The Club – Ch. 7
As the three started the drive back, Liz suggested that they make a list of items they still wanted to get and things that they wanted to do before the initiative.
“We need to go to a hardware store and get some more rope and some harness snaps,” Barb said, adding them to the list. “Oh, yes. And fishing weights.”
“And if we want to build some stuff, we need some vinyl and padding as well as lumber,” Janet added.
“And,” Barb said, “if we want to make some of those kilts Susan mentioned, we need some leather. You said you could sew them, right Liz?”
“Yeah, they shouldn’t be any problem. Let me fit them to you two and I can make them Thursday night when you two go up to the farm to build stuff.”
“Oh, and what about the ‘parachutes’ Susan described?” Janet asked. “We’ll need some soft leather for those, too.” Susan had shown them a device called a parachute which was a sort of leather bag with a drawstring top. It was designed to fitAround a man’s tests and pull tight enough that weights could be hung from it. Susan had said even as much as a few pounds. She had suggested that they could make their own from some of the soft chamois leather used to dry cars after washing them. Or from some other soft leather or material.
“And I want to get a couple of riding crops,” Liz said. The other two agreed. Once again Susan had suggested they could save some money by buying these at a riding supply shop instead of her store. “I remember seeing a tack shop in that little town we passed through about thirty miles this side of the campus. Let’s try there.”
They continued, adding feathers and candles and a few other items. Then they began to discuss plans for what they could do with the men during their initiative.
When they neared the town Liz had mentioned, they began to watch for the riding shop and saw it in time to pull into the lot. All three went inside and looked around. There was a huge selection of crops and the three looked over the different types deciding which they wanted. The clerk, a man in his early thirties, came over to them. “Could I help you find something?”
“We’re looking for some riding crops,” Barb answered before she could even stop to think about it.
“Well, we have a wide selection,” the clerk said. “Maybe I could help you choose if you tell me what type of riding you do.”
The three girls froze. None of them did any riding to speak of and they had no idea what to say. Liz was the first to regain her wits and said, “Oh, it’s not really for riding.” The clerk gave her a look that could have been either confused or knowing. Liz went rapidly on, making it up as she went. “We’re looking for props for a play. One of the clubs at school has written it. The three of us are supposed to be Russian czarists generals, so we’re looking for crops that will slap well against a boot. Or maybe put a few unruly peasants in their place.”
She laughed and theothers joined her. In a few minutes they had selected three models ranging from short to over a meter in length. After they had paid and gone back out to the car, Barb said, “That was quick thinking, Liz. I’m glad we didn’t have to explain what they’re really for.”
“That makes two of us,” Liz said. Then she added, “But from the look on his face, I think he just might have guessed anyway.”
When they got back to town they made the rounds of hardware and other stores to purchase the items on their list. They had everything but the lumber which Janet said she and Barb could pick up in the small town near the farm.
That night Barb and Janet went over to Liz’s place where she had rough cut the soft leather for their kils. “I’ll just need to fit these for each of you,” Liz said. “We Want them to really cling, so I’d better fit them they way we’re going to wear them. Go ahead and strip down.”
Barb and Janet stood naked while Liz fitted and marked each of the small garments. When she had finished she stood up and began to remove her own clothes. “Now you can help me fit mine.” Barb held the strip of leather in place while Janet marked it as Liz told her.
As they were finishing up the measurements, Liz said, “You know, I’ve been thinking about Susan. In particular about how she had shavaged her pubes completely bare. I asked her about it and she said it made Things seem a lot sexier. Especially when Bill went down on her. I think I’m going to do it, too. What about you two? Want to really surprise the guys?”
Janet looked down at her own trimmed brown patch. “I’ve already taken most of it off for my bikini. It does sound kind of sexy and shaving it all probably will be less trouble than keeping it trimmed. I’ll go along with that.” They both looked over at Barb.
“I’ve actually been thinking about it for several weeks, so I’m in.”
“OK,” Liz said, “come on in the bathroom and we can do it right now. We seem to be dressed for it.” She laughed as they realized they were all still naked.
Twenty minutes later all three were smooth and bare as they had been as little girls. As they slipped on their panties, Liz said, “Umm, this feels nice. A little strange, maybe, but definitely sexy.” Janet and Barb both agreed.
All three got dressed again and made final plans. “Janet and I are going up to the farm tomorrow night,” Barb said. “James is coming back here tomorrow, so everything will be a surprise. As long as someone will be up there, he doesn’t have to be there every second. Janet and I’ll spend Friday building stuff and making sure everything is set up. You’re coming up Friday afternoon, right, Liz?”
“That’s right,” Liz agreed. “I should have the kilts and the parachutes ready by then without any trouble. You’re planning on taking everything else up in the van, aren’t you?”
“That’s right,” Barb said. “Just bring the stuff you’re making and yourself. The guys are supposed to show up Saturday morning by eight.”
The next day Janet and Barb packed everything into the van and headed for the farm. Barb had visited James there several times and had a key now since his grandparents were already gone and the place was empty. They arrived in the middle of the afternoon. After showing Janet around, Barb led her into the building they planned to use. It had been a barn but one end of it had been built into a kind of dorm to house the summer workers James’ grandparents used to hire when the farm was in full production. It hadn’t been used in years, but everything was still in place and, since James had already spent time cleaning, it wouldn’t even take a lot more to get it ready. There was a large room which had been a common room for the workers as well as a couple of smaller bedrooms and a large bath. James had turned on the water once more and gotten Everything working before leaving. There was also a loft upstairs in the barn which at one time had been used for hay storage, but which now was just empty. James had cleaned that, too.
There was an eight foot long picnic type table and benches which had been used by the workers and Janet decided she could use those and just pad them. She made a list of the lumber and other supplies they would need and checked out the workshop. When she was done the two drive back into town to the lumber yard and got the stuff on her list. Janet spent several hours that night and several more the next day with Barb helping her and by early afternoon the girls had finished a large X frame, padded the table and benches and added some eye hooks, and built a padded saw horse. In addition Janet had placed a number of rings and hooks at a variety of places on the walls, floor, and ceiling. She had built a couple of cross pieces and attached them to some four by four posts which had been set in the yard outside the barn, probably for clotheslines. Now they would function as whipping posts. Her last piece was an imitation leathercovered, padded post, about five inches through and six feet long which she could mount horizontally between two heavy stands. There were a few other small items and at last she pronounced the “clubhouse” ready.
Liz arrived about seven that evening and Barb and Janet showed her their handiwork. She presented each of them with a leather kilt. When they tried these on they found they fit perfectly. The girls then spent a couple of hours seeing about food for the weekend. They intended to have meals that required very little in the way of preparation so they could, as Liz put it, spend their time in more interesting activities.
The next morning the three dressed in cutoffs and shirts, ate breakfast, and made sure everything was ready. When the car carrying the three men arrived just before eight, they met it outside. After a couple of quick, but intense, hello kisses, Barb suggested that the men make a trip to the bathroom and then meet them back out by the car.
When they arrived back at the car, Liz said, “All right, you guys, ready for a week of sex and torture?” Her smile took away any real threat the actual words might have conveyed, but they were still enough to leave just a touch of uncertainty on the men’s faces, but they still quickly agreed. Liz continued, “All right. Your initiative to the club will last until Sunday midnight and during that time we can do whatever we want to you. You will, of course, have your safewords, but if you use them too much, we may decide you need another weekend of initiative before you get to get even with us. But,” she added, “if there’s anything that you really don’t like, say so. OK?”
Janet then gave them some rules. “You will address each of us as Mistress or My Lady. You will obey any order immediately. And if you choose not to do this, you will receive more punishment. If you need something – drink or bathroom break – you may ask. We may allow it. All right, last chance. Any questions or anyone want to call it off.?” No one did.
Barb then said, “All right your initiative starts now. Take off your shoes, socks and shirts.”
The three men compiled and handed their clothes to the three women who put them in the trunk of the car. Each girl then produced a pair of the new wrist cuffs and fastened them around her boyfriends wrists. They let their fingers and hands play over the men’s chests for a few seconds and then Liz said, “Now the pants.” Once again the men compiled, leaving each of them dressed only in briefs. Their arousal was easily visible – especially since the women had not allowed any sexual contact all week in order to increase the excitement.
The girls now clipped the wrist cuffs together behind the men’s backs and knelt to attach ankle cuffs. During this process there seemed to be a number of times When a pair of lips bumped against a thigh or the back of a knee or even the thin clothes covering a semi-hard cock. When they had finished attaching the cuffs, the three women stood and let their hands and fingers roam all over the men’s bodies. Then, from somewhere, Barb produced three blindfolds which they proceeded to put on the men. A little more teasing and suddenly Liz said, “You know, there is still something wrong with this.”
Janet agreed, “Yes. Definitely something missing.”
Barb said, “No, not something missing. I think it must be something extra still here.”
The other two agreed similarly as if they had practiced it (which they had). “Right! They’re still wearing too many clothes.” Each girl then made a show of slowly sliding her boyfriend’s briefs down his legs and over his feet, letting three hard cocks spring free to jut out. The men heard the car trunk slam and guessed correctly that their clothes was now under lock and key.
Each girl led her man inside the building into the large room they had prepared for the club activities. The three men were lined up side by side facing the long padded railJanet and Barb had prepared. It was set to a height just below waist level. The women spread the men’s ankles and attached their cuffs to rings in the floor, holding their legs about a foot and a half apart. The cuffs were unsnapped from behind their backs but quickly reattached to rings in the floor a couple of feet from the bar, leaving all three bent over, their asses high and well displayed.
Charles, and he was sure the other two, could guess what was coming, but he was still unprepared for the loud slap and intense sting when the familiar wood paddle hit his bare rear. He could not suppress a cry and was sure he heard similar sounds from the other two. The first swat was quickly followed by two more. He heard Barb says, “This certainly improves the color, but let’s try out some of the others.” This was followed by sounds of agreement from Janet and Liz. Seconds later he feel another slap on his abused rear. This sounded different and maybe stung slightly more, but feel somehow different. He couldn’t tell, but they had switched paddles and Janet was now using a leather one. Five blows of this left his ass hot and his cock rock hard. But the women weren’t through yet.
He suddenly heard a slap and a sharp cry, almost a scream, from Rick. This was followed by two more sharp slaps and two more loud cries, but he could tell Rick was better able to control himself with these.
“Hey, that makes a neighbor pattern,” Janet enthused. “Here, let me try me try it.” A couple of seconds later Charles felt as though an entire swarm of bees had hit his bare bottom together. His cry was a lot like Rick’s. It felt as though there were fifty burning small spots spread in a broad line across his bare flesh. Twice more the “Swiss paddle” – i.e., the wood paddle drilled full of half inch holes – struck and each time Charles was unable to hold back a cry.
Barb next took that device and James’ cries joined the others. Then for several more minutes the girls used a mixed variety of paddles and straps on the bound men, intermingling the punishments with a lot of teasing fingerprints and an occasional tongue. Charles felt a fingerprinternail drawn lightly along the sensitive flesh between his balls and anus. This nearly drove him wild and when Janet used her fingerprint to just penetrate his rectum he strained frantically against his bonds.
After a couple of minutes, Janet said, “A great improvement, but Still not the right color. I think we need sterner measures.”
“Right,” Barb agreed, “but let’s get them in a better position for it.” The men then had their hands released and were directed to stand upright. Charles could hear the girls move the padded pole and its supporters. Suddenly his wrist cuffs were again clipped to something. This seemed to be a bar, about two inches through and three feet long. There was the sound of some rope through a pulley and Charles felt himself being stretched upright. When he was pulled taut, his heels not quite able to touch the floor, the rope was tied off on something and he was left stretched tight and open.
From the sounds he guessed the other two men were being stretched in a similar fashion. Then the three women moved away from them for a minute or two. When he heard them returning he could also hear some swishing sound, but wasn’t sure what it was. He did guess that whatever it was would probably hurt. He was right. At what must have been some signal all three women swung their new cats of nine tails, landing the leather strands on three, already red, sets of buttocks. This stung like fire and was quickly followed by four more lashes. Then Charles could feel Janet standing in front, facing him. A tongue touched his right nipple and then a pair of lips sucked his nipple inside where sharp little teeth nipped at them. He gave out a groan and strained against his cuffs, but couldn’t move more than a tiny distance. The mouth continued to suck and nip, switching from one side to the other, fora couple of minutes and Charles became more and more hard and excited. Then Janet pulled back and her fingers came up to roll and squeeze his nipples. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through his right nipple as a small clamp snapped closed around it. This was matched seconds later by a similar pain on his left. Janet tugged and twisted the clamps for a few seconds and then raised her cat and let the tails trail over his chest and down his back. She even dragged them around in front over this straining cock and sensitive balls.
Then a new series of lashes began. As the blows rained down on the three, moving over their bare bodies, but concentrated mostly on their already sore asses, they also found themselves growing even harder and straining for release. At last the blows stopped. “Much better color,” He heard Liz says, “but There still seems to be this unusual swelling.”
Janet then said, “You mean this?” as she cupped his balls and let her other fingers trail over his rigid cock.
“Yeah,” Liz answered. Then she added, “Look, Barb, yours has it too.”
Barb answered, “Sure does. But I think I know what to do about it.” This was followed a second later by a long, wanting groan from James. Then Barb said, “Why don’t you two help with what I was doing while I continue this.” A few seconds later there was the sound of leather striking bare flesh as the other two women swing their cats at James’ straining body. Before too long there came the sound of James exploding in a noisy climax as Barb made slurping sounds.
“Oh,” Janet said, “Maybe I should try that.” With this Charles felt a hot tongue attack his swollen member. A second later a warm, wet mouth sucked him inside and began to lick and suck at him. Then there was the Sudden sing as first one whip and then the other struck his bare buttocks. Within seconds he felt himself stiffen and release while the hot mouth sucked and Janet swallowed each drop. He was left limp and hanging by his wrists.
The sounds of Rick receiving the same treatment soon filled the room until he, too, exploded loudly.
Soon Charles felt the blindfold being removed and he blinked for a few seconds as his sight returned. The room was lighted, not brightly, but enough to see clearly. He saw he was facing a wall with several large mirrors which clearly showed Rick, James, and himself stretched floor to ceiling. Janet was just in front of him and he stared at her. She was naked from the waist up and below that wore only what looked like a strip of thin leather molded to her body and covering only from just below the tops of her hips to an inch or so below her crotch. Other than that she wore nothing save a silver chain around her waist, the ends, each with a small ring, dangling together five inches down her right hip. She still held the cat in her hand and her nipples stuck out as large and hard as he had ever seen them. He thought she had never looked sexier.
Glancing around he saw the othe two women were dressed in the same way. Liz was tugging on Rick’s nipple clamps and Barb was teasing James by rubbing her nipples against his body. A look at the other two men told him they had just had the same experience of warm mouth and tongue he had had.
The girls went behind the three men and turned so the men could only see their backs in the mirrors. Janet picked up something and held it so the other two women could see, but so that it was still hidden from the men. “Think we should try these now? I have a couple of things in mind for Charles and I’m sure this will make it better.”
“Why not?” Liz asked. “Here, let me have one.” She took something from the box Janet was holding and went to stand behind Rick. Barb also picked up something and as she was moving behind James, Janet moved behind Charles.
The next sensing Charles felt was a slippery finger pushing against his anus. It slipped inside and twisted back and forth, burying itself all the way inside. The sensitivity caused by his recent orgasm heightened the sensing and Charles pulled even harder against his bonds. This actually had little effect as he was already stretched so tightly he could barely move. Then the finger slowly, slowly pulled out. Several more times the finger entered and twisted around, spreading lubricant, and then pulled out once more. After several repeats of this process which had brought Charles’ cock back to stiff attention once more, he felt something different touch his anus. It felt like a rounded tip of some plastic object, but before he had time enough to contemplate it very much it began forcing its way inside.
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