The Club Auction

Sitting at the table I look over the little pots and jars of creams. Lotions to soften, scents to ticket the nose. I close my eyes and my thoughts are in a frenzy. My Master is taking me to the club and I want to be beautiful for him. It is cruel for me to look my best for that is what makes him happy. I dress with utmost care; soft lacy under garments, black as night with tiny red rose buds placed in strategic places. My bra is cut so part of my breasts are exposed. My nipples harden as I slip on my dress. The cold silent material skims across my skin. Also black, it flows softly down my body to mid calendar. I pull my hair up into curls falling down around my face, pinning it so it stays in place. My Master loves to watch it tumble free when he pulls out the pins. I want so much to please him this evening.

As I pick up my wrap, the bells ring. My Master is here. I quiver with fear that I may not look right or something is out of place. I shake my shoulders to relieve some of the tension and open the door to him. I stand before him as he enters the room. His presence fills the small room. I tremble as his gaze takes the sight standing before him. He commands that I turn around slowly, I hear him sight with satisfaction and I am once again saved. He pulls me to him and holds me close. My senses are filled with the smell of him, a crisp smell from the coldness outside.

He takes a step back, “I have a gift for you, I know you will enjoy it as much as I will.” He holds out a tiny wrapped package, “Please open now for me.” I take the box and rip of the paper with excitement; gifts from my Master are so dear to me. I slowly open the box and inside lay round gold nipple rings. I look at my Master and softly murmur my thanks, I ask him to put them on. He gently eases my dress from my shoulders and pulls on each nipple till they are hard in his fingers. He gently places each ring on. The pressure is exhaust, sends a tingle to my most private parts. He slipsmy dress back up and the rings lay against the material and the hardness of my nipples. It is erotic to see the outline against the material. You know they are there, you know the pleasure it brings. He is ready to leave, I pick up my wrap and we walk to the door.

We step out into the darkness, cold but clear. He led the way down the walk to a limo. My eyes light up with surprise. “I want this night to be a memorable one darling,” he says huskily. The driver came around and opened the door for us. After setting in the soft leather seats, he turned on a CD; the music was light and playful swirling around us in our enclosed space. A bottle of wine was chilling in ice. My Master has thought of everything I thought!

He turns my face towards him, “You look beautiful tonight, your blue eyes seem even More blue when they sparkle like that. I am glad you are happy. I want to ask something of you, and you may say no. I would like for you to trust me and say yes. The only thing I ask of you now is to think if you will do anything I ask of you tonight.”

Thoughts came rushing into my head; my mind was spinning at the thought of what may happen. I looked at My master and answered, “Yes Master, I do trust you with all of my being, I will do what you ask me to do.”

The car drove through the streets, passing the small cafes and shops till it came to a dimly lit building. I felt my heart skip a beat as he helped me out of the car and led me to the building.

As he opened the door I could hear music pulsating through the walls of the lobby. The rhythm was almost hypnotic as we checked in our coats. I asked my Master to excuse me while I went to powder my nose. He smiled down at me and said; “of course, and remove your panties while you are there. Bring them to me.”

I could feel his eyes following me as I walked to the ladies room. I went to the stall and pulled my panties down my legs, feeling their dampness. I am anxious to see what he has planned. Istood in front of the mirror and reapplied my lipstick and checked my hair. After being sure that all was in place I returned to his side. I handed him my black panties; he glanced down and grinned at the rose buds. Bringing them up to his face he breathed in the scent. His eyes darkened and looked at me intensely. “I adore you,” he whispered. The words touched my heart. Stuffing the panties into his suit pocket he took my hand and says, “ready to have fun?” I shake my head afraid to say a word.

We worked our way past the dance floor where bodies were gyrating to the beat of music. My Master brought me to a table where dozens of roses were laid across. Champagne was poured waiting to be drunk. As my mouth fell open, my master reached with his finger under my chin and closed it for me.

He turned me by my shoulders to face the room saying, “You are the most beautiful woman here, look at all the men star at you, wishing you were theirs. Even the roses cannot compare to yourbeauty.” He picked up a rose and broke it from its stem, reaching up he placed it in my hair.

Tears shimmered in my eyes as I gazed upon his handsome face. “I, Sir, am the lucky one to belong to you.” He picked up the glasses of champione and handed me one. “Ceci est pour vous mon petit celui, vous êtes mon clair de lune dans l’obscurité, mon soleil dans le jour, je vous aimerai à jamais pour vous êtes devenu mon coeur.” I looked at my Master, for I do not speak French. “Please Master tell me what you have said.”

“This is for you my little one, you are my moonlight in the darkness, my sun in the day, I will love you forever for you have become my heart.” I was totally blown away by such a statement. It was hard to control the tears. Tears of happiness I could not show in front of everyone. “Thank you Master. Sir, I have never known such happiness until you came into my life.” He leaned down and brushed his soft lips against mine, sending shifts to the depth of me. Taking me by the hand he pulled me to the dance floor.

The music had turned down its pace, the beat tantalizing as our bodies pressed together. His chest pressed against my breasts, making the nipples rings dig into my skin, making me squirm. His hands were skimming across my back, dropping down to the curve of my bottom. He knows what a turn on that touch is for me. I lean into him more my fingers digging into his arm. People watched us dance, I as aware of the men’s looks they were giving us. Want, needing I am not sure. My Master made me the most beautiful with his love.

The club was busy tonight, many couples were there and a few singles. Everyone glittered and twinkled it seemed. I could not help but think it was a special night for all. I was soon to find out.

The emcee for the evening stepped out on the raised stage. With microphone in hand he welcomed all to the Club. “I also want to say,” he continued, “the Club is happy to present to you our Second Annual Auction Night. We had such a success last year we chose to do it again. All proceeds will go to the Children’s Center as last year. They were able to do great many things with our donation.”

“Let the festivals begin!!!” he cried.

I looked at my Master with questioning eyes. He led me to our table. “Are you ready sweet one for what I want to do?” I knew without him saying the words he wanted to audit me off. We had talks before regarding having others join into our escapades. While it always intrigued me it frightened me. I had lovers before finally meeting my Master, but never more than one at a time. I turned to face my love and said, “If this is what you wish Master I will do it for you.” His eyes twinkled in the dark light with excitement. “I promise you my petit lapin, you will not be hurt in anyway you don’t want to be.” My petit lapin (little bunny) was his pet name for me. It made me trust him even more. “Yes Master, I will do this for you.”

He stood up and motioned to a woman dressed in a tiny little maid outfit. He leaned towards her and whispered something to her. She smiled and turned to me, “Please come with me, you must be made ready.” I slowly smiled at my Master and allowed myself to be led away.

I was taken to another room, women lounging around relaxed, as they were accustomed to this. I nervously looked around to see if there was anyone I knew. To my disappointment there was not. The maid brought me to a benchmark next to a locker. “You may hang your clothes there. Your Master instructs for you to remove your dress but leave your bra and nipple rings on.” She reached into the locker that had my name listed on a tag, attached to the door. My Master is sure of himself isn’t he I thought. It brought a smile to my lips.

The maid brought out long soft leather gloves. She held up the first one to my hand and helped me into it, and then the other. I noticed the leather had laces at the wrists. I wonder. The maid once again reached to the locker and brought out siletto heeled boots. She gently helped pull them up to my thigh. They felt so good against my skin. I start to tremble at the thought of what was to come.

She helped me to my feet and touched up my hair, handed me my lipstick and said she would be right back. I applied the lipstick with a shaking hand. I could feel the dampness between my legs, my nipples hard, dusty pink under the golden rings. I stood waiting for the maid to return. I walked over to a small group of women chatting up a storm. I could catch names in between all the talk. One name kept coming up. Lord of Darkness. It seemed if he chose you, you were special. I looked at the group and asked, “What makes him the prize catch?” Titters of laughter went around the room. I knew then I just made a big booboo. One woman spoke up, “He is a special man, he is good at what he does.”

“Yes” said another woman; “he knows how to keep a subbie happy.” I turned away from the group to sit backon the benchmark.

The maid returned with a black blindfold. I looked at her questioningly. “Your Master says you must be blindfolded before you walk the stage,” she said softly. “It is your turn, I am to lead you to the room and the stage” I bit my lip as I turned for her to put it on. The blackness was starting at first. The woman took my gloved hand in hers and pulled me to my feet. I followed as she pulled me along. I know a door opened as I could feel the air get cooler. My nipples responded by hardening against the cool air. I shiver again, be it from the cold or my nerves, I am not sure. The maid comes to a stop and says “Please hold my hand, do not let go. I know you can’t see anything. I will be the one to lead you to the stage for the bidding. Are you ready?” I nodded to her; not sure I could speak, as I was so scared. I was led into the night.

I followed the woman like she said. The fear of falling or tripping in the heels was so great. It grew quiet as we walked onto the stage. I could hear papers rustling and someone coughed softly. “This in number 7, lucky number 7, what are your bids, Sirs, please?” the emcee said brightly. “Look at her glistening red hair, she must brush it a hundred times each night for her Master!”

“She is fond of the hairbrush as a paddle.” I gasped, as only my Master knew that. He must have filled out some application, all these thoughts racing through my head. “The bidding starts at $500.00,” the emcee called out. The room was quiet; I could not see anyone or what was happening in the room. “I bid $2,500.00 for the wench!” said a man in a quiet voice. A murmur went up in the room. I could only stand there exposed to all these strangers. Clapping started when the emcee called out “SOLD!”

The maid led me off stage and asked me to just hold her hand to the next room. “The next room?” I asked. She replied that this was where I would meet the man who bid for me. I was to stay blindfolded for the time being. She opended the door and sat me in a chair and left the room. I could not see and I dared not to take off the blindfold. I sat there, quietly not moving an inch.

“Please relax,” a man’s voice said. I felt fingers lightly touch the skin on my arms, working their way up to my shoulders where the man started kneading the muscles in my neck. “You are so tense my lady, we must remedy that.” I could feel him brush by me to stand in front of me. I could feel something tickling my thigh, at first I did not know what it was. The man dragged it across my left tigh, it was a flogger, I felt the ends drag across my skin. I shivered as the leather continued to my other leg.

He took his knee and slide it between my legs, “Open for me,” he commanded. I slide my legs open slowly, feeling him press in closer. He brought the leather across my breasts; the pang of wanting him to strike me with it was leaving me wet between my legs. I took a deep breath, waiting, wanting, craving more. He brought up my chin with the flogger. The man tilted my head back as he pulled the soft leather strips across my cheek. He could feel me tremble against him. He stepped back and pulled me to my feet, leading me to another spot in the room.

“Put your hands above your head wench,” He said softly. I held them up, I could feel him taking the laces at the wrist and binding them together, then attaching it to something above me. I was on the tips of my toes. He turned me to him, whispered words I could not understand. The sting of the leather was against my backside. He brought it down against my shoulders, working his way down to my thighs. Turning me I felt the sting on my breasts. I pressed my lips tightly together so not to cry out.

My juices were gathering between my legs, so hot and moist. The man worked the leather, as it was part of him, sometimes gentle sometimes fast with a bite into the skin. He brought it down across my stomach making me pull away. “Don’t do that,” he roared. “Youare to stand still!” he did it again and in fright I jumped. He roughly grabbed my ankle and attached it to a hook in the floor, then taking the other and spreading my legs wide attached the other ankle.

The air touched my pussy, hot and wet, making me quiver as I was exposed. I still did not say a word. I could feel him close to me again. “You will do as I say wench!” I could feel something hard Against the curve of my ass. The slap was so fast I cried out. A hairbrush. I could feel the heat in my body building. My nipples were hard and red from the strokes of leather. The brush came down again and again, not hard but enough to make my skin tingle and turn a firey red. I could feel the tension growing between my legs the wetness trickling down the inside of my thigh.

The man turned me around to face him, I could feel his fingers part my soft lips and flick across the bud inside the folds of skin. His fingers were gentle but independent, rubbing my clip I could feel myself press harder against his fingers. I wanted more, I needed more. As he must have read my thoughts, he slipped a finger then two inside my slippery pussy. I moaned against my arm. My legs were spread so he could have complete access to me. He knelt down and buried his face in my pussy, sucking on my clip. I moved against him, wild for more. His tongue inched up into my warm pussy, his teeth scraping my skin. I shuddered against his mouth coming against the torture of his tongue.

The man moved away from me, I could not tell where he went under the blackness of my blindfold. My arms were aching now being above my head, while I could feel my juices trickling down my thigh. My mind was whirling with thoughts of what was to come next. I felt hands on my wrists taking them off the hook. My legs were weak. I fell to my knees; my wrists still tied together. My ankles were released from their holds. I brought my knees together, trembling I sat there waiting.

“On your knees for me woman,” the man said. I got to my knees and as I did I was pushed forward. My hands catching the fall forward, I could feel his hands on my ass, dipping his fingers into my wet pussy he massed my clip. I could feel his erection hard against my thigh; his fingers plugged in and out of my pussy. He slowly rubbed his cock against my wetness back and forth. I leaned in to him wanting to be filled. To feel him slide his rod deep into me. He grabbed my hips and brought me down on his hardness. I gasped as the force of him filled me up quickly.

He slowly withdraw his cock; I again wiggled my ass wanting more. I could feel something cool against my skin. As he plunged his cock back into me he inserted a vibrator into my tight ass. The pain came quickly as he filled me up with both real and fake cocks. I cried out, not moving, waiting. He moved his cock in and out of my cunt, while slowly moving the vibrator deeper into my other hole. I moaned with the pleasure, the pain, the excitement. Hepushed me further down so my bottom was more exposed to him. My cheek was touching the hardwood floor, the nipple rings making a metal sound hitting the floor when he plunged into me.

“You cannot come until I say wench,” he said. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to control the feelings stirring in the lower depths of my body. It is a difficult thing for me to do, not to let go and ride with the flow of excitement in my body. I bit my lip as he slammed his cock in and out of me, the vibrator moving faster. My pussy was filled deeply with him, hot, wet. My ass burned as the vibrator continued in and out. I wanted to cum, I wanted to feel the release, the tension was so unbearable. He slowly withdraw the vibrator, yet still slamming his cock into me. He leaned down and pulled hard on the rings clamped on my nipples, his hot hands stroking the sides of my breasts making me tremble all the more.

Still struggle to hold back my orgasm he massed my clip, it was a heavenly assault on my body. He withdraw his cock from my dripping pussy. He pulled me to my feet and led me to another place in the room. He must have sat down for he spread my legs and ordered me to face him while sitting on his cock. I placed my hands on his shoulders and eased myself down his hard cock. My throbbing pussy welcomed it easily. It was strange not to see this man as I rocked my pussy up and down him. His brought his hands to my breasts; he pulled them tightly together and licked my nipples as one. I loved my nipples sucked and he started to suck each one hard, his teeth nipping them as his tongue swirled around them. I was going to cum soon if this continued on..

He must have felt the change in my body for he pushed my hips up and off his cock. He led me to what felt like a bed and laid me on my back. He lifted my legs up and was between them, my feet high in the air, the only thing touching me was his cock as he slammed into my pussy over and over and his hands on my ankles as he held my legs up. “You only have to wait a little longer wench, I want to see you cum, only when I say.” The tension was glorious as he pounded away, pulling his cock out to the tip and the pumping deeply back in. He reached down and massed my clip making it even harder to hold back my body quivered a mass of nerves, waiting to erupt. My pussy was ready to exploit and he rode me harder. I could Feel him tighten as if her were ready to flood me with his juices.

He cried out “Now wench, now cum!!” Waves of pleasure coursed through I could barely think of anything but the throbbing of my pussy as he flooded me. I could feel the heat as his juices mingled with mine. I shuddered as if my body was assaulted, but it was with only waves of pleasure.

He knelt down and put his mouth to my pussy sucking the juices that he helped put there, I didn’t think I could take any more when he pulled me up and kissed me hard letting the cum see into my mouth from his. So sweet the taste was of the cum from our bodies. The kiss went on as we passed the hot liquid between us, his tongue dipping into my mouth tasting me. He let go of my shoulders, caressed my cheek and laid me back unto the bed.


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