You invited me to a function on a weekend your other woman was away. At first I said no and usually my no’s are final but then you had the courage to ask again. Since you did so respectively, I considered the offer seriously. It is rare that we are seen in public together. One reason is that I vowed never to humiliate you. That means it would be hard to dominate and discipline you when around others. The other reason is that you are married and I would never do anything to alert her, which in turn would jeopardize what we have. Ultimately this is about us, but to a higher degree, about me.
You are feeling something different tonight. I can see it in those beautiful green eyes of yours. But whatever it is you are sensing about this evening is dead wrong. I, as always am your mistress and you will treat me as such. I silently pray that you will not be presumptuous and force me to put you in your place. I fear the possibility but am prepared for it. You listen as I set the tone for the evening. “I want you to know that I almost cancelled this outing. The reason being that when I first asked for your home phone number, you gave a set of excuses saying that the number wasn’t secure. I was insulted but didn’t say anything. A few days later you offered the number as a show of faith. Too little too late… you failed that test. In retrospect I realize that little things, When left unattended can turn into a pattern.”
“Respectfully Mistress, that was ages ago,” you say.
I am surprised by your statement, “Are you questioning me?”
“No at all Mistress.”
“Are you saying that my feelings aren’t valid?”
“No ma’am.”
“Then let’s consider the matter settled. Now how do I look Rick?” I have chosen a dark red rayon dress that is not too tight but hangs soft against my skin. The dress falls just above my knees so that my shaped legs will enjoy you.
“Beautiful as usual…”
I sense the hesitation in your voice. “Are you sure?”
“Yes Mistress… but…” Your eyes sweep over me, “…your panty line is visible. You are such an immaculate dresser so I am sure that was not your intent.”
“You are correct.” I raise the fabric above my thighs and slip the lacy black panties down then step out of them. You watch intently but then close your eyes as you relish the moment. I have folded them with the crotch out and Hold them under your nose. All men like to sniff panties. You guys think it is your little secret but we women know.
“May I?” Your voice is gentle.
After I nod yes, your hand raises to cup mine, pressing the fabric closer to your nose. You inhale my trace. That essence of puss you love so much. “We’ll be late.” I say, taking them away and shoving them into your pocket, my Hand grazing the hard line or your cock. Just as quickly I walk past you and out the front door. You lock up and put my keys in your pocket since I carry no purse or jacket.
It was only a short drive to the fundraiser. I was not in the best mood, stressed from work, but you were doing your best to cheer me. My mood instantly changes when a handsome man answered the door. He is tall, though not as tall as you with a warm complexion.
“Hello, I’m your host Mark.” He extended his hand to you first. Instead of a shake I received a kiss.
I cleared my throat then spoke for us, “I’m Martina, and this is Rick.”
He continued to chat as we followed him down the hallway, “It’s nice to meet you. Make yourself at home.”
I suddenly felt the need for a drink. “Are there refreshments?”
Mark held up his glass of wine “Yes… red or white?”
“Merlot?” you chime in.
“Actually a nice Zinfandel would be better.” I smile at you and our private joke.
Mark walks away and as he does so, I stare at his backside. I am sure you noticed but I don’t feel bad. Instead I give instructions, “Rick, I want you to mingle tonight. You don’t have to stay stuck to my side.” As the wordsescape my lips, my mind turns over possible ways of seducing our host. I walk away without another word you. I am on a mission… a hunt. This is meant as a test of your loyalty and submission. Not disrespect.
During the course of the evening, you follow my instructions. Every now and then we cross paths and make small talk but don’t linger. As we are chatting near the audiences Mark walks up and stands behind me. Two things alert me to his presence. The first is that your facial expression changes and the second is his subtle cologne, a scent that drives me wild. I continue talking and make him come to me. As if on queue I feel warmth on my shoulder. Gentle pressure from a hand.
“Martina, how about that tour of the house you were asking for.”
I glance back at you, “Will you excuse me Rick?”
“Yes.” And your eyes momentarily fall to the ground, a gesture I appreciate.
“We won’t be long.” I tell you, before walking away. I feel your eyes on me as I head up the stairs, my fingers intertwined with his as he leads the way.
My tour ends in his bedroom where I horizontal up next to him and make a proposition in his ear. A proposition that I know he will accept. I don’t know why, maybe it was something in his face or maybe the way he looked at you. I was looking at his ass but he was looking at yours. So I whisper into his ear, “I know you want to fuck me.”
Mark is silent. Maybe he isn’t used to forward thinking women.
I continue, “I want to fuck you to… but only within a threesome.”
He is curious, “Rick?”
“Yes, with Rick. I know he will say yes… he does as I ask. He only wants to please me.” I whisper, my warm breath caressing his ear.
He turns his face to mine, “I’ll do it if you think he’ll be into it…” And then he leans in to kiss me.
I pull my face away but step closer at the same time. Mark needs to know that I am in charge, not him. This time I lean in slow and tease his lips with mine, nuzzling a moment before we make actual contact. I kiss his lower lip then draw it into my mouth to savor. His hands find there way under my dress and cup my bare ass. Mark is pleased with his find. The hunger in his kiss tells me so. A warm feeling drawings over me as we become fully involved. There is no doubt I am aroused and Mark is too, I can feel his hard cock pressed against me. I am pressing my breasts against him, sliding my hands along his skin, though his hair, then back to his waist. I simply wanted to touch him. I could not get enough.
But then the door swings open and there you stand. I am there in another mans arms, ass exposed, kissing, all there for you to see. As Mark releases me I moan out “Don’t stop…” But he does, and that angers me. I should have expected no less, after all he is not my trained sub, you are. I attempt to reassure him that you will not be angry and you will want to go through with the threesome once you learn about it, but he is skeptical.
You are standing there looking me dead in the eyes. Your pain has given you courage. It is rare that you show your strength. It excites and angers me simulateneinely. Regardless of my excitement, it is still disrespectful. Mistress is not pleased.
You speak before you are spoken to, “The foundationer downstairs is wrapping up.”
Mark looks at his watch then walks over to his dresser and brings me a business card, “Here you go. Please call so that we can discuss further the donation you were about to give.”
I go to you and retrieve my lace panties from your pocket, “Here is my calling card as well.”
He nods and accepts the token. “If you two will excuse me, I have to see about my guests.” I close the door behind him leaving us in a tense void.
“Mistress…” You began.
“Mistress.” I snap. “You didn’t even know my name until this evening.” I shake off the fact that another degree of my anonymity is gone.
“How dare you follow me up here Rick. I am shocked at your behavior …at how you interrupted my meeting. Your punishment will be severe.”
I am angry and disappointed during the drive home not to mention horny. The ride is filled with heavy silence as I mull over your discipline. Back at my house you come in and await my instructions.
You watch as I unpin my hair letting it fall about my Shoulders. My dress falls to the floor and I step out of it. Now I am completely naked before you and the sight of me brings you to your knees, eyes down. I ignore your submission leaving you there to think about your actions as I head to my bedroom. When I summon you ten minutes later you rush to my bed side, once again falling to your knees. “Mistress I apologize whole heartily. I don’t Know what came over me tonight. It was just seeing you with another man.”
“I don’t hear sincerity in your voice. Tell me the truth, are you still upset.”
“Not upset, just surprised and maybe a littlehurt.”
“Those are valid feelings but you need to learn to control your emotions so that you can express them properly. I will not tolerate behavior like you displayed.”
“I understand.”
“Do you Rick?”
“Yes Mistress.”
I rolled over on to my tummy and spread my legs, “Are you ready for punishment?”
“Yes Mistress.”
I glance over my shoulder and watch you undress. “You may join me on the bed. Because you enjoy our foreplay, there will be none of that tonight. You will not get to taste me. I want you to fuck me hard from behind but you may not cum. Do you understand?”
My pussy was already wet from my meeting with Mark so you slide in easily. You are a perfect fit. My tight opening hugs your cock stretching to fit it. We begin moving together. I am getting fucked hard, just like I asked. But I know you have it in you to get rougher. I began to taunt you.
“I’ll have to see Mark again to get my panties back. I wonder what he isdoing with them. Do you think he sniffed them? Do you think he is masturbating with them?”
You begin fucking me harder. I can feel your hurt in each thrust. “Mmmmm, fuck me. Just keep fucking me.” I lift my hips up letting you fuck me doggy style. Your strokes are hard and deep. Rough sex… BD without the S and M. In this moment I want us to return to being Rick and Martina, but we must play the game to the end. Our secret, me the closet Domme and you the closet sub.
“Pull out Rick. This encounter will not count if you climax.” I am a contradiction… a split personality. Martina wants you to cum inside or her, but Mistress is punishing you. My words are strong but the hunger in my voice tells the real story. You can hear that lilt.
“Not until you take your pleasure,” you respond, showing your devotion. Then my orgasm hits me and I fall flat into the mattress and began shaking …shaking my ass, grinding my pussy, feeling my body fill with pleasure. My orgasm is long,draining the anger away.
You roll off of me with your hard cock intact. The sight of it pleases me.
“You have done well Rick. You may leave me now.” And I roll over to face the wall exhausted, fully sated.
You tuck me in then quietly get dressed. When you are leaving my voice stops you in your tracks. “What I did tonight at the foundation, I did for us. It has been a longtime fantasy of mine to see you with another man. I was attempting to arrange a rendezvous for the three of us. Mark initially agreed, but after your display of distrust, I fear he may back out. This punishment will I have given will last for two additional meetings between us. By then I will have had time to smooth things out with our new friend. The next time you cum, there will be the three of us in the room. You will be fully forgiven when I watch you make Mark cum.”
“You needn’t explain your actions. As always you know what is best for me. I apologize again for my behavior.”
The title ‘The Closet Domme’ referers to having secrets or skeletons. M’s secret is that she is into power games. In my fansies, she is a vanilla girl discovering her kinky side and expressing it through role play in an affair.
–Sacred Beauty
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