The Club Ch. 02: Unexpected Turnout

I stepped out into the parking lot quite happy with my choice. The premium membership had the advantage of access 24/7, the possible of staying over, and, of course, to use the slave of one’s choice. Having said that, the price tag was rather hefty and out of my range. Instead, I had opted for the basic membership that was considerably more affordable. One could still ask for a specific slave, and if she was not already reserved by a premium member, one would get her. The number of visits were also limited to twelve a year but I thought that was enough for me.

The crisp air woman me up from my meandering thoughts and I noticed a semi-truck with a trailer pulling up. It parked at the far end of the lot close to what looked like an annex to the club. It hadn’t been part of the tour and I was curious as to what it was.

I don’t know why but I decided to be discreet and moved closer to the truck along a hedge that separate the parking lot from a paddock next to the annex. Theday had turned into early evening and shadows had begun to build so it was quite easy to move closer without getting noticed. That’s at least what I thought. The building was huge and resembled more of a barn than anything else and when the driver opened the big doors, I could see that it was some kind of an equestrian facility with several stables or boxes along the side that was open to view from my angle. Some of them were occupied but I couldn’t quite figure out by what – but they were certainly not horses.

I could discern a few dimly lit up rectangular structures that I believed were windows on the side of the barn facing my way and I decided to sneak up closer to get a better view while the driver returned to the trailer apparently getting ready to load or unload it.

Maybe I could get a better view and also see what was Currently out of sight. I edged my way forward when someone grabbed me by the shoulder, spun me around, and asked me what I was doing with an upset voice.

I almost lost my wits and shit my pants. Stuttering I tried to explain that I was a new member of the Club and that I got curious as to what this place was. At the same time, I tried to take in the appearance of the person in front of me. It was a woman. She wore a black skintight latex catsuit that covered her entire body except for her face. The soft material stretched over her curved ass reflecting ambient light from the glossy surface. Her lips were extremely colored by red lipstick accentuated by a thin dark brownish line at their upper and lower borders. My God, they looked inviting. Her eyesbrows were dark with matching brown eyes.

The suit had opened through which her bosoms, that were fully covered by a red shiny bra, were protruding. The nipples were covered by small metal cups sticking out Through small holes at the apex of the bra.

Her crotch was similarly emphasized by a red thong panty. It was impossible to tell if it was an integral part of thesuit or if it was a separate garment. It was very thin and I thought I could discern her pussy crack as my eyes traced over her monks and further down between her legs. Maybe it was more wishful thinking than reality but it looked extremely sexy.

The outfit was crowned by a red cincher circle her narrow waist making her bosom and hips more prominent. What a sight. Hadn’t I was started and caught up in my own embarrassment I would have developed a hard-on on the spot.

I tried to compose myself when the driver joined and repeated the Catsuit’s question. This time, I managed to give a more coherent answer as to why I was there, while at the same time repeating my apologies for having sneaked up as I had. Eventually, I came to think of my new membership card and managed to show it to them.

This and my continued apologies for having lurked around without making my presence known made the initial hostile atmosphere gradually disappear – or at least I thought so.

Imotioned towards my car and suggested I should to get going. The women and the driver looked at each other with a strange smile and suggested I could as well have a look around for as long as they would stay. Normally, the stable would be open only to those that were full members but as they were there now, I could as well take advantage of the possibility to acquaint myself with the barn and its interior.

I feel a bit awkward and disabled having been caught like a thief a minute ago but my curiosity on what was inside the barn overcame my drive to escape so I accepted their offer. This was my second mistake – the first one being my desire to check out the barn at all.

I felt their eyes on my back as I moved towards the opening but soon got distracted by what I saw. It was a lot to take in. It was a huge training campus for ponies – women and men kept and dressed up as ponies.

To the right of me on the side that had been outside my view, a woman was tethered toa post by two chains. One was attached to her pierced nipples and the other to her likewise pierced labia. A leather body harness fitted with rings circled her breasts accentuated her bosoms and made them full and pert. A leather garter belt, with a crotch strap running through her slit, encircled her waist. She wore a bridle with blinders and her arms were tucked away in an armbinder on the back. Her legs were covered in black spandex leggings held in place by the garter and her feet were fitted with hoof boots.

My member got rock hard from the view and I had a hard time pretending that what I saw was everyday business to me. Fortunately, I got distracted by a pallet truck passing by moving down the middle of the barn. It stopped at a pallet and hoisted it up and moved it to a box a bit further down.

A nude woman was laying on her back on the pallet. Her arms and body were strapped to the pallet and her legs were spread wide open exposing her bald cunt. Indeed, she was poSitioned so that her cunt was right at the edge of the pallet on one side and hence readily accessible. Her long blond hair was hanging down from the pallet on other side.

The driver maneuvered and parked the truck halfway into a box leaving the pallet at eye-level height.

He went into the stable and grabbed the pony girl standing in the corner by her leash and lead her towards the pallet.

He positioned her in front of the pallet and connected her head harness to D-rings on the pallet such that her mouth was pushed against the open cunt of the woman on the pallet. He left just enough leeway allowing the pony girl to move her head, and hence mouth, up and down along the slit of the blonde but not enough to move her head backwards to let go of the cunt.

When he was satisfied with positioning the pony girl’s head, he pushed her legs apart and moved a fucking machine in between her legs. He adjusted several levers to set the angle and stroke length and then applieda general amount of gel on the dildo and began easing it in between her labia and further into her vagina…

OMG, my member was about to burst from excitement. I desperately wanted to come. I was so horny I could have wanked on the spot. I looked around to see if there was a restroom or something where I could find some privacy when the women from the semi-truck on the outside walked past me leading a pony girl.

She must have noticed my prediction and motioned me to come along. Follow me, she said. Let me put my pony in her new box and then my slave Annabelle and myself will take care of you and make your visit here a memorable moment.

In the state I was in, I wasn’t hard convinced. Maybe I should have reflected and realized if it sounds too good to be true it probably is too good. But as many times before, I let my dick decide instead of my head and this was my biggest and last error I made this day. My last error because I was about to lose my freedom to make my own choices.

I followed her into the box where she tethered her pony. She opened a door in the back and ushered me in pointing towards a gyn chair of sorts but without stirrups. Get undressed and have seat, she said, when Annabelle appeared from nowhere and entered the room. Annabelle was totally nude and totally shavled – her pussy and head equally bald. My eyes were about to pop out at the sight and convinced me into thinking that striping and laying down on the chair was the right thing to do.

I eased myself out of my clothes and got into the chair leaning back against the back with my dick erect pointing straight up. Annabelle got closer and began caressing me so I didn’t notice the Catsuit behind me until she suddenly and quite forced a leather belt around my neck and the headrest of the chair and buckled it up.

I tried to move out of the chair but I was effectively stuck. Next both women weighed down on my right arm and strapped it to the armrest. I protested, of course, but they continued with the left arm. I tried to resist but the two women overpowered quite easily my still free arm and had me soon enough secured to the armsrests.

I began to make some noise screaming for help but the Catsuit just pushed a clothes deep into my mouth effectively silencing me.

I could still kick my legs and was ready to put up a fight but they were very cunning. They caught First one leg with a lasso type of cord and then the other. This allowed them to stay out of kicking range while immobilizing both my legs. It also allowed them to attach the stirrups, that I erroneously had thought were gone, and eventually tie my legs to them.

I was now laying down on a gyn chair with my arms tied to the armsrests, head secured to the headrest, and with my legs spread wide apart. I felt very vulnerable and was indeed a bit scared. What was going to happen to me? What was their plan? And how could I get out of this unwelcome situation?

The Catsuit told me she was going to remove my gag but if I did as much as whimper or any other sound, she would punish me with a cattle prod – and before I knew she gave me a jolt that left me screaming of pain into the gag. I decided to comply.

She removed the gag and instead put a latex mask on my head. It covered my entire head but had an opening in the front the shape of a long tube, the width of my face. Next the two women screwed into place a contraction just over my head – it turned out to be a toilet seat ring – and attached the face mask tube to the toilet ring. Everything coming through the toilet ring would therefore be guided towards my face by the wide tube. I asked in a low voice what this was about and what kind of perversions they were going to subject me to.

The Catsuit looked down the funnel-like tube and said this would teach me a lesson. In her world trespassing was a serious offense and she would punish me for the transgression of having spied on her and her husband in the parking lot. I began to protest and again apologize but she told me to shut up or I would get another taste from the prod.

It was not until now I noticed the mirror above the chair. It gave me a good view of my body and I could see what the two women were up to. Had the mirror was there all the time or had they put it there when they were fitting the toilet ring?

Next, I noticed, the Catsuit was Between my legs pulling on my balls while Annabelle clamped two C-rings together around the base of the scrotum. The rings were 3-4cm wide and very narrow so my balls were pushed far down the scrotum without any possibility to escape. Two strings, one on each side of the C-rings were pulled taut stretching my balls to the maximum. What was this? What were they up to?

Normally I would have enjoyed having two women play with my balls but I was unable to relax. Indeed, I felt very uncomfortable and tried to address the catsuit, demanding to be released. She didn’t bOther to respond but two jolts by the prod made me refrain from further attempts to speak to her.

I heard a sound of something rolling on the box concrete floor when the contours of a fucking machine came into eyesight. The catsuit took it from Annabelle and positioned it between my legs. I could feel how she lubed my asshole up with a lubricant and began to gently fist me open. She lined up the dildo and eased it into my ass all the way to its base and turned the machine on – with a very slow but long and deep stroke. It felt as if dildo was filling me up entirely before the machine would revert and pull it out again – over and over again. Hadn’t I was scared I would probably have enjoyed the treatment.

Annabelle handed several straps and probes with cables attached them, to the Catsuit. I immediately understand these were e-stim gadgets. And indeed, the Catsuit fitted two cm-wide straps around the base of my half erect dick. Once satisfied she took a urethra sounding bar- wired of course – and inserted it into my urethra.

Once everything was properly fitted, she switched on the e-stim unit at medium power. Thus, should keep you happy for a while, she said. But remember, you are not allowed to come before I tell you. If you do, I will punish your wits out of you, she continued.

Now I saw how slave Annabelle approached me on the left side Holding a small tray with something on it. The Catsuit was to the right and grabbed my nipple and pulled at it. Next, she took something from the tray – oh my god, it was a needle – put it against my nipple and pushed it through. I whimpered in agoy but she told me to keep quiet or else. She repeated the process another four times such that there were all together five needs in my right nipple. One each from 3, 6, 9, and 12 o’clock traversing the nipple and one last in the center going right into it. When done, she went to the other side and repeated the procedure with my left nipple.

Scared as IWas, the whole thing was to my surprise quite erotic. Being fucked in the ass while my dick was getting e-stimulated and having my nipples penetrated by needs got the better of me and I felt sexually very stimulated.

Now, the catsuit said, each slave in the stable will use you as a toilet. You will have to drink their piss – every drop of it – and lick their pussies clean when they are done. No worries, they will only use you for number one. Remember, you are not allowed to come until they all have used you and there are seven of them all together.

Once you have come, Annabelle will release you and you are free to go. But, remember this, you have to report back here the 15th of every month. I’m your Mistress from now on and you are my slave. Is that understand.

I don’t know why, but the tour of the Club this morning and what I had experienced there combined with what I currently was going through had made me extremely horny and before I knew – again my dick did the thinking instead of my head – I agreed to her conditions.

Yes, Mistress, I’m your slave and I will obey, I hear myself respond meekly.


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