She stuck her pierced tongue out at me as if she had not a care in the world. Maybe she thought she could get away with it but that was not to be.
“You think you can tease a man, arous him, frustrate him and just get away with it?” I into.
She was nodding at me the whole time I spoke.
“Well,” I continued, “you need to rethink that strategy my dear. Outside a place like this club that may be true, but the rules are different here.”
The light was beginning to dawn behind her eyes as she realized where she was.
“In case you failed to see the sign above the door it translates from the Latin as ‘Abandon hope all ye who enter here’ just like the sign over the entrance to Hell in Dante’s “Inferno” and it is posted there for the very same reason. Once you enter Here of your free will your free will no longer exists, you become the property of the club.”
“Property,” she said incredulously.
“Yes dear,” I replied, “once you entered here you becameproperty to use, abuse or dispose of as we, the owners of the club, see fit. You even signed to that effect when you signed the club’s terms of usage contract upon entering. It is all legally binding dear.”
She failed dead away.
Eventually she woke up, but, by then, her 6′ tall, long-legged, blonde-tressed (natural), blue-eyed, large breasted body was strapped naked to the table in such a way as to Leave all orifices available for usage but her unable to scream. Her limbs had been spread-eagled and strapped down to a unique metal chair/table that allowed the manipulation of her without risking undoing her to do so. The chair/table was controlled manually and in doing so her head was tilted back which forced her to hold her own head up until gravity’s effects took over and she could no longer overcome them. When her head Finally rested in its newfound position a large, thick cock was inserted in her mouth—what color it was made no difference as the wide band that held her head in place now also effectively blindfolded her.
It was as the one she had not seen entered, as he blindfolded her, as he gagger her with his rampant member that Stephanie realized the funility of her current situation. She had just thought this club another new, momentarily in fashion, club. What she did not know was that this club had been here, in various incarnations, for the better part of two centuries and change. Nor did she realize that her captor, her willingly submitted to captor, if the contract was to be believed, was ready to use her in some of the more unusual ways that she could think of.
Jonathan, the owner, is 6′ tall, 225 pounds of pure, unadulterated muscle. His brown hair and hazel-green eyes both speak of a life of luxury, of getting his every whim satisfied and mischievousness. He moves like a ghost, a snow leopard moving amid a snowstorm in search of his prey—and he just found her!
A flash of teeth show behind his evil grin. Alas it is wastedon her. As he parts her legs, her pussy now played wide open, she shives in fear of what may happen, but, however, her body betrays her as she began to moisten due to that fear.
If she only knew of what he had in store for her she’d moisten even more. Little did she know that next to her was his “toy” collection. Of course what he called toys are not the kind meant for kids. Thankfully she was strapped down so well movement of any kind or type was impossible, because what was to come next would certainly make her move.
He, me actually, let her hear the sound of the straight razor moving across its sharpening strap. If her eyes had been visible they probably would have been wide open. Gently I applied a general amount of shaving gel to her lovely pussy lips and the surrounding area. My knife then began to slide across her skin removing her few remaining hairs that she had there (I just love women who shake their pussies). Amazingly she seemed to get even wetter the moregel I removed from her.
I am sure that she knew the knife was there, how light its touch was, the threat it implied if she moved, but still she juiced up. She got wetter yet as my fingers slide between her lovely coral pink lips and pulled them apart to finish shaving her properly.
Stephanie was moaning, but not from any pain but rather pleasure as I lowered my tongue to her to test the smoothness of my work. Not a hair was out of place for there were not any left. My bear hair, however, had the effect of tantalizing her as it made contact with her now bare lower lips. Ever so gently I leaned forward to taste her. The light touch of her outer lips was good but I was looking to have her fill my mouth with her sweetest juices and I was just getting started. My tongue slithered slowly, searchingly into her. Her moans were a sound I had longed to hear since I first saw her and I was not disappointed now. As my tongue slide within her, penetrated her, she used her muscles, her pussy muscles, to squeeze my tongue. She was ready for my cock as the only muscles she could move currently proved. Should I give its hard, thick, firmness to her?
My hands, meanwhile, were slowly tracing a path up her body until they encountered her firm and pendulous breasts. The coordination of my called hands was a direct contrast to her alabaster smooth skin. Kneading her breasts, pinching her lovely nipples, Only led to another round of her moaning. My god the woman seemed to thrive on the treatment I was giving her—she loved it soft, but seemed to thrive all the more on the harsh treatments I gave her. My cock hardened even more at the very thought of my firm touches, cares and treatment of her turning her on so much.
Raising my head from her pussy, my face now covered in her juices, my bear matted down from her copious emissions, I leaned forward trailing my bear across her face, allowing her to smell herself on me and whispered in her ear, “You are very tasty dear, nice and wet, extremely aroused even it seems, but are you ready for my cock inside you?”
“Yes,” she fairly screamed at me, “Violate my pussy with your hard cock, a dildo, a vibrator, whatever pleases you as long as you keep making me cum!!”
I was grinning, although she could not see it. Gradually, eventually, after my tongue left her ear, I licked her neck, tasted Both her fear and arousal as I did so, and then traced my way between the valley created by her heaving breasts. Momentarily she was alone until I could reach a few of my more interesting toys.
When I came back to her she could feel the kiss of cold, hard, sharp steel alongside my lingering kiss on her nipples. Teasing her lightly light with the blade I ran the backside of it down skin, across the nipple, between the valley of her heavenly breasts, up the side of her other breast and around underneath it. Her breathing increased as I again ran the knife blade between her breasts and down the center toward her belly button. “Shall we perform your autopsy while you yet breathe dear,” I said in my most menuing voice. “Perhaps we should remove a few extraneous pieces like your clip here,” I said as I let the blade cleave her between her cunt lips just managing to pick at her clip with it.
Her breathing was intense and she was on the edge, hyperventilating, nearing the point of passing out, when I removed the knife. Laying the knife on her stomach between her breasts I then took an enema and inserted it in her ass. She was so sexually aroused that it slipped in without a problem, without resistance, at all.
“If you evacuate without permission you will be able to be able to cross your breasts rather harshly,” I into.
She was too far gone, too deep in whatever part of her mind that she’d retired to, to answer me. That didn’t stop her from moaning however as the X cocktail a mix of the female version of Viagra and “X”, was inserted slowly up her ass then forced out into her. Asthe exceedingly thin tissues of the membranes in her rectum rapidly removed the cocktail into her bloodstream I watched as she seemed to become suddenly flushed as if intensely aroused, which, of course, at this point she was. My body now was experiencing similar reactions in response to hers.
Instead of taking a chance and risking her letting loose some of the fluids in her bowels I instead took a very large, triple rippled butt plug with a flared end made of heavy metal and inserted it into her anal canal. Leaning forward as I slid it into her I whispered, “This is nothing next to what is coming so you’d best get used to it.” Thrusting it slowly in I made sure she knew that I was indeed in charge.
“Now my dear slut, my lovely toy, it is time to let the fun begin,” I said somewhat teasingly as I turned on the recorded sounds of a BDSM auction, the sounds of many people evidence in the fore- and background. I’d studied people over the years I had in this lifestyle and most people not in it did not thrive in the spotlight. The intimidation was immense and I was going to increase it.
Reaching down to her very wet, highly lubricated pussy I massed her with one hand as, with the other, I removed what little clothing I had on. This freed my one-eyed python and its eye was firmly fixed on Stephanie. Stepping forward ever so slightly I let his wide head just barely spread her lips and began to move him in and out never allowing the head to fully enter her. This teasing of her goes on for quite some time and, though it is meant to inflame her passages, inflames mine as much as hers. It is as I push within her for one of my many teases that I sense her finally succumbing to me.
It is as she finally and totally give herself to me, yields to me completely, that she escapes in a soul-deep, soul-shattering orgasm that makes her go entirely limp behind her blindfold. And it is then, while she is passed out, that I remove the plug from her ass allowing herto fully evacuate. Amazingly, even after doing this she is so exhausted she does not awaken, so a second enema is done to make sure she is thoroughly cleaned out. This enema, however, was a very different indeed, this one is a piss enema and is given to her directly from my very hard cock.
After I had slowly, gently, manipulated the machine she was bound to into a position to enter her ass forcedly I entered her slowly but surely. She was so relaxed at this point even my thick member was easily accommodated. Then, once fully inserted into her, I let my piss flow out of me and into her filling her with my warm liquid gold quickly and fully.
She moaned in response to my actions which indicated that she was coming around now. This was what I wanted and moving within her I began thrusting with a steady pace as one hand massaged her clip and the other reached for a large plastic butt plug. Quickly, after bringing her to near yet another orgasm, I removed myself and put the new plug in. Only a drop trickled out as I did so.
“What is going on,” she asked.
“I just gave you a nice piss enema straight from the source dear,” I chuckled evilly
Once she came out of the fog long enough to realize I’d emptied my bladder into her ass the fact had the effect of making her aware of how truly full her ass felt and the need to evacuate it, even though she could not. Intensively she tried to push the invading butt plug out and thus release the piss from her ass and stopping the pressure that was inside her. Soon enough she found that she could not push out the object inside her.
“It is a very large and heavy plug isn’t it,” I said.
She was too busy trying to push it out as my words continued to ring in her ears to answer me.
“It is designed wide and heavy to keep it in place and the flared end makes it impossible to push out,” I chuckled.
“So I see,” she said in a moment of cheesekiness.
“Don’t worry my dear it will easily be remedied once you agree to do as you are told, now and forever, as my submissive slut,” I said with deadly earnestness.
Slowly I dragged a set of twin knives alongside either side of her face and, though unseen, the threat implied by them was quite visible even to a blind, or in this case blindfolded, person. Moving them across her breasts, naked and heaving, teasing her nipples with them, I could sense she was on edge and I don’t mean just my knife blades. It was obvious that my very intense form of play was getting to her.
This, of course, means it was time to increase her pleasure/pain threshold. Quietly I reached into my toy chest nearby and removed a rather unique implementation. This one was a set of nunchaku that have a good length of chain in the middle, just the right length for strangulations and the chain Goes into the ends and both ends can be screwed together to form a long, thick, metal baton or billion club. She had no idea what she was in for, but as I ate her out, mAking sure her pussy was nice and moist for it, I slid the baton into her and began to thrust it hard inside her.
Again the pain, mixed with the pleasure, set my prey, my horny little slut, off rocking to orgasm. Moving it in and out of her at an intense pace managed to pull a large amount of her female juices to the surface for my tongue to lick and enjoy. Then, after a period so long she thought I would never stop, I surprised her by unscrewing the baton and pushing her head down on the part not attached to her pussy to get it very wet with her mouth. Next, after finally being able to get the end away from my slut’s deepthroating of it, I pulled the chain tight between her legs and began to feed that half of the baton into her ass. She was so aroused by now that she barely even felt the plug I needed to release to insert the baton. (Thankfully she had been cleaned already by a previous one because next to nothing came out with this one).
With a chain between her pussy lips and her ass, a baton in her pussy and another in her ass I gave her double penetration a twist. Alternating the ends of the batons, the baton very thick to begin with, and constantly changing the thrust speed and power, twisting them intermittently, all managed to leave her dazed, confused and very, very wet. I worked on her like this for a while until my arms began to tire from manipulating the batons, but still she crescendoed to my orchestrations of her perversions.
Leaving the batons in I attached a set of clamps to her nipples. After all the time with her I was absolutely sure she liked it rough so I left the teeth exposed and the tension set to near its highest setting. As I had attached the 1st one she howled in pain but by the time I’d let her settle down from that and attached the 2nd , although she had initially bleed some, the bleeding had stopped and she was howling herself hoarse in orgasm.
Finally, her voice cracked and went silent. Assuming the mood inHer throat had failed her I removed the batons from her and took the end previously in her moist, dripping pussy and inserted it in her mouth. She worked quickly to take every inch of the long, thick baton down her throat and she swallowed it better than one could possibly imagine.
While she was doing this I cleaned the other end with alcohol, and, while allowing it to dry somewhat, used it on her breasts and nipples almost as if I was titfucking her with it. When I had sufficient fun doing that I put it in her pussy. The remaining alcohol on it caused her nervous ends to fire intensely and her to pass out from the stimulation overload her body experienced.
I allowed her several hours of sleep and she awoke a whole new woman. Captivity, intensity raw sex, perversions she’d never dreamt of had all had the effect of turning her previously submissive, slightly defiant self into a woman who just reeked of pure unadulterated sensitivity, sex and animal lust. Simply put, she was an absolute slut with no harmse for that fact.
Best of all she was in my thrall and all mine!!
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