The Club Pt. 04

The Club – Ch. 5

Two weeks later the couples had settled into their summer routines. The first session of classes had started and part time jobs had begun. The guys had arranged to spend the weekend helping Joe up at the cabin and on Thursday night Janet got a call from Barb.

“I was just thinking that as long as the guys are gone this weekend, maybe we three could get together Saturday. Maybe a trip over to the beach and some seafood for supplier? It’s OK with Liz. Can you make it?”

“Sounds like the second best idea I can think of,” Janet replied. “And with Charles gone, the best idea is out. What time?”

“I’ll pick you up about seven. That’ll give us time to get over to the coast and still beat most of the Saturday crowds.”

“Sounds good,” Janet said. “I’ll bring a cooler of drinks. See you then.”

Saturday morning Barb showed up right on time and five minutes later they had picked up Liz and were heading east. As they were leaving the city, Liz suddenly was hit with a huge yawn. “What’s the matter, didn’t get any sleep last night?” Janet teased.

“Actually I got a lot more than usual,” Liz answered. “After all, Rick went up with the other guys yesterday afternoon. Maybe I was just bored.”

“Bored, but not screwed,” Janet put in.

“Something like that,” Liz grinned back.

“I Know the feeling – or lack of it,” Janet said.

The girls continued the talk along those lines for the next twenty minutes when Liz finally said, “So, tell me, has your sex life changed any in the last two weeks?” Neither of the other two said anything for a couple of seconds and Liz went on, “Look, I’m happy to say that Rick and I have found a number of new things to try. Several from those tapes. Say, you two aren’t feeling differently about our ‘orgies’ now, are you?”

Janet broke the silence. “No, really, I still think everything we did was terrific fun. And, OK, Charles and I have been trying a bunch of new stuff.”

“Same here,” Barb said. “I’ll admit that I’m really beginning to get hooked on the bondage and discipline stuff. In fact, I bought a whole bag of clothes pins and everything I own is stay-press.”

“You bought clothes pins, too?” Janet asked. “I got a whole bag. They do seem to have so many uses.”

This was followed by general laughter and Liz said, “Well, I Haven’t bought any clothes pins.” The other two looked at her and she went on, “I already had a bag. But we’ve found a lot of new ways to use them. And Rick came back with a surprise one night. Somewhere he found a small cat of nine tails. We both find that even hotter than a paddle – no matter which of us is using it.”

“You’ve really tried whipping?” Janet asked. “Is it as hot as it looked in the tapes?”

“Even better,” Liz replied. “Of course we’re not actually using it hard enough to really hurt each other, but I find that being tied down and getting my ass lashed is even hotter than turning Rick’s bottom red.”

The three discussed some of their new games and techniques for a little while when Janet said, “You know, I sure hope we can borrow that cabin again. I’d love to watch you guys trying some of this stuff.” Then she added, “And I get hot just thinking about you watching me.”

Barb looked very thoughtful for a few seconds and then said, “We could probably find somewhere besides the cabin. Tell me, what would you two think about forming our own little club, like we saw in that one tape.”

Everyone fell silent and the question hung in the air. Finally Liz said, “You mean our own BDSM club? Just the six of us?” Barb nodded. Liz slowly continued, “You know, there is an SM club on campus. I’ve met a couple of the girls. Some of them take this pretty seriously and seem to really be into the master-slave stuff. I don’t think I’d have any interest in a club like that.” Barb started to say something, but Liz held up her hand to stop her. “I wouldn’t be interested in that, butThe idea of ​​a club with just the six of us sounds like a real turn-on. I know watching you guys on that trip definitely made me hot. And I know Rick loved it.”

Janet slowly nodded agreement. “That pretty well says it. I’d never be interested in joining a bunch of other people and I certainly an not interested in any really heavy SM relationship, but more of what we did on the trip – that I could go for. And Charles liked it just as much, so I think he’d go for it too.”

“Well, I did discuss it with James and he likes the idea,” Barb said. “If you two are seriously interested and think Charles and Rick would be, too, maybe we can plan something.”

“The more I think about it, the better I like the idea,” Liz said.

“Me, too,” Janet said. “But where could be do this stuff. I mean too much noise will carry in apartment buildings. As it is, Charles and I have to use gags sometimes and, frankly, I don’t really care for them at all.”

“I’ve thought about that,” Barbsaid. “James is staying at his grandparents, remember? They have a two hundred acre farm twenty minutes from campus. And they are planning to be away on a trip most of the summer, starting next week. There’s even an old barn we could use. Hasn’t been used as a barn in years, but it’s still in good shape. And the place is far enough away from everyone so you can really scream if you want to.”

Janet and Liz looked at her. “You’ve really thought this out, haven’t you?” Liz asked. Barb nodded. “It sounds perfect to me. And I’m sure Rick will love it, too.”

Barb said, “We should know that by tomorrow night. James is going to sound out the other two while they’re up at Joe’s place this weekend.”

“Well, let’s assume they like the idea,” Liz said. “What should we do to get started?”

Janet suddenly said, “How about an initiative? You know, like in the tape. In fact we could have two: We initiate the guys one weekend and they do us the next.”

“I like that idea,” Lizsaid. “But we should make some plans and some rules. Are we talking about just watching or are we talking about swapping?”

There was silence for a minute or so and then Janet finally said, “I’m not sure I’m ready for swapping. I’ll admit that after those ‘thank you’ kisses before we left the cabin, I was so hot I probably wouldn’t have minded which guy had me – or even if all three took turns. And I did like their hands on me. I’m not really jealous or anything. I mean I don’t think I would mind it if Charles had one of you two, but I’m just not sure about going that far.”

“I guess I sort of feel the same way,” Barb added. “I won’t rule it out sometimes in the future, but now I think I would be more comfortable if we only had sex with our own boyfriends.”

Liz added, “Me, too. Just our own guys. But what about other stuff? I mean we got and gave spankings to others. I, for one, think I might like having three guys teasing and torqueing me at the same time.”

“I could go along with that,” Janet said. “I’m just not sure about actual sex with anyone but Charles.” Barb agreed.

“Another thing,” Barb said. “I don’t think any of us are interested in real domination or heavy pain or anything like that. Right?” The other two immediately agreed. “If either of you two think differently from what I say – or if you think the guys might – say so. I’ll give you an idea of ​​what I have in mind and you can let me know if you’re thinking about something different. First, I expect we’ll use words like punishment, whipping, and probably torture, but I don’t think we’ll mean it in the strictest sense of the word. Real torture is awful, I’m sure you’ll agree with that. But what we’re doing is playing and we’ll say things that have a ‘play’ meaning. Also I’m not interested in any real humiliation. I don’t mean no embarrassment – I was certainly embarrassed at some of the things I had to do playing that game up at the cabin, but that’s not the same as actual humintelligence. How’s this sound to you two?”

“Exactly like what I’m thinking,” Liz replied. “I don’t mind a little embarrassment – I was pretty embarrassed when Rick tied me over that chair and fucked my ass after I won the game. But real humiliation is a complete turn-off. I also expect a lot of stuff will hurt. After all, that’s what we’re doing it for, to let the ‘hurt’ turn us on. But I’d never want any broken skin or blood or anything and certainly no permanent damage. I don’t mind a few welts on my ass, but I have no urge to be branded or pierced. Rick and I always have a safeword and it is always honored immediately. And to make sure of that I think we should completely ban alcohol anytime we’re playing games.”

“I agree completely,” Janet said. “Charles and I started using safewords, too. In fact, we have two: yellow light to slow down and red light means stop, now.”

“That sounds like the perfect set,” Liz said. Barb agreed and Liz suggested, “Let’s adopt them for the club.”

The two immediately agreed. Barb went on, “We said only sex with our boyfriends, but OK to some hands-on action – punishment or otherwise – from any of the guys. But what about oral contact?”

Liz slowly said, “I guess I could go either way with that. We all know each other so well and I don’t think any of us would be jealous. I know I wouldn’t be.” The other two Shook their heads in agreement. “If we’re having this club to increase our fun, I suppose we should give it the OK. I’m sure it’ll be a lot hotter if we don’t rule that out of bounds.”

“It does open up more possibilities,” Janet said. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have two set of lips on me at once.”

Barb squeezed her knees together hard and sucked in her breath. “Not to mention what we could do to one of the guys if we were acting as a team.”

“OK,” Liz said. “Oral is OK with any of them. But another thing we need to decide about is how much do we do with each other. I mean, I know that Rick hasn’t got a gay bone in his body. He is not at all interested in other guys and I’m strictly heteroro myself. But I expect we may not want to rule out punishing each other.”

Janet and Barb were both silent for half a minute. Then Barb said, “I hadn’t thought about that. I’m sure James wouldn’t like touching or being touched by another guy at all. And, like you, Liz, I’m only interested in sex with men. In fact, one man in particular. But the idea of ​​using a stick on one of you two or getting my bottom spanked lying over your lap does turn me on. I wouldn’t have expected it and I’m not suggesting gay sex, and I hope neither of you are offended, but the idea of ​​all five of you tormenting my bound body sounds awfully hot.”

“I’m certainly not offended,” Janet said. “I’ll admit it does sound pretty hot. And like James, I know Charles wouldn’t want to do anything with the other two guys. But I’m not even completely sure about myself. Maybe we can leave that open and just use the safewords to stop anything that starts to feel uncomfortable.”

“That sounds like the best idea,” Barb said, and Liz agreed with her. “What about toys? I know we have a few, but I think a few more might make things more fun. But I have no idea where to get them or even exactly what we should get.”

Liz spoke up. “I think I might know where.” The other Two looked at her with interest. “I know a girl who told me about a couple of ‘girls only’ parties she went to. Sort of like Tupperware parties, but these were for ‘adult’ toys. I happened to meet her the other day and we started talking a little about the parties and she mentioned that the girl who gave them is working at a place up in DC. An adult toy store. We could go up there one day and get some stuff.”

“I’ve never been in one of those places,” Janet said, “but aren’t they full of dirty old men and other characters we’d probably like to stay away from?”

“It’s true there is some of that,” Lizanswered. “Rick and I went to one once just to see what was there. If we go in the daytime – especially on a weekday – I don’t think we’ll have any problem. Besides the three of us would be together, so it’s not the same as one of us going alone.”

“That sounds good,” Barb said, “but we’d better not get too carried away until we talk to the guys.”

“No,” Liz answered, “but can you imagine them not wanting to do this? I mean, seriously, would there be any chance they wouldn’t be interested? You saw how turned on they got up at the cabin.”

“I expect you’re right,” Janet said. “I’m almost 100% certain Charles would love it.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right,” Barb said. “There’s also the little matter of money. I expect this stuff is pretty expensive.”

“It’s not cheap,” Liz said. “When Rick and I went to the shop I saw an awful lot of stuff. In fact, a lot of things I couldn’t even identify. And the stuff I did recognize was a little price. But we have to look at tHis club as a lot of entertainment. How much would we spend on recreation without it, even just over the summer? And we’ll still have this stuff at the end of the summer.”

“Liz is right,” Janet said. “If we do this we’ll be splitting things six ways. If we’re going to initiate the guys first, though, it might be more fun if they didn’t see what we have beforehand. But I expect They’ll trust us to pick stuff out and still help pay for it. We can talk it over with them and see how much we all feel we can handle.”

“That sounds good to me,” Barb said. Then suddenly she added, “Hey, there’s our turn off. Let’s go lie in the sun for awhile.”

They spend the rest of the day mostly just lying around. Several times the talk turned back to the club and ideas for what they could do and what equipment they would need. Finally, after a day of thinking mostly about sex and filling themselves with crab, they headed back home. The next day the men returned and, not surprisingly, theywere as enthusiastic about the idea as were the girls.

The first summer term would end in two weeks and they decided on the first club meeting for the weekend after classes finished. It was agreed that the girls would initiate the men then and roles would reverse the following weekend. As expected the men agreed that the women could make the first shopping trip for toys, but warned them not to spend all the money. The men might want to find something later. Janet, Barb, and Liz agreed to go up to DC on the Tuesday before the club meeting and try to find the girl, Susan Cole, about whom Liz had spoken.

When that Tuesday arrived, the three left and made the long drive, arrive about two thirty. They stopped at a phone booth and looked up the store. “Here it is,” Liz said. “‘Adult Pleasure Island.’ Say, it’s not really in the city, but out towards Reston.”

They drove to the address show and found the shop in a small strip mall along with shoe and clothing stores, a couple of restaurants, an office supply store , and a pet shop. The location looked clean and middle class, much better than the girls had expected. The store itself had only a sign giving it’s name and the notice, “Novelties for adults. You must be 18 to enter.”

Liz parked near the shop and the three sat still for a minute. “Well, come on,” Liz finally said. “This looks a lot better than we expected and, after all, we did come here to shop. Let’s go on inside.” The other two followed her lead and got out of the car. They walked up to the shop door feeling that hundreds of people were watching them. Actually, there were only a few dozen cars in the mall lot and no one paid any attention to them at all.

They entered the door and the first impression was of an intimate apparel shop. But this impression lasted only seconds as they looked around and saw, in addition to the racks of sexy clothes, rows of shelves with books and magazines, most showing fully or partially nude womenon the covers. There was also a large selection of video tapes. But what really stood out were the displays of sex toys: on tables, shelves and even the wall. There was a raised area with a high glass display cabinet-checkout counter. Behind the counter a woman was sitting on a high stool, not unlike a barstool, reading a thick book. She was probably twenty four or five, about five ten or five eleven, with long, blonde hair Worn hanging down to her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes and wore a skin tight shirt showing off large, firm breasts. The shirt had the top three buttons undone and her skirt reached only to mid thigh. Except for her the store was empty. The girl glanced up at them and then went back to her book.

The three girls wandered around for a few minutes, looking at everything. They spotted a display of BDSM equipment next to the checkout counter and began to discuss the different items. The variety was much greater than they had imagined and many of the items werecompletely baffling in their use. They continued to discuss the items for several minutes until finally the girl behind the counter said, “Excuse me girls.” Her smile and tone were very friendly and Janet found herself liking her immediately. “I couldn’t help overhearing you. Maybe I can answer a few questions and give you some advice if you tell me what you’re looking for.”

Liz turned towards her and noticed a name tag for the first time. It read “Susan.” “Hi,” Liz said. “Are you by any chance Susan Cole?”

The girl looked both interested and hesitant at the same time. “That’s right,” she said. “Have we met.”

“No, not really. But I know a girl who used to go to some of your ‘Toy Parties’.” Liz went on to explain who the mutual acquaintance was and then a little bit about what they were doing there. She introduced Janet and Barb and then said, “As you can probably guess, we’ve just began to try out a few new things. We’re looking for some basic equipment, so maybe youcan help us.”

“Sure, I’ll be happy to,” Susan smiled at them. “Just what sort of stuff are you trying? Are you tops, bottoms, or some of both?”

The three looked blank and Susan smoothly went on, “A top is the one who dominates, the master. A bottom, or sub, is the slave. Also are you playing with men or each other?”

Even Liz was turning a little red at the frank questions. Talking directly about things with the other two was one thing, but with a stranger, no matter how friendly, it was something entirely different. She managed to get out, “We’re a little of both, I guess. And we play with our boyfriends. No heavy relationships, just play.”

Susan immediately caught their embarrassment and smoothly tried to relax them. “Look, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone who tries this has to start sometimes. And just because you play some BDSM games doesn’t mean you’re into a master-slave relationship. Why don’t you give me an idea of ​​what you’re tried or what you’re tried or whatat you want to and maybe I can make some suggestions.”

Barb decided that as long as they had come this far – and besides, she’d never see this Susan again – she might as well try to explain. “Well, we’ve tried spanking and paddling and a little bond – ropes and stuff. A few clothes pins and a leather belt or two. We don’t know exactly what we want, but we got the idea of ​​starting a club for ourselves and our boyfriends. We’re looking for some equipment to get started.”

“Well, that helps. Say, it’s three thirty now. My shift ends at four. Why don’t you look around at stuff for the next half hour and then we can all go somewhere for something to drink. Or maybe supper. That would give me time to talk to you about things in more detail and help you make the best choices.”

Liz smiled and answered for them. “I think I’d like that. It’s awfully nice of you. Tell you what, we’ll buy you supper and you can repay us with advice.” Barb and Janet echoed the invitation.

For the next half hour the three wandered around the store examining everything with great interest. Two or three other customers came in, but otherwise the place was quiet. Susan spent most of her time with her book except when helping customers, but she was always ready to answer a question when the three had one. About five til four a man in his thirties entered from somewhere in the back. Susan looked up and said, “Hi, Tom. Ready for the evening hordes?”


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