The Club Pt. 02

Ch. 3

The next morning Janet awoke to the feel of Charles’ hand gently rubbing up and down the inside of her thighs. Instantly she felt overwhelmed with lust. Her pussy began to flood and she rolled on top of Charles and kissed him deeply while reaching for his hard member. Within thirty seconds she was helping him find her opening and they were making love with an intensity that surprised both of them. Afterwards as they lay holding each other and letting their breathing return to normal, Janet could hear one of the other couples also engaged in loving activity. But as she lay there she began to almost brood and by the time she and Charles got up and headed downstairs she was quiet and, if not sullen, at least hesitant and largely unnoticing of the rest of the world.

The other two couples were in the kitchen just Making some toast and tea. Barb looked subdued much as Janet was and both Charles and James looked a little concerned and puzzled. Breakfast was quiet until finally Liz asked, “How long did you say we could use this place?”

Rick answered, “Joe finishes up Saturday afternoon and we have to have the keys back to him by about three. So I guess, if everyone wants, we can stay a couple of more nights.”

The men both said that that sounded fine and Liz said, “Great.” Barb and Janet smiled slightly and nodded, but without showing any real interest. Watching them, Liz decided she needed to find out what was the matter. “After all,” she thought, “the men are probably too dense to notice anything wrong.” She said, “Then I guess we’ll need a little more food. Rick, why don’t you go into town and pick up some stuff and we’ll clean things up here.”

“OK,” Rick responded. “Who wants to come?”

James and Charles looked ready to leave and then hesitated as James said, “Maybe we should stay here and help the girls.”

Liz quickly broke in, “No, you two go on. We can handle things and, besides, we need to get ourselves all pretty for you.”

Barb and Janet looked slightly puzzled by this remark. None of the women ever spent a lot of time on hair or make up. For one thing they didn’t really need to and for another there were so many more interesting things to do with life. But they seemed to be too preoccupied with themselves to really wonder about it.

When she heard the van pull out of the clearing and start down the gravel road, Liz turned to the other two and said, “All right, girls. Are you upset over what happened last night? You know it was just letting off steam. Are you thinking there’s something wrong with what we did, because if you are, we don’t have to let anything like that happen again. Janet, you look really down about it. Do you feel you got into something that turned you off or felt dirty or something?”

Janet looked up at her and slowly shook her head. In a quiet, miserable voice she said, “That’s not it, Liz. You must have noticed how I felt and I don’t know what you’re really thinking about me now. I loved it! I’ve never been so turned on in my life as when I was getting spanked, naked and tied, with everyone watching. And when Charles kissed me afterwards it was all I could do to keep from raping him right there in front of all of you. I never thought I was that kind of girl, but I can’t seem to deny it.”

Barb’s head snapped up and she broke in, “You mean you felt like that, too? I thought I was the only one and I was terrified what you two would think of me.”

Janet looked at her, astounded. Liz looked totally surprised and then almost had to stifle a laugh. “Is that what’s been bothering you? Look, Jan and Barb, that’s just natural. I felt the same. Think about it a second. Would you be turned on if the same thing had happened in front of a bunch of strangers?”

Both girls shook their heads and Liz went on, “Of course not. You two – or even me, for that matter – you two are not the ‘stripper’ type. You were turned on because what was happening to you was incredibly sexy and you enjoy sharing things with your friends. If we’d been with anyone else, not only would we not have enjoyed anything like that, but it would never have happened in the first place. Sure, some of it was just letting off steam after the pressure of the last few weeks and maybe even a little of it was the wine, but that was just the trigger. You know we – all six of us – like to make sexy remarks and raunchy suggestions and no one’s ever thought anything bad about that.” Again both girls nodded, now obviously hanging on each of Liz’s words. “Look, there are people who would say we were bad, or even evil, for the things we did, but there are also a lot of people who think kissing or dancing or especially sex is also evil. If they want to live their lives like that, I don’t care, but I don’t have to believe they are more right in their beliefs than I am.”

“You two both know that I’m an only child. My parents grow up during the late sixties. You know the ‘free love revolution’ and everything. Well, Mom and I have always been close and we talked about a lot of things. Among them was sex and what she did when she was my age. You’ve heard a lot of talk about the sixties, about how everyone in college used drugs and was into free sex, and so on. Well, there was some of that, but not nearly as much as you’ve probably been led to believe. For example, less than half of the college students then used any kind of drug, including pot. And there really wasn’t as much ‘free love’ as everyone talks about. What did happen then, however, was that people became less afraid to talk about things. Just about as many couples had sex before marriage during the forties and fifties as during the sixties and seventies. There was maybe a little more because of the pill, but not a lot. But people were not quite as reluctant to talk about it. And one thing this did was to let people know that they weren’t different after all. A lot of what really made the sixties revolution was just that things weren’t kept hidden as much. Take skinny dipping. Most kids who grew up in the country had been swimming naked and in mixed groups. But no one talked about it. After the sixties people felt that this wasn’t something they had to keep hidden. There’s even a picture in a National Geographic book about the Appalachian Trail my parents have that shows a mixed group of backpackers splashing naked under a waterfall.”

“All of us really enjoy sex. Right?” Again both girls nodded. “Well, we share other things we like to do. I’m not saying having sex is the same as eating pizza or such, but we all like each other and we like being able to talk about things without worrying if someone is going to think badly of us if we tell a dirty joke or make an off color remark. We’re all happy, rather than jealous, when one of us has something go right. We like to be able to share things. Think about how you feel when you found out that others of us had tried some of the kinky sex stuff. It felt good to be able to talk about it and when someone found out a new technique, we all wanted to share it, right? Well, last night wasn’t really any different, was it?”

Janet spoke at last. “It was just that I felt that there had to be something wrong with me for enjoying being watched. You’re right that I wouldn’t want anyone else watching, but I didn’t mind if James or Rick saw me naked. It was a real turn on, just like looking at them was. I still love Charles and I don’t think he’s ready to give me up despite your magnificent body, Liz.” The grin took any malice from the remark and Liz grinned back. “In fact, as long as you two, or the men, don’t look down on me for it, I wouldn’t even mind repeating the whole thing again tonight.”

Barb was getting over her stunned look and added, “I feel pretty much the same way. I was sure I had to be sick and was almost ready to try to get James to talk you into going back today. But I’ll admit I’ve never had a night as sexy as yesterday.”

Liz grinned at them. “Well, I expect the guys are a little appreciate that they got you into something you didn’t really want to do last night. Maybe if you really feel you want to keep our, shall I say, more open atmosphere, we ought to do something to show the guys it’s OK.”

Barb and Janet both really smiled for the first time. “What did you have in mind?” Janet asked.

When the van pulled back up to the cabin, the three men got out and carried several more bags inside and into the kitchen. “Where are they?” Charles asked. “The place sounds empty.”

“Probably outside,” Rick answered. Let’s get the stuff that needs it into the refrigerator and then go look for them.”

They quickly put the food away and then headed out the back door. As soon as they were outside they could hear the girls down by the lake. They quickly went down the path and as they emerged onto the dock they saw all three women in the water and clinging to the edge of the wood. “Hi,” Barb said. “It was getting hot and we decided to go for a swim.”

Janet pulled herself up onto the dock and said, “Want to join us?”

The men seemed too frozen to answer as all three pairs of eyes starred at Janet. She was completely naked and made no attempt to cover herself. Just then Liz and Barb pulled themselves up onto the wood and stood next to Janet. Both were equally nude and unconcerned with it.

As the men started, Barb grinned and said, “I think the males can’t handle the sight of all our beauty. Just look at them.”

“Well, then maybe we should give them a better view,” Janet responded. The three women raised their arms and clasped their hands behind their heads and turned, bent, and wiggled themselves at the men.

Finally Rick broke the silence and said, “By all means. Come on, guys, let’s join them.” With that he began to strip, followed by the other two men.

For the next hour the six again played in thelake, splashing, feeling, and necking a little with their own partners. Finally they got out of the water and the girls picked up some large beach towels they had brought down with them. They used the towels to dry both themselves and their men and then, wrapping the towels around the two of them, the couples started back to the cabin with their arms around each other. When they got inside, each couple made their way to the beds they had used the previous night and soon the cabin was once more filled with the sounds of sex.

An hour later the two couples upstairs heard Rick and Liz move into the kitchen and took that as a sign that they were ready for company. A few minutes later they emerged from the bedrooms and made their way downstairs where they found Liz and Rick starting to get some lunch together. Everyone was once again dressed in shorts and shirts and everyone acted as Though nothing unusual had happened.

While they were eating, Liz asked, “What do people want to do this afternoon?”

Charles immediately started, “I know what I want to do.”

Janet interrupted him with, “Me, too, but we probably ought to let ourselves rest a little.”

Everyone laughed and Charles went on, “Besides that, then. I thought it might be interesting to explore the woods around the lake a little. The weather still looks perfect. It’s probably going to stay warm or hot until near sunset.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” James agreed. This was followed by murmurs of agreement from the others, so when lunch was finished, the six young people set out along a path leaving the cabin clearing along the lake shore to the south.

They spent the afternoon exploring the lakeshore for nearly a half mile and all through the bordering woods. The temperature did, indeed, warm up and soon the heat and rising humidity were causing the young people to begin to sweat heavily. At one point James stopped and took off his shirt. “That feels quite a bit better,” he coMented as the slight breeze cooled him. Charles and Rick quickly removed their own shirts and voiced their agreement.

Janet looked at the three men for a few seconds and then said, “Well, if you guys can, so can we,” and quickly pulled off her own shirt. The cooling breeze hardened her nipples almost at once and she shiver slightly, either from the cool air or maybe just from the excitement. Barb and Liz were only seconds behind her in removing their own shirts.

For the rest of the afternoon all six hiked bare to the waist. At one point Charles leaned against Janet and said, “Not that I’m complaining – definitely not! – but what’s gotten into you today?”

Janet giggled. “You should know that better than anyone,” she said. After that every time Charles tried to bring up the subject again, she broke down in fits of giggling. He finally gave up and just enjoyed the sight of the three lovely young women.

As the sun began to sink into the trees across the far end of the lake, the three couples started back towards the cabin. An evening breeze sprang up and Liz stopped and said, “I hate to deprive you men of the view, but it’s getting chilly.” With this she put her shirt back on and was soon followed by the other two girls and also the three men.

When the sun went down in the mountains it cooled off quickly and when they got back inside, Barb said, “You guys get a fire going and we’ll start supplier.” The men headed towards the fireplace while the three women dug through the new food supplies and found a frozen Lasagna which could be heated in the microwave. There was also a bag of tossed salad and some French bread which Barb proceeded to turn into hot garlic toast. They set the table in the big room and even found a couple of wine bottles with candles in them. By the time the fire was going and the food ready, Barb turned off all the lights and the six sat down at the table lighted by the two candles. Outside it was clear and even with thecandlelight, stars were visible through the big windows.

The six ate in quiet companionship, talking about a variety of things. They found that everyone was going to be somewhat in the campus area during the summer: Barb and Rick were both taking a couple of courses. Janet and Liz each had her own apartment near the campus. James was staying at his Grandparents’ farm in the country near there and Charles had a job in the victory. “At least we can probably get together a few times before August,” Liz summed up. “Maybe even have a trip or some such.”

When the meal was finished, the girls cleared the dishes and then everyone sat around for awhile longer talking and watching the growing darkness outside. Finally, one of the men asked, “Well, anyone for Trivial Pursuit again?”

Liz answered, “I don’t think so tonight. Maybe we can find something else to play instead. Why don’t you guys bring in some more firewood and we’ll look and see what’s on the shelves. There’s a VCR,so maybe there are some tapes. Anyone interested in watching a movie?”

“That sounds like a plan,” James said. “See if you can find one with a lot of sex and violence.”

“I was thinking more of a nice romance,” Barb said.

“As long as there are plenty of car challenges and hot love scenes,” Charles put in.

Laughing, the men went out to the woodpile while the three girls moved over to the cabinet beside the TV. “Ah, I was right,” Liz said. “There are about a dozen tapes on the shelf here.” She handed them over to the other two girls. “See if anything looks interesting.”

Liz continued to look in the shelves while Barb and Janet looked over the tapes. There were several recent movies and some older classics. They were trying to agree on one when Liz suddenly said, “Well, well. What do we have here?” She turned around with four more tapes in her hand. These were commercial tapes but were in rather plain boxes without any pictures or descriptions on the outside. “Areyou two interested in seeing some XXX adult stuff?”

Barb and Janet immediately turned towards her. “You mean real hardcore stuff?” Barb asked.

“Looks like it,” Liz replied. “Ever see any of this type.”

Barb looked a little embarrassed. “A couple of times. Actually I found them a turnon.”

“Yeah, Rick and I watch that stuff every once in a while. It does seem to make things pretty hot. What about you, Janet?”

“I’ve never seen any of them,” Janet admitted. “But I’m already turned on anyway, so if you two are game, it’s fine with me. I wouldn’t expect the men to object.”

“I doubt it very much,” Liz said, sarcastically. “Let’s see, it says here that we have a couple from the “Campus Studs and Vixens” series.”

“You sound like you’re familiar with the series,” Janet commented.

“Actually, I’ve never heard of it,” Liz replied. “But it sounds like a sort of typical title. How about this one – “Kinky Kampus?”

Barb giggled. “Ok. Say, let’s nottell the men. Here, give me the tape and I’ll slip it into the box for this Harrison Ford show. See what they say when the movie starts.”

The other two quickly agreed and put the extra tapes back on the shelves out of sight. Just then the men returned with several arm loads of wood which they dumped near the fireplace. Rick added a couple of logs, poking them into place.

Barb carried the tape over to the VCR and inserted it into the machine, shielding it with her body. Then she held up the box for the guys to see and said, “This one OK? I expect we’ll find it kind of sexy.”

The men let out a couple of good natured groans, but agreed. Before starting the tape, Barb turned off all the lights and lit a couple of candles in red glass holders which she set up on the mantle. Finally the three couples settled onto the couches and Barb pressed play.

Seconds later the screen opened with a panning shot of a large university campus and zoomed in towards what looked like aFrat House. The camera seemed to zoom through the walls and into a bedroom where a totally naked young woman was sitting astride an equally nude man lying on the bed. Everyone stared at the scene in silence as the woman began to ride the man in increasing excitement. Janet had never seen explicit sex films before and was glued to the action – not that anyone was looking away. She was surprised by the clear frontal nudity and was fairly sure that the couple was actually engaged in sex, not just acting like it. This was confirmed as the camera zoomed in on the woman’s crotch and the man’s penis was clearly showing sliding in and out of the woman’s pussy. Finally one of the men said, “I don’t think that’s Harrison Ford.”

“Would you rather we changed tapes, then?” Liz asked.

“By no means. This one is definitely all right. There might not be any violence, but I expect the sex will make up for it. Where did you get this?”

“Found it on the shelf,” Liz said. “Along with a couple of others.”

The action continued and as the couple explored in what Janet thought might actually be real climaxes, a voice over started. The film appeared to be done like a pseudo documentary. “A large, midwestern university. … Students exploring their sexually. … etc.” However, there was really no plot and the only purpose of the navigation was to try to connect the ever more explicit and bizarre sex scenes. The film showed scenes of both men and women performing oral sex, a couple of supposed frat sex orgies, a sorority initiative where the women were spanked naked and then made to have sex with several frat men. There were a couple of bondage scenes and an anal sex scene that definitely looked real. The scene which surprised Janet the most, however, was one of a “frat initiative” where the three men were tied down, bent over chairs. Several women whipped their asses with leather belts and then, using plastic, strap on dildos, proceeded to fuck them in their asses.

The lighting was not always the best, there was no plot, and it was very doubtful if the film would win any awards for anything, but no one complained. Soon all three couples were busy with some heavy petting while the scenes unfolded and when the tape ended, no one was wearing much besides underpants. The atmosphere in the room had heated far more than could be explained by the fireplace.


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