The Club with No Name

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18.

I hope you enjoy it, and any feedback is appreciated.

(And thanks to kenjisato for his help with editing)

The Club With No Name

The only constant in life is change. Ted Billings was having this truism beat him senseless. As he sat on his back deck, a cold one in hand, he just wanted to dull his mind, and cut off a few of the rough edges of his current reality. He realized he needed more beer.

At thirty-five years of age, Ted Billings was in crisis. Or, so he thought. His job, though lucrative, was boring. That was boring with a capital ‘B’. His love life was in shambles. His last girlfriend had moved on. That happens he thought, but she had moved on with one of his good friends. That produced a rather large, rough edge.

As he dwelled on her final phone call, his mind wandered. He began to relive some of his past history with Cindy, his now ex-girlfriend. He took a sip of beer. Damn, he realized she really was not that good in bed. Even though he spent what seemed like hours licking her between her legs, she rarely returned the favor. As the alcohol began to chip away at those rough edges, he realized he was actually relieved. He was still ticked off that his buddy Jim had started banging her, but he also realized he did not miss her that much at all.

Then his brain kicked back to the here and now, and he re-realized his need for more beer. He was melt, so to speak, but felt just fine enough to make it to the Jiffy-Niffy down the street. He quickly found his brand of IPA, and on the way out he picked up a copy of the local underground weekly, Gutter Trash. It had all the local music listings, and he liked to laugh at the editorials. In the age of the internet, the old underground press was disappearing, but the Gutter Trash was still cranking out their alternative-lifestyle weekly. His edges were getting smaller and smaller.

As the sun began to make its way west, Ted sipped his fresh beer and began to read the weekly. He made a mental note to make it down to the Dirty Basement next Friday to see Stunted Growth, a local grunge band. As he flipped through the pages, he landed on the personal ads. He rarely read this part of the paper, but sometimes he found the ads very amusing. As he scanned the pages, one ad caught his eye. It was for the monthly meeting of The Club With No Name at a local steakhouse. They met in the party room, and visitors were always welcome.

Somewhere in the back of Ted’s brain a little synapse lit up. He rarely recalled a conversation with a guy at work about this group. They were like some kind of club where people were into spanking and bondage, and stuff like that. Ironically the ad and the wording sounded more like a local community garden club. Ted may have been a wee bit past melt with his IPA, but he made a mental note. Why not check it out. It could be amusing at minimum.


When Friday rolled around, Ted was having second thoughts about going to the monthly meeting of the Club With No Name. But, it did say that visitors were welcome. Finally, his curiosity, and maybe a bit of a fantasy projection, got him out the door.

He was familiar with the restaurant, and had a steak there on occasion. But as he entered, his apprehension level was red-lining. He was pretty sure the meeting room would be just left of the bar, and as he approached, he saw the sign above the door. As he entered, he was greeted by a beared man that appeared to be in his sixties, or somewhere thereabouts.

“Good evening. My name is Ben,” he said as he stuck out his hand to greet Ted. “I suspect you are new to our group?”

“Yes. I saw your ad and thought I would come by, you know, check it out.”

“Great! Come on in.” Ben seemed to have the perfect personality for a greeter. He was cheerful, and actually put Ted at ease.

Ted then noticed a nice-looking plump lady at a small table to their left with a roll of stick-on name tags, and a felt pen. “Doris will get you set up with a name tag,” Ben said, as he gazed around the room. “Oh, there. Over by George and Mary. There is an empty chair,” he said as he pointed towards an older gentleman sitting next to a very attractive lady. “They are old-time members and They can help get you settled in. George loves to talk.”

As Ted walked over to the empty chair, he could not help but think this looked more like a PTA meeting than a group of folks with alternative sexual appetites. There were a few exceptions of normality as he scanned the room. A few folks had some heavy ink and piercings, and a couple had pink and blue streaked hair. He also started to notice some discreet collars hurt by some. There were a few leather collars, but some appeared to be more like jewelry, yet seemed to be of the same theme, indicating a submissive. Many, however, lookd like they were in Friday casual-day work attire.

George and Mary were a married couple, and Ted found them very easy to talk to. They actually seemed to like being guides for a newbie. Ted learned this was a social group first, and they liked to hang out with others who understand different lifestyles. Also, they had a few parties during the year that were fun. It was a good place for folks to meet, and many found partners through the group. Some just found casual playmates.

“Well, some folks like baseball, but can’t stand hockey, and vice versa,” George said. “Others are so into hockey that that is all they talk about. You like apples, I like pearls. Simple as that.”

The meeting was more of a social gathering than any real business. There was a committee set up to coordinate the annual gala, they had regular lunches, as well as a Christmas party. It all seemed very normal. Except for the activities, as Ted was informed, that were rated for adults only. This statementt made Mary giggle. But the bottom line was, it was a group of folks of various sexual subcultures.

George looked at me with a serious face. “You need to know that trust is the number-one thing that any partner needs. Every now and then someone shows up and tries to take advantage of less experienced members of the group. They are quickly found out and asked to leave. The word gets around quickly. There are many kinky things some folks like, but trust is number one with any partner.”

Ted took that as George’s, not so subtle, warning to a new face at the meeting.

The meeting itself was very uneventful, and Ted spent most of the time looking around at the people, and trying to imagine what type of activities they might engage in. As the meeting was ending, they exchanged phone numbers, and George said he and Mary looked forward to seeing him sometimes.


Over the next couple of weeks Ted and George got together several times for a beer after work. He learnned that George and Mary were into, what George called, bondage lite. Mary loved to be spanked, or whipped, played with toys, and such. George was very open about their marriage, and their hobbies.

One afternoon, after a few beers, Ted felt comfortable talking about more personal things with George, and expressed his insecurity about how to actually start a relationship. He had yet to meet a girl that had the same predicates as he had.

“I know you are still trying to figure out exactly how to establish something with a young lady who may complement your needs with hers,” George said one afternoon. “I think what you need is a woman’s perspective about some of this.”

“Yes, I think that would be helpful.”

“Why don’t you come over to our place Saturday night? Mary said she would love to talk with you. We both are open to helping you with this,” George said with a big smile.

Ted was more than happy to accept the invitation, and with some lingering apprehension, the next Saturday night found him cruising through a suburban maze of homes. This was one of the many upper-middle-class-neighborhood developments that had sprung up about twenty years ago. As the city had expanded, the property values ​​of these nice, but rather unassembling three-bedroom ranchers, had skyrocketed.

Ted once again was thankful for his trusted GPS, which had one of the most soothing female voices he had ever heard, as he pulled up in front of the address George had given him. The home was neat as a pin, and like the others around it, had its own unique front-porch area. It seemed like there were maybe a dozen or so different styles that gave the appearance of uniqueness, while they were all basically the same home inside.

As Ted made his way up their sidewalk, the front door opened and George stepped out and waved. “I heard you pull up, come on in,” he said as he held the front door open.

As Ted entered the living room, he felt like he had walked intoa Norman Rockwell painting. It was as neat as a pin and the furniture was immaculate. It all looked like something straight out of the 1950s.

George noticed Ted’s reaction. “This was Mary’s idea. She just loved the old styles, and I had no preference, so we settled for a retro-style living room,” he gestured with a wink.

“It is lovely,” Ted said as he gazed around the room.

George just let out a small laugh. “Thank you for being so polite. It grows on you,” he said with a big grin.

At that moment Mary appeared with a tray of coffee cups and a pot of coffee. “Sit down gentlemen. I made some fresh coffee,” she said in a wonderful mother-like tone.

Mary looked even prettier than he remembered. Many women her age would not have looked half as good as Mary. She wore a nice white blouse, and a short skirt. The blouse was a tight fit, and made of light material. Ted realized it was close to being transparent in the light. He could see the outlines of her bra, which seemed to strain in an attempt to hold her ample chest. When she bent over to pour coffee, he could see the outlines of her protruding nipples poking through the blouse. It was all he could do to keep from staring. He had a feeling it was not by accident.

When she took a seat on the couch, he noticed she was wearing hosiery. Rarely did he see women wearing nylons these days. When she sat down, she shifted slightly, and he could plainly see the straps of a black garter belt. Ted just smiled, sipped his coffee, and decided to just enjoy the show.

Polite chit-chat ensured as they sipped their coffee. Ted was beginning to have a difficult time keeping his focus on the conversation, as Mary began to slowly shift her legs apart, revealing more, and more of her nylons and garter belt.

“So, Ted, what initially brought you to the Club meeting that first night” Mary asked, as she crossed her legs.

Ted was sure he got a quick glimpse of pink between her legs. His cock took notice.

“Well, I realized if I wanted to meet women who had, you might say, my same interest. The Club seemed to be a good place to start. None of the women I had dated understanding my inclinations, you might say. And, I guess I was not sure exactly what I was looking for.”

Mary smiled and said, “Well Ted, I think you made the right choice. Both George and I were glad to meet you. And George says you boys have been having a beer or two over the last few weeks.”

George laughed and said, “We had more than two a few times! Right Ted?”

Ted just smiled, while stealing another glance at Mary’s little peep show. “Well, I guess a few times.”

Sitting in a living room that seemed to be out of some 1950s sitcom, sipping coffee with George and Mary, while Mary’s skirt continued to creep up her thighs, was almost surreal for Ted. Nonetheless, he was enjoying the coffee and the show. And, he was beginning to get more little details about Mary and George as the conversationation continued. They had been married for over twenty years, and had been members of the Club With No Name for several years. They had developed many friends during this time, and they sometimes had small parties outside the club’s normal meetings, and social events.

“Ted, can I get you more coffee?”

“Oh, I’m fine Mary, but thanks for asking.”

“George, why don’t you show Ted our playroom? I am sure he would like to see it,” Mary said, as she began to gather the empty cups.

“Sure sweetie. I am sure Ted will find it interesting.”

Ted followed George down a hallway to the back of the house. “We converted our back bedroom into a playroom,” George said as they walked.

As they entered the room, George flipped on the light switch. Ted stopped in the doorway, and it took him a few seconds to comprehend what was in the playroom.

The first thing he noticed was the far back wall, where several whips, paddles, and canes hung in a neat row. But his attention quickly went to a large element to his right. It was a structure with two strdy metal tripods, each attached to metal poles, with a metal crossbar. Hanging from the poles were several straps of various lengths, as well as some straps attached to the crossbar.

To the left of this contraction was a padded bench with straps attached to each end. As he turned his attention to the other side of the room he saw two large leather armschairs, and a leather couch along the wall. Then his gaze moved upward, towards the ceiling where several small spotlights pointed towards the equipment.

“So, what do you think?” George waved his arms like a big-game hunter showing off his trophy room.

“Amazing. Just amazing,” Ted said as his gaze moved around the room. Ted quickly understand what ‘playroom’ indicated to George and Mary. And the chairs and couch also told him that this was a ‘showroom’ as well.

“I thought you would find this interesting,” George said with a big smile.”I want you to know a couple of things first. Mary and I have been together for a long time, and I know her very well. We have our own way of communicating, and others may not understand this. First, I would never hurt my beautiful wife, and I know her limits. Now, tonight Mary needs to be distributed. She knows you are here, and that you will witness this. I told her I was going to have you here tonight.” Then he turned at Ted and said, “So, don’t be concerned with what she says, or how she acts.”

Ted was trying to process this, but he realized very quickly that he was part of their play. Just like Mary had been playing peekaboo with her private parts with him in the living room.

“Have a seat,” George said with a smile as he pointed to one of the leather chairs. “Mary should be here in a minute. And remember, just follow my lead.”

Just as Ted got seated, Mary entered the room. She was wearing a beautiful knee-length red-silk robe, tied with a sash. George reached outand took her hand. She seemed subdued as compared to her rather gregory attitude in the living room.

“Mary has gone way over her credit card limit this month,” George said in a ceremonial tone of voice. “Isn’t that correct Mary?”

“Yes sir,” she replied in a soft voice.

“And the amount overcharged was so great, that it doubles the punishment. That is why our friend Ted is Here. He is to be a witness as your payment for your bad behavior.”

“Yes sir,” Mary replied.

Then Mary began to untie the sash of her robe. Ted’s heart began to beat faster. He realized their game had begun. He also realized he would get to see much more of Mary. A lot more of her. His cock began to tingle.

Mary slipped off her red robe, revealing her naked breasts for all to see. She was beautiful. Yes, she was not the young girl she had been years ago, but she had aged like a fine wine. Her breasts were large, and full, showing little of her age. They still hung high on her bodyy. Her skin was pale, and was in contrast to her very large, and very extended brown nipples.

She was not completely naked, and wore a simple black G-string. It barely covered her privates, and as she turned, he could see a small piece running up between her cheeks. It was so narrow that her abundant ass was totally exposed to what was sure to come.

When Ted had driven up to their home, he had no idea that he would be sitting in a leather armchair, staring at Mary’s naked butt cheats, as her husband attached her hands to padded leather handcuffs. He watched as George then attached the cuffs to ropes hanging from the crossbar of the metal frame. This scene already had him hard.

The position left Mary standing on her feet, but with her arms at such a wide angle, her range of motion was very restricted. He watched as she struggled to get a bit more comfortable, wriggling her body back and forth. Ted’s view was such that he could see that this movement swayed her ample breasts as she moved. The scene was already highly erotic.

George did not waste much time, and took up a position directly behind Mary’s almost totally naked backside. The room suddenly resounded with a loud SMACK! Mary jerked against her bindings and let out a little yell. Ted thought it was due more to the surprise than any pain. However, a reddish handprint appeared on her pale left ass cheese within seconds. George then released a steady barrier of blows, making Mary squirm as she recoiled from each one.

Each contact elicited small little grunts from Mary. Ted became mesmerized by this punishment dance.

Ted could not tell if George’s barrage of blows lasted one minute, or two. But it seemed as if he suddenly stopped. Even after the blows stopped, Mary Continued to squirm back and forth, making little sounds. Her movements made her unrestrained breasts move in an obscene manner. Ted became consciousness of his penis, as it strained against his pants. He was so hard from what he had seen that it almost hurt.

“It is such a nice shade of red,” George said, as he gently ran his hands across Mary’s inflamed cheats. “They actually get warm. Come feel Ted.”

George’s words started Ted. Ted realized George wanted him to feel Mary’s ass cheats, and he was now invited to join this performance as one of the actors. There was a surprising quality to all of This, but Ted realized he was very excited to become an actor in this game.

As he rose from his chair, he heard Mary scream out, “No…no, no, no”

Ted saw George wink at him, and smile as he got up from his chair. He recalled their conversation before Mary had arrived. “Yes, they do look a wonderful shade of pink,” Ted said as he got up. He made a very quick decision to go with the flow, and see what George had in mind. Ted realized he really wanted to touch Mary’s well-spanked cheats, to feel them, to feel the heat. Any hesitation, any reluctance to join their game, was quickly dissolving./p>

As soon as his hand touched Mary’s left check, she let out another loud, “Nooo”

But Ted was quickly learning how the game was to be played, and he began to rub her cheats. “Yes, they are rather hot,” Ted said with a big smile, all the while squeezed and rubbing Mary’s backside.

“Well, she needs more. We have only started. So, Ted, why don’t you take over While I rest my hand” George said with a big smile.

Mary immediately yelled, “Wait! He can’t!”

Ted smiled, and quickly decided. SMACK! He landed his first blow. The sound almost made him jump as it resonated in the room.

Mary’s body jerked, her backside wriggled, and she let out a loud moan.

Ted looked over to George, and was relieved as his was given the thumbs-up sign. Then he began in earnest. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! With each blow Mary let out a little scream or a grunt. Left cheese, then right cheese, then left. He got into a steady rhythm as Mary’s but cheeses turned a beautiful scarlet red.

After a couple of minutes Ted stopped. He began squeezing and fondling her ass. He found this extremely erotic. His cock twitched inside his pants. Mary moaned as his hands worked her red bottom.

George noticed, and decided to take it to the next level. “Ted, let me show you something,” he said, as he moved to the front of Mary.


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