The Code Pt. 04

4. The Post

I couldn’t sleep.

Another break point was on the horizon that I had to deal with and the only luxury I had was that I had some time before I was to see them again. I went around and around it in my head. Did I want to turn back or carry on, knowing that if I turned up at 86 Laurel next time, I would be whipped.

How much? I thought. How painful will they make it?

I experienced the curious emotions of both excitement and something bordering on terror and I realized that whilst time to make this decision was a luxury, in this case; time to think and be alone with my feelings, was also a torque.

I laid on my side in bed and ran my finger over the raised welts where the crop had bitten into me. So damn painful and yet so exciting. I smiled to myself. I was Actually quite proud of what I had achieved. How could I be proud, excited, longing for the next time and yet in doubt? Punishment would be part of my life. The crop alone had shown me that much. But, I thought, Catherine and Christopher wanted me on edge, even when I wasn’t in their company.

Two days later I received an email that simply said: Saturday 6pm.

Hmm…Earlier than usual, I thought and again, caught myself with the realization that, simply changing the time of our appointment led me worry about why. What was the reason? How long would it take? What about The Code? Are they involved?

I had too many questions. Perhaps too much of me didn’t want to hand itself over to someone else?

Would there be anything left of me? I thought. Could I really let go?

Saturday came around all too slowly. I worked from home for the day, showed and headed to 86 Laurel.

The door was unlocked and an envelope was on the dinner table along with a collar and leash. The collar was a simple leather strap with a buckle, adjustable to fit the neck. It was secured with a small padlock in the open position, but had no key.

I opened the envelope.



Eyes down.

I undressed, this time padlocking the collar around my neck and letting the lean fall loose.

A few minutes later Catherine and Christopher came down the stairs. It occurred to me that they never adopted any classic dominance clothing. Catherine again looked like any suburban woman of means and Christopher looked like he had stepped away from a social gathering.

“That was very good slave.” Christopher said. “Pass me the leash and worship your master and mistress. Remember to always greet us with worship”

I dropped to my knees facing them.

“How do I worship…”

“You bend and kiss our feet and tell us that you worship us and want nothing more than to serve and that you expect us to use you any way we like for our pleasure.” Catherine interrupted.

“Master. Mistress.” I bent over to kiss their feet. Whack, the sting of a cane on my backside. Not like the crop, this was just a taste.

I shuddered a little.”I worship you, please use me as you wish for your pleasure.” I continued kissing their feet.

The lean tugged on my neck and lifted my head slightly.

“Stand.” Christopher ordered. “Don’t you dare look at us until we tell you.”

I keep my head down, eyes on their crotches.

“This way.” Christopher said, leading me to the gym just a few feet away. I noticed it had been reorganized. Some of the fitness equipment had been moved to the side leaving the weight benchmark behind which stood, of all things, a large flat screen TV.

I glanced over at the wall where the TV normally stood. It was still there. Then I noticed that on the ceiling over the dinner table another TV facing down.

“We want you to see everything.” Christopher said. “Cameras will capture the post from all angles.”

Then I understand why he called it ‘The Post’. The bench had, at one end, a vertical post which ended about six feet off the ground. It was bolted to the bench and the floor. A formidable piece of steel, it also had a horizontal bar connected to it and at each end of the bar, cuffs.

In a loop on one end of the bar, was the whip.

“Just a little preparation before we start.” Catherine said excitedly.

She came in front of me and grabbed by sex and ball sack.

“We don’t like those nasty chatity cages. Simple is better.”

She looped a soft cord around my cock and balls and pulled it tight so that it all stood out in front of me.


I sat on the bench facing the post.


She tugged at the cord until my cock could feel the cold steel. Then tied it to the post.

My arms where spread wide and wrists cuffed into position and then the post was adjusted so that my chin sat on top.

She finished the whole bond off with a chain around my wait, again connecting it to the post. I was trapped but not so much that I couldn’t move, just so that it would be painful to struggle.

From my position the view on the TV was fantastic. The screen spit into several views, from the side, behind, the front and above.

“Oh, we’re such bad hosts.” Catherine said, again excitement in her voice. “We never offered you a drink.”

I knew what I was being asked.

“Please may I have some of your delicious nectar, Mistress.” I offered.

“Of course you may.” Catherine giggled.

Next to the post a chrome stand, like the ones they use in hospitals for drops was positioned with a vertical bottle, the neck of which was higher than my chin. They connected it to me by the sponge device and then fixed my head to the post with plastic tape.

All of this I could see in detail on the TV in front of the post. Here I was, enveloped, bound and humiliated not just in front of other people, but in front of myself. Another paradox, I thought. I want this not to happen and yet I want it so much to happen and…

The first crack of the whip hit my back.

I could see on the TV that Christopher behind me had struck me, singing me out of my thought.

I gasped into the sponge as it dripped it’s liquid into me.

On the screen in front of me, I could also now see Catherine, naked laying on the dining table, fingers at her sex.

“It’s ready.” She called.

Soon, there were more footsteps on the stairs.

“Don’t dare look up.” Christopher whispered.

I watched as Catherine aroused herself to the point of release and then felt the sting of the whip again.

“Slowly.” She called from behind.

My view of Catherine from above the dinner table showed two more figures arriving as Catherine fingered herself, watching me; each time her orgasm sent the whip flicking at my back. I understood against the bonds which made Catherine even more intent on her next orgasm.

Looking from above, I could see someone take Catherine on the edge of the dining table. He pulled her too him and entered her, thrusting deeply she let out a huge ‘Oooh’.


The whip hit me again but the sights of what was happening seemed to numb any pain that the whip was delivering to me. Catherine was organizing while someone other than her husband was taking his pleasure in her. All the while she was watching me at the post, unable to move.

“Harder.” She gasped, not, I realized to her lover, but to Christopher wielding the whip.

Another smack hit me, harder this time and I shuddered, trying to free myself, the cord around my cock and balls tightened to remind me that I was going nowhere. I bit down on the sponge.

Catherine orgasmed again and when she did, another man entered her mouth. She sucked greedily all the way into her throat.

Another snap. Harder still. My eyes watered. My brain felt for my keyword. In my mind I saw a big red button with the word ‘paradox’ written on it and my brain wanted me to press it but the visions I was seeing held me back. I wanted this to go on and on.

The man in Catherine’s sex plugged deeper and deeper, searching for his release; all while Catherine rode the highs of orgasms beckoning for him to send his semen into her belly. He soon found it. Catherine orgasmed at the same time and another smack rasped at my skin.

He pulled away and the camera zoomed in on her sex as he vacated, she was oozing semen.

In another view I saw the whip being handed to someone else, Christopher moved between Catherine’s legs and plunged into her, deep and hard she came instantly.


Harder again. I winced and shuddered, totally captured by what I was seeing.

Catherine was being ravaged at both ends, the man in her mouth now close to orgasm. She sensed it and sucked furiously at him until with a spasm he released himself into her.

She sucked the semen down, gulping and licking the fluid, then finally kissed the end of him as he moved out of the picture. A bead of semen rolled from her lips down her cheek. She looked into the camera and, with her finger, smiled and pushed the seed back to her mouth.

Crack. Another sting.

My view from above adjusted to show Christopher thrusting in and out of her. His hands on the top of her thighs pulled her to him as his member sank deeper and deeper into her belly.

“Make it sting.” She called as she orgasmed again.

Continuous stings hit my back as I watched as Christopher took his pleasure deep within her. I imagined his cock pulsating as he unloaded another load of semen where the previous man had unloaded.

Then it was all over. My view panned out to the sound of satisfying sights, revealing Catherine and Christopher lying, holding each other, kissing on the dining table before it slowly faded to a blank screen.

The final part of my whipping had stung, like hundreds of needs hitting my skin in lines across my back but strangely, I longed more for the fading vision of my owners embrace, than release from my own bonds. I sat at the post, humiliated and yet proud. In the same space, my owners had shown me off to others in The Code. At the time, I was totally unaware just how many.

After a lengthy time of rest where my owners enjoyed each other, the two other men in the room quietly went upstairs and Catherine came to me.

“Thank us.” She said unfastening me.

I got to my knees and thanked them.

“Some quiet time in your cage now, slave.” Christopher ordered and led me off to the cage.

I reversed in uncomfortable, my cock and balls still bound up with the cord.

“We will need to instruct you what to do about that.” Catherine nodded to my engaged member as I wobbled back into position before the door was locked. “Though I think you know what is required.”

I was throbbing. I knew.

I knelt in my cage quietly as furniture and furnitures were rearranged. I knew that when the cage opened, I would have to humiliate myself in front of however many were now available to watch and, even as thecrop bit into my backside, I would be proud to drink the seed I extracted from myself for their pleasure.

Slowly but surely, everything about me was becoming theirs to control.

Before the evening was complete they sat me down on the sofa.

“We think that number three would be able to help you answer some of your questions.” Christopher said calmly.

I sipped my wine, still sore from the beating.

“We will put you in touch with him, he’s called Jonathan…You saw him tonight, he was the chap Catherine enjoyed in her mouth.”

“Yes.,” Catherine said smiling, her intimacy with another man did not embarrass her in the slightest. “He was our slave and now is an appreciation Master so, he knows about The Code from different angles. He might be able to give you some… perspective.”

“Jonathan.” I said.

“Yes.” Catherine insisted. “He will give you masturbation instructions too.”

They both smiled as they watched me reverse down the slope of theirdriveway.

Masturbation instructions. I thought. Like I need them.


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