6. Deep Exposure.
The taste and smell of Mistress Melissa’s behind, her delicious sex and her nectar, was in my mouth and nostrils in the car all the way home.
I pulled into my garage and headed for the bathroom, intent on freshening up before heading to my bed. I squeezed a line of toothpaste onto my toothbrush and stopped and looked in the mirror.
On the face of it, I saw a normal reflection. Nowhere could I see any evidence that, just thirty minutes earlier, I had been made to lick a Mistress’ arse completely clean, or drink her nectar directly from her bladder. Nothing about my reflection indicated that the things I had been made to do were not for me; that there was no orgasm for me at the end of it as a sort of trade of pleasure. The transaction was one way. She took her pleasure from me.
Mistress Melissa had given instructions and I had carried them out. I had performed my function and been virtually kicked into the street and told to go home.
Used. I thought.
“You like being used.” I said to my reflection.
“Look at yourself. You got into this because you’re bi and yet you haven’t had real sex with anyone; and yet you still do it.”
I pondered the toothbrush.
“You don’t even want to get rid of the taste, it’s become an excitement you crave.”
I looked at the shower cubicle, then back at my reflection.
“Was Jonathan right? Has the decision been made?”
Of course he was right. I thought, raising the toothbrush I started to clean my teeth; the peppermint of the toothpaste eventually masking the taste of Melissa from my mouth.
But did I make the decision? I thought, rinsing my mouth. Is this really me?
I showed before getting into bed; still baffled at my own feelings. Lying in the dark I looked back on the encounter with Mellissa and Jonathan.
“Is this really me?” I whispered to the dark room.
“You had your tongue inside her.” I whispered again to myself.
“Youdrank her pee.” I immediately realized I was smiling and getting aroused.
“Why is this so fucking exciting?” I said as my hand maneuvered to my cock.
I started to masturbate to the thoughts of Melissa’s moans as I had penetrated her passage with my tongue. Deeper and deeper she had insisted I go before laying on her back on the table to allow me to drink from her wet opening. She orgasmed with small gasps before grabbing my hair to hold my open mouth to accept her nectar. Warm and sweet and yet pungent; I had gulped her down. I had licked the table clean and I realized now, that I was proud of it.
Then it hit me.
I was about to orgasm myself in my bed. I had not asked Jonathan about the rules on masturbation. Catherine had been specific and I had no information to go off and I was about to go off like a rocket. There was nothing to do other than grab tissues and let the orgasm take me. I would have to deal with this in the morning.
Why is it important? IThought. They aren’t here. They don’t know what I get up to in my bed.
“Why is this important?” I whispered to myself. “Surely, I can pleasure myself without them?”
Do they own me already? I thought.
“They’ve owned you since you got the taxi in the rain.” I said to the night.
I tossed and turned my way through a restless night and awoke started, disturbed by the beeping of the alarm clock; which I usually cancelled before it went off. Ten minutes after showing and cleaning my mouth with mouthwash I was sitting at my desk with coffee and my laptop. The bedroom TV showed the latest news which was duplicated on my laptop; I scanned the latest, then moved to my emails.
Subject: New skill.
“What the?” I said to the laptop and opened the email and read the body.
We hope the chat with Jonathan went well and that you are clearer about The Code. We also hear you have a new skill which we are keen to experience.We expect a full report. Be here tonight at 7pm.
Christopher F.
My heart started beating faster. Any sense of being bleary eyed left me instantly.
“Fuck, these guys are fast.” I said to the laptop; re-reading the email several times.
I started a reply and thought better of it.
Jonathan had said that I could approach them as equals so tonight, I would. I put my personal emails aside and tried to concentrate on work but retuned to the email several times before I closed off for the day and started to get ready.
At just before 7pm I pulled into the driveway of 86, checked my appearance and knocked on the door. Catherine answered, smiling. Knowing.
“Wine?” She was normal, vanilla Catherine.
“Oh, yes please.” I replied.
She competed to the dining table for me to take a seat.
“I had a full report from Jonathan.” She said.
I laughed. “The graspvine works well in The Code. I got the email from Christopher.”
“You mean Master.” The switch in her mode was seamless.
“Oh yes, sorry, Mistress.”
She placed two glasses of Chablis on coasters and sat across from me.
“OK.” She pursued her lips. “As equals now.”
“Thanks.” I took a sip of Chablis.
“Tell me all about the evening, Peter.” She said, almost flirting. “Don’t leave anything out. Intimacy is the key.”
Slowly and carefully I retraced the conversation with Jonathan about The Code and the ‘payment’ I had made to Melissa.
“Mistress Melissa” She said.
“Sorry…Mistress Melissa.” I corrected.
“Jonathan told you about our rules about intimacy?” She asked.
“Yeah, like I said earlier.” I replied.
“Don’t hold back, Peter. Don’t be embarrassed about what you did. It’s important you are open to us.”
Reluctance left me. I told her about how I had been ordered lick and clean Mistress Melissa and drink her urine after she orgasmed.
Catherine smiled. “How did you feel?” She asked.
“Strange.” I sawed, reflectively.
“Strange? In what way?”
“I’m still not sure.” I said. “When I got home, I didn’t want to wash the taste away. It’s as if it was…hard to say, but it felt like I actually liked what was happening and didn’t want it to end. I was holding onto the taste for some reason. I was being…” I searched for the word, hoping it wouldn’t be an insult.
“Used?” She raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that what you want?”
“That’s why it’s strange.” I replied quickly.
“It’s not what I intended but, for some weird reason, it is.” I looked at Catherine who was smiling. Knowing.
“I understand.” She said quietly. “The Code will help you work through this. I think you’re about ready.”
I knew what she meant. She wanted me to join. “Jonathan said I’d have no choice. Was he right?”
“Well you do and you don’t.” Catherine replied. “Anyway…before we get to that, oh and Christopher is just upstairs getting your pledge ready; what have you left out?” She looked at me earnestly; I was opaque.
“Left out?”
“I’ve told you everything.”
“No, you haven’t, Peter.” She touched my arm.
“I have.” I complained.
“No, Peter. You stopped when you told me about cleaning your mouth.”
“Yeah, it was weird. I really wanted to carry on…” I drifted.
“You’ve left something out, Peter.” Catherine jolted me from my thought.
“No, Mistress.”
“You pleasured yourself.” Catherines voice was calm and precision.
How the fuck did she know that? I thought. Caught out.
“I masturbated in bed…into a tissue, Mistress” I said, blushing.
“That’s better.” She nodded.
“I forgot to ask Jonathan about it.”
“I know.” She nodded quietly again.
“See, I can’t work out if this is important or not. Does this belong to you or to me?”
“This?” She feigned puzzlelement, drawing me further.
“My pleasure. Pleasure myself. Don’t I deserve it?”
“What do you think?” Her hand ran down my arm and met mine and she squeezed reassuringly.
I sat silently, looking into her eyes.
“it’s yours, isn’t it. Even when I’m alone.”
She nodded. “We were hoping Jonathan would tell you but, oh well.”
“But, since it’s yours, what do i do with it?”
“What do you think? Given all that’s happened to you?”
“Can I take a stall at it?” I said, remembering how Jonathan had said to take the lead.
“Go on.”
“You want to watch me drink it.” I said.
Why was that so confident? I thought.
“Yes.” She said. “If it happens here. You will drink it or do something else we think of.” There was no option in her voice.
“And if I’m not here with you?’
She smiled. “On your own, you call to ask for release. With a Code member, they take control.”
“Every time?”
“You said it yourself, Peter. It’s ours. We control when it comes out and,” she flirted again. “Where it goes.”
“What would you have said last night?”
“I would have told you to drink it. You need to be automatic.”
“Just like that?”
“Yes. You would have explained why you wanted to release and we would have told you that your semen belongs with the…other tastes.”
I nodded. “Intimacy right? You must know everything.”
“We own you.”
“Well, we will shortly.” Christopher’s voice boomed on his way down the staircase. He came to the dining table with several sheets of paper and a pen.
“Oh, I see we have wine.” He said, placing the papers in front of me to read.
Catherine watched as I read the papers. Christopher poured himself a glass of red wine and sat at the end of the table.
It was as Jonathan had said. A lot of mention of the Code and the philosophy, several paragraphs about how I was handing myself over in the knowledge that I would be used. No specifics.
I signed.
“You had no choice, did you?” Christopher asked.
“Hmmm.” Ipondered. “Not since the taxi ride here.” I replied. “Whe do you want me to start?”
“First, some housekeeping.” Catherine chimed. “Some rules and protocols.”
I nodded.
“Your collar will be by the door.” Catherine nodded at the collar hanging on a hook by the door. There are also these in the cupboard over there.
She held up what looked like a clear balloon connected to a cylindrical plastic tube. The tube had cords attached to one end.
“This goes on you and the chords loop around your er…manhood.”
She handed it to me.
“It’s to catch…It also makes it easy to drink from.” She was blushing.
“Whenever you arrive you are to worship us correctly. That will be naked and collared unless we choose you not to be. You will undress, place the device onto yourself, lock the collar and hand us the key and knee to worship and, this is important, slave. You will do this no matter who is already in the room with us. Do you understand?”
“I undrstand.” I said slowly.
“If we hand you over to a Code member you will do as they tell you. You will worship them in the same way as you do us.”
I nodded.
“Say you understand.” Christopher said firmly.
“I understand.”
Christopher continued. “If you spill yourself outside of that.” He pointed to my member, bulging against the hard Plastic tube. “You clean it up.”
“We’ve been through that. “Catherine smiled at her husband.
“Oh good.” Christopher seemed relieved not to have to give masturbation instructions.
Catherine looked at me. “It starts now, slave.” She glanced towards the door where a collar hung with a padlock and key.
I rose from the table, stripped naked and went to the collar and put it around My neck, snapping the padlock closed I delved into the cupboard for the catchment device and secured it to myself tightly, with the cords. I returned to the table and knelt. Catherine and Christopher rose from the table and stood infront of me.
Catherine held the cane.
“You aren’t wearing your plug, slave.” Catherine said as I bent to worship them.
I started to worship their feet, kissing each foot, telling them how I was long for them to use me for their own pleasure. When I had tried this before it had felt strange and almost silly. Now it felt sincere. I really did want them to own me.
The cane struck me twice on my behind, crisscrossing the welts made by the crop. I tried not to flinch.
“Get into your cage.” Catherine ordered.
On my knees I crawled to the cage in the corner of the room. The padlock was open and the key missing. At the back of the cage a conical steel shaft waited for me. I reversed into the cold steel prison and carefully set myself onto the steel shaft. Christopher closed the door and snapped the padlock shut.
The hat above my head opened.
“Wrists.” Christopher ordered with a single word.
I raised my hands above my head. Cuffs on mywrists attached me to a pole placed across the hatch, holding me suspended.
Christopher and Catherine pulled up a chair each at the door of the cage and addressed me. Catherine smiled at me, she was holding the crop and what looked like a silver pizza cutter with a tiny blade like a twelve spoken star. A Wartenberg pinwheel. I’d used one with a girl to ticckle her a few years ago.
“How do you want us to use you, slave?”
They’re asking me?
“I…” I stopped.
“Have you learned nothing? ” Catherine moved from her seat.
“Punish me.” I burned it out, think about what Jonathan had said. “Please punishment me and then…” I had to conjure a scene. “Use me for your pleasure.”
“You don’t deserve what you want.” Christopher laughed and I heard the familiar steel on steel sketch as the door behind me slide open, exposing my welts.
“No sir.” I agreed. “I deserve what you want, sir.”
Catherine struck me with the crop four times in rapid succession and I gasped ; struggling against the steel I was impaled on and the handscuffs, the welts were again raised and cooled by the airconditioning.
“Tell us, slave. Tell us what you really want. Tell us in detail.” Catherine was still behind me with the crop which she now traced across my singwelts. “Tell us your deep dark depraved thoughts how you want to be used.”
She flicked the wheel lightly, carefully touching the welts with incredible precision, the welt felt like it was being touched with a feather.
“Use me please.” I pleased.
“Not enough.” Catherine said. “Deeper. We want intimate detail.”
The wheel zinged harder on the first welt, like a hundred needs on sunburn.
“Please, Mistress.”
“Argh…Please Mistress, I want your…I want master to fuck me.”
“Mistress, please. I want him inside me so much.”
“There’s so much more you’re keeping from us, slave.”
“I want him to fuck me while I drink you.”
“Tell the truth, slave.”
“You want him to use you.”
“Argh.” I gasped at the tiny stings.
“Say it.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at his cock. Say it!”
“Argh. Please Mistress.” My eyes watered. How could such a tiny wheel do this?
“Tell us how you want him inside you.”
“I do, Mistress. I want him to come in me!”
“How long have you wanted this, slave?”
“Since I met you…I’ve been…fantas…”
“Everything. You tell us everything.” She rasped.
“Yes, Mistress.” I gasped.
“I want Master to fuck me and spray me with his semen and then I want to suck his cock.”
“That’s my husband you’re talking about, slave.”
“Ow. Yes, Mistress…your husband. Please, Mistress.”
“And what do you want from me?” Catherine demanded.
I stopped.
Thoughts of Christopher had been burning me since my talk with Jonathan and I hadn’t given much thought about Catherine.
“Anything, Mistress likes.” I panicked.
“I don’t know how to go deeper, Mistress.” I complained.
“What? Do you mean that all of my nectar you have inside you hasn’t given you ideas?”
Flick. Flick. Flick. Flick. The crop amplified the stings of the wheel.
“Mistress…” I shuffled, trying to avoid the wheel.
“And what about last night?”
My mind whirled.
“Last night?” I gasped.
“Who gave you permission.”
“She was a mistress of The Code, Mistress.”
“You cleaned her.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Tasted good didn’t she?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good. Something else I can use you for. Do you want to clean me?”
“Yes, Mistress. I would love to.”
“Deeper. Would you clean me if I had just had sex in there?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Does it excited you thinking about that?”
How could I argue? I was bulging against the plastic waiting to catch my semen.
“Of course, Mistress.”
The pole holding my wrists up, was removed with a screech and the cage was opened.
I shuffled off my steel, trying to avoid the spin of the wheel.
Catherine came to the front of the cage and grabbed my hair.
“Never ever hold anything back. slave.”
I knelt in front of them as their clothes dropped in front of me.
“Worship his cock.” She ordered.
I took him into my mouth, deeply with long strokes allowing him to probe my throat.
“You love cock don’t you, slave?”
“Yes, Mistress.” I managed between slurping on Master’s cock.
“And do you love what comes out of it?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Tell us what you love, slave.”
“Ilove to drink from it, Mistress.”
“Drink what?” She was moving her fingers over her mound.
“I love to drink semen and urine from Master.” I said before plunging onto him again.
She gave a slight gasp as she orgasmed.
“And what about me?” She asked another orgasm on the rise.
“I…love to…drink from you, Mistress.”
She slowly lowered herself onto the coffee table, still rubbing her cliporis.
“Worship her.” Christopher ordered.
I let him drop from my mouth, kissing the end of his member before diving for Catherine’s wide open legs. She orgasmed almost as soon as my tongue touched her wetness, which wasn’t just her own. There was the taste and odour of semen all over her. I gulped at her, drinking her down.
Christopher entered me.
From the day I had met Catherine and Christopher I suppose I had wondered, how it would feel to have him inside me. I’d had other men in me before but this was different; a deeper penetration, slower,Sometimes faster but always seeking me.
The me that wanted to be used.
The same happened when, after depositing himself into me, Catherine came close as he turned to my mouth and they both watched, keen to see me going deeper into my debasement. Encouraging Christopher to sink himself deeper into my throat than I thought I could take. I wasn’t being safe to myself. I was letting go and they knew it.
My member pulsed into the tube, the balloon end capturing my semen, room for plenty more.
Used, I thought, as he deposited more of his seed into me. The pleasure I got from knowing that they both knew that this was what I really wanted, that these were the depths they had explored earlier to wring the truth about me, from me,
exceeded anything that Christopher was doing to my body.
My mind was focused on being a thing. A possession to be possessed. Offered freely and taken wholly.
This was knowing. This was two people having a depth of intimacy about me that somehow, gave me freedom.
“You like cock don’t you, slave?” Catherine whispered.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You like anal don’t you?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“So do I.” She chuckled.
Catherine swung around and parted her buttocks. Her passage was oozing.
“Clean me.” She ordered. “Don’t stop until it’s all gone, use your fingers as well.”
Christopher proudly looked on as my tongue and fingers cleaned his wife. His wife who he knew had been with several others before I arrived.
I don’t know how long I stayed focused on cleaning her. The trickle from her seemed to take the rest of the evening and I wanted to ask how many she had had before I had been told to clean her. I thought better of it. My mission was to do as I was told.
Eventually, Christopher and Catherine called a halt and instructed me to reverse into my cage while they went to the shower room behind the gym. Ten minutes later they were back and I was kneeing in front of themin the TV area; Christopher in his usual chair and Catherine in the same seat as at our first meeting.
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