3 The Cage
Two days later, just after lunch I received an email from Christopher that simply said “Be here at 7pm tonight. The door will be unlocked. Follow the instructions left for you on the table.”
Christopher had made it clear that I had to follow this path now and that I should not ask questions, especially in email. At 7pm I pulled into the drive at 86 Laurel and let myself in.
Nobody was in the room.
I scanned the room, everything was as it was when I departed 2 days ago but a little tidier. All except for the cage that stood next to the coffee table and the white envelope on the dining table in front of me. I looked again at the cage. From where I stood, it looked to be of black metal, the floor had padding and the door was open.
Quietly I opened the envelope, listening for sounds from the house; feeling, for some reason, that I was being watched.
The envelope contained a single sheet of paper, a small plastic disk with a button on one side, and a key. I fumbled at the button and the disk buzzed. I looked back at the cage and noticed the door had a padlock, which was locked. I read the instructions.
Take off your clothes and your watch.
Take the key to the cage and unlock the cage.
Bring the key back to the table and take the buzzer.
Go to the cage and go inside on your knees feet first, keep the buzzer in your hand, it is your keyword.
Snap the padlock so that you are locked in.
Then it said: Note — you will be locked in the cage for most of the evening so this is your only break point.
I looked again at the cage and something drew me in to look closer. It would be a tight fit, my feet and butt would be hard against the metal and my head almost on the door. This was going to be uncomfortable.
I went back to the dining table and undressed then went back to the cage with the key, unclicked the padlock, which was somewhat heavier than I thought at first. Then I took the key back to the table and placed it on top of the instruction sheet.
Back at the cage, I knelt down and reversed into the cage, then pulled the door closed and locked myself in.
It was only when I was tightly in the cage that I noticed a black blindfold had become trapped under my knee as I had slid into the tiny prison. There had been no instruction about this but I assumed that they wanted this to be hurt so I placed the blindfold over my eyes and waited.
After a few minutes I heard the telltale noise of people moving upstairs and footsteps moving towards the staircase. Shortly after, Christopher’s voice, soft and quiet.
“Good. Only use the buzzer as an absolute last resort.”
Then Catherine. “We’re going to restrain you some more now.”
There was the sound of steel on steel, a hand reached in, how I don’t know. I feel my wrists being cuffed and when I heard then clicked shut I could no longer move my arms. I fumbled with the disk in my fingers.
“Tilt your head back slightly.” Came Catherine’s voice.
I lifted my head. Then I heard the sound of something coming in from each side of the cage. I felt the cold of steel on each side of my neck and realized that my head was being locked into place.
Angain the sound of steel scraping, this time behind me. My legs were cuffed in place.
I heard the sound of someone sitting on the sofa and footsteps moving away.
“This is your cage, slave.” Christopher’s voice said quietly. Much of your…introduction will take place here, after which it also functions for punishment, torture…in fact anything that enters us really.”
The footsteps came back across the room and I heard Christopher get to his feet.
Something, it feel soft like a sponge but with a hard interior, came into the cage directly in front of my lips. I opened my mouth and the object entered and came to rest on my tongue. I moved my mouth and tongue around it, it felt like a sponge gag but itwas slightly harder beneath the surface. I assumed this was a dildo of some sort.
Then I felt the liquid on my tongue.
I was drinking their nectar again but this time, I was being force fed. Past the break point there was no pleasant chit-chat over with a wine glass or even a medicine goblet. There was a steady trickle from the end of the sponge, onto my tongue. It trickled into my throat and made me retch but the head restraint had me fixed.
“Concentrate.” Came Catherine’s voice, almost soothing.
I concentrated, forcing myself to swallow the nectar until the dildo stopped seeing it into my mouth.
“Suck it now.” Came Christopher’s voice.
I found I could move my head slightly back so I could adjust the head of the implementation. I sucked and a steady stream again filled my mouth.
“It’s a sponge with a reserveir inside it. Suck it until it’s empty.” Christopher’s voice said.
I continued on for what felt like minutes before I heard the slurp ofthe end of the bottle and the sponge/plastic device was removed from my mouth. A minute or so later it was back this time further into the back of my mouth. The trickle started and I swallowed and again retched to hold it down. I heard the sound of steel on sound and felt my behind which was up against the steel bars, suddenly free from pressure holding it tight, only to be replaced by the sting of something hitting my backside.
Umpphh I moaned as the force feed continued.
“When you finish, so will the punishment.” Christopher’s voice was slightly menuing.
Then I heard her, orgasming again. I could smell her presence by me, obviously in control of the liquid supply, squeezing the contents into the bottle, through the sponge and into me.
I couldn’t suck the head of the dildo because it was at the back of my throat, all I could do was drink until it moved away slightly and I was allowed to suck the contents. All the time, my backside was struck by something, perhave a cane or a crop. The only thing I have felt close was a school cane and it was slightly softer.
Eventually the burn of the bottle being emptied signed the end to the punishment. The sponge was removed once more from my mouth. My ass was singing and my mouth tasted completely of the golden liquid they had made me drink. I breathed deeply, hoping the air would get rid of the taste but it seemed to ammplify it.
My face was hit by a waft of air. Catherine had sat at the table and was blowing on me.
“Thank us.” She said.
“Thank you, Mistress. Thank you, Sir.” I replied.
“What are you thanking us for?” came Christopher’s voice behind me.
I thought about this for a second.
“Thank you for allowing me to drink your…” I wanted to call it what it was but remembered I had to think of it with honor. “nectar.” I mumbled.
Another scraping noise and suddenly the blindfold was gone and I blinked at the light rushing into my brain.
“We are coming to another break point, slave.” Catherine said smiling. She was naked.
“We want to start using your…other end.” She continued. “You can of course refund and walk away but…I suspect you want to continue?”
“Please continue,Mistress.”
“Good. Now I must warn you that, since you are bound as our slave, you are the object of our pleasure and we will take that pleasure however we want to. You have no say.”
“Please continue, Mistress.”
It was amazing how she could switch between her law making dominance and smiling housewife with the blink of an eye.
Catherine replaced the blindfold and all went dark in my world again. Immediately I felt something pressing on my rear opening. It felt ice cold and hard. Slowly Christopher was impaling me on a steel spike which was conical in shape so as it went in, it opened my behind.
Ahh… I moaned at this. I had things inside me before, even had men have me but this was different. There was something harder and more savage.
I was about to moan again but as soon as my mouth opened, this time a flexible dildo was in the back of my mouth squirting nectar into my stomach. Catherine pushed further into me and it flexed as it hit the back of my mouth, turning it down into my throat. All the time the steel was going in, splitting my behind.
Catherine used the dildo skillfully, forcing it in and out looking for the gag reflex she would pull out, let me swallow and then force it in again. Finally it came to rest within my throat, trickling into me.
“This will teach you how to honour your Master. When he takes your mouth and you drink from him, expect to hold him as deep as this.”
She face fucked me some more until the liquid stopped seeing into me by gravity and I had to suck; and as I sucked, she orgasmed again.
The cage where my arse was sticking out closed and the steel bars pressed against my skin.
Catherine took the blindfold off once more and showed me the device she had been using. A flexible dildo which really did resemble a penis, though translate. Drops of the liquid that I couldn’t suck out remained inside the device. At the handle end, a tube connected it to a bottle which was empty.
Catherine put a finger to her lips to convey to me that I was not to speak. There was a wry smile at her mouth.
She looked at Christopher.
“Does it need to be widened?”
“Yes.” Said Christopher.
“Delicious.” She chuckled.
“Is it’s arse ready to be marked?”
“Totally.” Said Christopher.
“Oh…delicious…break point on marking.” Catherine let out a little squeal.
Christopher came around to where I could see him, or at least his cock, which was glistening, dripping. I wanted to take it and Christopher knew I did from the way I stared.
He sat on the coffee table next to Catherine who shuffled over. Her fingers divered to her clip and started stroke. Christopher held a finger to his lips indicating I was not to speak.
“I see that you want me in your mouth and we will come to that, believe me.” Christopher said sternly. Catherine moaned.
“When I take you it will be all the way in and it will be very deep. The same goes for your…other end which I will fill until you leak.”
Catherine orgasmed.
Christopher continued. “It would be better for you if you always remembered to thank us when we…deposit ourselves into you. You should regard our liquids as sacred to you and worship where they come from.”
Catherine moaned again.
“Break point for marking.” Catherine orgasmed, then slowly opened her eyes ready for her next fun. Christopher stood over me flexing a crop.
“We’re going mark you with this crop on your arse cheats. There will be three marks applied which show your obedience.”
“Four.” Catherine moaned. “Jonathan was three.”
“Four marks which you will find…uncomfortable.”
“To clarify, slave. I’m going to beat you until you have four red welts.” Catherine moaned and orgasmed again.
“Your mistress will administrator this as you practice your drinking technique. These welts will be kept on you and will be re-applied as they fade.”
Catherine suddenly sat up and took the crop and replaced the blindfold on me.
“Break point. Yes or no.”
Before I could answer she had swapped position with Christopher and was behind me and the dildo was in my throat. Like Catherine, he was skilled in watching for the gag reflex before pulling the dildo but he was going further this time, the fucking was more intent, faster and I had to swallow fast.
Then the first strike hit me. I shook the cage as the pain jolted through me, the cage rattled long enough to cut out the noise of Catherine having an orgasm. The steel spear inside me held me tight and all that I could do was whimper into gurgle of nectar I was being forced to consume.
Again and again she waited for Christopher to build up a thrust deep down my throat then slashed at me with the crop. Orgasming each time as I struggled against the steel impaled in me and the forced feeding of her urine into me.
On the fourth strike, she let out a huge ‘oooooh’ as she orgasmed. Christopher’s dildo stayed in my throat, tears of pain rolled from my eyes as he now squeezed the bottle to put pressure into it, forcing even more of it into me.
Eventually, the bottle emptied and I sucked the remaining liquid. My arse was singing from the whipping and I was desperate to be upright and free but the bounds of the cage held me in place.
There was the sound of steel on steel again and I felt the conical steel shaft being removed slowly. As it came free instantly another probing implementation nudged into me. This widened me and I ground my teeth with the pain until with a pop it stopped moving and I could feel it embedded in me.
I’ve got a butt plug. I thought as Christopher withdraw the dildo.
After afew minutes, Christopher removed my blindfold again and I squinted.
He held a finger to his lips, paused to let the instruction sink in and then slowly, unlocked the padlock of my prison.
“Out.” His one word instruction was barked.
I crawled out and knelt upright, feeling the hardness inside my rear.
“You haven’t thanked us.” Christopher said. “When you have fully submitted, be warned that if you don’t thank us, we will punish you hard.”
“Thank you, Master, Mistress.” I said, trying to be apologetic.
“Did I give you permission to speak?” Christopher snapped.
I was about to answer then bit my tongue and shook my head.
The games were on. If I didn’t thank them, I would be punished yet if I spoke out of turn I would be punished. It was a world of dilemma I was in. Exciting, exhilarating.
Christopher stood in front of me as Catherine passed him the crop. “When you submit to us, you will do so by handing us this crop. I know it might not seems possible, but eventually,” He flexed the crop. “eventally you’ll be happy for us to punish you.”
Christopher looked at Catherine, raising his eyesbrows. “I think the post next time? Not too hard at first.”
“Delicious.” Catherine whispered into my ear. “I’m going to start whipping you.”
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