It took a full day before Jacky even looked at the post-it note again. It was Friday morning and she sat in her small office pondering whether she should both to send a message. She figured that she needed to at least keep things nice, but wasn’t sure how she could politely reject him. She had to send something though.
“Hi, Jacky Fredrick here, and I am flattered but don’t think it is a good idea for us to go out.” Her text was simple and meant to convey a polite rejection to him.
“Thought you forget about me. Are you taken?” The Deputy’s response was simply and obviously he wasn’t one to just take the rejection easily.
“Not really, but I don’t really date.” She messaged quickly and then buried herself back in her research. She just had to get one more thing done and Maybe she could even cut out early for the afternoon.
“If you go eat lunch at the same restaurant as me, then we can call it whatever you’d like. I’m Brad Vargus by the way.”
“Well, Brad,I suppose I’ll be eating at the pizza place on 10th Street at 1 pm on Saturday if you should happen by, and I can explain my no dating rule in person.”
“I might just see you there at that time because I seem to have plans to eat there as well.” God, he even sounded cute over text, what was she thinking. Her heat had been re-ignited by Eric and now here she was courting someone else.
A simple flirtation in court should have been left at that. She had flirted with others casually throughout the past few months, but of course never had any intention behind it. Then, Eric came along and suddenly she had an emotionally scarred friend to turn to. Now, it seemed that she was again emitting her pheromones that seemed to attract these men. Was it something she had said? Or perhaps a way she looked at him? This mysterious bra who was her coy little dependy had chosen to make a move for some reason. If nothing else, lunch would tell her what that reason was.
Saturday found her at the pizza place and ordering bread sticks before she knew it. She had arrived about 10 minutes early in the hopes of looking non-chalant when young Brad came in. Jacky had told Eric where she was going and that she was meeting a friend. He had simply told her to be safe and nothing more. Perhaps he was going to come through with no problems.
Not Surprisingly, Deputy Vargus was punctual. He had on loose fitting jeans and a polo shirt that hung on his obviously developed pecs easily as he walked in. When their eyes met, he smiled and walked straight to her.
“Fancy seeing you here Ms. Fredrick. Mind if I join?” His voice was flirty instantly.
“Deputy Vargus, have a seat.” She was suddenly glad she wore a sleepless shirt as she felt her body temperature rise in his presence.
“Here are your breadsticks; did you want something to drink sir?” The waitress broke the instant awkwardness and essentially made it a date as she sat down the hot plate covered in breadsticks and cheese. The sauce container placed neary allowed their eye contact to break as the young officer looked up.
“I’ll have a pint of beer, I think I saw a Hefeweisen on tap.”
“So, the same as the lady?” Brad looked at Jacky his smile obvious.
“Sure. She has good taste it seems.” When she left, he looked back to Jacky smiling.
“So, I don’t date, but do you want to order a pizza together when she comes back? We can at least eat while we chat.” Jacky was starving to be honest and wanted something once the breadsticks were gone.
“Yes, absolutely. How about one of their all meat ones? Those are fantastic trust me. Have you been here before?”
“I have, but I usually get the Hawaiian with bacon. It’s a precious pleasure.”
“You’ll like the all meat then. Now, let’s get to these breadsticks.”
He dove in burying a breadstick in his mouth as she slide one to her plate to cut up with a knife and fork. He had no uncomfortableness in his being. That was a nice change from her last few encounters like this. Jacky wasn’t sure where to start anyways. When the waitress came back they placed their order and finished the last two breadsticks off.
“So, here’s to a non-date then.” He raised his glass a little and she linked in a courteous fashion.
“You are an interesting fellow, and quite forward you know. You asked an attorney out in open court.” She smiled blinking her eyes coyly.
“Ah, I thought you asked me first at the courthouse entrance. You know when I found your Wonderbra and all.” He laughed and smiled a huge grin. God, he had great lips. And the nice tan that ran down his neck continuing all the way into his unbuttoned shirt. Jacky caught herself suddenly and instantly moved her eyes back to his.
“I was joking, and honestly I don’t date. I’ve had some bad luck in the past.”
“Come on dating is fun, and you are too beautiful to not date.” Oh, he was good, laying iton thick. She wasn’t going to be able to get rid of him easily. Then again, would she want to before she was able to see the rest of the tattoo that peeked out from under his short sleep? Oh goodness – tattoos – her weakness.
“Well, my last boyfriend was shot by a cop, so I especially don’t date cops.” The words came out of her mouth without thinking. Perhaps she was just trying to turn him off once and for all, but it was stupid of her to think this was the way to do it.
“Damn, that’s an ice breaker. Well, we aren’t all the same you know? Was he a local cop?”
“None of your business on that one, and I know you aren’t all the same. After all, my boyfriend was also a cop. Let’s talk about something else shall we? Tell me why you would even ask out an older woman let alone a defense attorney?”
“Ah, well that’s simple, you’re gorgeous and my last girlfriend sucked so I haven’t dated in about a year. I thought you seemed the opposite since you were outgoing and obviously successful.”
The pizza came then allowing them some respite and a second round of drinks.
“Hey, let’s eat. And, by the way, I am not a nice girl so you know.” She put a piece of pizza on her plate to cut up.
“I never said you were nice, and I like not nice. I just don’t like needy, jealous and not nice. How do you mean not nice though?”
“Oh, that’s another conversation. I’m definitely not jealous or needy, but I can be a real bitch sometimes.”
“Are you a bitch in the bedroom too? Because, that makes being a bitch outside just fine.” He laughed, and she paused wondering if he knew just how closely he had hit that nail on the head.
He seemed to playful and the pizza was enough to have them joking and Talk about their work as a more pedestrian topic in no time. In no time, they were both 4 beers in and laughing together at various jokes.
“So, tell me, what’s so bad about this? It’s sort of a date like thing and yet not too painful or anything.I probably won’t even make a move on you.”
“It’s not that at all. I don’t date, I use men for sex and I already have one.” The easy way it fell from her mouth caught her instantly. Her face fell and she frozen. Had she just said that? Oh shit, this was bad. She searched her foggy brain for a way to explain it.
“Damn, you know how to shut a guy up huh? So, you have one, but he’s not a boyfriend?”
“Oh fuck, I didn’t mean to just…shit…this is why I don’t date, because I say shit without thinking. I don’t have a boyfriend, he’s a friend and I fuck him. But, I don’t date like that. I’m not a nice girl. Maybe we should go after this. I live down the street, but would you need a cab?” Her face flushed, she hadn’t meant to let this man into her world at all and somehow she ended up in this spot.
“Hey, if he’s not a boyfriend, then do you have room for another buddy?”
“A buddy? You don’t understand. Fine, look, does this stay between me and you?” Jacky asked him, she was angry with herself and wanted to just end this and run away. It had gone too far. She wanted to flirt, hell to be honest she wanted to fuck this young man, but she shouldn’t do that. It would lead her back there. Eric had given her the permission and now she was heading right back to that dark world.
“I’d say you can trust me I’m a cop, but well… Just be honest, because I can’t stop staring at you and wanting to kiss you right now.” He was totally straight with her in that moment, no bantering, nothing, just honesty.
“Look, I like control, I’m a domme. I can’t stop thinking about forcing you to do all kinds of dirty things for me right now. I don’t date because I end up pinning little boys like you against walls and taking what I want. It becomes awkward to look at someone the next day when you sat on his face as he was tied up and blindfolded. That’s it, that’s all. It’s a rabbit hole that ended badly for me once before because one of my boy toys went crazy and killed the other then I had to kill him in my kitchen. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to get involved with a woman like me for a sweet guy like you.”
Somewhere in the middle of her monologue Jacky’s voice lowered and her eyes became piercing as she looked at young Brad. Lady J had crept in, and as much as she wanted to keep it at bay she had wanted to do all sorts of dirty things to this man. He was adorable in his joking and his naiveté and she did want to punish him and feel his body, make him beg for her touch. But at the same time, the shame and disgust of her last time playing with boys like this made her feel ashamed for who she was and who she really wanted to be at the core.
“If I go pay the check right now, will you show me what you mean?” Oh my God he did not just say that. Maybe it was the beer or the look in his eyes that reflected his full knowledge and yet desire for the dark that flashed in her. She didn’t know and she didn’t care. Her pussy got wet just thinking about him and now she had to see his cock.
“Small alleyway between here and the bar next door.” Jacky’s words were simple and Brad was up and heading for the register. She made her way to the restaurant exit and around to the side finding the alleyway that was still lit in the afternoon sunlight. It was shaded in the back towards a small alcohol and it was there that she stood with her purse on her shoulder waiting for Brad.
It was only another minute before the Department became visible at the end of the alley and started walking towards her. She stood there as he walked up wondering what she was thinking and if this was stupid.
He reached her then and stood looking down into her eyes with his blue eyes filled with heat. She let the moment hang and waited wondering if he would make the first move.
“Back against the wall.” Her words simple again, and he obeyed. Dear lord, he obeyed and she was there. Lady J had come out and wanted this young man.
She walked up to him letting her mouth sit inches from his and both her hands falling coming to rest on his pants and releasing her purse to the ground. His button was undone in the next second and his zipper sliding down as she held his eyes with hers. His blue briefs stood between her and her goal now. It was then that she leaned to him and kissed him for the first time.
His lips did not disappoint as they danced with hers. She welcomed the feeling and then she felt his hand grab her back. Instantly she released him and pulled back.
“No touch. Only I touch.” Brad dropped his hand back down to his side and she used the opportunity to pull his briefs out and down revealing his cock for her to admire. It was impressive. He was very white compared to her last few lovers, but his cock was still a light tan and of an impressive width and length. He was not quite as large as Eric, which made her instantly think of how he might feel against the back of her throat.
Jacky pressedher body against Brad’s as if she was trying to press him through the wall and seized on his mouth once more. Her kissing was at a fevered pitch and she slid his cock under the edge of her shirt and against the skin on her abdomen. She felt a slight bit of moisture paint her stomach as she rubbed him with her body and hand at the same time. Her mouth did not leave his as she moved herself on him in any way that she could.
He moaned into her mouth as even more of his precum oozed out. It was exhilarating having him like this, but then she realized that he was dry. She didn’t want to hurt him, and her mind cleared in an instant seizing on her first thought for moisture.
She pulled back from him and caught his face. His lips had light crisis around them from their password kissing and he looked puzzled back at her.
“You’re too dry.” She smiled and pulled her skirt and panties out with her left hand sliding her right inside. She rubbed her clip a few times and seized on the moisture that had been building from her pussy as she touched Brad. When she produced her wet hand and seized him once more he throw his head back and moaned.
“Oh my God, you are so fucking hot.” His moaned words made her want him more and more as she went back to rubbing along his shake and head. Her moisture was more than enough to ensure that she could smoothly rub him on her body.
Her mouth found his once again and she went back to devouring him. They stood there pressed together, her arm moving on him even as her body pressed into him. He shifted as he started to make more noises through their kissing and suddenly she was astride his thigh. She pulled back and looked into his face, and then pressed her clip against his thigh. This wonderful little dry humping session was exactly what she had needed.
A glance down revealed one of her favorite sights. Brad’s hands grabbed at the wall behind him. Her pussy grow wetter as she rubbed herself along his body.
“Oh God that feels so good Jacky.” He was moaning and whispering between their kissing.
“Call me Lady J.” She whispered back letting her fingers part and slide down his shake and back up. She ended her little maneuver with a tongue across his lips as her hand encircled his head.
“Oh fuck, Lady J…please don’t stop.” She had no intention of stopping, but his words gave away how close he was. She felt him grow harder then and it caused stiffness in her own clip as she rocked against his thigh.
“Cum for me little angel..cum.” Jacky whispered the words into Brad’s ear as she felt his cock grow stresser.
“Oh God, I’m…oh gGd…fuck yes.” He hissed his words out and his arms sprang around her head burying in her hair to hold her mouth to him as she felt wet heat shot up her stomach. Jacky seized his ass with her free hand pulling him hard against her pussy and rubbed on his leg a few more times before she came.
“Ohhhhh…oh…oh…” It was small, quick orgasm, but it was much needed after feeling his pleasure as she did. It was glorious to have cum from this man painted across her stomach.
Jacky’s head slid over to rest on his upper chest and should enjoying the closeness of their moment.
After they parted on Saturday, Jacky wasn’t sure what she was going to do. It was unexpected for her in so many ways, but at the same time she knew that Brad was an innovation. As much as she tried to bury Lady J, she couldn’t. It was a part of her and a part that had been forced away for too long. There was something about being comfortable again in her own skin that made her want to be completely herself once more.
Now, whether or not she would continue to play with Brad was another story. There was something in the back of her mind that kept reminding her that he was a cop, and perhaps a bad idea when it came to memories. Still, though, his smile was so adorable and even as she told Eric about him she knewthat something in her was attached to young Brad.
Jacky decided to let her thoughts wander in her spare time while she dove into her criminal case. It wasn’t long before she found herself inspired by it again, and all those good memories of being password about her work came flooding back. After two weeks of work, she had come up with a pretty good theory to file a Motion to Dismiss. So, she decided to pull the trigger and go for it. Calvin was in complete agreement and had remarked on too many occasions that it was pretty obvious that this was her password. It was in a lot of ways, she had to admit, but there was just too much attached to it all now.
Those doubts wouldn’t stop her from filing her motion and rolling the dice that it would work. That’s why after two weeks, she found herself back in the criminal courthouse heading to the clerk’s office to file the motion. Her mind was enjoying the thought of the upcoming weekend and seeing Eric shortly. It was all perfectlyaligned, and then a voice came out of nowhere as she entered the last hallway to her destination.
“Good afternoon Ms. Fredrick, how are you doing today?” Brad’s voice sent a shiver up her spine.
“I’m fine Department, how are you?”
“I’m good, so haven’t um…heard from you.”
“I know, now if you’ll excuse me I have to file a motion.” Jacky tried to be brief. It had taken her a week to decide that young Brad was just not a good idea for her. Unfortunately, she had not messaged Brad because she wasn’t sure how to break it to him. He had messaged once or twice and she had merely indicated that she would be in touch when she wanted to use him again.
Truthfully, she had not expected to see him again until court, but today would not break her resolution to keep him at bay she thought. She would simply ignore him and maybe he would go away.
And twenty minutes later found her leaving the clerk’s office with a smile on her face. She had filed her motion and now she could have an easy weekend. A little food and a movie with Eric later would be a great start to her relaxation.
“Ms. Fredrick, get everything filed okay?” His voice started her once more.
“I did, please tell me you weren’t waiting on me to get out of the clerk’s office.” She gave him a puzzled look, hoping that he wasn’t a secret stalker, or worsen another Juan. She knew she shouldn’t have started with another cop.
“No, actually, I get off at 4 on Friday’s because I come in early for prisoner transport. So, I am heading over to the main station to change and workout. You just happened to have perfect timing it seems.” He was smug, God how she wanted to spank that smugness right out of him.
Thoughts of him tied up on all fours being paddled danced through her head. How lovely it would be to hear him squeal and beg. Fuck, why was her brain going there? Surely, she could hold out for a few hours until she could play with Eric. That’s what she would do, hold out and wait until she got to Eric’s house to pick him up.
Brad and she walked out together. She had casually walked out with many a Department at the end of a long day before, and this should have been no different. Of course, those dirty little thoughts made it quite different. Before she realized her chest was starting to flush as she thought about how lovely it would be to have those large pouty lips buried in her pussy.
“Shall I walk you to your car?”
“No, I will be fine Department.”
“Ah, let me rephrase… would you please make me cum Lady J before I go home tonight?” His words made her pause in her steps before continuing. He was actually asking to be dominated, hoping for it. The taste for him had been good it seemed and he wanted more.
“Look blue angel, you don’t pick when you get to cum, I do. What makes you think that I even want to see you again?” Jacky played coy. Of course his words had made her want it desperately.
“Blue angel- I like that. I apologize for overstepping, but I can’t stop thinking about you. Don’t worry, I’m not crazy. I’ve just never had a woman dominate me like that. It’s been two weeks and every morning I wake up hard thinking about you. If it’s done, then I get it and I’ll back off, but…
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