next to my desk pointing at me. It had a small circular base which was stuck to the shelf with double sided tape. The camera itself was a golf ball sized black sphere with the lens pointing at me. I gazed at it. The camera had a small pin hole under the lens.

Are they watching now? I thought; my finger straighted towards the black ball and I touched the camera base. The tip of my finger glowed slightly red.

I drew my finger away quickly and drew closer to the camera. The base was slightly off the shelf, being pushed up by the spongy tape it was stuck on with. There was a glow from an LED coming from under the camera. I looked around the camera. At the back of the base was the model number; wound but just visible.

I opened a search engine on my laptop and entered the make and model number. The technical details arrived in seconds, together with a diagram of the camera and it’s installation. The LED glowing red indicated camera and microphone on.

Camera and microphone.

“Fu…” I stopped dead and gazed again at the camera.

Sound! Jonathan had mentioned sound, and I had taken no notice. They were watching and listening to every performance! That’s how they knew I’d been dismal with him. No need to report it, they could see and hear it!

What now? I thought. Sit here and look and sound innocent?

I looked around the room at the other cameras. I couldn’t see the ceiling camera closely enough to make out a red light but another camera, sitting on the end of the rail across my bed showed a glimmer of LED.


But surely, they can’t watch me all day and night? I thought, too bewildered to speak. This isn’t my bedroom anymore. it’s a dungeon! They watch me, hear me, record me?


Had she also saw me with Jonathan? Had she saw my almost empty performance with him?

My head whirled.

I have to stop this. I thought. How can I carry on? What do I do? Remove all the cameras and the equipment? Throw it all out? Could I do that? Could I not be a…


I stared at a notepad on my desk and picked up a pen.

‘Slave.’ I wrote one word in big letters and stopped.

I’m a slave. I’m not just submissive. I’ve been captured, caught and exposed.

I re-read the last email from Christopher.


My issue didn’t matter. I was a member of The Code. I could leave and nothing would change; my sister would still know. Nothing would change. Jonathan, Mistress Melissa, Catherine and Christopher and all the members of The Code, knew me. Nothing would change.

I glanced sideways at the camera. The red glow had gone.


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